958 resultados para TRNA-mediatedtrans-splicing
Trans-splicing is a common phenomenon in nematodes and kinetoplastids, and it has also been reported in other organisms, including humans. Up to now, all in silico strategies to find evidence of trans-splicing in humans have required that the candidate sequences follow the consensus splicing site rules (spliceosome-mediated mechanism). However, this criterion is not supported by the best human experimental evidence, which, except in a single case, do not follow canonical splicing sites. Moreover, recent findings describe a novel alternative tRNA mediated trans-splicing mechanism, which prescinds the spliceosome machinery. In order to answer the question, ?Are there hybrid mRNAs in sequence databanks, whose characteristics resemble those of the best human experimental evidence??, we have developed a methodology that successfully identified 16 hybrid mRNAs which might be instances of interchromosomal trans-splicing. Each hybrid mRNA is formed by a trans-spliced region (TSR), which was successfully mapped either onto known genes or onto a human endogenous retrovirus (HERV-K) transcript which supports their transcription. The existence of these hybrid mRNAs indicates that trans-splicing may be more widespread than believed. Furthermore, non-canonical splice site patterns suggest that infrequent splicing sites may occur under special conditions, or that an alternative trans-splicing mechanism is involved. Finally, our candidates are supposedly from normal tissue, and a recent study has reported that trans-splicing may occur not only in malignant tissues, but in normal tissues as well. Our methodology can be applied to 5'-UTR, coding sequences and 3'-UTR in order to find new candidates for a posteriori experimental confirmation.
tRNA splicing in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires an endonuclease to excise the intron, tRNA ligase to join the tRNA half-molecules, and 2′-phosphotransferase to transfer the splice junction 2′-phosphate from ligated tRNA to NAD, producing ADP ribose 1′′–2′′ cyclic phosphate (Appr>p). We show here that functional 2′-phosphotransferases are found throughout eukaryotes, occurring in two widely divergent yeasts (Candida albicans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe), a plant (Arabidopsis thaliana), and mammals (Mus musculus); this finding is consistent with a role for the enzyme, acting in concert with ligase, to splice tRNA or other RNA molecules. Surprisingly, functional 2′-phosphotransferase is found also in the bacterium Escherichia coli, which does not have any known introns of this class, and does not appear to have a ligase that generates junctions with a 2′-phosphate. Analysis of the database shows that likely members of the 2′-phosphotransferase family are found also in one other bacterium (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two archaeal species (Archaeoglobus fulgidus and Pyrococcus horikoshii). Phylogenetic analysis reveals no evidence for recent horizontal transfer of the 2′-phosphotransferase into Eubacteria, suggesting that the 2′-phosphotransferase has been present there since close to the time that the three kingdoms diverged. Although 2′-phosphotransferase is not present in all Eubacteria, and a gene disruption experiment demonstrates that the protein is not essential in E. coli, the continued presence of 2′-phosphotransferase in Eubacteria over large evolutionary times argues for an important role for the protein.
To understand the factors specifically affecting tRNA nuclear export, we adapted in situ hybridization procedures to locate endogenous levels of individual tRNA families in wild-type and mutant yeast cells. Our studies of tRNAs encoded by genes lacking introns show that nucleoporin Nup116p affects both poly(A) RNA and tRNA export, whereas Nup159p affects only poly(A) RNA export. Los1p is similar to exportin-t, which facilitates vertebrate tRNA export. A los1 deletion mutation affects tRNA but not poly(A) RNA export. The data support the notion that Los1p and exportin-t are functional homologues. Because LOS1 is nonessential, tRNA export in vertebrate and yeast cells likely involves factors in addition to exportin-t. Mutation of RNA1, which encodes RanGAP, causes nuclear accumulation of tRNAs and poly(A) RNA. Many yeast mutants, including those with the rna1-1 mutation, affect both pre-tRNA splicing and RNA export. Our studies of the location of intron-containing pre-tRNAs in the rna1-1 mutant rule out the possibility that this results from tRNA export occurring before splicing. Our results also argue against inappropriate subnuclear compartmentalization causing defects in pre-tRNA splicing. Rather, the data support “feedback” of nucleus/cytosol exchange to the pre-tRNA splicing machinery.
We have characterized hisS, the gene encoding the histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS) from the tetraodontoid fish Fugu rubripes. The hisS gene is about 3.5 kbp long and contains 13 exons and 12 introns of 172 bp, on average. The Fugu hisS gene encodes a putative protein of 519 amino acids with the three motifs identified as signatures of class 2 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. A model for the shifting of intron 8 between Fugu and hamster is proposed based on the successive appearance of a cryptic splicing site followed by an insertion mutation that created a new acceptor site. In addition, sequence comparisons suggest that the hisS gene has undergone a translocation through the first intron. As a result, the Fugu HisRS has an N-terminal sequence markedly different from that in the human and hamster enzymes. We propose that similar events have been responsible for variations at the N-terminal end of other aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Our analysis suggests that this involves exchanges through introns of two exons encoding an ancestral 32-amino acid motif.
Telomerase RNAs (TERs) are highly divergent between species, varying in size and sequence composition. Here, we identify a candidate for the telomerase RNA component of Leishmania genus, which includes species that cause leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease. Merging a thorough computational screening combined with RNA-seq evidence, we mapped a non-coding RNA gene localized in a syntenic locus on chromosome 25 of five Leishmania species that shares partial synteny with both Trypanosoma brucei TER locus and a putative TER candidate-containing locus of Crithidia fasciculata. Using target-driven molecular biology approaches, we detected a ∼2,100 nt transcript (LeishTER) that contains a 5' spliced leader (SL) cap, a putative 3' polyA tail and a predicted C/D box snoRNA domain. LeishTER is expressed at similar levels in the logarithmic and stationary growth phases of promastigote forms. A 5'SL capped LeishTER co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized with the telomerase protein component (TERT) in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Prediction of its secondary structure strongly suggests the existence of a bona fide single-stranded template sequence and a conserved C[U/C]GUCA motif-containing helix II, representing the template boundary element. This study paves the way for further investigations on the biogenesis of parasite TERT ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and its role in parasite telomere biology.
G-quadruplexes are secondary structures present in DNA and RNA molecules, which are formed by stacking of G-quartets (i.e., interaction of four guanines (G-tracts) bounded by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding). Human PAX9 intron 1 has a putative G-quadruplex-forming region located near exon 1, which is present in all known sequenced placental mammals. Using circular dichroism (CD) analysis and CD melting, we showed that these sequences are able to form highly stable quadruplex structures. Due to the proximity of the quadruplex structure to exon-intron boundary, we used a validated double-reporter splicing assay and qPCR to analyze its role on splicing efficiency. The human quadruplex was shown to have a key role on splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1, as a mutation that abolished quadruplex formation decreased dramatically the splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. The less stable, rat quadruplex had a less efficient splicing when compared to human sequences. Additionally, the treatment with 360A, a strong ligand that stabilizes quadruplex structures, further increased splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. Altogether, these results provide evidences that G-quadruplex structures are involved in splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1.
Neks are serine-threonine kinases that are similar to NIMA, a protein found in Aspergillus nidulans which is essential for cell division. In humans there are eleven Neks which are involved in different biological functions besides the cell cycle control. Nek4 is one of the largest members of the Nek family and has been related to the primary cilia formation and in DNA damage response. However, its substrates and interaction partners are still unknown. In an attempt to better understand the role of Nek4, we performed an interactomics study to find new biological processes in which Nek4 is involved. We also described a novel Nek4 isoform which lacks a region of 46 amino acids derived from an insertion of an Alu sequence and showed the interactomics profile of these two Nek4 proteins. Isoform 1 and isoform 2 of Nek4 were expressed in human cells and after an immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry, 474 interacting proteins were identified for isoform 1 and 149 for isoform 2 of Nek4. About 68% of isoform 2 potential interactors (102 proteins) are common between the two Nek4 isoforms. Our results reinforce Nek4 involvement in the DNA damage response, cilia maintenance and microtubule stabilization, and raise the possibility of new functional contexts, including apoptosis signaling, stress response, translation, protein quality control and, most intriguingly, RNA splicing. We show for the first time an unexpected difference between both Nek4 isoforms in RNA splicing control. Among the interacting partners, we found important proteins such as ANT3, Whirlin, PCNA, 14-3-3ε, SRSF1, SRSF2, SRPK1 and hNRNPs proteins. This study provides new insights into Nek4 functions, identifying new interaction partners and further suggests an interesting difference between isoform 1 and isoform 2 of this kinase. Nek4 isoform 1 may have similar roles compared to other Neks and these roles are not all preserved in isoform 2. Besides, in some processes, both isoforms showed opposite effects, indicating a possible fine controlled regulation.
At present a complete mtDNA sequence has been reported for only two hymenopterans, the Old World honey bee, Apis mellifera and the sawfly Perga condei. Among the bee group, the tribe Meliponini (stingless bees) has some distinction due to its Pantropical distribution, great number of species and large importance as main pollinators in several ecosystems, including the Brazilian rain forest. However few molecular studies have been conducted on this group of bees and few sequence data from mitochondrial genomes have been described. In this project, we PCR amplified and sequenced 78% of the mitochondrial genome of the stingless bee Melipona bicolor (Apidae, Meliponini). The sequenced region contains all of the 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes, 18 of 22 tRNA genes, and both rRNA genes (one of them was partially sequenced). We also report the genome organization (gene content and order), gene translation, genetic code, and other molecular features, such as base frequencies, codon usage, gene initiation and termination. We compare these characteristics of M. bicolor to those of the mitochondrial genome of A. mellifera and other insects. A highly biased A+T content is a typical characteristic of the A. mellifera mitochondrial genome and it was even more extreme in that of M. bicolor. Length and compositional differences between M. bicolor and A. mellifera genes were detected and the gene order was compared. Eleven tRNA gene translocations were observed between these two species. This latter finding was surprising, considering the taxonomic proximity of these two bee tribes. The tRNA Lys gene translocation was investigated within Meliponini and showed high conservation across the Pantropical range of the tribe.
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a heterogeneous genetic disorder characterized by bone fragility and deformity, recurrent fractures, blue sclera, short stature, and dentinogenesis imperfecta. Most cases are caused by mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. We present a novel splicing mutation in the COL1A1 gene (c. 1875+ 1G>C) in a 16-year-old Brazilian boy diagnosed as a type III osteogenesis imperfecta patient. This splicing mutation and its association with clinical phenotypes will be submitted to the reference database of COL1A1 mutations, which has no other description of this mutation.
The identification of alternatively spliced transcripts has contributed to a better comprehension of developmental mechanisms, tissue-specific physiological processes and human diseases. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of alternatively spliced variants commonly leads to the formation of heteroduplexes as a result of base pairing involving exons common between the two variants. S1 nuclease cleaves single-stranded loops of heteroduplexes and also nicks the opposite DNA strand. In order to establish a strategy for mapping alternative splice-prone sites in the whole transcriptome, we developed a method combining the formation of heteroduplexes between 2 distinct splicing variants and S1 nuclease digestion. For 20 consensuses identified here using this methodology, 5 revealed a conserved splice site after inspection of the cDNA alignment against the human genome (exact splice sites). For 8 other consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 2 to 30 bp from the border, called proximal splice sites; for the other 7 consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 40 to 800 bp, called distal splice sites. These latter cases showed a nonspecific activity of S1 nuclease in digesting double-strand DNA. From the 20 consensuses identified here, 5 were selected for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction validation, confirming the splice sites. These data showed the potential of the strategy in mapping splice sites. However, the lack of specificity of the S1 nuclease enzyme is a significant obstacle that impedes the use of this strategy in large-scale studies.
Background: Alternative splicing (AS) is a central mechanism in the generation of genomic complexity and is a major contributor to transcriptome and proteome diversity. Alterations of the splicing process can lead to deregulation of crucial cellular processes and have been associated with a large spectrum of human diseases. Cancer-associated transcripts are potential molecular markers and may contribute to the development of more accurate diagnostic and prognostic methods and also serve as therapeutic targets. Alternative splicing-enriched cDNA libraries have been used to explore the variability generated by alternative splicing. In this study, by combining the use of trapping heteroduplexes and RNA amplification, we developed a powerful approach that enables transcriptome-wide exploration of the AS repertoire for identifying AS variants associated with breast tumor cells modulated by ERBB2 (HER-2/neu) oncogene expression. Results: The human breast cell line (C5.2) and a pool of 5 ERBB2 over-expressing breast tumor samples were used independently for the construction of two AS-enriched libraries. In total, 2,048 partial cDNA sequences were obtained, revealing 214 alternative splicing sequence-enriched tags (ASSETs). A subset with 79 multiple exon ASSETs was compared to public databases and reported 138 different AS events. A high success rate of RT-PCR validation (94.5%) was obtained, and 2 novel AS events were identified. The influence of ERBB2-mediated expression on AS regulation was evaluated by capillary electrophoresis and probe-ligation approaches in two mammary cell lines (Hb4a and C5.2) expressing different levels of ERBB2. The relative expression balance between AS variants from 3 genes was differentially modulated by ERBB2 in this model system. Conclusions: In this study, we presented a method for exploring AS from any RNA source in a transcriptome-wide format, which can be directly easily adapted to next generation sequencers. We identified AS transcripts that were differently modulated by ERBB2-mediated expression and that can be tested as molecular markers for breast cancer. Such a methodology will be useful for completely deciphering the cancer cell transcriptome diversity resulting from AS and for finding more precise molecular markers.
Background: Exposure of cells to environmental stress conditions can lead to the interruption of several intracellular processes, in particular those performed by macromolecular complexes such as the spliceosome. Results: During nucleotide sequencing of cDNA libraries constructed using RNA isolated from B. emersonii cells submitted to heat shock and cadmium stress, a large number of ESTs with retained introns was observed. Among the 6,350 ESTs obtained through sequencing of stress cDNA libraries, 181 ESTs presented putative introns (2.9%), while sequencing of cDNA libraries from unstressed B. emersonii cells revealed only 0.2% of ESTs containing introns. These data indicate an enrichment of ESTs with introns in B. emersonii stress cDNA libraries. Among the 85 genes corresponding to the ESTs that retained introns, 19 showed more than one intron and three showed three introns, with intron length ranging from 55 to 333 nucleotides. Canonical splicing junctions were observed in most of these introns, junction sequences being very similar to those found in introns from genes previously characterized in B. emersonii, suggesting that inhibition of splicing during stress is apparently a random process. Confirming our observations, analyses of gpx3 and hsp70 mRNAs by Northern blot and S1 protection assays revealed a strong inhibition of intron splicing in cells submitted to cadmium stress. Conclusion: In conclusion, data indicate that environmental stresses, particularly cadmium treatment, inhibit intron processing in B. emersonii, revealing a new adaptive response to cellular exposure to this heavy metal.
Deficiencies of complement proteins of the classical pathway are strongly associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. Deficiency of Clr has been observed to occur concomitantly with deficiency in Cls and 9 out of 15 reported cases presented systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE). Here, we describe a family in which all four children are deficient in Cls but only two of them developed SLE. Hemolytic activity mediated by the alternative and the lectin pathways were normal, but classical pathway activation was absent in all children`s sera. Cls was undetectable, while in the parents` sera it was lower than in the normal controls. The levels of Clr observed in the siblings and parents sera were lower than in the control, while the concentrations of other complement proteins (C3, C4, MBL and MASP-2) were normal in all family members. Impairment of Cls synthesis was observed in the patients` fibroblasts when analyzed by confocal microscopy. We show that all four siblings are homozygous for a mutation at position 938 in exon 6 of the Cls cDNA that creates a premature stop codon. Our investigations led us to reveal the presence of previously uncharacterized splice variants of Cls mRNA transcripts in normal human cells. These variants are derived from the skipping of exon 3 and from the use of an alternative 3` splice site within intron I which increases the size of exon 2 by 87 nucleotides. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
RT-PCR and direct sequence analyses were used to define mutations in the cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) gene in two unrelated male patients with vitamin B6 nonresponsive homocystinuria. Both patients were compound heterozygotes for CBS alleles containing point mutations. One patient had a maternally derived G-->A transition in the splice-donor site of intron 1, resulting in aberrant splicing of CBS mRNA. The other allele contained a missense mutation resulting in the previously reported E144K mutant CBS protein. The second patient had a maternally derived 4 bp insertion in exon 17, predicted to cause a CBS peptide of altered amino acid sequence. A 494G-->A transition was found in exon 4 of the other allele, predicting a C165Y substitution. Expression of recombinant CBS protein, containing the C165Y mutation, had no detectable catalytic activity. Each mutation was confirmed in genomic DNA. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.