907 resultados para Teaching support
A set of standards is proposed for university teaching. Embedding these within the Higher Education Academy UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) would allow a more robust assessment of whether a university teacher has met a minimum acceptable threshold.
Teaching in universities has increased in importance in recent years which, in part, is a consequence of the change in funding of universities from block grants to student tuition fees. Various initiatives have been made which serve to raise the profile of teaching and give it greater recognition. It is also important that teaching is recognised even more fully and widely, and crucially that it is rewarded accordingly. We propose a mechanism for recognising and rewarding university teaching that is based on a review process that is supported by documented evidence whose outcomes can be fed into performance and development reviews, and used to inform decisions about reward and promotion, as well as the review of probationary status where appropriate.
Teaching a course of special electric loads in a continuing education program to power engineers is a difficult task because they are not familiarized with switching topology circuits. Normally, in a typical program, many hours are dedicated to explain the thyristors switching sequence and to draw the converter currents and terminal voltages waveforms for different operative conditions. This work presents teaching support software in order to optimize the time spent in this task and, mainly to benefit the assimilation of the proposed subjects, studying the static converter under different non-ideal operative conditions.
Despite a massive expansion of education in Portugal, since the 1970’s, educational attainment of the adult population in the country remains low. The numbers of working-age people in some form of continuing education are among the lowest, according to the OECD and EU-27 statistics. Technological Schools(TS), initially created in the 1990’s, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economy in partnership with industry and industrial associations, aimed to prepare qualified staff for industries and services in the country, particularly in the engineering sector, through the provision of post secondary non-university programmes of studies, the CET (Technological Specialization Courses). Successful CET students are awarded a DET(Diploma of Technological Specialization), which corresponds to Vocational Qualification level IV of the EU, according to the latest alteration (2005) of the Education Systems Act (introduced in 1986). In this, CET’s are also clearly defined as one of the routes for access to Higher Education (HE), in Portugal. The PRILHE (Promoting Reflective and Independent Learning in Higher Education) multinational project, funded by the European Socrates Grundtvig Programme, aimed to identify the learning processes which enable adult students in higher education to become autonomous reflective learners and search best practices to support these learning processes. During this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to determine how students organise their studies and develop their learning skills. The Portuguese partner in the project’ consortium used a two case studies approach, one with students of Higher Education Institutions and other with students of TS. This paper only applies to students of TS, as these have a predominant bias towards engineering. Results show that student motivation and professional teaching support contribute equally to the development of an autonomous and reflective approach to learning in adult students; this is essential for success in a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning is the key to continuous employment.
S’ha dissenyat un Laboratori Virtual d’Equips Electrònics per múltiples aplicacions específiques com a reforç docent en l’àrea de l’electrònica VERiLAB (Virtual ElectRonic LABoratory) i, a més, s’han dissenyat un conjunt de 9 pràctiques guiades per treure el màxim rendiment al laboratori virtual. El laboratori Virtual és una potent eina de treball per aplicacions docents com a programari d’iniciació a la utilització d’equips electrònics bàsics que podem trobar a qualsevol laboratori d’electrònica. Aquesta eina permet augmentar el nombre d’hores de treball pràctic fora del laboratori. La primera versió d’aquest programari es va dissenyar a l’any 2004 a la Universitat de Barcelona amb el software LabVIEW_7, el qual permet obtenir un fitxer executable amb el qual els alumnes poden treballar fora del laboratori. D’aquesta forma els alumnes únicament necessiten un ordinador per a poder fer les pràctiques. La primera versió del laboratori disposava d’un generador de funcions, un oscil·loscopi i un analitzador d’espectres com a equips electrònics, i a més a més incorporava un mòdul de filtres i un motor DC per treballar amb els equips. La versió 2 del Laboratori Virtual es va desenvolupar amb aquest projecte MQD i es va introduir una font d’alimentació, un multímetre de sobre taula i un portàtil com a equips electrònics. Es van crear també diferents mòduls de sistemes electrònics: filtres analògics, configuracions bàsiques basades en l’amplificador operacional, l’amplificador operacional no ideal i un circuit de rectificació d’ona completa. Aquests mòduls han premés ampliar el camp d’aplicació del Laboratori Virtual a diferents assignatures de l’àrea de l’electrònica.
The allocation of additional teaching resources to schools under the terms of the General Allocation Model (GAM) was intended to make possible the development of inclusive primary schools; ensure that primary schools have a means of providing additional teaching support to pupils with learning difficulties and special educational needs arising from high incidence disabilities without recourse to making applications on behalf of individual pupils and included additional teaching time that was previously allocated for learning-support teaching as well as an allocation of additional teaching time for what was termed resource teaching for pupils with special educational needs arising from high incidence disabilities.
L'ús de les noves tecnologies de la informació ha fet possible la creació de biblioteques virtuals universitàries que, no solament són part integrant del model pedagògic, sinó que poden introduir els seus continguts i serveis en llocs fins ara insospitats: a les aules virtuals formant parteix de les assignatures, en els espais virtuals de suport a la docència, en les àrees de recerca i, sens dubte, en l'apartat de Biblioteca que li és propi. Aquestes facilitats derivades de l'organització de Campus Virtuals, permeten al professional bibliotecari/documentalista personalitzar continguts i serveis, i crear biblioteques a mida de cada necessitat. També permeten desenvolupar tècniques "push" per notificar i disseminar els serveis més adequats a cada tipologia d'usuari.
This paper is based on the hypothesis that the use of technology to support learning is not related to whether a student belongs to the Net Generation, but that it is mainly influenced by the teaching model. The study compares behaviour and preferences towards ICT use in two groups of university students: face-to-face students and online students. A questionnaire was applied to asample of students from five universities with different characteristics (one offers online education and four offer face-to-face education with LMS teaching support).
In the last decade, an important debate has arisen about the characteristics of today"s students due to their intensive experience as users of ICT. The main belief is that frequent use of technologies in everyday life implies that competent users are able to transfer their digital skills to learning activities. However, empirical studies developed in different countries reveal similar results suggesting that the"digital native" label does not provide evidence of a better use of technology to support learning. The debate has to go beyond the characteristics of the new generation and focus on the implications of being a learner in a digitalised world. This paper is based on the hypothesis that the use of technology to support learning is not related to whether a student belongs to the Net Generation, but that it is mainly influenced by the teaching model. The study compares behaviour and preferences towards ICT use in two groups of university students: face-to-face students and online students. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of students from five universities with different characteristics (one offers online education and four offer face-to-face education with LMS teaching support). Findings suggest that although access to and use of ICT is widespread, the influence of teaching methodology is very decisive. For academic purposes, students seem to respond to the requirements of their courses, programmes, and universities. There is a clear relationship between students" perception of usefulness regarding certain ICT resources and their teachers" suggested uses of technologies. The most highly rated technologies correspond with those proposed by teachers. The study shows that the educational model (face-to-face or online) has a stronger influence on students" perception of usefulness regarding ICT support for learning than the fact of being a digital native.
Cette recherche a pour but d’étudier les pratiques enseignantes de soutien auprès des élèves immigrants récemment arrivés au Québec, ne maîtrisant pas le français et intégrés dans des classes ordinaires au primaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené une recherche de type qualitatif avec deux enseignantes et leurs trois élèves immigrantes. Afin de documenter les pratiques de soutien en contexte réel de la classe, comprendre les raisons des enseignantes à l’égard du soutien et le point de vue des élèves, nous avons procédé à des observations de classe et à des entrevues individuelles générales et spécifiques avec les participantes, en plus de consulter certaines productions écrites des élèves immigrantes participantes. La présentation des données prend la forme d’une étude multicas décrivant les pratiques de soutien mises en place par chacune des deux enseignantes à partir de 22 séquences de soutien qui ont été décrites en tenant compte du contexte de chaque classe, puis analysées à la lumière de deux cadres théoriques complémentaires, le cadre d’analyse du travail enseignant et l’approche sociohistorico-culturelle. Les résultats de cette recherche mettent en exergue le sens de la pratique enseignante de soutien qui se coconstruit dans les interactions entre l’enseignante et l’élève, selon leurs apports mutuels, et selon les facteurs de la classe. L’analyse des raisons des enseignantes à l’égard du soutien montre que devant les difficultés des élèves immigrantes anticipées, constatées ou signalées, les enseignantes prennent des décisions pour prendre ces difficultés en considération, les traiter et mettre en place des pratiques de soutien. Les décisions des enseignantes découlent d’un processus de négociation interne entre la prise en compte des difficultés, notamment imprévues, et le maintien de leurs tâches prescrites, tout en considérant les facteurs contextuels de la classe. Le processus de négociation se poursuit et se déplace ensuite entre l’enseignante et l’élève, lesquelles construisent le sens de soutien à travers leurs interactions. Les concepts empruntés de l’approche sociohistorico-culturelle nous permettent de comprendre la relation dialectique entre l’élève et l’enseignante lors des interactions. Les deux s’ajustent l’une par rapport à l’autre dans le but d’arriver à un consensus sur le sens de la difficulté. De ce fait, la pratique enseignante de soutien est construite suite aux négociations entre l’élève et l’enseignante, mais aussi suite à la négociation interne de l’enseignante, et ce, dépendamment des facteurs du contexte. Notre recherche a contribué à apporter cette clarification sur la manière d’appréhender les pratiques enseignantes de soutien en contexte de classe ordinaire.
Se realizó un estudio transversal, se incluyeron 3 residentes no cardiólogos y se les dio formación básica en ecocardiografía (horas teóricas 22, horas prácticas 65), con recomendaciones de la Sociedad Americana de Ecocardiografia y aportes del aprendizaje basado en problemas, con el desarrollo de competencia técnicas y diagnósticas necesarias, se realizó el análisis de concordancia entre residentes y ecocardiografistas expertos, se recolectaron 122 pacientes hospitalizados que cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se les realizo un ecocardiograma convencional por el experto y una valoración ecocardiográfica por el residente, se evaluó la ventana acústica, contractilidad, función del ventrículo izquierdo y derrame pericárdico. La hipótesis planteada fue obtener una concordancia moderada. Resultados: Se analizó la concordancia entre observadores para la contractilidad miocárdica (Kappa: 0,57 p=0,000), función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo (Kappa 0,54 p=0.000) siendo esta moderada por estar entre 0,40 – 0,60 y con una alta significancia estadística, para la calidad de la ventana acústica (Kappa: 0,22 p= 0.000) y presencia de derrame pericárdico (Kappa: 0,26 p= 0.000) se encontró una escasa concordancia ubicándose entre 0,20 – 0,40. Se estableció una sensibilidad de 90%, especificidad de 67%, un valor predictivo positivo de 80% y un valor predictivo negativo de 85% para el diagnóstico de disfunción sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo realizado por los residentes.
Encuentro organizado por el Instituto Cervantes de Manila
En este art??culo se presenta un sistema de di??logo hablado en desarrollo llamado TRIVIAL, cuya finalidad es favorecer el aprendizaje de contenidos docentes por parte de los alumnos de la Universidad de Granada. La interacci??n entre los usuarios y el sistema se lleva a cabo mediante di??logos en lenguaje natural realizados de forma oral, por lo que el sistema se diferencia claramente de otras herramientas de apoyo a la docencia basadas en Tecnolog??as de la Informaci??n y las Comunicaciones (TICs). Creemos que el sistema puede fomentar el desarrollo del espacio innovador promovido por el Espacio Europeo de Educaci??n Superior (EEES), pues permite dar una visi??n diferente de las asignaturas, en la que el alumno es el actor principal del proceso de aprendizaje.