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Radical abdominal radiotherapy in men runs the risk of impairing their fertility owing to scattered dose to the testes, outside of the treated volume. In patients for whom this is a concern it is important to be able to predict the dose to the testes before treatment in order to determine whether semen cryopreservation should be undertaken and testicular shielding performed during treatment. Measurements have been made on an anthropomorphic phantom to determine the magnitude of these doses for a four-field treatment consisting of an anterior-posterior parallel pair and a lateral parallel pair. A dataset is presented, which, together with a correction for patients size, allows an estimate of testicular dose to be made given only the photon energy, interfield distances and the distance from the testes to the nearest beam edge. Thermoluminescent dosimetry has been carried out in 17 patients to validate the use of the data tables. The results indicate that testicular doses may be estimated with a standard deviation corresponding to 1%-2% of the tumour dose, which is sufficient for the purpose of determining whether fertility is threatened by a planned treatment.


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Doses from CT examinations are difficult to estimate. However, they are requested more frequently due to the increase in CT examinations. In particular, fetal dose estimations are frequently required for patients who have discovered, subsequent to the examination, that they were pregnant when the examination was conducted. A computer model has been developed to facilitate such dose calculations. This model combines empirical beam data with anatomical information. The model has been verified using thermoluminescent dosemeter (TLD) readings of internal and surface dose from both phantoms and patients, including intrauterine doses for patients undergoing afterloading gynaecological intracavitary treatment. Although only limited experimental data were available, the results indicate that the model accurately predicts uterine doses within acceptable errors. This approach has been validated for fetal dose estimation. The model was also used in a comparison with the nationally available CT dose data from the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB). The two models were found to be in agreement for fetal dose estimations.


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Objectives. A large-scale survey of doses to patients undergoing the most frequent radiological examinations was carried out in health services in Sao Paulo (347 radiological examinations per 1 000 inhabitants), the most populous Brazilian state. Methods. A postal dosimetric kit with thermoluminescence dosimeters was used to evaluate the entrance surface dose (ESD) to patients. A stratified sampling technique applied to the national health database furnished important data on the distribution of equipment and the annual number of examinations. Chest, head (skull and sinus), and spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar) examinations were included in the trial. A total of 83 rooms and 868 patients were included, and 1 415 values of ESD were measured. Results. The data show large coefficients of variation in tube charge, giving rise to large variations in ESD values. Also, a series of high ESD values associated with unnecessary localizing fluoroscopy were detected. Diagnostic reference levels were determined, based on the 75th percentile (third quartile) of the ESD distributions. For adult patients, the diagnostic reference levels achieved are very similar to those obtained in international surveys. However, the situation is different for pediatric patients: the ESD values found in this survey are twice as large as the international recommendations for chest radiographs of children. Conclusions. Despite the reduced number of ESD values and rooms for the pediatric patient group, it is recommended that practices in chest examinations be revised and that specific national reference doses and image quality be established after a broader survey is carried out.


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The TL, optical absorption (OA) and EPR properties of natural Brazilian alexandrite and chrysoberyl have been investigated. The TL measurements for natural alexandrite show five peaks between 100 and 450°C, with their emission spectrum having 370 and/or 570 nm components. The intensity of the 320°C TL peak was found to be enhanced with pre-annealing treatment, more prominently above 600°C. The OA and EPR measurements showed that this kind of heat treatment induces the Fe2→ Fe3+ conversion in the natural sample. Chrysoberyl samples exhibited the TL peaks at the same temperatures as alexandrite samples, but the glow curves were more than 200 times less intense than alexandrite ones.


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Desde o seu desenvolvimento na década de 1970 a tomografia computadorizada (TC) passou por grandes mudanças tecnológicas, tornando-se uma importante ferramenta diagnóstica para a medicina. Consequentemente o papel da TC em diagnóstico por imagem expandiu-se rapidamente, principalmente devido a melhorias na qualidade da imagem e tempo de aquisição. A dose de radiação recebida por pacientes devido a tais procedimentos vem ganhando atenção, levando a comunidade científica e os fabricantes a trabalharem juntos em direção a determinação e otimização de doses. Nas últimas décadas muitas metodologias para dosimetria em pacientes têm sido propostas, baseadas especialmente em cálculos utilizando a técnica Monte Carlo ou medições experimentais com objetos simuladores e dosímetros. A possibilidade de medições in vivo também está sendo investigada. Atualmente as principais técnicas para a otimização da dose incluem redução e/ou modulação da corrente anódica. O presente trabalho propõe uma metodologia experimental para estimativa de doses absorvidas pelos pulmões devido a protocolos clínicos de TC, usando um objeto simulador antropomórfico adulto e dosímetros termoluminescentes de Fluoreto de Lítio (LiF). Sete protocolos clínicos diferentes foram selecionados, com base em sua relevância com respeito à otimização de dose e frequência na rotina clínica de dois hospitais de grande porte: Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (InRad) e Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo Octávio Frias de Oliveira (ICESP). Quatro protocolos de otimização de dose foram analisados: Auto mA, Auto + Smart mA, Baixa Dose (BD) e Ultra Baixa Dose (UBD). Os dois primeiros protocolos supracitados buscam redução de dose por meio de modulação da corrente anódica, enquanto os protocolos BD e UBD propõem a redução do valor da corrente anódica, mantendo-a constante. Os protocolos BD e UBD proporcionaram redução de dose de 72,7(8) % e 91(1) %, respectivamente; 16,8(1,3) % e 35,0(1,2) % de redução de dose foram obtidas com os protocolos Auto mA e Auto + Smart mA, respectivamente. As estimativas de dose para os protocolos analisados neste estudo são compatíveis com estudos similares publicados na literatura, demonstrando a eficiência da metodologia para o cálculo de doses absorvidas no pulmão. Sua aplicabilidade pode ser estendida a diferentes órgãos, diferentes protocolos de CT e diferentes tipos de objetos simuladores antropomórficos (pediátricos, por exemplo). Por fim, a comparação entre os valores de doses estimadas para os pulmões e valores de estimativas de doses dependentes do tamanho (Size Specific Dose Estimates SSDE) demonstrou dependência linear entre as duas grandezas. Resultados de estudos similares exibiram comportamentos similares para doses no reto, sugerindo que doses absorvidas pelos uma órgãos podem ser linearmente dependente dos valores de SSDE, com coeficientes lineares específicos para cada órgão. Uma investigação mais aprofundada sobre doses em órgãos é necessária para avaliar essa hipótese.


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Neodymium doped yttrium aluminoborate and yttrium calcium borate glasses were prepared by the conventional melting-quenching technique with neodymium concentration varying from 0.10 to 1.0 mol%. The obtained glasses present a wide transparency in the UV-visible region (till 240 nm). The thermoluminescent (TL) emission of beta-irradiated samples was measured, showing a broad peak at similar to 240 degrees C with intensities related to the Nd(3+) content, for both glasses. Calcium borate glass samples are about one order of magnitude less luminescent than the aluminoborate glasses. Probably the presence of Ca(2+), instead of Al(3+) and Y(3+) in the matrix, inhibits the production of the intrinsic hole centers. connected to boron and oxygen, known in the literature to act as luminescent centers in TL emission of borate glasses. We suggest that Nd(3+) ions act as electron trapping centers in both glass matrices, as they modify the temperature of emission and the light intensity. Also, the Nd:YAIB glass can be used as a dosimeter in various applications, including radiotherapy. but the sensitivity of this material to neutron should be checked. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thermoluminescent dosimeters were used to measure radiation doses at craniofacial sites in a tissue-equivalent phantom during film-based multidirectional tomography with the Tomax Ultrascan (Incubation Industries, Ivyland, Pa.) and during computed tomography with the Elscint Excel 2400 (Elscint Corp., Tel Aviv, Israel). Mean absorbed doses for presurgical mandibular and maxillary canine and molar implant assessments were converted to equivalent doses, which were then multipied by published weighting factors and summed to give effective doses. The computed tomgraphy device consistently delivered higher doses than the Tomax Ultrascan to all anatomic locations; the differences were most pronounced when only one or two implant sites were evaluated. The reasons for the dose disparities are considered both anatomically and procedurally. A survey of examination cost revealed film-based multidirectional tomography to be less expensive than computed tomography.