4 resultados para TREX1


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Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome is a mendelian mimic of congenital infection and also shows overlap with systemic lupus erythematosus at both a clinical and biochemical level. The recent identification of mutations in TREX1 and genes encoding the RNASEH2 complex and studies of the function of TREX1 in DNA metabolism have defined a previously unknown mechanism for the initiation of autoimmunity by interferon-stimulatory nucleic acid. Here we describe mutations in SAMHD1 as the cause of AGS at the AGS5 locus and present data to show that SAMHD1 may act as a negative regulator of the cell-intrinsic antiviral response.


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The HIV protease inhibitors (HIV-PIs) are among the most potent antiviral drugs for the HIV infection. Treatment of patients with HIV-PIs has been linked with development of side effects including dyslipidemia, lipodystrophy syndrome and cardiovascular complications. Moreover, these drugs have shown anti-tumoral activity in non-infected patients but little is known about the involved molecular mechanism for these off-target effects. Here we propose that the HIV-PI Nelfinavir could block a cellular protease thus causing the observed phenotypes. We firstly focus our attention on a cellular protein, DDI2, showing sequence and structural conservation with the HIV protease. We applied cellular and in vitro approaches to produce a correctly folded recombinant protein in order to investigate the presence of a proteolytic activity. Despite the fact that we could identify two techniques that can be applied to produce a folded recombinant DDI2, no proteolytic activity has been identified in the present study. However, we could observe that decreasing the DDI2 levels recapitulated some phenotype observed in presence of HIV-PIs, including the phosphorylation of the protein translation regulators eIF2a and eEF2. As an alternative approach to identify cellular targets for HIV-PIs, we applied a proteomic screening called Slice-SILAC. We focused our attention on the defective maturation of Lamin A, a member of the nuclear lamina, induced by the block of the cellular protease Zmpste24. We demonstrated that Nelfinavir induced accumulation of Prelamin A and nuclear shape defects and in addition caused presence of cytosolic DNA, probably due to TREX1 downregulation. We showed that these phenotypes correlated with activation of the AIM2 inflammasome and IL-lß release. These findings suggest that DDI2 and Zmpste24 are direct or indirect cellular targets for the HIV-PIs and indicate a possible role for these proteins in promoting off-target effects and anti¬tumoral activity observed in HIV-PI treated patients. -- Les inhibiteurs de la protéase du VIH (IP-VIH) sont parmi les médicaments antiviraux les plus efficaces pour l'infection par le VIH. Le traitement des patients avec les IP-VIH cause des effets secondaires comprenant la dyslipidémie, le syndrome de lipodystrophie et les complications cardio-vasculaires. De plus, ces médicaments ont montré une activité anti-tumorale chez les patients non infectés, toutefois le mécanisme moléculaire impliqué dans ces effets hors-cible reste inconnu. Nous proposons que l'IP-VIH Nelfinavir puisse bloquer une protéase cellulaire provoquant les phénotypes observés. De ce fait, nous avons concentré notre attention sur une protéine cellulaire, DDI2, qui possède une séquence et une structure proche de celle de la protéase du VIH. Nous avons appliqué des approches cellulaire et in vitro pour produire une protéine recombinante correctement repliée afin d'étudier son activité protéolytique. Malgré le fait que nous avons pu identifier deux techniques qui peuvent être appliquées pour produire une protéine DDI2 recombinante correctement repliée, aucune activité protéolytique n'a été identifiée dans la présente étude. De plus, nous avons pu observer que la réduction de DDI2 récapitule les phénotypes observé avec le IP-VIH, y compris les phosphorylations de eIF2a et eEF2, impliquées dans la régulation de la traduction protéique. Une approche alternative, appelée Slice-SILAC, a été utilisée afin d'identifier de nouvelles cibles cellulaires du Nelfinavir. Nous avons concentré notre attention sur la maturation défectueuse de la Lamine A, un membre de la lamine nucléaire, induite par l'inhibition de la protéase cellulaire Zmpste24. Nous avons démontré que le Nelfinavir induit une accumulation de Prélamine A déformant la membrane nucléaire et la présence d'ADN cytosolique, probablement en raison de la régulation négative de TREX1. Nous avons montré que ces phénotypes causent l'activation de l'inflammasome AIM2 et la sécrétion d'IL-lß. Ces résultats suggèrent que DDI2 et Zmpste24 sont des cibles cellulaires pour les IP-VIH et indiquent un possible rôle pour ces protéines dans l'apparition d'effets secondaires ainsi que dans l'activité anti-tumorale observée chez les patients traités avec les IP-VIH.


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Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) is a genetic encephalopathy whose clinical features mimic those of acquired in utero viral infection. AGS exhibits locus heterogeneity, with mutations identified in genes encoding the 3′→5′ exonuclease TREX1 and the three subunits of the RNASEH2 endonuclease complex. To define the molecular spectrum of AGS, we performed mutation screening in patients, from 127 pedigrees, with a clinical diagnosis of the disease. Biallelic mutations in TREX1, RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, and RNASEH2C were observed in 31, 3, 47, and 18 families, respectively. In five families, we identified an RNASEH2A or RNASEH2B mutation on one allele only. In one child, the disease occurred because of a de novo heterozygous TREX1 mutation. In 22 families, no mutations were found. Null mutations were common in TREX1, although a specific missense mutation was observed frequently in patients from northern Europe. Almost all mutations in RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, and RNASEH2C were missense. We identified an RNASEH2C founder mutation in 13 Pakistani families. We also collected clinical data from 123 mutation-positive patients. Two clinical presentations could be delineated: an early-onset neonatal form, highly reminiscent of congenital infection seen particularly with TREX1 mutations, and a later-onset presentation, sometimes occurring after several months of normal development and occasionally associated with remarkably preserved neurological function, most frequently due to RNASEH2B mutations. Mortality was correlated with genotype; 34.3% of patients with TREX1, RNASEH2A, and RNASEH2C mutations versus 8.0% RNASEH2B mutation-positive patients were known to have died (P = .001). Our analysis defines the phenotypic spectrum of AGS and suggests a coherent mutation-screening strategy in this heterogeneous disorder. Additionally, our data indicate that at least one further AGS-causing gene remains to be identified. © 2007 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved.


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Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) catalyze the hydrolytic deamination of adenosine to inosine in double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and thereby potentially alter the information content and structure of cellular RNAs. Notably, although the overwhelming majority of such editing events occur in transcripts derived from Alu repeat elements, the biological function of non-coding RNA editing remains uncertain. Here, we show that mutations in ADAR1 (also known as ADAR) cause the autoimmune disorder Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome (AGS). As in Adar1-null mice, the human disease state is associated with upregulation of interferon-stimulated genes, indicating a possible role for ADAR1 as a suppressor of type I interferon signaling. Considering recent insights derived from the study of other AGS-related proteins, we speculate that ADAR1 may limit the cytoplasmic accumulation of the dsRNA generated from genomic repetitive elements.