954 resultados para Team learning approach in education


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Thailand is undergoing a period of major educational reform. Drawing on Thai and Australian experiences, ways of assisting school leaders to develop more collaborative methods of decision-making in Thai schools are investigated. The thesis reports a number of innovative techniques which are shown to work effectively in professional development programs for Thai school leaders.


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Team learning is considered as a constructive way for enhancing students learning in collaborative environment. It involves interaction between students through peer-to-peer learning, which makes students to be problem solver, an excellent communicator, a good reviewer and a manager. The School of Engineering at Xxx University practices project/design based learning as one of its learning and teaching approach. The project/design based learning process helps students to be self directed leaners which enhances the student learning outcomes towards attaining graduate career expected skills. An Overarching goal of this study is assessing the team learning experiences of cohort of students from third year civil undergraduate engineering in a project/design based learning approach at Xxx University. From the students’ experiences and views, this study will investigate and visualize the students choice of a unique team learning practice which enhances their learning outcomes in project/design based curriculum.


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An exploration of a distinctive inter-disciplinary, problem-based, team-based and student centred learning environment: the Inter-disciplinary Industrial Project. Goal-free evaluation shows the IDIP successfully prepares students for the workplace. Case study narratives and outcome oriented conceptual models elaborate a Grounded Theory of Team-based Problem Solving.


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Cross-cultural care and antidiscrimination are vital to ethical effective health systems. Nurses require quality educational preparation in cross-cultural care and antidiscrimination. Limited evidence-based research is available to guide teachers.

To develop, implement and evaluate an evidence-based teaching and learning approach in cross-cultural care and antidiscrimination for undergraduate nursing students.

A quantitative design using pre- and post-survey measures was used to evaluate the teaching and learning approach.

The Bachelor of Nursing program in an Australian university.

Academics and second year undergraduate nursing students.

A literature review and consultation with academics informed the development of the teaching and learning approach. Thirty-three students completed a survey at pre-measures and following participation in the teaching and learning approach at post-measures about their confidence to practice cross-cultural nursing (Transcultural Self-efficacy Tool) and about their discriminatory attitudes (Quick Discrimination Index).

The literature review found that educational approaches that solely focus on culture might not be sufficient in addressing discrimination and racism. During consultation, academics emphasised the importance of situating cross-cultural nursing and antidiscrimination as social determinants of health. Therefore, cross-cultural nursing was contextualised within primary health care and emphasised care for culturally diverse communities. Survey findings supported the effectiveness of this strategy in promoting students' confidence regarding knowledge about cross-cultural nursing. There was no reported change in discriminatory attitudes. The teaching and learning approach was modified to include stronger experiential learning and role playing.

Nursing education should emphasise cross-cultural nursing and antidiscrimination. The study describes an evaluated teaching and learning approach and demonstrates how evaluation research can be used to develop cross-cultural nursing education interventions.


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In recent years, mobile learning has emerged as an educational approach to decrease the limitation of learning location and adapt the teaching-learning process to all type of students. However, the large number and variety of Web-enabled devices poses challenges for Web content creators who want to automatic get the delivery context and adapt the content to mobile devices. In this paper we study several approaches to adapt the learning content to mobile phones. We present an architecture for deliver uniform m-Learning content to students in a higher School. The system development is organized in two phases: firstly enabling the educational content to mobile devices and then adapting it to all the heterogeneous mobile platforms. With this approach, Web authors will not need to create specialized pages for each kind of device, since the content is automatically transformed to adapt to any mobile device capabilities from WAP to XHTML MP-compliant devices.


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In recent years, mobile learning has emerged as an educational approach to decrease the limitation of learning location and adapt the teaching-learning process to all type of students. However, the large number and variety of Web-enabled devices poses challenges for Web content creators who want to automatic get the delivery context and adapt the content to mobile devices. This paper studies several approaches to adapt the learning content to mobile phones. It presents an architecture for deliver uniform m-Learning content to students in a higher School. The system development is organized in two phases: firstly enabling the educational content to mobile devices and then adapting it to all the heterogeneous mobile platforms. With this approach, Web authors will not need to create specialized pages for each kind of device, since the content is automatically transformed to adapt to any mobile device capabilities from WAP to XHTML MP-compliant devices.


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This qualitative study examined collective learning within nursing clinical groups. Specifically, it explored the influence of the individual on the group and the impact of the group on the individual. The study was organized using the concepts from Debbie Kilgore's theory of collective learning (1999). The sample consisted of 1 8 second-year university nursing students and 3 clinical instructors. Data were collected via individual interviews with each participant and researcher's observations during a group conference. The interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using key concepts from Kilgore's framework. Several interesting findings emerged. Overall, it appeared that individual components and group components contributed to the quality and quantity of collective learning that occurred in the groups. Individually, each person's past group experiences, personality, culture, and gender influenced how that individual acted in the group, their roles, and how much influence they had over group decisions. Moreover, the situation which seemed to cause the greatest sense of helplessness and loss of control was when one of their group members was breaking a norm. They were unable to deal with such situations constructively. Also, the amount of sense of worthiness (respect) and sense of agency (control) the member felt within the group had an impact on the person's role in group decisions. Finally, it seemed that students felt more connected with their peers within the clinical setting when they were close with them on a personal and social level. With respect to the group elements, it seemed that the instructors' values and way of being were instrumental in shaping the group's identity. In group 2, there were clear examples of group consciousness and the students' need to go along with the majority viewpoint, even when it was contrary to their own beliefs. Finally, the common goal of passing clinical and dealing with the fears of being in the clinical setting brought solidarity among the group members, and there seemed to be a high level of positive interdependence among them. From the discussion and analysis of the findings, recommendations were given on how to improve the learning within clinical groups.


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This paper reports on an evaluation of an innovative, online resource-based learning (RBL) approach used in first year psychology at Deakin University. The evaluation revealed a number of critical issues that must be considered to ensure effective implementation of an RBL approach. Emphasis is giveen to educational considerations covering the use and value of a diversity of print and electronic learning resources, online discussions and face-to-face teaching arrangements. The importance of strong integration of all elements of the learning environment, and provision of clear guidelines to learning are highlighted.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of an adventure learning program, based on participation in group adventure initiative tasks (GAITs), on participant self-esteem and, further, to examine any associated gender differences in the dependent variable. The study took place within the framework of the 'Group Dynamics in Action' unit offered at the University of South Australia, Underdale Campus, in semester 2, 1994. The course included participation in group adventure initiative tasks, the identification and examination of group dynamic processes, the investigation of individual roles within the small group and the review of these processes in the group setting. The program also included an experience on a high ropes course. Both quantitative and qualitative data was gathered to gain insight into gender differences and their relationship to the dependent variable and also to provide insight into any discrepancy in outcomes between males and females with regard to participation in group adventure initiative tasks. The sample set of participants was drawn from undergraduate students studying at the University of South Australia in the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Bachelor of Education (Secondary Physical Education Teaching) and Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) courses. Subjects were assigned to either experimental or control conditions and the experimental group were then randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Sixty one (N = 61) male and female subjects were tested pre and post-treatment period. Psychological tests included the Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (Coopersmith 1981) and an adaptation of Coopersmith's Behaviour Rating Form (Coopersmith 1967). Qualitative data was gathered using Kuhn's Twenty Statements Test (Kuhn and McPartland 1954), a self-esteem questionnaire, observations made by the researcher and other staff about subjects interactions and from weekly journals kept by subjects throughout the treatment. The duration of the treatment period was 14 weeks consisting of 14, 2 hour seminars.


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Il y a quelques décennies, l’émergence du discours de la promotion de la santé infléchissait un nouveau tournant à la santé publique, orientant sa pratique vers l’action communautaire, participative et intersectorielle. Parallèlement, au Québec, la réforme du système de santé de 2004 réorganisait le niveau de gouverne locale à travers la création des centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS). Ceux-ci doivent articuler les secteurs des soins et de la santé publique à travers un continuum de services qui va de la promotion de la santé aux soins palliatifs. Ces changements ont des implications majeures pour les acteurs de la santé et de la santé publique, qui doivent composer avec de nouveaux rôles professionnels et de nouvelles stratégies d’action. Le développement professionnel est considéré comme un levier potentiel pour soutenir ces changements. En 2009, une équipe de la Direction de la santé publique de l’Agence de santé et des services sociaux de Montréal concevait un programme de développement professionnel appelé le Laboratoire de promotion de la santé. Ce programme mise sur une approche d’apprentissage de groupe pour permettre aux professionnels des CSSS de développer de nouvelles compétences, une pratique réflexive ainsi que de nouvelles pratiques de promotion de la santé. Basée sur une méthodologie générale qualitative et une approche d’évaluation collaborative, cette thèse utilise plusieurs stratégies d’investigation afin d’évaluer le Laboratoire de promotion de la santé sous trois angles, qui renvoient à sa conceptualisation, à son implantation et à ses effets. Plus spécifiquement, elle vise à : (1) examiner la plausibilité de la théorie d’intervention du programme; (2) décrire et comprendre les processus d’apprentissage d’équipe ainsi que les facteurs qui les influencent; et (3) explorer, du point de vue des participants, les effets réflexifs du Laboratoire. Afin de répondre à ces objectifs, la thèse mobilise diverses perspectives théoriques liées à l’apprentissage individuel, d’équipe et organisationnel. Les résultats des analyses démontrent que : (1) malgré quelques améliorations possibles, le modèle du programme est généralement bien conçu pour parvenir aux résultats visés; (2) l’implantation de ce modèle dans deux sites a donné lieu à des processus d’apprentissage d’équipe différents, bien que conditionnés par des facteurs communs liés aux participants, à l’équipe, au contexte organisationnel et à l’implantation du programme; (3) tel que visé, les participants des deux sites ont développé de la réflexivité vis-à-vis leur pratique et leur rôle professionnel – cette réflexivité adoptant une fonction formative ou critique en regard de l’expérience professionnelle. Ces résultats soulignent le potentiel que représente l’évaluation de la théorie d’intervention pour améliorer la conceptualisation d’un programme de développement professionnel, ainsi que l’intérêt et la pertinence d’évaluer les processus d’apprentissage au niveau de l’équipe dans le cadre d’une approche collective de développement professionnel. De plus, ils appuient l’importance de l’apprentissage réflexif pour l’amélioration des pratiques et l’engagement social des professionnels. En ce sens, ils proposent différentes avenues qui ont le potentiel de consolider les capacités de la main-d’œuvre de santé publique et d’influer conséquemment sur son efficacité à améliorer la santé des collectivités dans le prochain siècle.


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El trabajo cooperativo se puede definir como aquella actividad realizada por dos o más personas conjuntamente de forma equitativa o proporcional, para alcanzar unos objetivos y, en definitiva, aprender. La doctrina utiliza terminología diversa, trabajo en equipo, trabajo en grupo, trabajo cooperativo, trabajo colaborativo. En algunos casos hacen distinciones claras entre unos y otros, pero en realidad son pocas las diferencias, y yo personalmente prefiero utilizar esa terminología indistintamente. El trabajo cooperativo presenta muchas ventajas para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza como se podrá comprobar. Mi experiencia docente me ha llevado a utilizar de forma regular el trabajo en grupo en el sistema de evaluación continua, de ahí mi interés en esta cuestión, especialmente porque en algunos casos he encontrado ciertas dificultades en su puesta en práctica. Estos son los motivos que me han llevado a estudiar en qué consiste realmente el trabajo colaborativo y en cómo pueden evitarse aquellas dificultades. Desde mi punto de vista para evitar la disfunción del trabajo en equipo se ha de realizar un buen diseño de las actividades, y una adecuada evaluación del proceso de aprendizaje o desarrollo de la actividad, tanto a nivel individual como de grupo. En ambos casos es fundamental la función del docente que debe programar las actividades cooperativas correctamente, pero además debe informar, dirigir, orientar, mediar, animar… durante todo el proceso de aprendizaje, dependiendo de las diferentes necesidades de cada grupo. En cuanto a la evaluación del trabajo en grupo, se han de calificar tanto el trabajo individual como el resultado final del equipo, y para ello creo muy apropiada la utilización de una serie indicadores a observar en los mecanismos interpsicológicos, distinguiendo entre tres dimensiones en el proceso de aprendizaje cooperativo: la interdependencia positiva, la construcción del significado y las relaciones psicosociales. Se prestará una especial atención a la fase de construcción del significado pues es el centro del proceso. Dichos indicadores se extraen de la observación del diálogo y discusión de los miembros del grupo entre ellos, y con el profesor, y nos dan pautas para comprobar las aportaciones de cada estudiante al equipo, su trabajo individual y su contribución al trabajo colaborativo. Esto facilitará una adecuada evaluación


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La implicación de los alumnos en la Universidad se considera desde la perspectiva de la participación activa en el proceso de su aprendizaje. El aula se considera un entorno dinámico dentro del cual se debe producir el aprendizaje y se deben proporcionar las bases que faciliten los procesos de aprendizaje posteriores. El marco de actuación se propone que sea el de técnicas grupales como la “Dinámica de Grupo” y el “T-group”. Los procesos facilitadores del aprendizaje se proponen que sean mediante la provocación de “insight” y catarsis. El marco teórico se considera desde la Neurosociología, y los aspectos ontológicos, el alumno como sujeto y objeto, y epistemológicos, en cuanto a la relación del alumno como sujeto, con el entorno y con el objeto, se consideran desde la propuesta del paradigma Neuro-cuántico. El objetivo es facilitar y considerar la adquisición del conocimiento teórico-práctico, según las características personales de cada alumno, orientado a los alumnos de cualquier Área de Conocimiento, especialmente a los de Ciencias Humanas, Jurídicas y Sociales, porque su objeto de estudio es el ser humano y los aspectos relacionados con su Cultura. Los conceptos que se trabajan principalmente son los relacionados con el objeto (observado) y sus características; el sujeto (observador) y sus características; la relación sujeto-objeto, y la influencia que tienen los contenidos mentales de los alumnos, como sujeto, en la observación de los hechos. La aplicación de este programa será al inicio del período en el que se tratan aspectos relativos a la metodología, los conceptos teóricos y las características del conocimiento


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El nostre estudi és fruit del treball conjunt entre professorat universitari, d’infantil, primària i secundària i alumnat del Màster d’Art i Educació: un enfocament construccionista, dins del projecte ARIE 2008, de la Universitat de Girona: “El desenvolupament de la competència comunicativa, cultural i artística. Una experiència cooperativa en Xarxa”