992 resultados para Technologies de reproduction


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Within contemporary performance arenas young people are fast becoming part of the vanguard of contemporary performance. Performativity, convergence and openness of form are key animating concepts in the landscape of Theatre for Young People (TYP). To ignore what is taking place in the making of performance for and by young people is to ignore the new possibilities in meaning-making and theatrical form. This thesis investigates the contemporary practice within the field of Theatre for Young People. Pivotal to the study are three hallmarks of contemporary performance – shifting notions of performativity; convergence articulated in the use of technology and theatrical genres; and Umberto Eco’s realisation of openness in form and authorship. The thesis draws from theatre and performance studies, globalisation theory and youth studies. Using interviews of Theatre for Young People practitioners and observation of thirty-nine performances, this thesis argues that young people and Theatre for Young People companies are among the leaders of a paradigm shift in developing and delivering performance works. In this period of rapid technological change young people are embracing and manipulating technology (sound, image, music) to represent whom they are and what they want to say. Positioned as ‘cultural catalysts’ (McRobbie, 1999), ‘the new pioneers’ (Mackay, 1993) and ‘first navigators’ (Rushkoff, 1996) young people are using mediatised culture and digital technologies with ease, placing them at the forefront of a shift in cultural production. The processes of deterritorialisation allows for the synthesis of new cultural and performance genres by fragmenting and hybridising traditional cultural categories and forms including the use of new media technologies. Almost half of all TYP performances now incorporate the technologies of reproduction. The relationship between live and mediatised forms, the visceral and the virtual is allowing young people to navigate and make meaning of cultural codes and cultural forms as well as to engage in an open dialogue with their audiences. This thesis examines the way young people are using elements of deterritorialisation to become producers of new performance genres. The thesis considers the contemporary situation in relation to issues of performance making and performance delivery within a global, networked and technology-driven society.


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Face au projet de l’utérus artificiel, ce mémoire est consacré à comprendre et expliquer les tenants sociohistoriques bornant son développement. Employant une méthode de « cartographie du présent », nous établissons en premier lieu la solidité empirique de l’ectogenèse, telle qu’exprimée en laboratoire et par les discours experts actuels. Cette analyse préliminaire permet de dégager la question névralgique de l’effacement du corps maternel dans la procréation, ce que nous problématisons suivant une perspective sociohistorique et anthropologique. L’hypothèse principale de ce mémoire est que l’utérus artificiel constitue l’extension radicale de représentations et pratiques existantes qui effacent de maintes façons le corps; ainsi nous cherchons à repérer le cheminement de cette radicalisation. En fouillant l’archéologie de l’assistance à la procréation – des accoucheuses médiévales à la techno-maternité contemporaine en passant par l’obstétrique moderne – notre objectif est de bien identifier la généalogie de la médicalisation, de la pathologisation et de la technicisation croissantes du corps maternel et de l’engendrement afin de caractériser la construction sociale d’une maternité machinique. Autrement dit, il s’agit de jalonner les représentations et pratiques sociales à l’oeuvre dans l’approche contemporaine de la procréation qui participent à l’oblitération du corps et ainsi créent un terreau fertile pour l’implantation de l’UA.


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Née de l’avènement des technologies numériques, l’intermédialité recouvre des phénomènes aussi vieux que les plus vieux médias. Qu’on considère le théâtre comme un média ou qu’on lui reconnaisse des propriétés médiatiques, l’approche intermédiale renouvelle considérablement la compréhension que nous avons de sa nature et de sa conjoncture : ses rapports avec d’autres médias et d’autres pratiques, en particulier ceux et celles nés des technologies électriques puis numériques. La dynamique intermédiale repose autant sur le principe de remédiation tel que l’ont défini Bolter et Grusin que sur celui de reste et résidu—les médias rési-duels d’Acland. Mais un média peut aussi bloquer la logique remédiante quand des agents considèrent que cette remédiation va à l’encontre des intérêts ou de l’identité du média. C’est ce que nous appelons la résistance médiatique dont l’histoire récente du théâtre offre de nombreux exemples. Parmi eux, celui de la très lente pénétration des technologies de reproduction sonore sur les scènes et dans les processus de création. L’article suggère différentes hypothèses qui expliqueraient à la fois les causes, les modalités et les effets de cette résistance au théâtre au cours du Long Siècle (1880 à aujourd’hui), c’est-à-dire depuis la révolution électrique qui a vu, en même temps, naître la lampe à incandescence et le micro. Si la première a envahi toutes les scènes du théâtre occidental en moins de vingt ans, le second a été tenu à l’écart de la représentation pendant trois quarts de siècle.


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On imagine mal aujourd'hui un « spectacle » théâtral qui ne recourrait pas aux technologies de reproduction du son, c'est-à-dire à des « projections » sonores. Ce qui est aujourd'hui la règle était pourtant l'exception il y a moins d'un demi-siècle. Cette anecdote soulève des questions qui sont au coeur de la réflexion intermédiale : la place de la technologie et sa « naturalisation », le rôle des dispositifs, l'agentivité des « usagers », les rapports entre médias et médiations, l'institutionnalisation des pratiques médiatiques, etc. [...]


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo aportar reflexiones a los cambios y mutaciones producidos por las nuevas Tecnologías de la Comunicación y el Conocimiento (TIC), en los productos paradigmáticos de la “comunicación intencional", desde una mirada que abarca las transformaciones de los relatos y las competencias de un nuevo modelo de destinatario. Antes de la aparición de las tecnologías de reproducción y comunicación pública, (anteriormente llamada “comunicación de masas"), existieron dispositivos, fuera del circuito de la cultura escrita, que apelaban a emisores y destinatarios con competencias que excedían la interpretación del escrito.


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El tema de la tesis se centra en el pensamiento de Walter Benjamin y en el concepto de percepción distraída, desarrollado en el ensayo La obra de arte en la época de su reproducibilidad técnica (1936). El título percepción dispersa deriva de una profundización de los conceptos benjaminianos en términos lingüísticos, adoptando otros significados de la palabra distracción que relacionan este concepto a cuestiones de ámbito espacial y atmosférico. Benjamin sostiene que la arquitectura, en una época en la que se desarrollan y se difunden nuevas técnicas de reproducción/ comunicación, no se puede percibir solo de manera visual sino también táctil, interrelacionando la difusión de nuevas técnicas de reproducción, la tensión entre diferentes modalidades perceptivas y la arquitectura: según él, la dispersión de la vista a favor de la percepción táctil/háptica es un rasgo característico de una sociedad en la que se desarrollan y se difunden nuevas técnicas de reproducción. La tesis profundiza en estos temas, actualizando el concepto de distracción/dispersión para valorar las repercusiones de esta intuición en el ámbito de una parte de la producción arquitectónica contemporánea: se propone una contextualización histórica y una conceptual, relativas a los proyectos recientes de algunos de los autores que profundizan en el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito del proyecto de arquitectura. La hipótesis que se quiere demostrar es que se está desarrollando una tendencia que lleva proyectos o edificios de alto nivel tecnológico y informático desde un ámbito de (supuesto) predominio de la percepción visual, hasta una arquitectura que proporciona experiencias multisensoriales: espacios que se pueden medir con el movimiento, los músculos y el tacto, que desarrollan un conjunto de sensaciones táctiles/hápticas y no solo visuales. Finalmente se quiere verificar si, revertiendo siglos de evolución visual, la visión táctil y cercana siga siendo uno de los polos dialécticos que estructuran la experiencia de la arquitectura, como previsto por Benjamin hace 75 años. ABSTRACT The thesis focuses on the thought of Walter Benjamin and the concept of distracted perception, developed in the essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936). The title derives from a linguistic approach to this concept which further explores the meaning of the word distraction, finally relating this kind of perception to spatial and atmospheric issues. Benjamin argues that architecture, thanks to the development of new reproduction/communication technologies, cannot be perceived exclusively in a visual way but also in a tactile way, interrelating new technologies of reproduction, perceptual modalities and architecture: according to him, the dispersion of the view in favor of tactile/ haptic perception is a fundamental characteristic of a technologically developed society. The thesis explores these issues, updating the concept of distraction/dispersion to assess its implications in the works of some architects that are exploring with their buildings the impact of new communication technologies in the field of architectural design. The hypothesis at the base of this work is that we are facing a new trend in this particular field: many of the most advanced buildings provide multisensory experience, and define spaces that can be better perceived with the sense of touch (haptic sense), going beyond a mere visual perception. Finally the thesis wants to verify if, reversing centuries of visual evolution, tactile and close vision remains one of the dialectical poles that stay at the base of the experience of architecture, as foreseen by Benjamin 75 years ago. ABSTRACT La tesi si basa sul pensiero di Walter Benjamin e sul concetto di percezione distratta, sviluppato nel saggio La opera d’arte nell’epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica (1936). Il titolo, percezione dispersa, deriva da un approfondimento dei concetti benjaminiani in termini linguistici, adottando ulteriori significati della parola che il filosofo utilizza per indicare la distrazione e che relazionano questo termine a questioni di ambito spaziale ed atmosferico. Benjamin sostiene che l’architettura, in un’epoca nella quale si sviluppano e si diffondono nuove tecniche di riproduzione (o meglio: nuove tecnologie di comunicazione), non possa essere percepita solamente in maniera visuale, ma anche tattile, mettendo in relazione la diffusione di nuove tecnologie, la tensione tra differenti modalità percettive e l’architettura: secondo Benjamin, la dispersione della vista a favore di una ricezione tattile/aptica della realtà è una caratteristica tipica di quei momenti storici nei quali si manifestano grandi trasformazioni di ambito sociale e culturale dovute allo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie di comunicazione. La tesi approfondisce questi temi, aggiornando il concetto di distrazione/dispersione per valutarne le ripercussioni su una certa parte della produzione architettonica contemporanea: si propone una contestualizzazione storica ed una concettuale, relative ai progetti di alcuni architetti che lavorano da tempo sull’impatto delle nuove tecnologie nell’ambito del progetto di architettura. La ipotesi che si dimostra con questa tesi è che si sta sviluppando una contro-tendenza tattile, a seguito della quale molti degli edifici tecnologicamente ed informaticamente più avanzati strutturano la relazione con i propri utenti sulla base di esperienze multisensoriali, definendo spazi che possono essere percepiti attraverso una percezione aptica, piuttosto che visuale. In definitiva la tesi verifica che, superando secoli di evoluzione visuale, la visione tattile e ravvicinata e - più in generale - una percezione di tipo aptico continuano ad essere uno dei poli dialettici che strutturano l’esperienza dell’architettura, come previsto da Benjamin più di 75 anni fa.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Genomics has been propagated as a paradigm shifting innovation in livestock during the last decade. The possibility of predicting breeding values using genomic information has revolutionized the dairy cattle industry and is now being implemented in beef cattle. In this paper we discuss how genomics is changing cattle breeding through genomic selection, and how this change is creating new ways to articulate assisted reproduction technologies with animal breeding. We also debate that the scientific community is still starting the long journey to reveal the functional aspects of the cattle genome, and that knowledge in this field is the frontier to a whole new venue for the development of novel applications in the livestock sector.


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Thrombophilia has been associated with pregnancy complications and recurrent miscarriage. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the controversial association between thrombophilia and failures of assisted reproduction technology (ART). A systematic search of the literature for studies reporting on thrombophilia in women undergoing ART up to April 2011 yielded 33 studies (23 evaluating anti-phospholipid antibodies, 5 inherited thrombophilia, and 5 both) involving 6092 patients. Overall, methodologic quality of the studies was poor. Combined results from case-control studies showed that factor V Leiden was significantly more prevalent among women with ART failure compared with fertile parous women or those achieving pregnancy after ART (odds ratio = 3.08; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-5.36). The prothrombin mutation, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation, deficiency of protein S, protein C, or anti-thrombin were all not associated with ART failure. Women with ART failure tested more frequently positive for anti-phospholipids antibodies (odds ratio = 3.33; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-6.26) with evidence of high degree of between-study heterogeneity (I(2) = 75%; P < .00001). Prospective cohort studies did not show significant associations between thrombophilia and ART outcomes. Although case-control studies suggest that women experiencing ART failures are more frequently positive for factor V Leiden and anti-phospholipid antibodies, the evidence is inconclusive and not supported by cohort studies.


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On 1 January 2010, the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 (Vic) came into force. The legislation was the outcome of a detailed review and consultation process undertaken by the Victorian Law Reform Commission. Arguably, the change to the regulatory framework represents a significant shift in policy compared to previous regulatory approaches on this topic in Victoria. This article considers the impact of the new legislation on eligibility for reproductive treatments, focusing on the accessibility of such services for the purpose of creating a “saviour sibling”. It also highlights the impact of the Victorian regulatory body’s decision to abolish its regulatory policies on preimplantation genetic diagnosis and preimplantation tissue-typing, concluding that the regulatory approach in relation to these latter issues is similar to other Australian jurisdictions where such practices are not addressed by a statutory framework.


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The first effective life extension technologies might well become available within the next few years. Experts from the University of Queensland, Australia, explore the possible public reaction to these therapies and the ethical and social concerns they raise, drawing on the experience of assisted reproduction technologies