35 resultados para TFIIH
La réparation de l’ADN par excision des nucléotides (NER) est un mécanisme capable de retirer une large variété de lésions causant une distorsion de la double hélice, comme celles causées par les rayons ultraviolets (UV). Comme toutes les voies de réparation de l’ADN, la NER contribue à la prévention de la carcinogénèse en prévenant la mutation de l’ADN. Lors de ce processus, il y a d’abord reconnaissance de la lésion par la protéine XPC/Rad4 (humain/levure) qui recrute ensuite TFIIH. Ce complexe déroule l’ADN par son activité hélicase et recrute l’endonucléase XPG/Rad2 ainsi que d’autres protéines nécessaires à l’excision de l’ADN. Lors de son arrivée au site de lésion, XPG/Rad2 déplace XPC/Rad4. TFIIH agit également lors de la transcription de l’ADN, entre autres par son activité hélicase. Outre cette similarité de la présence de TFIIH lors de la transcription et la réparation, il est possible de se demander en quoi les deux voies sont similaires. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés aux interactions impliquant TFIIH et la machinerie de réparation de l’ADN. Nous avons donc entrepris une caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle de ces interactions. Nous avons découvert que Rad2 et Rad4 possèdent un motif d’interaction en nous basant sur d’autres interactions de la sous-unité Tfb1 de TFIIH. Par calorimétrie à titrage isotherme, nous avons observé que les segments de ces deux protéines contenant ce motif interagissent avec une grande affinité au domaine PH de Tfb1. Le site de liaison de ces segments sur Tfb1PH est très semblable au site de liaison du domaine de transactivation de p53 et au domaine carboxy-terminal de TFIIEα avec Tfb1PH, tel que démontré par résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN). De plus, tous ces segments peuvent faire compétition les uns aux autres pour la liaison à Tfb1PH. Nous avons aussi démontré in vivo chez la levure qu’une délétion de Tfb1PH crée une sensibilité aux radiations UV. De plus, la délétion de multiples segments de Rad2 et Rad4, dont les segments d’interaction à Tfb1PH, est nécessaire pour voir une sensibilité aux rayons UV. Ainsi, de multiples interactions sont impliquées dans la liaison de Rad2 et Rad4 à TFIIH. Finalement, les structures des complexes Rad2-Tfb1PH et Rad4-Tfb1PH ont été résolues par RMN. Ces structures sont identiques entre elles et impliquent des résidus hydrophobes interagissant avec des cavités peu profondes de Tfb1PH. Ces structures sont très semblables à la structure de TFIIEα-p62PH. Ces découvertes fournissent ainsi un lien important entre la transcription et la réparation de l’ADN. De plus, elles permettent d’émettre un modèle du mécanisme de déplacement de XPC/Rad4 par XPG/Rad2 au site de dommage à l’ADN. Ces connaissances aident à mieux comprendre les mécanismes de maintient de la stabilité génomique et peuvent ainsi mener à développer de nouvelles thérapies contre le cancer.
Le facteur de transcription IIH (TFIIH) joue un rôle crucial dans la transcription et dans la réparation de l’ADN. La sous-unité Tfb1/p62 (levure et humain) de TFIIH interagit avec de nombreux facteurs de transcription (p53, NFκB, TFIIEα) et de réparation (Rad2/XPG and Rad4/XPC) (1). La majorité des interactions avec Tfb1/p62 requiert le domaine d’homologie à la Pleckstrin (PH) localisé dans la région N-terminal de la protéine (2, 3). Ce domaine PH forme des complexes avec des domaines de transactivation acide provenant de protéines cibles impliquées dans la transcription et la réparation de l’ADN. De récentes études ont montré que Tfb1/p62 est une cible pour les protéines virales telles que la protéine VP16 du virus de l’herpès simplex (HSV) de type 1, la protéine E1 du virus du papillome humain (VPH) et la protéine EBNA-2 du virus Epstein-Barr (EBV) (4, 5). Ces protéines virales interagissent avec la sous-unité Tfb1/p62 par un domaine de transactivation acide suggérant une interaction similaire à ce qui est observé chez les facteurs de transcription humains comme p53. Ce mémoire présente une caractérisation structurelle et fonctionnelle du complexe formé par la protéine virale EBNA2 et la protéine humaine Tfb1/p62. L’analyse est faite en utilisant le titrage calorimétrique isotherme (ITC), la résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) et une expérience de transactivation chez la levure. Cette étude amène une plus grande compréhension des protéines impliquées dans les maladies comme le lymphome de Burkitt et le lymphome de Hodgkin qui sont souvent associées à l’infection à l’EBV (revue dans (6)) et caractérise une cible potentielle pour un antiviral.
TFIIH is a multifunctional RNA polymerase II transcription factor that possesses DNA-dependent ATPase, DNA helicase, and protein kinase activities. Previous studies have established that TFIIH enters the preinitiation complex and fulfills a critical role in initiation by catalyzing ATP-dependent formation of the open complex prior to synthesis of the first phosphodiester bond of nascent transcripts. In this report, we present direct evidence that TFIIH also controls RNA polymerase II activity at a postinitiation stage of transcription, by preventing premature arrest by very early elongation complexes just prior to their transition to stably elongating complexes. Unexpectedly, we observe that TFIIH is capable of entering the transcription cycle not only during assembly of the preinitiation complex but also after initiation and synthesis of as many as four to six phosphodiester bonds. These findings shed new light on the role of TFIIH in initiation and promoter escape and reveal an unanticipated flexibility in the ability of TFIIH to interact with RNA polymerase II transcription intermediates prior to, during, and immediately after initiation.
We report here the different ways in which four subunits of the basal transcription/repair factor TFIIH (XPB, XPD, p62 and p44) and the damage recognition XPC repair protein can enter the nucleus. We examined their nuclear localization by transiently expressing the gene products tagged with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in transfected 3T3 cells. In agreement with the identification of more than one putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) in their protein sequences, XPB, XPC, p62 and p44 chimeras were rapidly sorted to the nucleus. In contrast, the XPD–EGFP chimeras appeared mainly localized in the cytoplasm, with a minor fraction of transfectants showing the EGFP-based fluorescence also in the nucleus. The ability of the XPD chimeras to enter the nucleus was confirmed by western blotting on fractionated cell extracts and by functional complementation of the repair defect in the UV5 rodent cells, mutated in the XPD homologous gene. By deletion mutagenesis, we were unable to identify any sequence specific for nuclear localization. In particular, deletion of the putative NLS failed to affect subcellular localization and, conversely, the C-terminal part of XPD containing the putative NLS showed no specific nuclear accumulation. These findings suggest that the nuclear entry of XPD depends on its complexation with other proteins in the cytoplasm, possibly other components of the TFIIH complex.
TFIIH is a multifunctional RNA polymerase II general initiation factor that includes two DNA helicases encoded by the Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B (XPB) and D (XPD) genes and a cyclin-dependent protein kinase encoded by the CDK7 gene. Previous studies have shown that the TFIIH XPB DNA helicase plays critical roles not only in transcription initiation, where it catalyzes ATP-dependent formation of the open complex, but also in efficient promoter escape, where it suppresses arrest of very early RNA polymerase II elongation intermediates. In this report, we present evidence that ATP-dependent TFIIH action in transcription initiation and promoter escape requires distinct regions of the DNA template; these regions are well separated from the promoter region unwound by the XPB DNA helicase and extend, respectively, ≈23–39 and ≈39–50 bp downstream from the transcriptional start site. Taken together, our findings bring to light a role for promoter DNA in TFIIH action and are consistent with the model that TFIIH translocates along promoter DNA ahead of the RNA polymerase II elongation complex until polymerase has escaped the promoter.
Human hepatitis B virus genome encodes a protein, termed HBx, that is widely recognized as a transcriptional transactivator. While HBx does not directly bind cis-acting transcriptional control elements, it has been shown to associate with cellular proteins that bind DNA. Because HBx transactivated a large number of viral/cellular transcriptional control elements, we looked for its targets within the components of the basal transcriptional machinery. This search led to the identification of its interactions with TFIIH. Here, we show that HBx interacts with yeast and mammalian TFIIH complexes both in vitro and in vivo. These interactions between HBx and the components of TFIIH are supported by several lines of evidence including results from immunoprocedures and direct methods of measuring interactions. We have identified ERCC3 and ERCC2 DNA helicase subunits of holoenzyme TFIIH as targets of HBx interactions. Furthermore, the DNA helicase activity of purified TFIIH from rat liver and, individually, the ERCC2 component of TFIIH is stimulated in the presence of HBx. These observations suggest a role for HBx in transcription and DNA repair.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) of ultraviolet light-damaged DNA in eukaryotes requires a large number of highly conserved protein factors. Recent studies in yeast have suggested that NER involves the action of distinct protein subassemblies at the damage site rather than the placement there of a "preformed repairosome" containing all the essential NER factors. Neither of the two endonucleases, Rad1-Rad10 and Rad2, required for dual incision, shows any affinity for ultraviolet-damaged DNA. Rad1-Rad10 forms a ternary complex with the DNA damage recognition protein Rad14, providing a means for targeting this nuclease to the damage site. It has remained unclear how the Rad2 nuclease is targeted to the DNA damage site and why mutations in the human RAD2 counterpart, XPG, result in Cockayne syndrome. Here we examine whether Rad2 is part of a higher order subassembly. Interestingly, we find copurification of Rad2 protein with TFIIH, such that TFIIH purified from a strain that overexpresses Rad2 contains a stoichiometric amount of Rad2. By several independent criteria, we establish that Rad2 is tightly associated with TFIIH, exhibiting an apparent dissociation constant < 3.3 x 10(-9) M. These results identify a novel subassembly consisting of TFIIH and Rad2, which we have designated as nucleotide excision repair factor 3. Association with TFIIH provides a means of targeting Rad2 to the damage site, where its endonuclease activity would mediate the 3' incision. Our findings are important for understanding the manner of assembly of the NER machinery and they have implications for Cockayne syndrome.
Transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) is a multisubunit protein complex essential for both the initiation of RNA polymerase class II (pol II)-catalyzed transcription and nucleotide excision repair of DNA. Recent studies have shown that TFIIH copurifies with the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)-activating kinase complex (CAK) that includes cdk7, cyclin H, and p36/MAT1. Here we report the isolation of two TFIIH-related complexes: TFIIH* and ERCC2/CAK. TFIIH* consists of a subset of the TFIIH complex proteins including ERCC3 (XPB), p62, p44, p41, and p34 but is devoid of detectable levels of ERCC2 (XPD) and CAK. ERCC2/CAK was isolated as a complex that exhibits CAK activity that cosediments with the three CAK components (cdk7, cyclin H, and p36/MAT1) as well as the ERCC2 (XPD) protein. TFIIH* can support pol II-catalyzed transcription in vitro with lower efficiency compared with TFIIH. This TFIIH*-dependent transcription reaction was stimulated by ERCC2/CAK. The ERCC2/CAK and TFIIH* complexes are each active in DNA repair as shown by their ability to complement extracts prepared from ERCC2 (XPD)- and ERCC3 (XPB)-deficient cells, respectively, in supporting the excision of DNA containing a cholesterol lesion. These data suggest that TFIIH* and ERCC2/CAK interact to form the TFIIH holoenzyme capable of efficiently assembling the pol II transcription initiation complex and directly participating in excision repair reactions.
Phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II has been suggested to be critical for transcription initiation, activation, or elongation. A kinase activity specific for CTD is a component of the general transcription factor TFIIH. Recently, a cyclin-dependent kinase-activator kinase (MO15 and cyclin H) was found to be associated with TFIIH preparations and was suggested to be the CTD kinase. TFIIH preparations containing mutant, kinase-deficient MO15 lack CTD kinase activity, indicating that MO15 is critical for polymerase phosphorylation. Nonetheless, these mutant TFIIH preparations were fully functional (in vitro) in both basal and activated transcription. These results indicate that CTD phosphorylation is not required for transcription with a highly purified system.
DNA repair systems, genes and proteins are essential for genome integrity maintenance, avoiding serious diseases such as cancer. Deregulation in the expression of those proteins has been associated with both the risk of development and evolution of various human cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the immunoreactivity of the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, THIIF and XPF in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and to investigate its association with clinical and histopathological parameters, outcome and 5-year survival rate. Seventy-four cases of OTSCC were analyzed semi-quantitatively through immunohistochemistry. We observed that DNA repair proteins were highly expressed in parenchymal cells; however, we only observed a significant association between XRCC1 high expression and better clinical staging (p=0,02). Cox regression showed that tumor size (p<0,01), lymph node involvement (p=0,04), tumor stage (p=0,02) and depth of invasion> 4mm (p=0,05) were prognostic factors. The results of this experiment suggest that XRCC1, TFIIH and XPF participate in the tumorigenic process, however, their immunoexpression may not be used as an independent prognostic indicator for OTSCC.
DNA repair systems, genes and proteins are essential for genome integrity maintenance, avoiding serious diseases such as cancer. Deregulation in the expression of those proteins has been associated with both the risk of development and evolution of various human cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the immunoreactivity of the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, THIIF and XPF in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and to investigate its association with clinical and histopathological parameters, outcome and 5-year survival rate. Seventy-four cases of OTSCC were analyzed semi-quantitatively through immunohistochemistry. We observed that DNA repair proteins were highly expressed in parenchymal cells; however, we only observed a significant association between XRCC1 high expression and better clinical staging (p=0,02). Cox regression showed that tumor size (p<0,01), lymph node involvement (p=0,04), tumor stage (p=0,02) and depth of invasion> 4mm (p=0,05) were prognostic factors. The results of this experiment suggest that XRCC1, TFIIH and XPF participate in the tumorigenic process, however, their immunoexpression may not be used as an independent prognostic indicator for OTSCC.
Understanding the process of cell division is crucial for modern cancer medicine due to the central role of uncontrolled cell division in this disease. Cancer involves unrestrained proliferation as a result of cells loosing normal control and being driven through the cell cycle, where they normally would be non-dividing or quiescent. Progression through the cell cycle is thought to be dependent on the sequential activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks). The full activation of Cdks requires the phosphorylation of a conserved residue (threonine-160 on human Cdk2) on the T-loop of the kinase domain. In metazoan species, a trimeric complex consisting of Cdk7, cyclin H and Mat1 has been suggested to be the T-loop kinase of several Cdks. In addition, Cdk7 have also been implicated in the regulation of transcription. Cdk7, cyclin H, and Mat1 can be found as subunits of general transcription factor TFIIH. Cdk7, in this context, phosphorylates the Carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II), specifically on serine-5 residues of the CTD repeat. The regulation of Cdk7 in these and other functions is not well known and the unambiguous characterization of the in vivo role of Cdk7 in both T-loop activation and CTD serine-5 phosphorylation has proved challenging. In this study, the fission yeast Cdk7-cyclin H homologous complex, Mcs6-Mcs2, is identified as the in vivo T-loop kinase of Cdk1(Cdc2). It also identifies multiple levels of regulation of Mcs6 kinase activity, i.e. association with Pmh1, a novel fission yeast protein that is the apparent homolog of metazoan Mat1, and T-loop phosphorylation of Mcs6, mediated by Csk1, a monomeric T-loop kinase with similarity to Cak1 of budding yeast. In addition, Skp1, a component of the SCF (Skp1-Cullin-F box protein) ubiquitin ligase is identified by its interactions with Mcs2 and Pmh1. The Skp1 association with Mcs2 and Pmh1 is however SCF independent and does not involve proteolytic degradation but may reflect a novel mechanism to modulate the activity or complex assembly of Mcs6. In addition to Cdk7, also Cdk8 has been shown to have CTD serine-5 kinase activity in vitro. Cdk8 is not essential in yeast but has been shown to function as a transcriptional regulator. The function of Cdk8 is unknown in flies and mammals. This prompted the investigation of murine Cdk8 and its potential role as a redundant CTD serine-5 kinase. We find that Cdk8 is required for development prior to implantation, at a time that is co-incident with a burst of Cdk8 expression during normal development. The results does not support a role of Cdk8 as a serine-5 CTD kinase in vivo but rather shows an unexpected requirement for Cdk8, early in mammalian development. The results presented in this thesis extends our current knowledge of the regulation of the cell cycle by characterizing the function of two distinct cell cycle regulating T-loop kinases, including the unambiguous identification of Mcs6, the fission yeast Cdk7 homolog, as the T-loop kinase of Cdk1. The results also indicate that the function of Mcs6 is conserved from fission yeast to human Cdk7 and suggests novel mechanisms by which the distinct functions of Cdk7 and Mcs6 could be regulated. These findings are important for our understanding of how progression of the cell cycle and proper transcription is controlled, during normal development and tissue homeostasis but also under condition where cells have escaped these control mechanisms e.g. cancer.
Cell proliferation, transcription and metabolism are regulated by complex partly overlapping signaling networks involving proteins in various subcellular compartments. The objective of this study was to increase our knowledge on such regulatory networks and their interrelationships through analysis of MrpL55, Vig, and Mat1 representing three gene products implicated in regulation of cell cycle, transcription, and metabolism. Genome-wide and biochemical in vitro studies have previously revealed MrpL55 as a component of the large subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome and demonstrated a possible role for the protein in cell cycle regulation. Vig has been implicated in heterochromatin formation and identified as a constituent of the RNAi-induced silencing complex (RISC) involved in cell cycle regulation and RNAi-directed transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) coupled to RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription. Mat1 has been characterized as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Cdk7) complex phosphorylating and regulating critical targets involved in cell cycle progression, energy metabolism and transcription by RNAPII. The first part of the study explored whether mRpL55 is required for cell viability or involved in a regulation of energy metabolism and cell proliferation. The results revealed a dynamic requirement of the essential Drosophila mRpL55 gene during development and suggested a function of MrpL55 in cell cycle control either at the G1/S or G2/M transition prior to cell differentiation. This first in vivo characterization of a metazoan-specific constituent of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosome also demonstrated forth compelling evidence of the interconnection of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes as well as complex functions of the evolutionarily young metazoan-specific mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. In studies on the Drosophila RISC complex regulation, it was noted that Vig, a protein involved in heterochromatin formation, unlike other analyzed RISC associated proteins Argonaute2 and R2D2, is dynamically phosphorylated in a dsRNA-independent manner. Vig displays similarity with a known in vivo substrate for protein kinase C (PKC), human chromatin remodeling factor Ki-1/57, and is efficiently phosphorylated by PKC on multiple sites in vitro. These results suggest that function of the RISC complex protein Vig in RNAi-directed TGS and chromatin modification may be regulated through dsRNA-independent phosphorylation by PKC. In the third part of this study the role of Mat1 in regulating RNAPII transcription was investigated using cultured murine immortal fibroblasts with a conditional allele of Mat1. The results demonstrated that phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNAPII in the heptapeptide YSPTSPS repeat in Mat-/- cells was over 10-fold reduced on Serine-5 and subsequently on Serine-2. Occupancy of the hypophosphorylated RNAPII in gene bodies was detectably decreased, whereas capping, splicing, histone methylation and mRNA levels were generally not affected. However, a subset of transcripts in absence of Mat1 was repressed and associated with decreased occupancy of RNAPII at promoters as well as defective capping. The results identify the Cdk7-CycH-Mat1 kinase submodule of TFIIH as a stimulatory non-essential regulator of transcriptional elongation and a genespecific essential factor for stable binding of RNAPII at the promoter region and capping. The results of these studies suggest important roles for both MrpL55 and Mat1 in cell cycle progression and their possible interplay at the G2/M stage in undifferentiated cells. The identified function of Mat1 and of TFIIH kinase complex in gene-specific transcriptional repression is challenging for further studies in regard to a possible link to Vig and RISC-mediated transcriptional gene silencing.
All protein-encoding genes in eukaryotes are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) by RNA Polymerase II (RNAP II), whose activity therefore needs to be tightly controlled. An important and only partially understood level of regulation is the multiple phosphorylations of RNAP II large subunit C-terminal domain (CTD). Sequential phosphorylations regulate transcription initiation and elongation, and recruit factors involved in co-transcriptional processing of mRNA. Based largely on studies in yeast models and in vitro, the kinase activity responsible for the phosphorylation of the serine-5 (Ser5) residues of RNAP II CTD has been attributed to the Mat1/Cdk7/CycH trimer as part of Transcription Factor IIH. However, due to the lack of good mammalian genetic models, the roles of both RNAP II Ser5 phosphorylation as well as TFIIH kinase in transcription have provided ambiguous results and the in vivo kinase of Ser5 has remained elusive. The primary objective of this study was to elucidate the role of mammalian TFIIH, and specifically the Mat1 subunit in CTD phosphorylation and general RNAP II-mediated transcription. The approach utilized the Cre-LoxP system to conditionally delete murine Mat1 in cardiomyocytes and hepatocytes in vivo and and in cell culture models. The results identify the TFIIH kinase as the major mammalian Ser5 kinase and demonstrate its requirement for general transcription, noted by the use of nascent mRNA labeling. Also a role for Mat1 in regulating general mRNA turnover was identified, providing a possible rationale for earlier negative findings. A secondary objective was to identify potential gene- and tissue-specific roles of Mat1 and the TFIIH kinase through the use of tissue-specific Mat1 deletion. Mat1 was found to be required for the transcriptional function of PGC-1 in cardiomyocytes. Transriptional activation of lipogenic SREBP1 target genes following Mat1 deletion in hepatocytes revealed a repressive role for Mat1apparently mediated via co-repressor DMAP1 and the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1. Finally, Mat1 and Cdk7 were also identified as a negative regulators of adipocyte differentiation through the inhibitory phosphorylation of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ. Together, these results demonstrate gene- and tissue-specific roles for the Mat1 subunit of TFIIH and open up new therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of diseases such as type II diabetes, hepatosteatosis and obesity.