990 resultados para TOXIN B-SUBUNIT
GM1-ganglioside receptor binding by the B subunit of cholera toxin (CtxB) is widely accepted to initiate toxin action by triggering uptake and delivery of the toxin A subunit into cells. More recently, GM1 binding by isolated CtxB, or the related B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (EtxB), has been found to modulate leukocyte function, resulting in the down-regulation of proinflammatory immune responses that cause autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Here, we demonstrate that GM1 binding, contrary to expectation, is not sufficient to initiate toxin action. We report the engineering and crystallographic structure of a mutant cholera toxin, with a His to Ala substitution in the B subunit at position 57. Whereas the mutant retained pentameric stability and high affinity binding to GM1-ganglioside, it had lost its immunomodulatory activity and, when part of the holotoxin complex, exhibited ablated toxicity. The implications of these findings on the mode of action of cholera toxin are discussed.
Oral administration of autoantigens can prevent and partially suppress autoimmune diseases in a number of experimental models, Depending on the dose of antigen fed, this approach appears to involve distinct yet reversible and short-lasting mechanisms (anergy/deletion and suppression) and usually requires repeated feeding of large (suppression) to massive (anergy/deletion) amounts of autoantigens to be effective. Most importantly, this approach is relatively less effective in animals already systemically sensitized to the fed antigen, such as in animals already harboring autoreactive T cells and, thus, presumably also in humans suffering from an autoimmune disorder. We have previously shown that feeding a single dose of minute amounts of antigens conjugated to cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) can effectively suppress delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in systemically immune animals. We now report that feeding small amounts of myelin basic protein (MBP) conjugated to CTB either before or after disease induction protected rats from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Such treatment was as effective in suppressing interleukin 2 production and proliferative responses of lymph node cells to MBP as treatment involving repeated feeding with much larger (50- to 100-fold) doses of free MBP. Different from the latter treatment, which led to decreased production of interferon-gamma in lymph nodes, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment was associated with increased interferon-gamma production. Most importantly, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment greatly reduced the level of leukocyte infiltration into spinal cord tissue compared with treatment with repeated feeding of large doses of MBP. These results suggest that the protection from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis achieved by feeding CTB-conjugated myelin autoantigen involves immunomodulating mechanisms that are distinct from those implicated by conventional protocols of oral tolerance induction.
Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) colonizes the large intestine causing a spectrum of disorders, including watery diarrhea, bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic colitis), and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. It is estimated that hemolytic-uremic syndrome is the most common cause of acute renal failure in infants in Argentina. Stx is a multimeric toxin composed of one A subunit and five B subunits. In this study we demonstrate that the Stx2 B subunit inhibits the water absorption (Jw) across the human and rat colonic mucosa without altering the electrical parameters measured as transepithelial potential difference and short circuit current. The time-course Jw inhibition by 400 ng/ml purified Stx2 B subunit was similar to that obtained using 12 ng/ml Stx2 holotoxin suggesting that both, A and B subunits of Stx2 contributed to inhibit the Jw. Moreover, non-hemorrhagic fluid accumulation was observed in rat colon loops after 16 h of treatment with 3 and 30 ng/ml Stx2 B subunit. These changes indicate that Stx2 B subunit induces fluid accumulation independently of A subunit activity by altering the usual balance of intestinal absorption and secretion toward net secretion. In conclusion, our results suggest that the Stx2 B subunit, which is non-toxic for Vero cells, may contribute to the watery diarrhea observed in STEC infection. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether the toxicity of Stx2 B subunit may have pathogenic consequences when it is used as a component in an acellular STEC vaccine or as a vector in cancer vaccines.
Infection with group A streptococci (GAS) can lead to rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) which are a major health concern particularly in indigenous populations worldwide, and especially in Australian Aboriginals. A primary route of GAS infection is via the upper respiratory tract, and therefore, a major goal of research is the development of a mucosal-based GAS vaccine, The majority of the research to date has focused on the GAS M protein since immunity to GAS is mediated by M protein type-specific opsonic antibodies. There are two major impediments to the development of a vaccine-the variability in M proteins and the potential for the induction of an autoimmune response. To develop a safe and broad-based vaccine, we have therefore focused on the GAS M protein conserved C-region, and have identified peptides, J8 and the closely related J8 peptide (J14), which may be important in protective immunity to GAS infection. Using a mucosal animal model system, our data have shown a high degree of throat GAS colonisation in B10.BR mice 24 h following intranasal immunisation with the mucosal adjuvant, cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), and/or diptheria toxoid (dT) carrier, or PBS alone, and challenge with the M1 GAS strain. However, GAS colonisation of the throat was significantly reduced following intranasal immunisation of mice with the vaccine candidate J8 conjugated to dT or J14-dT when administered with CTB. Moreover, J8-dT/CTB and J14-dT/CTB-immunised mice had a significantly higher survival when compared to CTB and PBS-immunised control mice. These data indicate that immunity to GAS infection can be evoked by intranasal immunisation with a GAS M protein C-region peptide vaccine that contains a protective B cell epitope and lacks a T cell autoepitope. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Recombinant Bacillus subtilis strains, either spores or vegetative cells, may be employed as safe and low cost orally delivered live vaccine vehicles. In this study, we report the use of an orally delivered B. subtilis vaccine strain to boost systemic and secreted antibody responses in mice i.m. primed with a DNA vaccine encoding the structural subunit (CfaB) of the CFA/I fimbriae encoded by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), an important etiological agent of diarrhea among travelers and children living in endemic regions. DBA/2 female mice submitted to the prime-boost immunization regimen developed synergic serum (IgG) and mucosal (IgA) antibody responses to the target CfaB antigen. Moreover, in contrast to mice immunized only with one vaccine formulation, sera harvested from prime-boosted vaccinated individuals inhibited adhesion of ETEC cells to human red blood cells. Additionally, vaccinated dams conferred full passive protection to suckling newborn mice challenged with a virulent ETEC strain. Taken together the present results further demonstrate the potential use of recombinant B. subtilis strains as an alternative live vaccine vehicle. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) plays a potential role in tolerance by orchestrating onset and resolution of inflammation and regulatory T cell differentiation through subunit c-Rel. We characterized cellular infiltrates and expression of NF kappa B1, c-Rel and its upstream regulators phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/RAC-alpha serine/threonine kinase, in allograft biopsies from patients with spontaneous clinical operational tolerance (COT). Methods. Paraffin-fixed kidney allograft biopsies from 40 patients with COT (n=4), interstitial rejection (IR; n=12), borderline changes (BC; n=12), and long-term allograft function without rejection (NR; n=12) were used in the study. Cellular infiltrates and immunohistochemical expression of key proteins of the NF kappa B pathway were evaluated in the cortical tubulointerstitium and in cellular infiltrates using digital image analysis software. Results were given as mean +/- SEM. Results. Biopsies from patients with COT exhibited a comparable amount of cellular infiltrate to IR, BC, and NR (COT, 191 +/- 81; IR, 291 +/- 62; BC, 178 +/- 45; and NR, 210 +/- 42 cells/mm(2)) but a significantly higher proportion of forkhead box P3-positive cells (COT, 11%+/- 1.7%; IR, 3.5%+/- 0.70%; BC, 3.4%+/- 0.57%; and NR, 3.7%+/- 0.78% of infiltrating cells; P=0.02). c-Rel expression in cellular infiltrates was significantly elevated in IR, BC, and NR when analyzing the number of positive cells per mm(2) (P=0.02) and positive cells per infiltrating cells (P=0.04). In contrast, tubular PI3K and c-Rel expression were significantly higher in IR and BC but not in NR compared with COT (P=0.03 and P=0.006, respectively). With RAC-alpha serine-threonine kinase, similar tendencies were observed (P=0.2). Conclusions. Allografts from COT patients show significant cellular infiltrates but a distinct expression of proteins involved in the NF kappa B pathway and a higher proportion of forkhead box P3-positive cells.
Clostridium difficile, der Auslöser der nosokomialen Antibiotika-assoziierten Durchfälle und der Pseudomembranösen Kolitis, besitzt zwei Hauptvirulenzfaktoren: die Toxine A und B. In vorangegangenen Veröffentlichungen wurde gezeigt, dass Toxin B durch einen zytosolischen Faktor der eukaryotischen Zielzelle während des Aufnahmeweges in die Zelle gespalten wird. Nur die N-terminale katalytische Domäne erreicht das Zytosol. Hierbei wurde davon ausgegangen, dass eine Protease der Zielzelle die Spaltung katalysiert. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Spaltung von Toxin B ein intramolekularer Prozess ist, der zytosolisches Inositolphosphat der Zielzelle als Kofaktor zur Aktivierung der intrinsischen Protease benötigt. Die Freisetzung der katalytischen Domäne durch Inositolphosphat-induzierte Spaltung ist nicht nur das Prinzip des Clostridium difficile Toxin B sondern auch des Toxin A, als auch des alpha Toxin von Clostridium novyi und das Letale Toxin von Clostridium sordellii. Der kovalente Inhibitor von Aspartatproteasen 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)propan (EPNP), wurde dazu verwendet die intrinsische Protease von Toxin B zu blockieren und ermöglichte die Identifikation des katalytischen Zentrums. EPNP modifiziertes Toxin B verliert die intrinsische Proteaseaktivität und Zytotoxizität, aber wenn es direkt in das Zytosol der Wirtszelle injiziert ist, bleibt die Toxizität erhalten. Diese ist damit der erste Bericht eines bakteriellen Toxins, das eukaryotische Signale zur induzierten Autoproteolyse nutzt, um seine katalytisch-toxische Domäne in das Zytosol der Zielzelle freizusetzen. Durch diese Ergebnisse kann das Modell der Toxin-Prozessierung nun um einen weiteren entscheidenden Schritt vervollständigt werden.
We demonstrate that the receptor binding moiety of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (EtxB) can completely prevent autoimmune disease in a murine model of arthritis. Injection of male DBA/1 mice at the base of the tail with type II collagen in the presence of complete Freund’s adjuvant normally leads to arthritis, as evidenced by inflammatory infiltration and swelling of the joints. A separate injection of EtxB at the same time as collagen challenge prevented leukocyte infiltration, synovial hyperplasia, and degeneration of the articular cartilage and reduced clinical symptoms of disease by 82%. The principle biological property of EtxB is its ability to bind to the ubiquitous cell surface receptor GM1 ganglioside, and to other galactose-containing glycolipids and galactoproteins. The importance of receptor interaction in mediating protection from arthritis was demonstrated by the failure of a non-receptor-binding mutant of EtxB to elicit any protective effect. Analysis of T cell responses to collagen, in cultures of draining lymph node cells, revealed that protection was associated with a marked increase in interleukin 4 production concomitant with a reduction in interferon γ levels. Furthermore, in protected mice there was a significant reduction in anti-collagen antibody levels as well as an increase in the IgG1/IgG2a ratio. These observations show that protection is associated with a shift in the Th1/Th2 balance as well as a general reduction in the extent of the anti-type II collagen immune response. This suggests that EtxB-receptor-mediated modulation of lymphocyte responses provides a means of preventing autoimmune disease.
Clostridium difficile is a leading cause of nosocomial infections, causing a spectrum of diseases ranging from diarrhoea to pseudomembranous colitis triggered by a range of virulence factors including C. difficile toxins A (TcdA) and B (TcdB). TcdA and TcdB are monoglucosyltransferases that irreversibly glycosylate small Rho GTPases, inhibiting their ability to interact with their effectors, guanine nucleotide exchange factors, and membrane partners, leading to disruption of downstream signalling pathways and cell death. In addition, TcdB targets the mitochondria, inducing the intrinsic apoptotic pathway resulting in TcdB-mediated apoptosis. Modulation of apoptosis is a common strategy used by infectious agents. Recently, we have shown that the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) type III secretion system effector NleH has a broad-range anti-apoptotic activity. In this study we examined the effects of NleH on cells challenged with TcdB. During infection with wild-type EPEC, NleH inhibited TcdB-induced apoptosis at both low and high toxin concentrations. Transfected nleH1 alone was sufficient to block TcdB-induced cell rounding, nuclear condensation, mitochondrial swelling and lysis, and activation of caspase-3. These results show that NleH acts via a global anti-apoptotic pathway.
Photodynamic therapy involves administration of a photosensitizing drug and its subsequent activation by visible light of the appropriate wavelength. Several approaches to increasing the specificity of photosensitizers for cancerous tissues and, in particular, through their conjugation to ligands that are directed against tumor-associated antigens have been investigated. Here, we have studied the delivery of the photocytotoxic porphyrin compound TPP(p-O-beta-D-GluOH)(3) into tumor cells that overexpress the glycosphingolipid Gb3, using the Gb3-binding nontoxic B-subunit of Shiga toxin (STxB) as a vector. To allow for site-directed chemical coupling, an STxB variant carrying a free sulfhydryl moiety at its C-terminal end has been used. Binding affinity, cellular uptake, singlet oxygen quantum yield, and phototoxicity of the conjugate have been examined. Despite some effect of coupling on both the photophysical properties of TPP(p-O-beta-D-GluOH)(3) and the affinity of STxB for its receptor, the conjugate exhibited a higher photocytotoxic activity than the photosensitizer alone and was exquisitely selective for Gb3-expressing tumor cells. Furthermore, our data strongly suggest that STxB-mediated retrograde delivery of the photosensitizer to the biosynthetic/secretory pathway is critical for optimal cytotoxic activity. In conclusion, a strong rationale for using retrograde delivery tools such as STxB in combination with photosensitizing agents for the photodynamic therapy of tumors is presented.