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The gelation of physically associating triblock copolymers in a good solvent was investigated by means of the Monte Carlo simulation and a gelation process based on the conformation transition of the copolymer that was described in detail. In our simulative system, it has been found that the gelation is closely related with chain conformations, and there exist four types of chains defined as free, dangling, loop, and bridge conformations. The copolymer chains with different conformations contribute to the formation of gel in different ways. We proposed a conformational transition model, by which we evaluated the role of these four types of chains in sol-gel transition. It was concluded that the free chains keeping the conformation transition equilibrium and the dangling conformation being the hinge of conformation transition, while the chain with loop conformation enlarges the size of the congeries and the chain with bridge conformations binds the congeries consisted of the copolymer chains. In addition, the effects of temperature and concentration on the physical gelation, the association of the copolymer congeries, and the copolymer chain conformations' distribution were discussed.


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The structure and shear flow behaviour of aqueous micellar solutions and gels formed by an amphiphilic poly(oxybutylene)-poly(oxyethylene)-poly(oxybutylene) triblock copolymer with a lengthy hydrophilic poly(oxyethylene) block has been investigated by rheology, small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SANS revealed that bridging of chains between micelles introduces, in the micellar solution, an attractive long-range component which can be described through a potential of interaction corresponding to sticky soft spheres. The strength of the attractive interaction increases with increasing concentration. Rheology showed that the dependence of the storage modulus with temperature can be explained as a function of the micellar bridging, micellisation and phase morphology. SAXS studies showed that the orientation adopted by the system in the get phase under shear is similar to that previously observed by us for the gel phase of a poly(oxyethylene)-poly(oxybutylene) diblock copolymer with a long poly(oxyethylene) chain, suggesting that the micellar corona/core length ratio and not the architecture of the block copolymer influences the alignment of the gel phase under shear.


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In the present paper, we studied the preparation of biomimetic triblock copolymer (ABA) membranes in aqueous solution and their deposition into solid supports. The self-assembly structures of the ABA in aqueous solution was investigated by using optical microscopy, dynamic light scattering, electron microscopy (EM) and SAXS. Spherical and tubular polymersomes were found at the highest concentrations investigated. The mechanism of deposition on solid supports (mica and glass) was elucidated by using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The deposition results in the formation of a uniform defect-free membrane at suitable polymer concentrations.


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We report observation of inverted phases consisting of spheres and/or cylinders of the majority fraction block in a poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) (SBS) triblock copolymer by solvent-induced order-disorder phase transition (ODT). The SBS sample has a molecular weight of 140K Da and a polystyrene (PS) weight fraction of 30%. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were utilized to study the copolymer microstructure of a set of solution-cast SBS films dried with different solvent evaporation rates, R. The control with different R leads to kinetic frozen-in of microstructures corresponding to a different combination parameter chi (eff)Z of the drying films (where chi (eff) is the effective interaction parameter of the polymer solution in the cast film and Z the number of "blobs" of size equal to the correlation length one block copolymer chain contains), for which faster evaporation rates result in microstructures of smaller chi (eff)Z. As R was decreased from rapid evaporations (similar to0.1 mL/h), the microstructure evolved from a totally disordered one sequentially to inverted phases consisting of spheres and then cylinders of polybutadiene (PB) in a PS matrix and finally reached the equilibrium phase, namely cylinders of PS in a PB matrix. We interpret the formation of inverted phases as due to the increased relative importance of entropy as chi (eff)Z is decreased, which may dominate the energy penalty for having a bigger interfacial area between the immiscible blocks in the inverted phases.


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We have studied the self-assembly of the ABA triblock copolymer (P4VP-b-PS-b-P4VP) in dilute solution by using binary block-selective solvents, that is, water and methanol. The triblock copolymer was first dissolved in dioxane to form a homogeneous solution. Subsequently, a given volume of selective solvent was added slowly to the solution to induce self-assembly of the copolymer. It was found that the copolymer (P4VP(43)-b-PS366-b-P4VP(43)) tended to form spherical aggregate or bilayer structure when we used methanol or water as the single selective solvent, respectively.


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The amphiphilic PEG1 500-b-EM AP-b-PEG1 500 (EM PAP) triblock copolymer of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and emeraldine aniline-pentamer (EM AP) in its concentrated solution can self-assemble into a special shape like "sandglass", as observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). This "sandglass"- shaped assembly is composed of several "rods" aggregated in the middle, with every "rod" being about 8 VLrn in length and 300 nm in diameter.


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The morphology transition of polystyrene-block-poly(butadiene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (SBV) triblock thin film induced in benzene vapor showing weak selectivity for PS is investigated. The order-order transitions (OOT) in the sequence of core-shell cylinders (C), sphere in 'diblock gyroid' (sdG), sphere in lamella (sL) and sphere (S) are observed. The projection along (111) direction in Gyroid phase (sdG(111)) is found to epitaxially grow from C(001) in the film.


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Novel bump-surface multicompartment micelles formed by a linear amphiphilic ABC triblock copolymer via self-assembly in selective solvent were successfully observed both in simulation and experiment. The results revealed that the block A forms the most inner core, and the blocks B and C form the inner and outer layers, respectively, and the bumps were formed by block A and more likely to be born on curving surfaces. Moreover, the micelle shape could be controlled by changing the solvent selectivity of the blocks A and B. Spherical, cylindrical, and discoidal micelles with bumpy surfaces were obtained both in experiment and simulation.


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We have investigated the effect of Shear flow on the formation of rill.-shaped ABA triblock copolymer (P4VP(43)-b-PS260-b-P4VP(43)) micelles. The results reveal that Shear flow Plays an important role in the formation of the rings Both ring size and its, distribution are found to be dependent sensitively on the stirring rate. Sizable rings are more likely to be formed at moderate stirring rate, Interestingly, the ring formation mechanism is also dependent oil the Shear flow. Copolymers are likely to form rings via end-to-end cylinder connection at low stirring rates, whereas they tend to form rings via the pathway of the rod-sphere-vesicle-ring it high stirring rates.


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An order-order transition (OOT) in the sequence of a hexagonally arranged core-shell cylinder to a double-hexagonally arranged dot in polystyrene-block-poly(butadiene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (SBV) triblock copolymer thin films is reported to be induced upon exposure to a solvent vapor that: is strongly selective for the two end blocks. These two kinds of hexagonally arranged structures could form when the film thickness is 44, 3.23, and 223 nm. When the film thickness is decreased to 13 nm, the ordered structure is absent. The sizes of the cylinder structures formed with the same annealing time in films of different thickness are compared to address the effects of film thickness on the phase structure. The mechanism is analyzed from the total surface area of the blocks and the effective interaction parameter in the solvent vapor.


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The epsilon-caprolactam was used to block the isocyanate group to enhance the storage stability of allyl (3-isocyanate-4-tolyl) carbamate. The spectra of FTIR and NMR showed that blocked allyl (3-isocyanate-4-tolyl) carbamate (BTAI) possesses two chemical functions, an 1-olefin double bond and a blocked isocyanate group. The FTIR spectrum showed BTAI could regenerate isocyanate group at elevated temperature. DSC and TG/DTA indicated the minimal dissociation temperature was about 135 degrees C and the maximal dissociation rate appeared at 226 degrees C. Then the styrene-b-(ethylene-co-1-butene)-b-styrene triblock copolymer (SEBS) was functionalized by BTAI via melt free radical grafting. The effect of temperature, monomer and initiator concentrations on the grafting degree and grafting efficiency was evaluated. The highest grafting degree was obtained at 200 degrees C. The grafting degree and grafting efficiency increased with the enhanced concentration of BTAI or initiator.


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Monte Carlo simulation on the basis of the comblike coarse grained nonpolar/polar (NP) model has been carried out to study the polar group saturation effect on physical gelation of amphiphilic polymer solutions. The effects of polar group saturation due to hydrogen bonding or ion bridging on the sol-gel phase diagram, microstructure of aggregates, and chain conformation of amphiphilic polymer solutions under four different solvent conditions to either the nonpolar backbone or the polar side chain in amphiphilic polymer chains have been investigated. It is found that an increase of polar group saturation results in a monotonically decreased critical concentration of gelation point, which can be qualitatively supported by the dynamic theological measurements on pectin aqueous solutions. Furthermore, various solvent conditions to either the backbone or the side chain have significant impact on both chain conformation and microstructure of aggregates. When the solvent is repulsive to the nonpolar backbone but attractive to the polar side chain, the polymer chains are collapsed, and the gelation follows the mechanism of colloidal packing; at the other solvent conditions, the gelation follows the mechanism of random aggregation.


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We have studied, both experimentally and theoretically, the aggregation morphology of the ABA amphiphilic triblock copolymer in dilute solution by changing the solvent property. Experimental results showed that the micellar morphology changed from spheres to rods and then to vesicles by changing the common solvent from N-N-dimethylformamide (DMF) to dioxane and then to tetrahydrofuran (THF). These controllable aggregates were also obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. The simulative results showed that the solvent property is a key factor that determines the copolymer aggregation morphology. The morphology changed from spheres to rods and then to vesicles by increasing the solvent solubility, corresponding to the change of stretched of the copolymer chains in the micellar cores. This result is in good agreement with the experimental one. Moreover, the simulative results revealed that the end-to-end distant of the ABA triblock copolymer in the vesicle was larger than that in the spheres and rods, indicating that the copolymer chains were more stretched in vesicles than in the spheres and rods. Furthermore, we gave the distribution of the fraction of the chain number with the end-to-end distance. The results indicated that the amount of folded chains is almost the same as that of stretched chains in the vesicle. Although most chains were folded, stretched chains could be found in the rod and sphere micelles.


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Various metallized nanostructures (such as rings, wires with controllable lengths, spheres) have been successfully fabricated by coating metallic nanolayers onto soft nanotemplates through simple electroless methods. In particular, bimetallic nanostructures have been obtained by using simple methods. The multiple functional polymeric nanostructures, were obtained through the self-assembly of polystyrene/poly(4-vinyl pyridine) triblock copolymer (P4VP-b-PS-b-P4VP) in selective media by changing the common solvent properties. By combining field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterization, it was confirmed that polymer/metal and bimetallic (Au@Ag) core-shell nanostructures could be achieved by chemical metal deposition method.