999 resultados para TUMOR PROMOTION
Since the anthrone chrysarobin oxidizes and generates free radicals, investigations were conducted to assess a possible role for free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skin tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Epidermal glutathione levels were not noticeably altered by chrysarobin, nor did a glutathione-depleting agent enhance promotion by chrysarobin. Multiple applications of chrysarobin increased lipid peroxide levels in mouse epidermis two-fold as compared with controls. The antioxidant $\alpha$-tocopherol and the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid both inhibited production of lipid peroxides by chrysarobin. The antioxidants $\alpha$-tocopherol acetate and ascorbyl palmitate effectively inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin. Since prooxidant states can lead to increases in intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$, the effect of two Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists, verapamil and TMB-8, on chrysarobin-induced promotion and promoter-related effects were investigated. Both Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin, suggesting a possible role for intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$ alterations in chrysarobin-tumor promotion. Since radical generating compounds are reported to possess the ability to enhance progression of papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), the effects of chrysarobin on papilloma development were tested. Growth kinetics and regression of papillomas generated with limited promotion with chrysarobin were similar to what was reported for the nonradical generating promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) (Aldaz et al., 1991). To test the chrysarobin's ability to enhance progression of pre-existing papillomas to SCCs, tumors were generated by initiation with dimethylbenz (a) anthracene and promotion with TPA. Then mice were treated with chrysarobin, TPA or acetone for 45 weeks. When mice treated with chrysarobin were compared to mice treated continually with TPA with similar numbers of papillomas, the number of papillomas that progressed to SCCs was similar, suggesting that papilloma burden influences the progression of papillomas to SCCs, rather than radical production. In summary, the present study suggests that chrysarobin produces oxidative stress in mouse epidermis as indicated by the generation of lipid peroxides. Antioxidants inhibited production of lipid peroxides and tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Collectively, these data suggest a role for free radicals or ROS in tumor promotion by chrysarobin. ^
The importance of IGF-1/IGF-1R signaling is evident in human cancers including breast, colon, prostate, and lung which have been shown to overexpress IGF-1. Also, serum levels of IGF-1 have been identified as a risk factor for these cancers. IGF-1 has been primarily shown to mediate its mitogenic effects through signaling pathways such as MAPK and PI3K/Akt. In this regard, BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice were generated and these mice displayed hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis in the epidermis. In addition, these mice were also found to have elevated MAPK, PI3K, and Akt activities. Furthermore, overexpression of IGF-1 in epidermis can act as a tumor promoter. BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice developed papillomas after initiation with DMBA without further treatment with a tumor promoter such as TPA. Previous data has also shown that inhibition of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway by the inhibitor LY294002 was able to reduce the number of tumors formed by IGF-1 mediated tumor promotion. The current studies presented demonstrate that Akt may be the critical effector molecule in IGF-1/IGF-1R mediated tumor promotion. We have found that inhibition of PI3K/Akt by LY294002 inhibits cell cycle components, particularly those associated with G1 to S phase transition including Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, E2F1, and E2F4, that are elevated in epidermis of BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice. We have also demonstrated that Akt activation may be a central theme in early tumor promotion. In this regard, treatment with diverse tumor promoters such as TPA, okadaic acid, chrysarobin, and UVB was shown to activate epidermal Akt and its downstream signaling pathways after a single treatment. Furthermore, overexpression of Akt targeted to the basal cells of the epidermis led to hyperplasia and increased labeling index as determined by BrdU staining. These mice also had constitutively elevated levels of cell cycle components, particularly Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, E2F1, E2F4, and Mdm-2. These mice developed skin tumors following initiation with DMBA and were hypersensitive to the tumor promoting effects of TPA. Collectively, these studies provide evidence that Akt activation plays an important role in the process of mouse skin tumor promotion. ^
An initiation-promotion bioassay in CD-1 mice was used to examine the role of chronic irritation and inflammation in tumor promotion by petroleum middle distillates. A representative hydrodesulfurized middle distillate (API 81-07) was selected as the test article. Test groups (54 mice per group) were initiated once with 50 ug of 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA). Promotion with API 81-07 consisted of twice weekly treatments for 25 weeks with either 25 ul, 50 ul, 50 ul + daily treatment with 15 ug dexamethasone, 50 ul + post-application washings, and 100 ul. Three mice from each group were sacrificed at 21 day intervals (24 total per group). The skin from interim sacrificed (IS) mice was examined histopathologically for tumor, acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasia, epidermal crusting, and subacute inflammation. In-life observations included examination of all mice for erythema and edema for 8 weeks following the first promotion treatment. Tumor incident at study termination was as follows: 25 ul (45%), 50 ul (43%), 50 ul + dexamethasone (0%), 50 ul + washing (70%), and 100 ul (81%). An overall correlation of $>$0.90 between tumor incidence and group means for acanthosis and hyperkeratosis was observed in IS mice at all intervals. Correlations of $<$0.75 were observed for other group mean histopathological parameters and tumor incidence. The overall correlation of group mean erythema and edema with tumor incident was $>$0.90. The results of this study support the hypothesis that induction of a lasting, albeit mild, hyperplasia is an essential, but not sufficient requirement, for tumor promotion. Furthermore, subacute inflammation does not appear to be a significant factor in tumor promotion by petroleum middle distillates. However, inflammation may be a factor in tumor progression. ^
The prevalence of obesity has continued to rise over the last several decades in the United States lending to overall increases in risk for chronic diseases including many types of cancer. In contrast, reduction in energy consumption via calorie restriction (CR) has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of carcinogenesis across a broad range of species and tumor types. Previous data has demonstrated differential signaling through Akt and mTOR via the IGF-1R and other growth factor receptors across the diet-induced obesity (DIO)/CR spectrum. Furthermore, mTORC1 is known to be regulated directly via nutrient availability, supporting its role in the link between epithelial carcinogenesis and diet-induced obesity. In an effort to better understand the importance of mTORC1 in the context of both positive and negative energy balance during epithelial carcinogenesis, we have employed the use of specific pharmacological inhibitors, rapamycin (mTORC1 inhibitor) and metformin (AMPK activator) to target mTORC1 or various components of this pathway during skin tumor promotion. Two-stage skin carcinogenesis studies demonstrated that mTORC1 inhibition via rapamycin, metformin or combination treatments greatly inhibited skin tumor development in normal, overweight and obese mice. Furthermore, mechanisms by which these chemopreventive agents may be exerting their anti-tumor effects were explored. In addition, the effect of these compounds on the epidermal proliferative response was analyzed and drastic decreases in epidermal hyperproliferation and hyperplasia were found. Rapamycin also inhibited dermal inflammatory cell infiltration in a dose-dependent manner. Both compounds also blocked or attenuated TPA-induced signaling through epidermal mTORC1 as well as several downstream targets. In addition, inhibition of this pathway by metformin appeared to be, at least in part, dependent on AMPK activation in the skin. Overall, the data indicate that pharmacological strategies targeting this pathway offset the tumor-enhancing effects of DIO and may serve as possible CR mimetics. They suggest that mTORC1 contributes significantly to the process of skin tumor promotion, specifically during dietary energy balance effects. Exploiting the mechanistic information underlying dietary energy balance responsive pathways will help translate decades of research into effective strategies for prevention of epithelial carcinogenesis.
The JAK-STAT pathway is a major signaling pathway involved in many biological processes including proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. Aberrant expression of STATs has been reported in multiple human cancers and murine mouse models of tumorigenesis. Previous studies from our lab and others have established a critical role for Stat3 in epithelial tumorigenesis, but the role of Stat1 is largely unknown. The current study was designed to explore the role of Stat1 during multistage skin carcinogenesis. Topical treatment with both TPA and the anthrone derivative chrysarobin (CHRY) led to rapid phosphorylation of Stat1 on both tyrosine (Tyr701) and serine (Ser727) residues in epidermis. CHRY treatment also led to upregulation of unphosphorylated Stat1 (uStat1) at later time points. In addition, CHRY treatment also led to upregulation of IRF-1 mRNA and protein which was dependent on Stat1. Further analyses demonstrated that topical treatment with CHRY but not TPA upregulated interferon-gamma (IFNg) mRNA in the epidermis and that the induction of both IRF-1 and uStat1 was dependent on IFNg signaling. Stat1 deficient (Stat1-/-) mice were highly resistant to skin tumor promotion by CHRY. In contrast, the tumor response (in terms of both papillomas and squamous cell carcinomas) was similar in Stat1-/- mice and wild-type littermates with TPA as the promoter. Histological evaluation of the proliferative response confirmed the data obtained from the tumor study for both TPA and CHRY. In addition, maximal induction of both cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase in epidermis following treatment with CHRY was also dependent on the presence of functional Stat1. Following CHRY treatment, Stat1-/- mice exhibited reduced macrophage infiltration and reduced production of many immune cell derived chemokines/cytokines. These studies define a novel mechanism associated with skin tumor promotion by the anthrone class of tumor promoters involving upregulation of IFNg signaling in the epidermis and downstream signaling through activated (phosphorylated) Stat1 and subsequent upregulation of IRF-1 and uStat1.
In the field of chemical carcinogenesis the use of animal models has proved to be a useful tool in dissecting the multistage process of tumor formation. In this regard the outbred SENCAR mouse has been the strain of choice in the analysis of skin carcinogenesis given its high sensitivity to the chemically induced acquisition of premalignant lesions, papillomas, and the later progression of these lesions into squamous cell carcinomas (SCC).^ The derivation of an inbred strain from the SENCAR stock called SSIN, that in spite of a high sensitivity to the development of papillomas lack the ability to transform these premalignant lesions into SCC, suggested that tumor promotion and progression were under the genetic control of different sets of genes.^ In the present study the nature of susceptibility to tumor progression was investigated. Analysis of F1 hybrids between the outbred SENCAR and SSIN mice suggested that there is at least one dominant gene responsible for susceptibility to tumor progression.^ Later development of another inbred strain from the outbred SENCAR stock, that had sensitivity to both tumor promotion and progression, allowed the formulation of a more accurate genetic model. Using this newly derived line, SENCAR B/Pt. and SSIN it was determined that there is one dominant tumor progression susceptibility gene. Linkage analysis showed that this gene maps to mouse chromosome 14 and it was possible to narrow the region to a 16 cM interval.^ In order to better characterize the nature of the progression susceptibility differences between these two strains, their proliferative pattern was investigated. It was found that SENCAR B/Pt, have an enlarged proliferative compartment with overexpression of cyclin D1, p16 and p21. Further studies showed an aberrant overexpression of TGF-$\beta$ in the susceptible strain, an increase in apoptosis, p53 protein accumulation and early loss of connexin 26. These results taken together suggest that papillomas in the SENCAR B/Pt. mice have higher proliferation and may have an increase in genomic instability, these two factors would contribute to a higher sensitivity to tumor progression. ^
The effects of cell toxicity are known to be inherent in carcinogenesis induced by radiation or chemical carcinogens. The event of cell death precludes tumor induction from occurring. A long standing problem is to estimate the proportion of initiated cells that die before tumor induction. No experimental techniques are currently available for directly gauging the rate of cell death over extended periods of time. The obstacle can be surmounted by newly developed theoretical methods of carcinogenesis modeling. In this paper, we apply such methods to published data on multiple lung tumors in mice receiving different schedules of urethane. Bioassays of this type play an important role in testing environmental chemicals for carcinogenic activity. Our estimates for urethane-induced carcinogenesis show that, unexpectedly, many initiated cells die early in the course of tumor promotion. We present numerical estimates for the probability of initiated cell death for different schedules (and doses) of urethane administration.
Induction of phase 2 detoxification enzymes by phenolic antioxidants can account for prevention of tumor initiation but cannot explain why these compounds inhibit tumor promotion. Phase 2 genes are induced through an antioxidant response element (ARE). Although the ARE resembles an AP-1 binding site, we show that the major ARE binding and activating protein is not AP-1. Interestingly, AP-1 DNA binding activity was induced by the phenolic antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone (BHQ), but the induction of AP-1 transcriptional activity by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) was inhibited by this compound. BHQ induced expression of c-jun, junB, fra-1, and fra-2, which encode AP-1 components, but was a poor inducer of c-fos and had no effect on fosB. Like c-Fos and FosB, the Fra proteins heterodimerize with Jun proteins to form stable AP-1 complexes. However, Fra-containing AP-1 complexes have low transactivation potential. Furthermore, Fra-1 repressed AP-1 activity induced by either TPA or expression of c-Jun and c-Fos. We therefore conclude that inhibitory AP-1 complexes composed of Jun-Fra heterodimers, induced by BHQ, antagonize the transcriptional effects of the tumor promoter TPA, which are mediated by Jun-Fos heterodimers. Since AP-1 is an important mediator of tumor promoter action, these findings may explain the anti-tumor-promoting activity of phenolic antioxidants.
Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and connexin expression (Cx26 and Cx32) in mouse liver were studied after administration of 4-bis[2-(3,5 dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene (TCPOBOP), a phenobarbital-like enzyme inducer. Female C57BI/6 mice were administered TCPOBOP (5.8 mg/kg BW) and euthanized 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours later. Liver samples were snap frozen, or fixed in formalin, or submitted to GJIC analysis. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunohistochemistry and the Western blotting for Cx26 and Cx32 were performed. After 48 and 72 h of drug administration the liver-to-body weight ratio was increased 70% and 117% (p < 0.0001), respectively. There were temporal-dependent alterations in liver histopathology and a significant increase in cell proliferation was noted after 48h and sustained after 72h, though to a lesser extent (p < 0.0001). In addition. TCPOBOP administration induced apoptosis, which appeared to be time-dependent showing statistical significance only after 72h (p < 0.0001). Interestingly, a transient disruption by nearly 50% of GJIC capacity was detected after 48 h of drug ingestion, which recovered after 72 h (p = 0.003). These GJIC changes were due to altered levels of Cx26 and Cx32 in the livers of TCPOBOP-treated mice. We concluded that a single administration of TCPOBOP transiently disrupted the levels of GJIC due to decreased expression of connexins and increased apoptotic cell death in mouse liver. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The presence of toxic cyanobacteria in drinking water reservoirs renders the need to develop treatment methods for the 'safe' removal of their associated toxins. Chlorine has been shown to successfully remove a range of cyanotoxins including microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxins. Each cyanotoxin requires specific treatment parameters, particularly solution pH and free chlorine residual. However, currently there has not been any investigation into the toxicological effect of solutions treated for the removal of these cyanotoxins by chlorine. Using the P53(def) transgenic mouse model mate and female C57BL/6J hybrid mice were used to investigate potential cancer inducing effects from such oral dosing solutions. Both purified cyanotoxins and toxic cell-free extract cyanobacterial solutions were chlorinated and administered over 90 and 170 days (respectively) in drinking water. No increase in cancer was found in any treatment. The parent cyanotoxins, microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxins were readily removed by chlorine. There was no significant increase in the disinfection byproducts trihalomethanes or haloacetic acids, levels found were well below guideline values. Histological examination identified no effect of treatment solutions except male mice treated with chlorinated cylindrospermopsin (as a cell free extract). In this instance 40% of males were found to have fatty vacuolation in their livers, cause unknown. It is recommended that further toxicology be undertaken on chlorinated cyanobacterial solutions, particularly for non-genotoxic carcinogenic compounds, for example the Tg. AC transgenic mouse model. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1,2-sn-Diacylglycerols (DAGs) are activators of protein kinase C (PKQ, which is involved in the regulation of colonic mucosal proliferation. Extracellular DAG has been shown to stimulate the growth of cancer cell lines in vitro and may therefore play an important role in tumor promotion. DAG has been detected in human fecal extracts and is thought to be of microbial origin. Hitherto, no attempts have been made to identify the predominant fecal bacterial species involved in its production. We therefore used anaerobic batch culture systems to determine whether fecal bacteria could utilize phosphatidylcholine (0.5% [wt/vol]) to produce DAG. Production was found to be dependent upon the presence of the substrate and was enhanced in the presence of high concentrations of deoxycholate (5 and 10 mM) in the growth medium. Moreover, its production increased with the pH, and large inter- and intraindividual variations were observed between cultures seeded with inocula from different individuals. Clostridia and Escherichia coli multiplied in the fermentation systems, indicating their involvement in phosphatidylcholine metabolism. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease in the number of Bifidobacterium spp. in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. Pure-culture experiments showed that 10 of the 12 strains yielding the highest DAG levels (>50 nmol/ml) were isolated from batch culture enrichments run at pH 8.5. We found that the strains capable of producing large amounts of DAG were predominantly Clostridium bifermentans (8 of 12), followed by Escherichia coli (2 of 12). Interestingly, one DAG-producing strain was Bifidobacterium infantis, which is often considered a beneficial gut microorganism. Our results have provided further evidence that fecal bacteria can produce DAG and that specific bacterial groups are involved in this process. Future strategies to reduce DAG formation in the gut should target these species.
When calcinine (A-23187) (2 mu M), a known Ca2+ ionophore, is present, a significant protection is observed to a mitochondrial suspension undergoing lipid peroxidation by Fe2+-citrate complex. A-23187 can remove Ca2+, which seems to have an important role in the lipid peroxidation process, from its 'lesive sites' and consequently preventing the damage. This information has importance in terms of knowing the mechanisms and avoiding the damages of lipid peroxidation that occur in some pathological cases such as tumor promotion and hemochromatosis.
Results from epidemiologic studies suggest that persons working in occupations with presumed electric and magnetic field (EMF) exposures are at increased risk of brain cancer. This study utilized data from a completed, population-based, interview case-control study of central nervous system (CNS) tumors and employment in the petrochemical industry to test the hypothesis that employment in EMF-related occupations increases CNS tumor risk. A total of 375 male residents of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Area, age 20 to 79, with primary neuroglial CNS tumors diagnosed during the period 1980-84 were identified. A population-based comparison group of 450 age, race and geographically matched males was selected. Occupational histories and potential risk factor data were collected via personal interviews with study subjects or their next-of-kin.^ Adjusted odds ratios were less than 1.0 for persons ever employed in an electrical occupation (OR = 0.65; 95% CI = 0.40-1.09) or whose usual occupation was electrical (OR = 0.76; 95% CI = 0.33-1.73). Relative risk estimates did not increase significantly as time since first employment or duration of employment increased. Examination of CNS tumor risk by high (OR = 0.80), medium (OR = 0.88) and low (OR = 0.45) exposure categories for persons whose usual occupation was electrical did not indicate a dose-response pattern. In addition, the mean age of exposed cases was not significantly younger than that for unexposed cases. Analysis of risk by probability of exposure to EMFs showed non-significant elevations in the adjusted odds ratio for definite exposed workers defined by their usual occupation (OR = 1.78; 95% CI = 0.70-4.51) and ever/never employed status (OR = 1.54; 95% CI = 0.17-4.91).^ These findings suggest that employment in occupations with presumed EMF exposures does not increase CNS tumor risk as was suggested by previous investigations. The results of this study also do not support the EMF-tumor promotion hypothesis. ^
Solar UV irradiation is the causal factor for the increasing incidence of human skin carcinomas. The activation of the transcription factor activator protein-1 (AP-1) has been shown to be responsible for the tumor promoter action of UV light in mammalian cells. We demonstrate that proteinase inhibitor I (Inh I) and II (Inh II) from potato tubers, when applied to mouse epidermal JB6 cells, block UV-induced AP-1 activation. The inhibition appears to be specific for UV-induced signal transduction for AP-1 activation, because these inhibitors did not block UV-induced p53 activation nor did they exhibit any significant influence on epidermal growth factor-induced AP-1 transactivation. Furthermore, the inhibition of UV-induced AP-1 activity occurs through a pathway that is independent of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and c-Jun N-terminal kinases as well as P38 kinases. Considering the important role of AP-1 in tumor promotion, it is possible that blocking UV-induced AP-1 activity by Inh I or Inh II may be functionally linked to irradiation-induced cell transformation.
Overexpression of the c-myc oncogene is associated with a variety of both human and experimental tumors, and cooperation of other oncogenes and growth factors with the myc family are critical in the evolution of the malignant phenotype. The interaction of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) with c-myc during hepatocarcinogenesis in a transgenic mouse model has been analyzed. While sustained overexpression of c-myc in the liver leads to cancer, coexpression of HGF and c-myc in the liver delayed the appearance of preneoplastic lesions and prevented malignant conversion. Furthermore, tumor promotion by phenobarbital was completely inhibited in the c-myc/HGF double transgenic mice, whereas phenobarbital was an effective tumor promoter in the c-myc single transgenic mice. The results indicate that HGF may function as a tumor suppressor during early stages of liver carcinogenesis, and suggest the possibility of therapeutic application for this cytokine.