122 resultados para Taxi


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Despite statistics indicating that the African region has the highest road traffic fatality rate globally, there is limited scientific literature identifying the determinants of driving behaviour. In this study, we explore differences in self-reported driving behaviour across age groups and years of education in a population of 213 drivers from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We hypothesize that younger, less educated drivers will report engaging in more unsafe driving behaviours compared to older, more educated drivers. Contrary to expectations, we found the opposite effect, whereby older, more educated drivers reported engaging in more unsafe driving behaviours than younger, less educated drivers. We explain these findings by describing key characteristics of the sample and cultural ideologies of the region. The findings of this study offer some practical guidance for intervention to address the burden of road traffic injury and death in the African region.


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Taxonomia. A espécie. Distribuição geográfica. Características da espécie. Usos. Recuperação de áreas alteradas. Reprodução sexuada. Germinação. Produção de mudas. Preparo do solo e plantio. Espaçamento. Adubação. Controle de plantas invasoras. Melhoramento genético. Crescimento.


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The taxicab provides a significant contribution to the accessibility of a city and provides a wide range of services across many social groups. Considering the role of the taxi this books examines the impacts that the mode currently has, and how it may continue to develop in the provision of access within the city.


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Motorcycle crash related injuries and deaths are increasing rapidly in many African nations. Utilizing conspicuity measures, such as wearing reflective, fluorescent safety vests, are effective as crash prevention strategies. Furthermore, use of some conspicuity measures is mandated by law among motorcycle-taxi drivers in Tanzania. Nonetheless, uptake remains low. Locally appropriate strategies to improve crash preventative behaviors are needed.

To explore whether use of conspicuity measures could be improved through eliminating cost-barriers, we tested a distribution strategy involving the provision of free motorcycle safety vests among a population of motorcycle-taxi drivers in Moshi, Tanzania. We conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial among 180 motorcycle-taxi drivers in which half of the participants (90) were randomized to the intervention arm and received a free reflective vest. The other half of the participants (90) were randomized to the control arm and did not receive free vests. Whether motorcycle taxi drivers used the reflective vest was then unobtrusively observed on city streets over a period of three months.

Mixed-effects logistic regression was used to estimate differential uptake of the vests between trial arms. At baseline, 3.3% of individuals in both arms used a reflective vest. In three months of follow-up, 79 drivers in the intervention arm and 82 drivers in the control arm were able to be observed. In the intervention arm the average proportion of observations during which drivers were observed to be using a reflective vest was 9.5%, compared to 2.0% in the control arm (odds ratio: 5.5, 95% confidence interval: 1.1-26.9, p-value: 0.04). Distribution of free reflective vests did lead to an increase in vest usage, however, the increase was minimal. Removing economic barriers alone appears insufficient to adequately improve adherence to conspicuity measures.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59415


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One pamphlet advertising scenic motor trips conducted by the Niagara Falls Taxi Service, Inc., ca. 1917.


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The global restructuring of production has led to increasingly precarious working conditions around the world. Post-industrial work is characterized by poor working conditions, low wages, a lack of social protection and political representation and little job security. Unregulated forms of work that are defined as “irregular” or “illegal”, or in some cases “criminal,” are connected to sweeping transformations within the broader regulated (formal) economy. The connection between the formal and informal sectors can more accurately be described as co-optation and, as a subordinate integration of the informal to the formal. The city of St. Catharines within Niagara, along with much of Ontario’s industrial heartland, has been hard hit by deindustrialization. The rise of this illegal service is thus viewed against the backdrop of heavy economic restructuring, as opportunities for work in the manufacturing sector have become sparse. In addition, this research also explores the paradoxical co-optation of the growing illicit taxi economy and consequences for racialized and foreign credentialed labour in the taxi industry. The overall objective of this research is to explore the illicit cab industry as not only inseparable from the formal economy, but dialectically, how it is as an integrated and productive element of the public and private transportation industry. Furthermore the research examines what this co-optation means in the context of a labour market that is split by race.


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Rapport de recherche


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Cette étude cherche à clarifier les trajectoires de l’intégration des immigrants iraniens travaillant comme chauffeurs de taxi à Montréal. En effet, les conclusions de certaines études portant sur l’amélioration de l’insertion professionnelle des immigrants à moyen et à long terme étaient en opposition avec l’état actuel d’immigrants qualifiés travaillant toujours dans l’industrie du taxi après cinq, dix, quinze ans ou même plus après leur arrivée, bien que plusieurs avaient déjà une formation universitaire avant leur arrivé au Canada. Effectuée dans le cadre des études sur l’intégration des immigrants en général et en particulier au Canada et au Québec, cette recherche fait ressortir des résultats plus larges que les expériences de ce groupe après son arrivée dans le pays d’accueil en incluant les attentes et les motifs avant le départ. L’utilisation d’une démarche plutôt qualitative à partir des expériences et des trajectoires d’environ une quarantaine de chauffeurs de taxi travaillant dans une société de taxi montréalaise dont la majorité des travailleurs sont iraniens a permis de dépasser les difficultés liées à l’étude de ce groupe ainsi que d’en approfondir la connaissance. Cette étude se divise en deux parties. La première familiarise le lecteur avec l’histoire de l’immigration et celle des Iraniens au Canada ainsi qu’avec le cadre conceptuel et l’approche méthodologique de cette recherche. La deuxième partie, présentant les résultats, révèle le fait que plusieurs dans ce groupe d’immigrants n’ont pas eu accès aux droits de scolarité réduits offerts aux résidents québécois avant la régularisation de leur demande d’asile, ce qui a eu pour résultat de freiner leur grand désir de poursuivre des études au Canada. Ce blocage les a confinés dans des emplois de bas niveaux. Les cours peu avancés de français offerts aux immigrants n’ont pas pu les préparer à accéder aux bons emplois. Également, ce groupe a rejeté l’aide des agents d’emploi à cause des bas niveaux d’emplois que ceux-ci offraient. Alors que les périodes de chômage ont pu encourager certains à poursuivre leurs études, la discrimination après le 11 septembre 2001 a barré leur accès aux emplois qualifiés. La communauté iranienne n’a pas contribué à l’accès de ses membres aux emplois qualifiés à cause de son émergence récente au Canada. Ainsi, pour certains, le partenariat avec des compatriotes qu’ils connaissaient à peine et non experts dans la création d’entreprises, qui de plus ne se préoccupaient pas des exigences du métier, a abouti à leur fermeture. La comparaison entre les emplois déjà occupés et les avantages matériels et non matériels du taxi a mené ce groupe à recourir à ce métier. Pourtant, ses désavantages ont causé le départ non réfléchi de certains du Québec, mais ils sont revenus par la suite. Les traits culturels de ce groupe dans une société ethnique de taxi bien réglementée ont permis d’améliorer le fonctionnement de cette société. Enfin, malgré le désir de bon nombre de ces immigrants de changer d’emploi, l’analyse suggère que la probabilité reste, pour la majorité, peu élevée.


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O processo de internacionalização acelerada pelo qual algumas empresas buscam o mercado internacional é um fenômeno crescente que vem desafiando as teorias sobre a empresa multinacional. No Brasil diversos estudos foram realizados, principalmente com empresas de base tecnológica, sobre o chamado fenômeno Born Global que considera fatores do empreendedor e da própria empresa tais como a presença de vantagens tecnológicas, inovação e o uso de parcerias, entre outros. O objetivo geral desse estudo é avaliar o papel e a influência do investidor de risco no processo de internacionalização acelerada de empresas de base tecnológica no Brasil usando como lente teórica a Visão Baseada em Recursos. Através de um estudo comparativo de casos espera-se contribuir para um melhor entendimento da influência desse stakeholder no processo de internacionalização, investigando as possíveis diferenças de contribuições decorrentes da sua origem e analisando o papel do Top Management Team nesse processo. Foram encontradas fortes evidências identificando o investidor de risco como um recurso valioso e raro para o desenvolvimento das empresas estudadas, em linha com a Teoria da Visão Baseada em Recursos, bem como contribuidor do processo de internacionalização ocorrido em uma das empresas. O investidor de risco foi identificado como fonte agregadora de recursos financeiros e humanos, capaz de trazer legitimidade às empresas investidas em novos mercados, além de conhecimento e experiência necessários para consolidação e expansão dos negócios.