991 resultados para TRECVid SED
Due to the popularity of security cameras in public places, it is of interest to design an intelligent system that can efficiently detect events automatically. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for multi-person event detection. To ensure greater than real-time performance, features are extracted directly from compressed MPEG video. A novel histogram-based feature descriptor that captures the angles between extracted particle trajectories is proposed, which allows us to capture motion patterns of multi-person events in the video. To alleviate the need for fine-grained annotation, we propose the use of Labelled Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a “weakly supervised” method that allows the use of coarse temporal annotations which are much simpler to obtain. This novel system is able to run at approximately ten times real-time, while preserving state-of-theart detection performance for multi-person events on a 100-hour real-world surveillance dataset (TRECVid SED).
In this paper, we propose an approach which attempts to solve the problem of surveillance event detection, assuming that we know the definition of the events. To facilitate the discussion, we first define two concepts. The event of interest refers to the event that the user requests the system to detect; and the background activities are any other events in the video corpus. This is an unsolved problem due to many factors as listed below: 1) Occlusions and clustering: The surveillance scenes which are of significant interest at locations such as airports, railway stations, shopping centers are often crowded, where occlusions and clustering of people are frequently encountered. This significantly affects the feature extraction step, and for instance, trajectories generated by object tracking algorithms are usually not robust under such a situation. 2) The requirement for real time detection: The system should process the video fast enough in both of the feature extraction and the detection step to facilitate real time operation. 3) Massive size of the training data set: Suppose there is an event that lasts for 1 minute in a video with a frame rate of 25fps, the number of frames for this events is 60X25 = 1500. If we want to have a training data set with many positive instances of the event, the video is likely to be very large in size (i.e. hundreds of thousands of frames or more). How to handle such a large data set is a problem frequently encountered in this application. 4) Difficulty in separating the event of interest from background activities: The events of interest often co-exist with a set of background activities. Temporal groundtruth typically very ambiguous, as it does not distinguish the event of interest from a wide range of co-existing background activities. However, it is not practical to annotate the locations of the events in large amounts of video data. This problem becomes more serious in the detection of multi-agent interactions, since the location of these events can often not be constrained to within a bounding box. 5) Challenges in determining the temporal boundaries of the events: An event can occur at any arbitrary time with an arbitrary duration. The temporal segmentation of events is difficult and ambiguous, and also affected by other factors such as occlusions.
scholia in Lucani Pharsaliam : authoris nomen non comparet, sed is videtur esse Philippus Beroaldus.
Analiza la estructura de pensamiento del poeta mexicano Emilio Prados a través de apuntes sobre su obra 'Jardín cerrado', como homenaje al cumplirse el centenario de su nacimiento. Estudia el triángulo equilibrado entre naturaleza, el yo poético y poesía que representa esta obra, el fenómeno ekphrástico -aquél capaz de descodificar sentimentalmente las imágenes-, la realidad, el misterio, la filosofía, la retórica y el misticismo que encierran sus poemas, e incluye opiniones y teorías de sus coetáneos relacionadas con esta obra.
Contiene material para el profesor, material para el alumno con D.L. B-32358-1992 y un dossier informativo para el profesor con D.L. B-35331-1992. Pertenece a la campaña de Intermón 'una Tierra para todos' para realizar una semana de medio ambiente y desarrollo
Podemos decir a lo largo plazo que el porvenir de un currículo transversal se juega tanto en las tendencias de política educativa que finalmente se consoliden, como en las propias demandas sociales. El tratamiento que cada centro escolar otorgue a la educación en valores y a los temas transversales del currículo, estará relacionado y determinado en gran parte por las opciones básicas y finalidades educativas que la comunidad educativa haya adoptado en su Proyecto de Centro. Pero si es dependiente de las opciones de cada comunidad educativa, será variable en función de dichas necesidades y/o demandas. Si el requerimiento de dotarse de un estilo educativo propio continúa, materializado en el Proyecto de Centro, y se acentúan las tendencias neoliberales de libre elección de centro, la educación en la transversalidad juega una función ambivalente en dicha identidad formativa. En definitiva, los propios centros deben reconocer la situación paradójica y contradictoria en que se les sitúa al ser requeridos para configurar su Proyecto Educativo, forzando a los centros públicos buscar o forjar una identidad perdida o negada. Por una parte, la calidad educativa depende de la acción conjunta del centro articulada por una visión común de valores, pero por otra, estos valores comunes dependen de la preferencia que tengan los clientes de la comunidad local.
Se presenta un cuaderno del alumno de carácter didáctico sobre un recurso natural como es el agua. Mediante actividades, se enseñan las principales características, aspectos, beneficios y uso que se debe hacer del agua. Se dirige a alumnos de edades tempranas y utiliza ilustraciones protagonizadas por un personaje llamado Narigota, que ayuda a los niños a entender mejor todo lo relativo a este recurso natural.