736 resultados para Teacher Pupil Ratio


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Includes bibliography.


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This paper asks whether school based management may help reducing risky sexual behavior of teenagers. For this purpose we use student level data from Bogot´a to identify students from Concession School (CS), who are enrolled in public education system with a more school management autonomy at school level, and to compare them with those students at the traditional public education system. We use propensity score matching methods to have a comparable sample between pupils at CS and traditional schools. Our results show that on average the behavior of students from CS do not have a sexual behavior that differs from those in traditional public schools except for boys in CS who have a lower probability of being sexual active. However, there are important differences when heterogeneity is considered. For example we find that CS where girls per boys ratio is higher have lower teenage pregnancy rates than public schools with also high girls per boys ratios. We also find that teachers’ human capital, teacher-pupil ratio or whether school offers sexual education are also related to statistically significant differences between CS and traditional public schools.


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Der Autor legt dar, daß es in den Niederlanden immer noch eine indirekt von ständischen Prinzipien bestimmte Schule gibt, in der die soziale Herkunft der Schüler das Lehrerverhalten bestimmt und an den Schüler je nach Schichtzugehörigkeit unterschiedliche Anforderungen gestellt werden. Der Beitrag untersucht aber auch die Rolle des Faktors Ethnizität bei der Behandlung und Beurteilung von Schülern. Die Arbeit ist Teil einer größeren Repräsentativstudie, die an 44 niederländischen Grundschulen mit einem hohen Anteil von Migrantenschülern durchgeführt wurde. In der Untersuchung erwies sich die Schichtzugehörigkeit der Schüler als bedeutsamer als die ethnische Zugehörigkeit. Das hat auch Konsequenzen für pädagogische Maßnahmen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In diesem Aufsatz werden historisch-systematische Anregungen zur Debatte um Kompetenz und Kompetenzen im Kontext bildungs- und professionstheoretischer Überlegungen angeboten. Dies ist der Ausgangspunkt für ein Nachdenken über angestrebte Kompetenzen Globalen Lernens sowie Kompetenzfelder des Global Teachers, um einen kompetenzorientierten Umgang damit zu ermöglichen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Em nosso trabalho buscamos entender a dinâmica que se estabelece na sala de aula quando são introduzidas atividades de grupos, analisando o processo grupal e sua relação com o ensino-aprendizagem da Física. Por isso, optamos por um estudo das relações estabelecidas no grupo entre os seus membros (alunos e professor) e das estratégias criadas em conjunto para a resolução da atividade. Como referencial teórico, utilizamos as concepções de grupo operativo de Pichon-Rivière, que focaliza a tarefa do grupo e o vínculo entre os membros como elementos essenciais do desenvolvimento grupal. O nosso trabalho consistiu em uma análise diacrônica e sincrônica das interações dos alunos de um dos grupos que compunha a classe em duas aulas diferentes: a primeira antes de uma intervenção institucional do professor, que atribuiu funções para cada um dos membros do grupo; e a segunda depois desta intervenção.


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A indisciplina na sala de aula prejudica o ensino e a aprendizagem sendo uma das principais causas do mal-estar dos professores, roubando-lhes energia e tempo conduzindo, muitos deles, à exaustão física e emocional e apresenta-se como um sério problema quer para professores principiantes, quer para professores experientes. A análise do ensino na perspetiva interpessoal possibilita uma nova visão sobre o ambiente de aprendizagem, nomeadamente no que se refere à relação professor-aluno. Nesta perspetiva, o enfoque dirige-se para a análise das perceções dos alunos sobre o comportamento do professor e o impacto que o mesmo tem sobre os alunos. Além de que, ao considerar-se a turma como um sistema deve ter-se em conta que o comportamento não pode ser visto como uma característica da pessoa mas, sim, como uma característica do sistema formado por aqueles que estão envolvidos na interação comunicacional. Analisar as interações comunicacionais à luz da pragmática da comunicação e dos seus cinco axiomas apresenta-se como um poderoso quadro clarificador de muitos dos comportamentos ditos disruptivos, possibilitando aos professores um “novo olhar” sobre o seu papel enquanto gestores da sala de aula. A formação realista de professores apresenta-se como uma estratégia com efeitos muito positivos uma vez que possibilita e ajuda-os a compreenderem o processo de circularidade característico da turma vista como um sistema. Por outro lado, permite evidenciar a impossibilidade dos professores de solucionarem os problemas disciplinares culpabilizando os alunos. Dito de outro modo, a formação realista conduz os professores a um (re) equacionar das suas práticas encorajando-os a selecionarem um comportamento interpessoal mais adequado. No 1º e 3º período letivo, os professores participantes (N= 15) responderam ao Questionário de Interação do Professor (Q.I.P.) e ao Questionário do Otimismo Académico (Q.O.A.) composto por três subescalas: Autoeficácia, Confiança nos alunos e famílias e Ênfase académica. Paralelamente, foram gravadas em suporte vídeo quatro aulas de cada professor, referentes a duas turmas selecionadas previamente pelos mesmos. Após a observação das suas aulas refletiram por escrito aquilo que observaram. No 2º período, participaram numa ação de formação intitulada “Ecologia da sala de aula: relacionamento interpessoal professor-aluno e a criação de ambientes de aprendizagem positivos” baseada no modelo realista de formação de professores. Desta formação resultou um conjunto de relatórios reflexivos que tiveram por objetivo desenvolver nos participantes a sua competência reflexiva, questionarem crenças tidas como inquestionáveis e otimizar a relação professor-aluno. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode afirmar-se que: 1) verificou-se um aumento no otimismo académico e no sentimento de autoeficácia; 2) observou-se um impacto nas conceções prévias, bem como no contexto organizacional.


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Immigrant Pupils in Special Education Schools The study focused on the opinions of immigrant pupils in the 1st–9th grades of basic education in four special education schools of the City of Turku and in need of special support about the following: 1. Their difficulties in going to school in general education before the transfer to a special education school. 2. Their opinions about the transfer process to special education and the changes in their school practice after being transferred to a special education school. 3. Their experiences about their school and coping in special education school. The study strengthened the idea that immigrant pupils need positive special treatment, linguistic support, individual guidance, small teaching groups and operating models that promote well-being on their integration and education path. The central educational idea of inclusive education is based on deconstructing the power structures concerning gender, ethnicity and “race” and approval of differences in the pupils. Shifting the emphasis from the pupil to working on the learning environment has resulted in special education no longer being primarily separate special education tied to a certain place, but directing the teaching more towards individuality. The central dimension of intercultural competence of a teacher working in a multicultural class seems to be the attitudes and approaches to a different pupil; the teacher must be interculturally sensitive when facing children and young people from a foreign culture. Education and teaching affect every sector of the pupil’s well-being. Learning and learning results have a connection with teaching, education and well-being. Every sector is important for the going to school and integration of an immigrant pupil in need of special support. The basis of the study is the equality of opportunities and the humanistic idea of the human being in the Finnish education policy. The immigrant pupils selected for the study represented the following language groups: Arabian, Albanian, Somali, Russian and Vietnamese. In the four special education schools, the number of immigrant pupils belonging to these language groups (2004) totalled 104. A total of 89 pupils i.e. 86% answered the questionnaire, which is sufficient considering the generalisation of the study. Although this is basically a quantitative study, the interviewing method was used in part of the study, because the questionnaires were in Finnish and consequently, it was difficult for some immigrant pupils to understand them. Understanding the questions was also affected by the fact that the age distribution in the study was very wide (7–18). According to the results of the study, the immigrants felt that the biggest drawbacks in general education were their inability to speak Finnish and lack of concentration. The actual process of being transferred to a special education class remained unclear for immigrant pupils, and they could do very little about the transfer themselves. The results show that immigrant pupils coped well in special education school; they felt that their learning ability and concentration improved in the small groups of the special education school. They considered the individual support given in the special education schools to be useful. The lower-grade immigrant pupils had a more positive attitude towards special education school than the upper-grade immigrant pupils. In all the special education schools the immigrant pupils experienced that they were in a good position in the class; girls felt this even a little more strongly than boys. The teacher-pupil-relationship was felt to be good. School bullying being so common was a negative feature experienced by immigrant pupils, who were often targets or bullies themselves. Immigrant pupils believed in their success at school and in the opportunities offered by special education schools. Generally they were of the opinion that pupils are not labelled by special school; however, upper-grade immigrant pupils were more hesitant than lower-grade immigrant pupils. This study aimed at bringing out the immigrant pupils’ own opinions. Teaching immigrant pupils in special education schools has not been very much studied in Finland, which made the topic new and even more challenging.


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The topic of this dissertation is the didactic exhibition in the Arts and Crafts subject. Exhibiting student work and art and form culture is part of a long professional tradition in the field. Yet, exhibition as form and as a way of learning are inadequately explored and debated. The didactic problem area of the thesis, where studies of formative practices are central, place it within the research field of Educational Slojd. The didactic standpoint and main theoretical perspective relate the project to the Arts didactics research field at the University College of Bergen where the aim is to develop an alternative didactics thinking for the arts; a rhetoric arts didactics. Didactic focus is shifted from the relationship between teacherpupil – teaching materials, to studies of how knowledge is formulated in specific practices. The thesis has a premise that every exhibition has its own rhetoric and that didactics is inscribed in this rhetoric in the broadest and cultural sense. Through impulses from classical rhetoric and recent text theory, the thesis challenges the Arts and Crafts’s own idiom, its theoretical foundation and didactic grasp such as shown in the discourse established by the discipline and its specific exhibitive practices, as well as studying the relationship between verbal language and the discipline’s own register. The overall objective is to develop knowledge about exhibition rhetoric and its potential as a knowledge and learning arena in this field, and thereby contribute to developing a rhetoric didactics for the Arts and Crafts subject. This raises questions such as: How is an exhibition considered to be used and understood in the subject’s didactics texts and texts about didactics? How do different exhibition spaces inscribe conditions for exhibition work? How can a rhetoric perspective of didactics make aspects of an exhibition’s form register visible and contribute to knowledge of the creative processes in an exhibition? How do some selected exhibitions inscribe creativity and learning? What can a rhetoric perspective bring to the Arts and Crafts? A rhetoric didactics perspective includes knowledge of the tradition. A historical-ideological overview traces how exhibition, of both pupil/student work and of art and form culture, are used and considered as used in the discipline over time. This part can be read separately, but in this thesis, is primarily conceived as a backdrop for the development of the dissertation’s main rhetoric perspective. The empirical data are collected from my teacher training institution and consist of specific exhibition spaces and practices, of which my own production of two exhibitions can link the research to artistic development work. A rhetoric didactics is concrete, specific and contextual. The rhetoric readings are descriptive and show how culture and nature, temporality, materiality and technology are inscribed in the exhibition’s form. Didactic reflection develops from, and close to, the rhetoric readings of the exhibition’s form and content to finally arrive at a rhetorical concept for creativity and learning.


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The author starts from a historical viewpoint to suggest that, at primary level, we have tended to perpetuate a nineteenth-century notion of music education. This is evident in the selection and organisation of musical content in curriculum documents, the scope of the teacher-pupil transaction implicit in these and the assumptions about music education which underpin research on practice conducted at official policy level. In light of the introduction of the 1999 Revised Primary School Curriculum, with its change in emphasis, she notes that it is timely to reconsider the situation. Central to this is the need to challenge the notion of music as a set of delineated skills, to explore the relationship between the primary teacher and music, and to move towards a notion of research which acknowledges the richness of multiple interpretations teachers bring to the curriculum.


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This article explores the fine detail of practice by three teachers, recognised as effective teachers of literacy. All three were observed during nine literacy lessons, working with Year 2 (6/7 year olds) classes of successful inner-city primary schools in the South of England. Data collection took place in 2003, just as their schools were moving away from the early prescription of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS), and follow up visits were made in 2005. My initial interest had been in what these three teachers did with the NLS in order to motivate pupils and ensure high pupil attainment. Following observations, interviews and coding of teacher-pupil interaction, it became clear that The NLS Framework for Teaching (DfES, 2001) was not the driver of their success but a valuable vehicle for subtle and intuitive teacher behaviours that grew from a detailed understanding of how children develop as readers and writers. Implications for training student teachers to marry theoretical understanding with the expectations of a prescribed curriculum for literacy are discussed.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Realizando uma imersão na atuação profissional do fisioterapeuta tem-se na docência um possível caminho a ser seguido, no entanto por partir de uma formação inicial que não prepara para tal, este profissional necessita construir os saberes e o significado de ser professor. Nesse sentido, o objeto desta pesquisa constitui-se no processo de construção da identidade docente do fisioterapeuta-professor. O problema assim se apresenta: qual o significado da prática na construção do ser professor para os fisioterapeutas que atuam como docentes? Para compreender tal significado, os objetivos assim se configuram: a)Identificar as principais dificuldades encontradas pelos fisioterapeutas na sua atuação docente; b) Entender como a prática docente propicia a construção dos saberes pedagógicos para os fisioterapeutas; c) Compreender os significados profissionais que a atuação docente adquire para o fisioterapeuta-professor; d) Perceber a visão do fisioterapeuta docente acerca da formação e objetos de trabalho da fisioterapia; e) Analisar a possibilidade do estabelecimento de princípios pedagógicos, a partir da Teoria da Complexidade, que possam auxiliar o Fisioterapeuta em sua ação docente. Este estudo teve como instrumento para coleta de dados a realização de entrevista com sete fisioterapeutas que atuam como docentes, tendo como critério de inclusão que os mesmos ministrem disciplinas teórico/práticas, cujo conteúdo seja especifico da Fisioterapia. Após a realização da entrevista utilizou-se da Técnica de Elaboração e Análise de Unidades de Significado para apreciação dos dados colhidos em campo e com o apoio da teoria da Complexidade de Edgar Morin construiu-se as seguintes Unidades de Significado: Significado da atuação docente; Desafios da Docência; Representações acerca do conhecimento. Percebeu-se que a prática docente significa a necessidade de constante atualização para esses profissionais, a principal dificuldade relaciona-se com a relação docente/discente e que os conhecimentos utilizados não se restringem a área específica de atuação. As referências teóricas tem apoio em Morin (1998, 2003, 2007, 2008a, 2008b), Andery et al (1996), Rebelatto e Botomé (2004), Pimenta (2005) dentre outros.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.