717 resultados para Tarenaya spinosa


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Para investigar o potencial anti-helmíntico do extrato hidroalcóolico da raiz de Tarenaya spinosa, como alternativa no controle do nematóide gastrintestinal Haemonchus contortus de ovinos, foram realizados testes in vitro com Artemia salina, em seguida, sobre coproculturas contendo ovos do helminto, avaliando a ação ovicida e larvicida do extrato. Após os testes preliminares, foi realizado o teste in vivo em 20 ovinos machos os quais foram divididos em quatro tratamentos Grupo 1: ivermectina 1%; Grupo 2: sem tratamento; Grupo 3: extrato hidroalcóolico de T. spinosa 150μg/mL; Grupo 4: extrato hidroalcóolico de T. spinosa 300μg/mL, amostras de fezes e de sangue foram coletadas para exames parasitológicos e hematológicos. No teste in vitro, a toxicidade frente a A. salina foi de 150μg/mL, obteve-se eficiência de 81,53% sobre ovos e larvas do H. contortus. No teste in vivo, a avaliação da eficácia dos tratamentos foi realizada pelo teste de redução na contagem de ovos fecais (RCOF), os grupos tratados com Ivermectina e T. spinosa a 150μg/mL e 300μg/mL obtiveram os melhores resultados, reduzindo o OPG após 28 dias em 40,6, 41 e 40,2% respectivamente, revelando assim seu potencial fitoterápico para fins de controle de nematódeos gastrintestinais em ovinos.


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Lepocreadium bimarinum and Vitellibaculum spinosa are referred for the first time in Stephanolepis hispidus and in Brazil, and Hirudinella ventricosa is reported from Scomberomorus cavalla. Measurements, figures and comments are given.


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In pot experiments, two adjuvants were evaluated for their efficacy in enhancing activity of five herbicides applied at reduced rates (75% of the recommended rates) on Emex spinosa at the cotyledon-leaf and at the two- to four- leaf stage. Herbicides (at recommended rates) including fluroxypyr+MCPA at 450 g a.i. ha-1, carfentrazone-ethyl at 20 g a.i. ha-1, bromoxynil+MCPA at 450 g a.i. ha-1, thifensulfuron-methyl at 75 g a.i. ha-1 and tribenuronmethyl at 75 g a.i. ha-1 alone and tank mixed at reduced rates with adjuvants, namely, alkyl ether sulphate sodium salt at 625 mL ha-1 or fatty alcohol ethoxylate at 375 mL ha-1. Addition of the adjuvants to reduced rates of fluroxypyr+MCPA and carfentrazone-ethyl, increased their efficacy with 100% mortality and biomass reduction of E. spinosa at the cotyledon- leaf stage and at the two- to four- leaf stage which was similar to their recommended rates without the adjuvants except for carfentrazone-ethyl at a reduced rate without adjuvants at the two- to four- leaf stage. Bromoxynil+MCPA at reduced rates with alkyl ether sulphate sodium salt also gave 100% control of E. spinosa over weedy check at the two- to four- leaf stage. Both the adjuvants generally increased the efficacy of tribenuron-methyl at reduced rates when sprayed at both leaf stages. These findings suggest that the use of adjuvants may increase the efficacy of the above mentioned herbicides against E. spinosa and it may be incorporated in an integrated weed management program.


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Emex australis and E. spinosa are significant weed species in wheat and other crops. Information on the extent of competition of the Emex species will be helpful to access yield losses in wheat. Field experiments were conducted to quantify the interference of tested weed densities each as single or mixture of both at 1:1 on their growth and yield, wheat yield components and wheat grain yield losses in two consecutive years. Dry weight of both weed species increased from 3-6 g m-2 with every additional plant of weed, whereas seed number and weight per plant decreased with increasing density of either weed. Both weed species caused considerable decrease in yield components like spike bearing tillers, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight of wheat with increasing density population of the weeds. Based on non-linear hyperbolic regression model equation, maximum yield loss at asymptotic weed density was estimated to be 44 and 62% with E. australis, 56 and 70% with E. spinosa and 63 and 72% with mixture of both species at 1:1 during both year of study, respectively. It was concluded that E. spinosa has more competition effects on wheat crop as compared to E. australis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this present work an ethnographic research was performed with 84 native medicinal specimens from the Litoral Norte Riograndense, from which two plants Cleome spinosa Jacq e Pavonia varians Moric were submitted to ethnobotanic, phytochemistry and pharmacologic investigations. Additionally, a phytopharmacological research of the medicinal specimen Croton cajucara Benth ( native plant of the Amazon region of Brazil) was improved. The obtained phytochemical results of the C. spinosa and P. varians showed the presence of flavonoids constituents, among other components. The two flavonoids (2S)-5-hydroxy-7,4 -dimethoxy-flavanone and 5,4 -dihydroxy-3,7,3 -trimethoxy-flavone were isolated from C. spinosa. The antioxidant activity of the hydroalcoholic extracts of C. spinosa and P. varians solubilized in the microemulsion systems SME-1 and SME-4, was evaluated in the DPPHmethod. The used SME systems [obtained with Tween 80: Span 20 (3:1) and isopropyl myristate (IPM)] improved the dissolution of those tested polar extracts, with higher efficacy to the SME-1 system (in which ethanol was included as cosurfactant). The CE50 values evidenced for P. varians were 114 [g/mL (SME-1) and 246 [g/mL (SME-4); for C. spinosa it was 224 [g/mL (SME-1) and 248 [g/mL (SME-4), being the system SME-1 more effective for both tested extracts. The hydroalcoholic extracts of P. varians (HAE-PV) was also submitted to pharmacological screening for antinociceptive activity in animal models. The oral administration of this extract (100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg) inhibited the acetic acid-induced writhing in mice. The higher inhibition (74%) was evidenced to the 1000 mg/kg administered dose. Its effect on the central nervous system (CNS) was investigated by tail flick and formalin-method and reveled that it has negligible antinociceptive action on the CNS. After taking consideration of HAE-PV interaction, Pavonia varians Moric could be used as a potent analgesic agent in case of peripheral algesia, without affecting the CNS. The phytochemical study of the stem bark of Croton cajucara Benth lead to the isolation of 19-nor-clerodanetype diterpenes, as well as to the separation of its fixed oil FO-CC. This non polar oil material reveled to be rich in sesquiterpenes and 19-nor-clerodanes components. The biologic effect of OF-CC was evaluated in the development in vitro of the fungis phytopatogens such as Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii. Significant inhibitory effect of the tested fungis (at 0,2 mg.mL-1 dosage) were comproved. A Mass Spectrometry study of clerodane-type diterpenes was developed in order to identify characteristic fragments on mass spectrometra of both clerodane and 19-nor-clerodane presenting an α,β-insaturated carbonyl moiety at ring A of the decalin-system. For that study, mass spectroscopy data were analysed for 19-nor-clerodanes [trans-dehydrocrotonin (DCTN), trans-crotonin (CTN), cis-cajucarin B (c-CJC-B), and cajucarinolide (CJCR)] and for clerodanes [isosacacarin (ISCR) and transcajucarin A (t-CJC-A)] obtained from the stem bark of C. cajucara, and also clerodane-type from other species. The trans-junction of the enone-system clerodanes was clear correlated with the presence of the characteristic ions at m/z 95, 121 e 205. Meanwhile, the characteristics ions at m/z 122 e 124 were correlated to cis-junction. The trans-junction of the enone-system 19-nor-clerodanes showed characteristics ions at m/z 161, 134 e 121. This study could be successful employed for identification of clerodane constituents from other specimens without any additional spectroscopic analyses, as well as a previously phytochemical analyzes in clerodane project search


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The main goal of this study was the identification of the items of the diet of the L. spinosa, based on the stomach contents analysis. The crabs were obtained from Ubatuba region north-eastern shore of São Paulo State. In the laboratory, all the individuals were dissected, the stomach was retreated and fixed in 10% formaline. The alimentary items were identified under stereomicroscope and analysed by the method of Frequency of Occurrence. A total of 194 stomachs was analysed and nine alimentary items were obtained. Unindentified material was found in 98% of analysed stomach and poriferan were present in less then 1% of stomachs. These results pointed a diversified diet explored by this crab, as well as the employment of some different methods for food intake. This suggested that these crabs could occupy different position in the trophic chain.


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Aspectos morfológicos e anatômicos da folha de Jacaratia spinosa (Aubl.) A.DC. (Caricaceae) foram estudados com detalhe. O limbo foliar possui organização dorsiventral, estômago anomocíticos, glândulas, laticíferos do tipo articulado anastomosado e epiderme papilosa na face abaxial. A venação é bronquidódroma terminando em alças no bordo foliar.


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An iridoid glucoside: randinoside, along with five known iridoids: galioside, deacetylasperulosidic acid methyl ester, scandoside methyl ester, geniposide and gardenoside, were isolated from the stems of Randia spinosa. The structures were determined by spectroscopic analysis, including 2D NMR techniques. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of Libinia spinosa H. MILNE EDWARDS 1834 on unconsolidated sublittoral bottoms in two regions off the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, and to analyze the influence of environmental factors on the occurrence of this species and observe the recruitment pattern of its young. Crabs were collected monthly (July 2001 through June 2003) at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 In, from a fishing boat equipped with two double-rig nets. Samples of water and sediment were collected for analysis of environmental factors. A total of 2112 spider crabs was obtained (701 juveniles and 1411 adults). The highest abundance was observed at depths of 20 and 25 m, in both regions. These localities were characterized by substrate composed of very fine sand and silt-clay. In regard to the temporal distribution, juveniles and adults predominated in the summer and winter months respectively. From these results, one can infer that the distribution of L. spinosa is related to environmental factors favorable for its life cycle; sediment type is the factor which most strongly determines its presence. © E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), 2007.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Libinia spinosa H. Milne Edwards in Guérin, 1832 and L. ferreirae Brito Capello, 1871, inhabit very similar environments, and their geographic and bathymetric distributions overlap for about 3000 km along the southwestern Atlantic. Both species are commonly caught in the same haul and differentiating between them can often be difficult. Traditionally, morphological differentiation between L. spinosa and L. ferreirae has been based exclusively on the number of spines along the median, longitudinal line of the carapace and the development of a process at the anterolateral angle of the basal segment of the antenna. Because Libinia spinosa and L. ferreirae share similar numbers of median spines (7 and 6, respectively), and the number of median spines of the carapace and the process at the anterolateral angle of the basal antennal segment are variable, they are of little value in separating these species. It is shown herein that unequivocal identification can be easily achieved based on features of the male and female thoracic sternum, pereiopod dactyli, and infraorbital notch. A lectotype is designated for L. spinosa and its authorship and date are corrected. Libinia gibbosa A. Milne-Edwards, 1878, is demonstrated to be a junior synonym of L. ferreirae. The holotype of L. gibbosa is figured for the first time.