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Le but de cette recherche est la vérification des relations entre les pratiques de leadership et la performance de l’équipe. Nous nous concentrons sur deux pratiques de leadership distinctes : le leadership d’empowerment et le leadership autocratique. Cette recherche vise également à comprendre le rôle médiateur de l’engagement des membres envers les objectifs d’équipe dans ces relations. De plus, nous examinons la combinaison des deux pratiques de leadership chez un même responsable d’équipe, à savoir si l’adoption d’un style de leadership peut réduire ou amplifier l’effet de l’autre style de leadership. Les données de types secondaires ont été colligées auprès de 381 membres faisant partie de 101 équipes ainsi que des 101 supérieurs immédiats de ces équipes œuvrant dans une organisation de sécurité publique canadienne. Ces données ont été recueillies grâce à un questionnaire. Des analyses factorielles confirmatoires et des analyses de régression hiérarchique ont permis de vérifier nos huit hypothèses. Les résultats montrent que les pratiques de leadership sont modérément et significativement liées à la performance d’équipe. Les pratiques de leadership sont également liées fortement et significativement à l’engagement des membres envers les objectifs d’équipe. Par ailleurs, les résultats révèlent que l’engagement des membres envers les objectifs d’équipe joue un rôle médiateur complet dans la relation entre les pratiques de leadership et la performance d’équipe. Par contre, l’effet d’interaction entre les pratiques de leadership n’est pas significatif. La vérification du rôle médiateur de l’engagement des membres envers les objectifs d’équipe constitue un apport théorique dans la compréhension des équipes de travail. Sur le plan pratique, les résultats montrent que les responsables d’équipe ont intérêt à adopter des pratiques de gestion permettant l’atteinte des objectifs d’équipe tout en améliorant le sentiment d’engagement des membres et la performance d’équipe.


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This paper describes an application of decoupled probabilistic world modeling to achieve team planning. The research is based on the principle that the action selection mechanism of a member in a robot team can select an effective action if a global world model is available to all team members. In the real world, the sensors are imprecise, and are individual to each robot, hence providing each robot a partial and unique view about the environment. We address this problem by creating a probabilistic global view on each agent by combining the perceptual information from each robot. This probabilistic view forms the basis for selecting actions to achieve the team goal in a dynamic environment. Experiments have been carried out to investigate the effectiveness of this principle using custom-built robots for real world performance, in addition, to extensive simulation results. The results show an improvement in team effectiveness when using probabilistic world modeling based on perception sharing for team planning.


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This paper investigated the phenomenon of prejudice among ISD project members. We presented a theoretical discussion followed by one qualitative and one quantitative study. In the qualitative study, we interviewed different members of the project teams to understand the different types of prejudice possessed by team members. Results of this interview study led to the development of prejudice scales for IT members and users, which was used in the quantitative study. We surveyed 128 ISD teams and found that prejudice was related task and relationship conflict, satisfaction and willingness to work together in the future. Furthermore, prejudice exerts stronger influences on users than IT members in terms of increasing task and relationship conflicts and decreasing goal commitment.


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Motivation is a major driver of project performance. Despite team member ability to deliver successful project outcomes if they are not positively motivated to pursue joint project goals, then performance will be constrained. One approach to improving the motivation of project organizations is by offering a financial reward for the achievement of set performance standards above a minimum required level. However, little investigation has been undertaken into the features of successful incentive systems as a part of an overall delivery strategy. With input from organizational management literature, and drawing on the literature covering psychological and economic theories of motivation, this paper presents an integrated framework that can be used by project organizations to assess the impact of financial reward systems on motivation in construction projects. The integrated framework offers four motivation indicators which reflect key theoretical concepts across both psychological and economic disciplines. The indicators are: (1) Goal Commitment, (2) Distributive Justice, (3) Procedural Justice, and (4) Reciprocity. The paper also interprets the integrated framework against the results of a successful Australian social infrastructure project case study and identifies key learning’s for project organizations to consider when designing financial reward systems. Case study results suggest that motivation directed towards the achievement of incentive goals is influenced not only by the value placed on the financial reward for commercial benefit, but also driven by the strength of the project initiatives that encourage just and fair dealings, supporting the establishment of trust and positive reciprocal behavior across a project team. The strength of the project relationships was found to be influenced by how attractive the achievement of the goal is to the incentive recipient and how likely they were to push for the achievement of the goal. Interestingly, findings also suggested that contractor motivation is also influenced by the fairness of the performance measurement process and their perception of the trustworthiness and transparency of their client. These findings provide the basis for future research on the impact of financial reward systems on motivation in construction projects. It is anticipated that such research will shed new light on this complex topic and further define how reward systems should be designed to promote project team motivation. Due to the unique nature of construction projects with high levels of task complexity and interdependence, results are expected to vary in comparison to previous studies based on individuals or single-entity organizations.


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This paper describes an application of decoupled probabilistic world modeling to achieve team planning. The research is based on the principle that tbe action selection mechanism of a member in a robot team cm select am effective action if a global world model is available to all team members. In the real world, the sensors are imprecise, and are individual to each robot, hence providing each robot a partial and unique view about the environment. We address this problem by creating a probabilistic global view on each agent by combining the perceptual information from each robot. This probsbilistie view forms the basis for selecting actions to achieve the team goal in a dynamic environment. Experiments have been carried ont to investigate the effectiveness of this principle using custom-built robots for real world performance, in addition, to extensive simulation results. The results show an improvement in team effectiveness when using probabilistic world modeling based on perception sharing for team planning.


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Drawing on exit, voice, loyalty and neglect (EVLN) literature, this study examines direct and interactive associations between organizational-level commitment and team-level commitment and the use of EVLN by managers in India. The study is based on a survey of 200 managers and supervisors from seven Indian firms. The findings on the use of voice are consistent with the past research in Western countries, but challenge the prevailing assumption about the use of voice in high power distance societies. The results also indicate that team-level commitment moderates the association between organizational-level commitment and the use of EVLN.


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Construction clients often use financial incentives to encourage stakeholder motivation and commitment to voluntary higher-order project goals. Despite the increased use of financial incentives, there is little literature addressing means of optimizing outcomes. Using a case study methodology, the examination of a successful Australian construction project demonstrates the features of a positively geared procurement approach that promotes the effectiveness of financial incentives. The research results show that if the incentive system is perceived to be fair and is applied to reward exceptional performance, and not to manipulate, then contractors are more likely to be positively motivated.


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La situation d’un patient trop malade pour une transplantation et qui est maintenu à long terme aux soins intensifs (SI) avec l’aide d’un dispositif d'assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut évoluer de multiples façons. Malheureusement, plusieurs soignants vivent un malaise lorsque ce patient survit avec des complications, sans possibilité de transplantation cardiaque ni de retour à domicile. Par conséquent, différents buts thérapeutiques sont poursuivis au sein de l’équipe soignante. L’étude avait pour objectifs de cerner les buts poursuivis par les professionnels de la santé œuvrant auprès de ce type de patient, de clarifier les facteurs influençant les buts poursuivis et de mieux connaître les difficultés éprouvées par l’équipe soignante dans l’élaboration d’un but commun. La phénoménologie a été utilisée comme méthodologie de définition de la problématique. L’échantillon comprenait 12 participants représentant les infirmières, médecins et perfusionnistes d'une unité de SI, travaillant auprès de ce type de patient. Chacun des participants a fait l’objet d’une entrevue individuelle, semi-dirigée et enregistrée sur appareil audio. Il leur a d’abord été présenté une vignette à partir de laquelle ont été posées un certain nombre de questions identiques pour tous. Dans leurs réponses à ces questions, les participants ont eu la possibilité de s’exprimer autant sur leur expérience que sur le contexte du phénomène. Une seconde rencontre a été nécessaire afin de valider ou de corriger l’interprétation de ce que chacun avait exprimé durant l’entrevue. L'analyse des données témoigne d’un manque d’harmonie quant au but à poursuivre à l’égard du patient en question. Environ la moitié des participants visent la transplantation, alors que les autres poursuivent d’autres buts comme la sortie des SI, la limitation des traitements ou les soins palliatifs. Les participants sont influencés majoritairement par les volontés du patient, l'absence de mécanisme formel de communication entre eux et les facteurs professionnels tels que : les valeurs, les pratiques et l’environnement, sans oublier les rapports de pouvoir. Un certain nombre de barrières empêchent l’équipe de déterminer un but commun. Pour vaincre ces obstacles et s’entendre sur les buts à poursuivre en équipe, le développement de la communication multidisciplinaire s’impose. Pour y arriver, deux prérequis doivent être développés : l’intention éthique et l’engagement.


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Most sporting codes encourage participation in Fantasy Sport (FS), despite few making direct revenue from it. There is a lack of empirical evidence whether this is good practice, for although FS can increase involvement and education, it may also compete with other forms of sport consumption for consumers limited resources. This study begins to address whether FS competes with or  complements sport consumption by comparing FS players with nonplayers. Data was collected from surveys (n=182) of AFL fans, with findings indicating FS players had higher tested measures of attitudes (e.g., team identification, commitment) and behaviours (e.g., game attendance, television viewing) related  to the sport. What remains to be determined is causality, and suggestions on how to examine this are given.


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The English-as-a-second-language (ESL) community college student population has increased notably in the past decade, but a decreasing number of these students are completing courses, programs, or degrees (Erisman & Looney, 2008). These students come to college with unique background experiences, and once in college, deal with challenging linguistic, academic, and social integration issues. Though they are not linguistically homogenous, and they do not have a common purpose, ESL students share the common goal of attending community college to learn to speak English (Szelényi & Chang, 2002). Course completion is a primary measure of progress toward that goal, and is therefore an issue of concern for both ESL students and community colleges, which continue to be the access point for language-minority students progressing into higher education (Laden, 2004).^ The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that predict in-term persistence of community college ESL students. A mixed methods research design consisting of two phases was utilized, and participants in this study were ESL students enrolled in a large community college in south Florida. Phase 1 students completed the Community College ESL Student Questionnaire (CCSEQ), which collected demographic data and data on entry characteristics, academic integration, and social integration. Discriminant and descriptive analyses were used to report the data collected in Phase I. Phase 2 students were a matching cohort of completing and non-completing students who participated in semi-structured interviews at the end of the term. Data collected in the interviews were analyzed thematically, using a constant comparative method as described by Glaser and Strauss (1967).^ Students’ self reported demographic data, background characteristics, goal commitment, and integration factors on the CCSEQ showed no significance between the students who completed the term and the students who did not complete the term. However, several differentiating themes emerged from the interview data, which indicated differences in goal commitment and integration between the two groups. The focus of non-completers on getting good grades rather than completing the course, and the commitment of completers to the goal of finishing the class in order to go forward, both raise questions for future research studies.^


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Online courses have increased in enrollments over the past few decades. As the number of students taking online courses have increased, so has the number of students who have dropped or failed an online course. According to the literature, online courses may have higher drop rates than traditional, face-to-face courses. The number of students who fail an online course is, also, of concern. As online courses may continue to grow over the next few decades, studies on persistence in online courses may benefit students, administrators, instructional designers, educators, and researchers. Although previous research studies have addressed persistence in online courses, very few examine it from the perspectives of students who were unsuccessful in their courses. These students may have unique insights about the online experience that may have related to their lack of success. The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of university students who have failed or dropped an online course through the lenses of transactional distance theory and Kember’s model of dropout in distance education. Transactional distance theory discusses the dialog, structure, and learner autonomy involved in an online course, while, Kember’s model presents categories that may relate to dropping an online course. Together, the theory and model may help in understanding the experiences of students who have dropped or failed an online course. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 participants from a large Southeastern university in the United States. Based on the participants’ responses, the data was sorted and ranked according to the amount of transactional distance in their courses, as well as the categories of Kember’s model. Many of the participants who experienced low or high transactional distance have, also, expressed an issue with the goal commitment category of Kember’s model. Additionally, there were important differences in the student characteristics of those who dropped or failed an online course. Furthermore, suggestions for improving online courses were given by the participants. Some of these suggestions included more student-instructor interactions, the use of more technology tools in their online course, and for orientations to the online environment to be offered.


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Online courses have increased in enrollments over the past few decades. As the number of students taking online courses have increased, so has the number of students who have dropped or failed an online course. According to the literature, online courses may have higher drop rates than traditional, face-to-face courses. The number of students who fail an online course is, also, of concern. As online courses may continue to grow over the next few decades, studies on persistence in online courses may benefit students, administrators, instructional designers, educators, and researchers. Although previous research studies have addressed persistence in online courses, very few examine it from the perspectives of students who were unsuccessful in their courses. These students may have unique insights about the online experience that may have related to their lack of success. The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of university students who have failed or dropped an online course through the lenses of transactional distance theory and Kember’s model of dropout in distance education. Transactional distance theory discusses the dialog, structure, and learner autonomy involved in an online course, while, Kember’s model presents categories that may relate to dropping an online course. Together, the theory and model may help in understanding the experiences of students who have dropped or failed an online course. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 participants from a large Southeastern university in the United States. Based on the participants’ responses, the data was sorted and ranked according to the amount of transactional distance in their courses, as well as the categories of Kember’s model. Many of the participants who experienced low or high transactional distance have, also, expressed an issue with the goal commitment category of Kember’s model. Additionally, there were important differences in the student characteristics of those who dropped or failed an online course. Furthermore, suggestions for improving online courses were given by the participants. Some of these suggestions included more student-instructor interactions, the use of more technology tools in their online course, and for orientations to the online environment to be offered.^


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Sponsorship is increasingly important in a firm’s communication mix. Research to date has focused on the impact of sponsorship on brand awareness and its subsequent consequences for image congruency and consumer attitudes towards sponsors’ brands. A lesser studied area is the effect of sponsorship on consumers’ purchase intentions and behaviours. We argue that existing models of sponsorship driven purchase behaviour fail to account for affective commitment, which mediates relationship between affiliation with the team and social identification with the team. We propose a modified framework describing the effect of sponsorship on purchase intentions in the context of low and high performing sports teams. The framework is tested using structural equations modelling; employing PLS estimation and data collected via online survey of AFL chat room participants. Results confirm the role of affective commitment in sport sponsorship purchase intentions and indicate that team success has a significant influence on fans’ purchase behaviours.


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Sponsorship is increasingly important in a firm's communication mix. Research to date has focused on the impact of sponsorship on brand awareness and its subsequent consequences for image congruency and consumer attitudes towards sponsors' brands. A lesser studied area is the effect of sponsorship on consumers' purchase intentions and behaviours. We argue that existing models of sponsorship driven purchase behaviour fail to account for affective commitment, which mediates relationship between affiliation with the team and social identification with the team. We propose a modified framework describing the effect of sponsorship on purchase intentions in the context of low and high performing sports teams. The framework is tested using structural equations modelling; employing PLS estimation and data collected via online survey of AFL chat room participants. Results confirm the role of affective commitment in sport sponsorship purchase intentions and indicate that team success has a significant influence on fans' purchase behaviours.


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The aim of this study was to determine whether spatiotemporal interactions between footballers and the ball in 1 vs. 1 sub-phases are influenced by their proximity to the goal area. Twelve participants (age 15.3 ± 0.5 years) performed as attackers and defenders in 1 vs. 1 dyads across three field positions: (a) attacking the goal, (b) in midfield, and (c) advancing away from the goal area. In each position, the dribbler was required to move beyond an immediate defender with the ball towards the opposition goal. Interactions of attacker-defender dyads were filmed with player and ball displacement trajectories digitized using manual tracking software. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used to examine differences in mean defender-to-ball distance after this value had stabilized. Maximum attacker-to-ball distance was also compared as a function of proximity-to-goal. Significant differences were observed for defender-to-ball distance between locations (a) and (c) at the moment when the defender-to-ball distance had stabilized (a: 1.69 ± 0.64 m; c: 1.15 ± 0.59 m; P < 0.05). Findings indicate that proximity-to-goal influenced the performance of players, particularly when attacking or advancing away from goal areas, providing implications for training design in football. In this study, the task constraints of football revealed subtly different player interactions than observed in previous studies of dyadic systems in basketball and rugby union.