974 resultados para TEST CASE GENERATION


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With the advancement in network bandwidth and computing power, multimedia systems have become a popular means for information delivery. However, general principles of system testing cannot be directly applied to testing of multimedia systems on account of their stringent temporal and synchronization requirements. In particular, few studies have been made on the stress testing of multimedia systems with respect to their temporal requirements under resource saturation. Stress testing is important because erroneous behavior is most likely to occur under resource saturation. This paper presents an automatable method of test case generation for the stress testing of multimedia systems. It adapts constraint solving techniques to generate test cases that lead to potential resource saturation in a multimedia system. Coverage of the test cases is defined upon the reachability graph of a multimedia system. The proposed stress testing technique is supported by tools and has been successfully applied to a real-life commercial multimedia system. Although our technique focuses on the stress testing of multimedia systems, the underlying issues and concepts are applicable to other types of real-time systems.


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Requirements validation is a crucial process to determine whether client-stakeholders' needs and expectations of a product are sufficiently correct and complete. Various requirements validation techniques have been used to evaluate the correctness and quality of requirements, but most of these techniques are tedious, expensive and time consuming. Accordingly, most project members are reluctant to invest their time and efforts in the requirements validation process. Moreover, automated tool supports that promote effective collaboration between the client-stakeholders and the engineers are still lacking. In this paper, we describe a novel approach that combines prototyping and test-based requirements techniques to improve the requirements validation process and promote better communication and collaboration between requirements engineers and clientstakeholders. To justify the potential of this prototype tool, we also present three types of evaluation conducted on the prototpye tool, which are the usability survey, 3-tool comparison analysis and expert reviews.


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Las pruebas de software (Testing) son en la actualidad la técnica más utilizada para la validación y la evaluación de la calidad de un programa. El testing está integrado en todas las metodologías prácticas de desarrollo de software y juega un papel crucial en el éxito de cualquier proyecto de software. Desde las unidades de código más pequeñas a los componentes más complejos, su integración en un sistema de software y su despliegue a producción, todas las piezas de un producto de software deben ser probadas a fondo antes de que el producto de software pueda ser liberado a un entorno de producción. La mayor limitación del testing de software es que continúa siendo un conjunto de tareas manuales, representando una buena parte del coste total de desarrollo. En este escenario, la automatización resulta fundamental para aliviar estos altos costes. La generación automática de casos de pruebas (TCG, del inglés test case generation) es el proceso de generar automáticamente casos de prueba que logren un alto recubrimiento del programa. Entre la gran variedad de enfoques hacia la TCG, esta tesis se centra en un enfoque estructural de caja blanca, y más concretamente en una de las técnicas más utilizadas actualmente, la ejecución simbólica. En ejecución simbólica, el programa bajo pruebas es ejecutado con expresiones simbólicas como argumentos de entrada en lugar de valores concretos. Esta tesis se basa en un marco general para la generación automática de casos de prueba dirigido a programas imperativos orientados a objetos (Java, por ejemplo) y basado en programación lógica con restricciones (CLP, del inglés constraint logic programming). En este marco general, el programa imperativo bajo pruebas es primeramente traducido a un programa CLP equivalente, y luego dicho programa CLP es ejecutado simbólicamente utilizando los mecanismos de evaluación estándar de CLP, extendidos con operaciones especiales para el tratamiento de estructuras de datos dinámicas. Mejorar la escalabilidad y la eficiencia de la ejecución simbólica constituye un reto muy importante. Es bien sabido que la ejecución simbólica resulta impracticable debido al gran número de caminos de ejecución que deben ser explorados y a tamaño de las restricciones que se deben manipular. Además, la generación de casos de prueba mediante ejecución simbólica tiende a producir un número innecesariamente grande de casos de prueba cuando es aplicada a programas de tamaño medio o grande. Las contribuciones de esta tesis pueden ser resumidas como sigue. (1) Se desarrolla un enfoque composicional basado en CLP para la generación de casos de prueba, el cual busca aliviar el problema de la explosión de caminos interprocedimiento analizando de forma separada cada componente (p.ej. método) del programa bajo pruebas, almacenando los resultados y reutilizándolos incrementalmente hasta obtener resultados para el programa completo. También se ha desarrollado un enfoque composicional basado en especialización de programas (evaluación parcial) para la herramienta de ejecución simbólica Symbolic PathFinder (SPF). (2) Se propone una metodología para usar información del consumo de recursos del programa bajo pruebas para guiar la ejecución simbólica hacia aquellas partes del programa que satisfacen una determinada política de recursos, evitando la exploración de aquellas partes del programa que violan dicha política. (3) Se propone una metodología genérica para guiar la ejecución simbólica hacia las partes más interesantes del programa, la cual utiliza abstracciones como generadores de trazas para guiar la ejecución de acuerdo a criterios de selección estructurales. (4) Se propone un nuevo resolutor de restricciones, el cual maneja eficientemente restricciones sobre el uso de la memoria dinámica global (heap) durante ejecución simbólica, el cual mejora considerablemente el rendimiento de la técnica estándar utilizada para este propósito, la \lazy initialization". (5) Todas las técnicas propuestas han sido implementadas en el sistema PET (el enfoque composicional ha sido también implementado en la herramienta SPF). Mediante evaluación experimental se ha confirmado que todas ellas mejoran considerablemente la escalabilidad y eficiencia de la ejecución simbólica y la generación de casos de prueba. ABSTRACT Testing is nowadays the most used technique to validate software and assess its quality. It is integrated into all practical software development methodologies and plays a crucial role towards the success of any software project. From the smallest units of code to the most complex components and their integration into a software system and later deployment; all pieces of a software product must be tested thoroughly before a software product can be released. The main limitation of software testing is that it remains a mostly manual task, representing a large fraction of the total development cost. In this scenario, test automation is paramount to alleviate such high costs. Test case generation (TCG) is the process of automatically generating test inputs that achieve high coverage of the system under test. Among a wide variety of approaches to TCG, this thesis focuses on structural (white-box) TCG, where one of the most successful enabling techniques is symbolic execution. In symbolic execution, the program under test is executed with its input arguments being symbolic expressions rather than concrete values. This thesis relies on a previously developed constraint-based TCG framework for imperative object-oriented programs (e.g., Java), in which the imperative program under test is first translated into an equivalent constraint logic program, and then such translated program is symbolically executed by relying on standard evaluation mechanisms of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), extended with special treatment for dynamically allocated data structures. Improving the scalability and efficiency of symbolic execution constitutes a major challenge. It is well known that symbolic execution quickly becomes impractical due to the large number of paths that must be explored and the size of the constraints that must be handled. Moreover, symbolic execution-based TCG tends to produce an unnecessarily large number of test cases when applied to medium or large programs. The contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as follows. (1) A compositional approach to CLP-based TCG is developed which overcomes the inter-procedural path explosion by separately analyzing each component (method) in a program under test, stowing the results as method summaries and incrementally reusing them to obtain whole-program results. A similar compositional strategy that relies on program specialization is also developed for the state-of-the-art symbolic execution tool Symbolic PathFinder (SPF). (2) Resource-driven TCG is proposed as a methodology to use resource consumption information to drive symbolic execution towards those parts of the program under test that comply with a user-provided resource policy, avoiding the exploration of those parts of the program that violate such policy. (3) A generic methodology to guide symbolic execution towards the most interesting parts of a program is proposed, which uses abstractions as oracles to steer symbolic execution through those parts of the program under test that interest the programmer/tester most. (4) A new heap-constraint solver is proposed, which efficiently handles heap-related constraints and aliasing of references during symbolic execution and greatly outperforms the state-of-the-art standard technique known as lazy initialization. (5) All techniques above have been implemented in the PET system (and some of them in the SPF tool). Experimental evaluation has confirmed that they considerably help towards a more scalable and efficient symbolic execution and TCG.


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We present a generalized test case generation method, called the G method. Although inspired by the W method, the G method, in contrast, allows for test case suite generation even in the absence of characterization sets for the specification models. Instead, the G method relies on knowledge about the index of certain equivalences induced at the implementation models. We show that the W method can be derived from the G method as a particular case. Moreover, we discuss some naturally occurring infinite classes of FSM models over which the G method generates test suites that are exponentially more compact than those produced by the W method.


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This article analyses the legality of Israel’s 2007 airstrike on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility at Al-Kibar—an incident that has been largely overlooked by international lawyers to date. The absence of a threat of imminent attack from Syria means Israel’s military action was not a lawful exercise of anticipatory self-defence. Yet, despite Israel’s clear violation of the prohibition on the use of force there was remarkably little condemnation from other states, suggesting the possibility of growing international support for the doctrine of pre-emptive self-defence. This article argues that the muted international reaction to Israel’s pre-emptive action was the result of political factors, and should not be seen as endorsement of the legality of the airstrike. As such, a lack of opinio juris means the Al-Kibar episode cannot be viewed as extending the scope of the customary international law right of self-defence so as to permit the use of force against non-imminent threats. However, two features of this incident—namely, Israel’s failure to offer any legal justification for its airstrike, and the international community’s apparent lack of concern over legality—are also evident in other recent uses of force in the ‘war on terror’ context. These developments may indicate a shift in state practice involving a downgrading of the role of international law in discussions of the use of force. This may signal a declining perception of the legitimacy of the jus ad bellum, at least in cases involving minor uses of force.


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Association for Computing Machinery, ACM; IEEE; IEEE Computer Society; SIGSOFT


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Context. NGC 346-013 is a peculiar double-lined eclipsing binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) discovered by the VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars.


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The Irish case provides a particularly appropriate test of the increasing merit selection hypothesis deriving from the liberal theory of industrialization. This is so not only because the lateness and speed of economic change allows us to capture such change through a set of national surveys conducted in the past three decades, but also because such change was based on a sustained policy of increased openness to international competitive forces. The functional requirements of the economy and a rapid increase in the supply of those with higher educational qualifications provided an ideal context in which to observe the movement from ascription to achievement predicted by the liberal theory. However, while changes in the class structure and a rapid expansion of educational opportunity had significant consequences in terms of absolute mobility, there was no evidence of a significant shift towards meritocratic principles. At the same time as the service class increased their advantage over other classes in the pursuit of educational qualifications, the impact of educational qualifications on class destination diminished. Controlling for education, we find that the impact of class origin effects is substantial and shows little sign of diminishing over time. In our conclusion we discuss the implications of our findings in the context of the recent debate on meritocracy.


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The nearby supernova SN 2011fe can be observed in unprecedented detail. Therefore, it is an important test case for Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) models, which may bring us closer to understanding the physical nature of these objects. Here, we explore how available and expected future observations of SN 2011fe can be used to constrain SN Ia explosion scenarios. We base our discussion on three-dimensional simulations of a delayed detonation in a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf and of a violent merger of two white dwarfs (WDs) - realizations of explosion models appropriate for two of the most widely discussed progenitor channels that may give rise to SNe Ia. Although both models have their shortcomings in reproducing details of the early and near-maximum spectra of SN 2011fe obtained by the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory), the overall match with the observations is reasonable. The level of agreement is slightly better for the merger, in particular around maximum, but a clear preference for one model over the other is still not justified. Observations at late epochs, however, hold promise for discriminating the explosion scenarios in a straightforward way, as a nucleosynthesis effect leads to differences in the Co production. SN 2011fe is close enough to be followed sufficiently long to study this effect. © © 2012 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.