991 resultados para TDP-1
OBJECTIVE The treatment of lupus nephritis is still an unmet medical need requiring new therapeutic approaches. Our group found recently that irinotecan, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I (topo I), reversed proteinuria and prolonged survival in mice with advanced lupus nephritis. While irinotecan is known to stabilize the complex of topo I and DNA, the enzyme tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP-1) functions in an opposing manner by releasing topo I from DNA. Therefore, we undertook this study to test whether the TDP-1 inhibitor furamidine has an additional effect on lupus nephritis when used in combination with irinotecan. METHODS NZB/NZW mice were treated with low-dose irinotecan and furamidine either alone or in combination beginning at age 26 weeks. DNA relaxation was visualized using gel electrophoresis. Binding of anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies to DNA modified by topo I, TDP-1, and the topo I inhibitor camptothecin was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS Compared to treatment with either agent alone, simultaneous treatment with low-dose irinotecan and furamidine significantly improved survival of NZB/NZW mice. Similar to what has been previously shown for irinotecan alone, the combination treatment did not change the levels of anti-dsDNA antibodies. In vitro, recombinant TDP-1 increased topo I-mediated DNA relaxation, resulting in enhanced binding of anti-dsDNA antibodies. In combination with topo I and camptothecin, TDP-1 reversed the inhibitory effects of camptothecin on DNA relaxation and anti-dsDNA binding. CONCLUSION Affecting DNA relaxation by the enzymes topo I and TDP-1 and their inhibitors may be a promising approach for the development of new targeted therapies for systemic lupus erythematosus.
Les gènes TDP-43 (TAR DNA Binding Protein 43) et FUS/TLS (Fused in Sarcoma/Translocated in Liposarcoma) sont actuellement à l’étude quant à leurs rôles biologiques dans le développement de diverses neuropathies telles que la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique (SLA). Étant donné que TDP-43 et FUS sont conservés au cours de l’évolution, nous avons utilisé l’organisme modèle C. elegans afin d’étudier leurs fonctions biologiques. Dans ce mémoire, nous démontrons que TDP-1 fonctionne dans la voie de signalisation Insuline/IGF pour réguler la longévité et la réponse au stress oxydatif. Nous avons développé des lignées C. elegans transgéniques mutantes TDP-43 et FUS qui présentent certains aspects de la SLA tels que la dégénérescence des motoneurones et la paralysie adulte. La protéotoxicité causée par ces mutations de TDP- 43 et FUS associées à la SLA, induit l’expression de TDP-1. À l’inverse, la délétion de tdp-1 endogène protège contre la protéotoxicité des mutants TDP-43 et FUS chez C. elegans. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une induction chronique de TDP-1/TDP-43 sauvage propagerait la protéotoxicité liée à la protéine mutante. Nous avons aussi entrepris un criblage moléculaire pilote afin d’isoler des suppresseurs de toxicité neuronale des modèles transgéniques mutants TDP-43 et FUS. Nous avons ainsi identifié le bleu de méthylène et le salubrinal comme suppresseurs potentiels de toxicité liée à TDP-43 et FUS via réduction de la réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). Nos résultats indiquent que l’homéostasie de repliement des protéines dans le RE représente une cible pour le développement de thérapies pour les maladies neurodégénératives.
Top1-DNA cleavage complexes (Top1ccs) trigger an accumulation of antisense RNAPII transcripts specifically at active divergent CpG-island promoters in a replication independent and Top1 dependent manner, leading to transcription-dependent genome instability and altered transcription regulation. Using different cancer cell lines of colon and osteo origins, we show that they display different sensitivity to CPT and G4 binder that is independent from Top1 level. To look at the interactions between Top1 and G4, we show that co-treatment with G4 binders potentiate the cell cytotoxicity of CPT regardless of the treatment sequences. Potentiation is indicated by a reduced inhibition concentration (IC50) with a more profound cytotoxicity in CPT-resistant cell lines, HCT15 and U2OS, hence, indicating an interaction between Top1inhibitor and G4 binders. Moreover, computational analysis confirmed the present of G4 motifs in genes with CPT-induced antisense transcription. G4 motifs are present mostly 5000 bp upstream from transcription start site and notably lower in genes. Comparisons between genes with no antisense transcription and genes with antisense transcription show that G4 motifs in this region are notably lower in the genes with antisense transcripts. Since CPT increases negative supercoils at promoters of intermediate activity, the formation of G4 is also increased in CPT-treated cells. Suprisingly, formation of G4 is regulated in parallel to the transient stabilization of R-loops, indicating a role in response to CPT-induced stress. G4 formation is highly elevated in Pyridostatin treated cells, which previous study shows increased formation of γH2Ax foci. This effect is also seen in the CPT-resistant cell lines, HCT15, indicating that the formation is a general event in response to CPT. We also show that R-loop formation is greatly increased in Pyridostatin treated cells. In order to study the role of R-loops and G4 structures in Top1cc-dependant repair pathway, we inhibited tyrosyl-phosphodiestrase 1 (TDP-1) using a TDP-1 inhibitor.
TDP-43 est une protéine multifonctionnelle possédant des rôles dans la transcription, l'épissage des pré-ARNm, la stabilité et le transport des ARNm. TDP-43 interagit avec d'autres hnRNP, incluant hnRNP A2, via son extrémité C-terminale. Plusieurs membres de la famille des hnRNP étant impliqués dans la réponse au stress cellulaire, alors nous avons émis l’hypothèse que TDP-43 pouvait y participer aussi. Nos résultats démontrent que TDP-43 et hnRNP A2 sont localisés au niveau des granules de stress, à la suite d’un stress oxydatif, d’un choc thermique, et lors de l’exposition à la thapsigargine. TDP-43 contribue à la fois à l'assemblage et au maintien des granules de stress en réponse au stress oxydatif. TDP-43 régule aussi de façon différentielle les composants clés des granules de stress, notamment TIA-1 et G3BP. L'agrégation contrôlée de TIA-1 est perturbée en l'absence de TDP-43. En outre, TDP-43 régule le niveau d`ARNm de G3BP, un facteur de granule de stress de nucléation. La mutation associée à la sclérose latérale amyotrophique, TDP-43R361S, compromet la formation de granules de stress. Ainsi, la fonction cellulaire de TDP-43 s'étend au-delà de l’épissage; TDP-43 est aussi un composant de la réponse cellulaire au stress central et un acteur actif dans le stockage des ARNs.
Les Granule de Stress (GS) sont des inclusions cytoplasmiques contenant des protéines et des ARNm qui s’assemblent en réponse à l’exposition à un stress. Leur formation fait partie intégrante de la réponse cellulaire au stress et est considérée comme une étape déterminante pour la résistance au stress et la survie cellulaire. Actuellement, les GS sont reliés à divers pathologies allant des infections virales aux maladies neurovégétatives. L’une d’entre elle, la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique (SLA) est particulièrement agressive, caractérisée par une perte des neurones moteurs aboutissant à la paralysie et à la mort du patient en cinq ans en moyenne. Les mécanismes de déclenchement de la pathologie restent encore à déterminer. TDP-43 (TAR DNA binding protein 43) et FUS (Fused in liposarcoma) sont deux protéines reliées à la pathologie qui présentent des similarités de structure et de fonction, suggérant un mécanisme commun de toxicité. TDP-43 et FUS sont toutes les deux recrutées au niveau des GS en condition de stress. Nous avons démontré pour la première fois que la fonction des GS est de protéger les ARNm de la dégradation induite par l’exposition au stress. Cette fonction n’était que suspectée jusqu’alors. De plus nous avons mis en évidence que G3BP1 (Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1) est l’effectrice de cette fonction via son implication dans la dynamique de formation des GS. TDP-43 étant un régulateur de G3BP1, nous prouvons ainsi que la perte de fonction de TDP-43/G3BP1 aboutit à un défaut de réponse au stress aboutissant à une vulnérabilisation cellulaire. Le mécanisme de toxicité emprunter par FUS diffère de celui de TDP-43 et ne semble pas passer par une perte de fonction dans le cadre de la réponse au stress.
Work performed at CANEL.
To further characterize the neuropathology of the heterogeneous molecular disorder frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP).
Studies suggest that frontotemporal lobar degeneration with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP) is heterogeneous with division into four or five subtypes. To determine the degree of heterogeneity and the validity of the subtypes, we studied neuropathological variation within the frontal and temporal lobes of 94 cases of FTLD-TDP using quantitative estimates of density and principal components analysis (PCA). A PCA based on the density of TDP-43 immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN), surviving neurons, enlarged neurons (EN), and vacuolation suggested that cases were not segregated into distinct subtypes. Variation in the density of the vacuoles was the greatest source of variation between cases. A PCA based on TDP-43 pathology alone suggested that cases of FTLD-TDP with progranulin (GRN) mutation segregated to some degree. The pathological phenotype of all four subtypes overlapped but subtypes 1 and 4 were the most distinctive. Cases with coexisting motor neuron disease (MND) or hippocampal sclerosis (HS) also appeared to segregate to some extent. We suggest: 1) pathological variation in FTLD-TDP is best described as a ‘continuum’ without clearly distinct subtypes, 2) vacuolation was the single greatest source of variation and reflects the ‘stage’ of the disease, and 3) within the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ cases with GRN mutation and with coexisting MND or HS may have a more distinctive pathology.
A proportion of patients with motor neuron disease (MND) exhibit frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and some patients with FTD develop the clinical features of MND. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the pathological substrate of FTD and some forms of this disease (referred to as FTLD-U) share with MND the common feature of ubiquitin-immunoreactive, tau-negative cellular inclusions in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Recently, the transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) has been found to be a major protein of the inclusions of FTLD-U with or without MND and these cases are referred to as FTLD with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To clarify the relationship between MND and FTLD-TDP, TDP-43 pathology was studied in nine cases of FTLD-MND and compared with cases of familial and sporadic FTLD–TDP without associated MND. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the nine FTLD-MND cases suggested that variations in the density of surviving neurons in the frontal cortex and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) in the dentate gyrus (DG) were the major histological differences between cases. The density of surviving neurons in FTLD-MND was significantly less than in FTLD-TDP cases without MND, and there were greater densities of NCI but fewer neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) in some brain regions in FTLD-MND. A PCA of all FTLD-TDP cases, based on TDP-43 pathology alone, suggested that neuropathological heterogeneity was essentially continuously distributed. The FTLD-MND cases exhibited consistently high loadings on PC2 and overlapped with subtypes 2 and 3 of FTLD-TDP. The data suggest: (1) FTLD-MND cases have a consistent pathology, variations in the density of NCI in the DG being the major TDP-43-immunoreactive difference between cases, (2) there are considerable similarities in the neuropathology of FTLD-TDP with and without MND, but with greater neuronal loss in FTLD-MND, and (3) FTLD-MND cases are part of the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ overlapping with FTLD-TDP disease subtypes 2 and 3.
Abnormal protein aggregates of transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) in the form of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuronal internuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN) are the pathological hallmark of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To investigate the role of phosphorylated TDP-43 (pTDP-43) in neurodegeneration in FTLD-TDP, the spatial patterns of the pTDP-43-immunoreactive NCI, GI, NII, and DN were studied in frontal and temporal cortex in three groups of cases: (1) familial FTLD-TDP caused by progranulin (GRN) mutation, (2) a miscellaneous group of familial cases containing cases caused by valosin-containing protein (VCP) mutation, ubiquitin associated protein 1 (UBAP1) mutation, and cases not associated with currently known genes, and (3) sporadic FTLD-TDP. In a significant number of brain regions, the pTDP-43-immunoreactive inclusions developed in clusters and the clusters were distributed regularly parallel to the tissue boundary. The spatial patterns of the inclusions were similar to those revealed by a phosphorylation-independent anti-TDP-43 antibody. The spatial patterns and cluster sizes of the pTDP-43-immunoreactive inclusions were similar in GRN mutation cases, remaining familial cases, and in sporadic FTLD-TDP. Hence, pathological changes initiated by different genetic factors in familial cases and by unknown causes in sporadic FTLD-TDP appear to follow a parallel course resulting in very similar patterns of degeneration of frontal and temporal lobes.
A proportion of patients with motor neuron disease (MND) exhibit frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and some patients with FTD develop the clinical features of MND. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the pathological substrate of FTD and some forms of this disease (referred to as FTLD-U) share with MND the common feature of ubiquitin-immunoreactive, tau-negative cellular inclusions in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Recently, the transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) has been found to be a major protein of the inclusions of FTLD-U with or without MND and these cases are referred to as FTLD with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To clarify the relationship between MND and FTLD-TDP, TDP-43 pathology was studied in nine cases of FTLD-MND and compared with cases of familial and sporadic FTLD-TDP without associated MND. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the nine FTLD-MND cases suggested that variations in the density of surviving neurons in the frontal cortex and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) in the dentate gyrus (DG) were the major histological differences between cases. The density of surviving neurons in FTLD-MND was significantly less than in FTLD-TDP cases without MND, and there were greater densities of NCI but fewer neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) in some brain regions in FTLD-MND. A PCA of all FTLD-TDP cases, based on TDP-43 pathology alone, suggested that neuropathological heterogeneity was essentially continuously distributed. The FTLD-MND cases exhibited consistently high loadings on PC2 and overlapped with subtypes 2 and 3 of FTLD-TDP. The data suggest: (1) FTLD-MND cases have a consistent pathology, variations in the density of NCI in the DG being the major TDP-43-immunoreactive difference between cases, (2) there are considerable similarities in the neuropathology of FTLD-TDP with and without MND, but with greater neuronal loss in FTLD-MND, and (3) FTLD-MND cases are part of the FTLD-TDP 'continuum' overlapping with FTLD-TDP disease subtypes 2 and 3. © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Factors associated with survival were studied in 84 neuropathologically documented cases of the pre-senile dementia frontotemporal dementia lobar degeneration (FTLD) with transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis estimated mean survival as 7.9 years (range: 1-19 years, SD = 4.64). Familial and sporadic cases exhibited similar survival, including progranulin (GRN) gene mutation cases. No significant differences in survival were associated with sex, disease onset, Braak disease stage, or disease subtype, but higher survival was associated with lower post-mortem brain weight. Survival was significantly reduced in cases with associated motor neuron disease (FTLD-MND) but increased with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or hippocampal sclerosis (HS) co-morbidity. Cox regression analysis suggested that reduced survival was associated with increased densities of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) while increased survival was associated with greater densities of enlarged neurons (EN) in the frontal and temporal lobes. The data suggest that: (1) survival in FTLD-TDP is more prolonged than typical in pre-senile dementia but shorter than some clinical subtypes such as the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA), (2) MND co-morbidity predicts poor survival, and (3) NCI may develop early and EN later in the disease. The data have implications for both neuropathological characterization and subtyping of FTLD-TDP.