995 resultados para Tariff reduction list


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Para incentivar las exportaciones y aprovechar de mejor forma el Tratado de Libre Comercio Colombia - Estados Unidos, se realiza este proyecto el cual tiene como objeto elaborar un software que permita a los exportadores colombianos conocer la dinámica del comercio entre estos dos países, clasificada por producto, sector económico y estado, constituyéndose este proyecto como una herramienta para facilitar y estimular las importaciones colombianas a Estados Unidos.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The policy reform literature is primarily concerned with the construction of reforms that yield welfare gains. By contrast, this paper’s contribution is to develop a theoretical concept for which the focus is upon the sizes of welfare gains accruing from policy reforms rather than upon their signs. In undertaking this task, and by focusing on tariff reforms, we introduce the concept of a steepest ascent policy reform, which is a locally optimal reform in the sense that it achieves the highest marginal gain in utility of any feasible local reform. We argue that this reform presents itself as a natural benchmark for the evaluation of the welfare effectiveness of other popular tariff reforms such as the proportional tariff reduction and the concertina rules, since it provides the maximal welfare gain of all possible local reforms. We derive properties of the steepest ascent tariff reform, construct an index to measure the relative welfare effectiveness of any given tariff reform, determine conditions under which proportional and concertina reforms are locally optimal and provide illustrative examples.


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In this paper, we examined back-and-forth international transactions through tariff reduction by estimating modified gravity equations for finished goods and intermediate goods separately. Our main findings are as follows. Exports of finished machinery products are negatively associated with not only the importer's tariff rates on finished machinery products but also the exporter's tariff rates on machinery parts. Similarly, exports of machinery parts are negatively associated with not only the importer's tariff rates on machinery parts but also the exporter's tariff rates on finished machinery products. These results imply that tariff reduction in only one production process in an industry has the potential to drastically change the magnitude of trade in the whole industry.


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It is often thought that a tariff reduction, by opening up the domestic market to foreign firms, should lessen the need for a policy aimed at discouraging domestic mergers. This implicitly assumes that the tariff in question is sufficiently high to prevent foreign firms from selling in the domestic market. However, not all tariffs are prohibitive, so that foreign firms may be present in the domestic market before it is abolished. Furthermore, even if the tariff is prohibitive, a merger of domestic firms may render it nonprohibitive, thus inviting foreign firms to penetrate the domestic market. In this paper, we show, using a simple example, that in the latter two cases, abolishing the tariff may in fact make the domestic merger more profitable. Hence, trade liberalization will not necessarily reduce the profitability of domestic mergers.


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Cette thèse est constituée de trois articles. Le premier étudie le problème de pollution globale dans un contexte environnemental incertain. Le deuxième article traite des accords internationaux sur l'environnement. Le troisième article montre comment la libéralisation du commerce peut affecter le bien-être et les taxes sur la pollution dans un monde où les pays sont hétérogènes et la pollution transfrontalière. Dans le premier article, je considère un monde dans lequel les pays souffrent uniformément de la pollution globale. Ils font face à une menace continuelle de voir les dommages causés par cette pollution globale s'accroître subitement de façon irréversible. Je caractérise le niveau des émissions, le stock de pollution, et le niveau de bien-être actualisé en équilibres coopératif et non-coopératif. L'objectif visé est d'analyser l'impact de ce type d'incertitude sur les équilibres issus des comportements stratégiques des pays. Je trouve que cette incertitude peut avoir un effet significatif sur ces équilibres. Les pays réduisent leurs émissions pour atténuer leur exposition à cette menace. Plus la menace est grande, plus les pays ajustent leurs émissions afin de réduire le stock de pollution globale. Cependant, en dépit du fait que cette incertitude diminue le bien-être net initial, elle peut à long terme avoir un effet net positif sur le bien-être. Le deuxième article étend la classe des modèles dynamiques standards traitant des accords internationaux sur l'environnement au cas où la durée de la période d'engagement à de tels accords est un paramètre que l'on peut varier de façon exogène. Nous y étudions les évolutions dans le temps de la taille des coalitions stables, du stock de pollution et du taux d'émissions en fonction de la durée d'engagement. Nous montrons que la longueur de la période d'engagement a un effet très significatif sur l'équilibre. Trois intervalles de durée d'engagement sont identifiés pour lesquels l'équilibre et sa dynamique diffèrent considérablement. Alors que pour des durées de la période d'engagement très longues on observe des coalitions stables constituées d'un petit nombre de pays, si ces durées sont suffisamment courtes on peut observer un niveau de coopération élevé. Les durées d'engagement entre ces deux extrêmes sont caractérisées par une relation inverse entre la durée de la période d'engagement et la taille des coalitions stables. Ces faits portent à croire qu'il faudrait accorder une attention toute particulière au choix de la durée d'engagement lors de l'élaboration de tels accords internationaux. Le troisième article s'inscrit dans un contexte où les activités de production des pays potentiellement hétérogènes génèrent de la pollution qui peut traverser les frontières et nuire au bien-être des pays impliqués. Dans chacun de ces pays, l'état impose des taxes sur la pollution aux firmes polluantes et des tarifs à l'importation afin de corriger cette distorsion. Ce papier a pour but d'évaluer les effets que pourrait avoir une diminution des tarifs douaniers sur la production, les taxes sur la pollution et le bien-être de ces pays. La littérature existante a étudié ce problème, mais seulement dans le cadre d'un commerce bilatéral entre pays identiques. Cet article fournit un cadre d'analyse plus réaliste dans lequel les pays ne seront pas nécessairement identiques et où le commerce pourra être multilatéral. Il devient alors possible de mettre en évidence le biais introduit en négligeant ces deux facteurs. Dans ce nouveau contexte, je montre qu'une réduction des tarifs d'importation n'augmente pas nécessairement la production; elle peut aussi nuire au bien-être, même si la pollution est purement locale.


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The present study reveals that there are enormous opportunities for forging closer economic relations among SAARC countries. These opportunities could be fully utilized through the twin processes of trade liberalization and industrial restructuring which are complementary to each other. The SAARC Preferential Trade Arrangement (SAPTA) is the first step in trade liberalization. However, the scope of SAPTA has to be sufficiently widened in order to derive substantial benefits from preferential trading agreements. It is suggested that the SAARC countries adopt a combined approach for tariff elimination, tariff reduction and preferential or concessional tariffs. This process will help in moving quickly towards the creation of a Free Trade Area in the SAARC region. It is necessary to emphasis that, in any regional organization, smaller countries may feel that greater trade co-operation with their larger neighbors may result in larger countries taking over their economies. India occupies 70% of the SAARC region, both geographically and economically, and the remaining 6 nations of the SAARC borders only with India and not with each other. As the biggest, and the most industrialized trading partner among the SAARC countries, India has to recognize that a special responsibility devolves on her and take a lead in making the Regional Economic Co-operation a reality in South Asia.


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In the backdrop of issues encountered by the marine product exports from Kerala in the traditional strongholds of the European Union and the United States, there is a need to target newer markets. The ASEAN India Trade in Goods Agreement (TIGA) though proposes to liberalize trade between India and the ASEAN member nations, fails to deliver greater market access for our marine products in the markets of the ASEAN nations. This can be attributed to factors such as the lower prevailing MFN base rate in the ASEAN nations, tariff reduction commitments reciprocated by them being lesser than India’s offers, inclusion of our prominent items of export in the restrictive lists of most of the ASEAN nations etc. Export forecast suggests that this is a market to be reckoned, which in turn stipulates the need to secure greater concessions and preferential treatment for our marine product exports in the ASEAN nations to capitalize on the gains that have been made


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El proyecto estudia el impacto del Tratado de Libre Comercio firmado entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, está enfocado en el sector agropecuario y el efecto que éste pueda tener cuando los productos terminen su proceso de desgravación. La investigación fue descriptiva, documental y correlacional. El TLC fue firmado por Colombia con el fin de beneficiar a los productores y consumidores, reduciendo precios e incrementando la oferta de productos para el consumo interno. Otro argumento usado por Colombia es que un acuerdo de comercio bilateral incrementa los niveles de empleo e ingreso. Sin embargo, las diferencias de administración y estructura del sector agropecuario de los dos países son inmensas, y esto representa una desventaja y riesgo potencial para Colombia en términos de competitividad y desarrollo.


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Desde que Estados Unidos y Colombia firmaron el Tratado de Libre Comercio se establecieron una serie de acuerdos respecto a diferentes sectores, como lo es el sector avícola. Con su entrada en vigencia se hizo efectiva la desgravación arancelaria y por ende la liberalización de este sector, lo cual pone a la avicultura colombiana y en especial a la avicultura del departamento de Cundinamarca en riesgo debido a los bajos niveles arancelarios que se tienen, así como el diferencial de precios de venta entre Colombia y Estados Unidos. Por tal razón el presente trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo principal analizar los efectos que se han dado por el incumplimiento de los compromisos arancelarios acordados en la negociación del tratado en el sector avícola de Cundinamarca, así como analizar las asimetrías existentes en el nivel de desarrollo económico y la competitividad sectorial.


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The “cotton issue” has been a topic of several academic discussions for trade policy analysts. However the design of trade and agricultural policy in the EU and the USA has become a politically sensitive matter throughout the last five years. This study utilizing the Agricultural Trade Policy Simulation Model (ATPSM) aims to gain insights into the global cotton market, to explain why domestic support for cotton has become an issue, to quantify the impact of the new EU agricultural policy on the cotton sector, and to measure the effect of eliminating support policies on production and trade. Results indicate that full trade liberalization would lead the four West African countries to better terms of trade with the EU. If tariff reduction follows the so-called Swiss formula, world prices would increase by 3.5%.


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Although the subject of a large number of studies, the debate on the links between trade reform and productivity growth is still unresolved and most studies at the micro level have not been able to establish a relationship between the two phenomena. Brazil provides a natural experiment to study this issue that is seldom available: it was one of the closest economies in the world until 1988, when trade reform was launched, and intra-industry data are available on an annual basis before, during and after liberalization. Using a panel of industry sectors this paper tests and measures the impact of trade reform on productivity growth. Results confirm the association between the former and the latter and show that the magnitude of the impact of tariff reduction on the growth rates of TFP and output per worker was substantial. Our data reveal large and widespread productivity improvement, so that the estimations in this paper are an indication that liberalization had an important effect on industrial performance in the country. Cross-sectional differences in protection are also investigated.


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O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar, por meio de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável, multi-setorial e multi-regional, os impactos de uma redução das tarifas dos bens não agrícolas sobre a economia brasileira, a partir da Fórmula Suíça, com diferentes coeficientes. O modelo de equilíbrio geral utilizado é o Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) e os cortes de tarifas foram estimados a partir de dados do MAcMap. Além dos impactos macroeconômicos e setoriais, testou-se a sensibilidade do modelo ao aumento das elasticidades de Armington e à implementação de liberalização tarifária agrícola.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography