998 resultados para TETRAGONAL PHASE


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The discovery of a new monoclinic phase in the PbZr1-xTixO3 (PZT) system in the vicinity of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), previously considered as a region where the rhombohedral and tetragonal phases of PZT coexist, was recently reported. Investigations of this new phase were reported using different techniques such as high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The main objective has been to define a new phase diagram of PZT. In this context, infrared spectroscopic studies were performed in the vicinity of the MPB and studies were initially centred on a PZT sample with x = 0.49 mol% Ti content. Results suggested that the monoclinic --> tetragonal phase transition occurs at 237 K, confirming the use of IR as a useful technique to investigate this phase transition.


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Recently, the observation of a new monoclinic phase in the PbZr1-xTixO3 (PZT) system in the vicinity of the morphotropic phase boundary was reported. Investigations of this new phase were reported using different techniques such as high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. In this work, the monoclinic --> tetragonal phase transition in PbZr0.50Ti0.50O3 ceramics was studied using infrared spectroscopy between 1000 and 400 cm(-1). The four possible nu(1)-stretching modes (Ti-O and Zr-O stretch) in the BO6 octahedron in the ABO(3) structure of PZT in this region were monitored as a function of temperature. The lower-frequency mode nu(1)-(Zr-O) remains practically unaltered, while both intermediate nu(1)-(Ti-O) modes decrease linearly as temperature increases from 89 to 263 K. In contrast, the higher-frequency nu(1)-(Ti-O) and nu(1)-(Zr-O) modes present anomalous behaviour around 178 K. The singularity observed at this mode was associated with the monoclinic --> tetragonal phase transition in PbZr0.50Ti0.50O3 ceramics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we present a Raman-scattering study of the phase transitions in the PbZr1-xTixO3 systems around the morphotropic phase boundary over a wide temperature range. The boundary between rhombohedral and monoclinic phases was found to be a quasivertical line between x = 0.46 and x = 0.47. We also studied the monoclinic-tetragonal phase boundary and our spectroscopic results agree very well with those reported by using x-ray diffraction.


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We have performed multicanonical simulations to study the critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model with dipole interactions. This study concerns the thermodynamic phase transitions in the range of the interaction delta where the phase characterized by striped configurations of width h = 1 is observed. Controversial results obtained from local update algorithms have been reported for this region, including the claimed existence of a second-order phase transition line that becomes first order above a tricritical point located somewhere between delta = 0.85 and 1. Our analysis relies on the complex partition function zeros obtained with high statistics from multicanonical simulations. Finite size scaling relations for the leading partition function zeros yield critical exponents. that are clearly consistent with a single second-order phase transition line, thus excluding such a tricritical point in that region of the phase diagram. This conclusion is further supported by analysis of the specific heat and susceptibility of the orientational order parameter.


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Crystal structure of compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline ZrO2-CeO2 solutions was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction as a function of temperature for compositions between 50 and 65 mol % CeO2 center dot ZrO2-50 and 60 mol % CeO2 solid solutions, which exhibit the t'-form of the tetragonal phase at room temperature, transform into the cubic phase in two steps: t'-to-t '' followed by t ''-to-cubic. But the ZrO2-65 mol % CeO2, which exhibits the t ''-form, transforms directly to the cubic phase. The results suggest that t'-to-t '' transition is of first order, but t ''-to-cubic seems to be of second order. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.


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The transition between tetragonal and cubic phases in nanostructured ZrO2-Sc2O3 solid solutions by high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction using synchrotron radiation is presented. ZrO2-8 and 11 mol% Sc2O3 nanopowders that exhibit the t'- and t ''-forms of the tetragonal phase, respectively, were synthesized by a stoichiometric nitrate-lysine gel-combustion route. The average crystallite size treated at 900 degrees C was about 25 nm for both compositions. Our results showed that t'-t '' and t ''-cubic transitions take place for the 8 and 11 mol% Sc2O3 samples, respectively. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.


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The local atomic structures around the Zr atom of pure (undoped) ZrO(2) nanopowders with different average crystallite sizes, ranging from 7 to 40 nm, have been investigated. The nanopowders were synthesized by different wet-chemical routes, but all exhibit the high-temperature tetragonal phase stabilized at room temperature, as established by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction. The extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) technique was applied to analyze the local structure around the Zr atoms. Several authors have studied this system using the EXAFS technique without obtaining a good agreement between crystallographic and EXAFS data. In this work, it is shown that the local structure of ZrO(2) nanopowders can be described by a model consisting of two oxygen subshells (4 + 4 atoms) with different Zr-O distances, in agreement with those independently determined by X-ray diffraction. However, the EXAFS study shows that the second oxygen subshell exhibits a Debye-Waller (DW) parameter much higher than that of the first oxygen subshell, a result that cannot be explained by the crystallographic model accepted for the tetragonal phase of zirconia-based materials. However, as proposed by other authors, the difference in the DW parameters between the two oxygen subshells around the Zr atoms can be explained by the existence of oxygen displacements perpendicular to the z direction; these mainly affect the second oxygen subshell because of the directional character of the EXAFS DW parameter, in contradiction to the crystallographic value. It is also established that this model is similar to another model having three oxygen subshells, with a 4 + 2 + 2 distribution of atoms, with only one DW parameter for all oxygen subshells. Both models are in good agreement with the crystal structure determined by X-ray diffraction experiments.


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Yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP) ceramics were sintered by liquid phase sintering at low temperatures using bioglass as sintering additive. ZrO2-bioglass ceramics were prepared by mixing a ZrO2 stabilized with 3 Mol%Y2O3 and different amounts of bioglass based on 3CaO center dot P2O5-MgO-SiO2 system. Mixtures were compacted by uniaxial cold pressing and sintered in air, at 1200 and 1300 degrees C for 120 min. The influence of the bioglass content on the densification, tetragonal phase stability, bending strength, hardness and fracture toughness was investigated. The ceramics sintered at 1300 degrees C and prepared by addition of 3% of bioglass, exhibited the highest strength of 435 MPa, hardness of 1170 HV and fracture toughness of 6.3 MPa m(1/2). These results are related to the low monoclinic phase content, high relative density and the presence of the thermal residual stress generated between the ZrO2-matrix and bioglass grain boundary, contributing to the activation of the toughening mechanisms. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work undertakes the preparation and physico-chemical characterisation of iron promoted sulphated zirconia (SZ) with different amounts of iron loading and their application to Friedel-Crafts benzoylation of benzene, toluene and xylene under different experimental conditions, XRD and laser Raman techniques reveal the stabilisation of the tetragonal phase of zirconia and the existence of iron in highly dispersed form as Fe203 on the catalyst surface. The surface acidic properties were determined by ammonia temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and perylene adsorption, The results were supported by the TGA studies after adsorption of pyridine and 2,6-dimethylpyridine (2,6-DMP), Strong Lewis acid sites on the surface, which are evident from TPD and perylene adsorption studies. explain the high catalytic activity of the systems towards benzoylation. The experimental results provide evidence for the truly heterogeneous nature of the reaction. The studies also establish the resistance to deactivation in the metal incorporated sulphated systems.


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Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction was applied to the study of the effect of crystallite size on the crystal structure of ZrO(2)-10 mol% Sc(2)O(3) nanopowders synthesized by a nitrate-lysine gel-combustion route Nanopowders with different average crystallite sizes were obtained by calcination at several temperatures, ranging from 650 to 1200 degrees C The metastable t""-form of the tetragonal phase, exhibiting a cubic unit cell and tetragonal P4(2)/nmc spatial symmetry, was retained at room temperature in fine nanocrystalline powders, completely avoiding the presence of the stable rhombohedral beta phase. Differently, this phase was identified in samples calcined at high temperatures and its content increased with increasing crystallite size The critical maximum crystallite size for the retention of the mestastable t""-form resulted of about 35 nm (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved


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We have investigated the crystal structures and phase transitions of nanocrystalline ZrO(2)-1 to -13 mol % Sc(2)O(3) by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3) nanopowders were synthesized by using a stoichiometric nitrate-lysine get-combustion route. Calcination processes at 650 and at 850 degrees C yielded nanocrystalline materials with average crystallite sizes of (10 +/- 1) and (25 +/- 2) nm, respectively. Only metastable tetragonal forms and the cubic phase were identified, whereas the stable monoclinic and rhombohedral phases were not detected in the compositional range analyzed in this work. Differently from the results of investigations reported in the literature for ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3) materials with large crystallite sizes, this study demonstrates that, if the crystallite sizes are small enough (in the nanometric range), the metastable t ``-form of the tetragonal phase is retained. We have also determined the t`-t `` and t ``-cubic compositional boundaries at room temperature and analyzed these transitions at high temperature. Finally, using these results, we built up a metastable phase diagram for nanocrystalline compositionally homogeneous ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3) solid solutions that strongly differs from that previously determined from compositionally homogeneous ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3), Solid solutions with much larger crystallite sizes.


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The temperature dependence of the crystalline structure and the lattice parameters of Pb1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 ferroelectric ceramic system with 0.00 x 0.21 was determined. The samples with x 0.11 show a cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition at the maximum dielectric permittivity, Tmax. Above this amount and especially for the x = 0.12 sample, a spontaneous phase transition from a relaxor ferroelectric state (cubic phase) to a ferroelectric state (tetragonal phase) is observed upon cooling below the Tmax. Unlike what has been reported in other studies, the x = 0.13, 0.14, and 0.15 samples, which present a more pronounced relaxor behavior, also presents a spontaneous normal-to-relaxor transition, indicated by a cubic to tetragonal symmetry below the Tmax. The origin of this anomaly has been associated with an increase in the degree of tetragonality, confirmed by the measurements of the X-ray diffraction patterns. The differential thermal analysis (DSC) measurements also confirm the existence of these phase transitions.


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The recent discovery of a ferroelectric monoclinic phase in the PbZr1-xTixO3 (PZT) system attained the attention of several researchers due to the possibility of understanding the relationships between structural features and piezoelectric properties. The nature of the monoclinic phase in some PZT compositions remains controversial and unclear. In this work, structural phase transitions of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 ceramic were investigated by infrared spectroscopy as a function of temperature. Studies were centered on nu(1)-stretching modes and corresponding half width Wi as a function of temperature. The occurrence of the anomalies in the infrared spectra as a function of temperature suggests the following monoclinic ( LT) -> monoclinic ( HT) -> tetragonal phase transition were observed at 183 K and at 263 K.


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We have performed dielectric and micro-Raman spectroscopy measurements in the 298 - 673 K temperature range in polycrystalline Pb0.50Sr0.50TiO3 thin films prepared by a soft chemical method. The phase transition have been investigated by dielectric measurements at various frequencies during the heating cycle. It was found that the temperature corresponding to the peak value of the dielectric constant is frequency-independent, indicating a non-relaxor ferroelectric behavior. However, the dielectric constant versus temperature curves associated with the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition showed a broad maximum peak at around 433 K. The observed behavior is explained in terms of a diffuse phase transition. The obtained Raman spectra indicate the presence of a local symmetry disorder, due to a higher strontium concentration in the host lattice. The monitoring of some modes, conducted in the Pb0.50Sr0.50TiO3 thin films, showed that the ferroelectric tetragonal phase undergoes a transition to the paraelectric cubic phase at around 423 K. However, the Raman activity did not disappear, as would be expected from a transition to the cubic paraelectric phase. The strong Raman spectrum observed for this cubic phase is indicative that a diffuse-type phase transition is taking place. This behavior is attributed to distortions of the perovskite structure, allowing the persistence of low-symmetry phase features in cubic phase high above the transition temperature. This result is in contrast to the forbidden first-order Raman spectrum, which would be expected from a cubic paraelectric phase, such as the one observed at high temperature in pure PbTiO3 perovskite.