6 resultados para TCPO


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O estudo da função vascular periférica tem beneficiado do desenvolvimento de diversas técnicas e metodologias de avaliação o as quais permitem caracterizar a função com um mínimo de invasibilidade. O estudo do significado de diversas variáveis transcutâneas tem ajudado a melhor compreender as complexas relações que regem a perfusão dos tecidos in vivo. No presente estudo procurámos avaliar o perfil de resposta de um grupo de indivíduos saudáveis jovens de ambos os sexos (n=23, 22,4 ± 2,2 anos), a uma manobra dinâmica (provocação) envolvendo a variação postural passiva do membro inferior (A: elevação da perna e B: decúbito dorsal) de modo a caracterizar a função vascular periférica por meio de variáveis transcutâneas (tc). A perfusão local medida por Fluxometria de Laser Doppler (LDF) , a Perda Trans-epidérmica de água (PTEA) as pressões parciais de oxigénio e dióxido de carbono transcutâneos e a oximetria de pulso foram escolhidas e, um intervalo de confiança de 95% adoptado. LDF, PTEA e tcpO 2 são, manifestamente, as variáveis que melhor permitem seguir o processo em cada fase experimental. Em A foram registadas, durante a provocação, diferenças significativas na perfusão sanguínea e na pressão transcutânea de oxigénio e PTEA, especialmente nas mulheres, enquanto que o perfil de resposta obtido em B foi idêntico em ambos os grupos e comparável B hiperémia reactiva. Qualquer dos protocolos permitiu evidenciar uma relação inversamente recíproca entre a PTEA e o LD. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a utilidade destas metodologias na avaliação da função vascular periférica, confirmando as relações entre PTEA e LDF as quais devem ser adequadamente aprofundadas.


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Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) represents a well established procedure in the treatment of critical ischemia of the extremities. The knowledge and distribution of SCS in Austria are still poor despite satisfactory data. The evaluations and recommendations from the consensus group demonstrate that SCS might represent a suitable additional treatment option for selected patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) when performed in experienced centers under clear indications. The complication rate is low and mainly due to device-related problems. There are valid scientific criteria proving that SCS treatment can reduce the risk of amputation, decrease pain and improve wound healing in patients with non-reconstructable, non-unstable PAD in stages IV and V according to Rutherford (stages III and IV according to Fontaine).This effect is more evident when patient selection is based on tcPO(2) measurements. A careful selection of patients is essential for the success of this neuromodulatory treatment, in addition a certain degree of patient compliance in terms of perception and understanding of the therapy is mandatory.


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The chemiluminescent reactions of bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)oxalate (TCPO) and bis(2-nitrophenyl)oxalate (2-NPO) with hydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile/water micellar systems (anionic, cationic, and non-ionic) and gamma-cyclodextrin were studied in the presence of fluoranthene or 9,10-diphenylanthracene, imidazole, and two buffer solutions, HTRIS+/TRIS and H2PO4-/HPO42-. The relative chemiluminenscence (CL) intensity is higher in the presence of the cationic (DDAB, CTAC, DODAC, and OTAC), anionic (SDS), and non-ionic (Tween 80) surfactants. In the presence of some non-ionic surfactants (Brij 35, Brij 76, and Tween 20), the CL intensity was partially quenched compared with the reaction with no surfactant. The sensitivity for hydrogen peroxide determination in the range 0.01 x 10(-4) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1, considering the slope of the calibration curves (maximum peak height of CL vs. concentration), improved with the introduction of DDAH, CTAB, and SDS in HTRIS+/TRIS buffer.


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Kanzerogene polyaromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAKs), wie Benzo[a]pyren, besitzen eine Bay-Region mit ortho-kondensiertem Benzoring. Dadurch ist die enzymatische Bildung von Bay-Region-Dihydrodiolepoxiden (Oxiranylring in der sterisch abgeschirmten Molekülbucht) möglich, die als ultimal kanzerogene Metaboliten der PAKs gelten. Diese lösen durch DNA-Modifikation Primärläsionen aus, die, sofern sie nicht enzymatisch repariert werden, bei der DNA-Replikation Fehler verursachen (Mu-tationen). Der Mehrstufenprozeß der Kanzerogenese (Promotion und Progression) führt schließlich zur neoplastischen Entartung der Zelle. Benzo[ghi]perylen (BghiP) repräsentiert eine Gruppe von PAKs, die keine „klassische“ Bay-Region besitzen und daher keine vicinalen Dihydrodiolepoxiden bilden können. Trotzdem ist BghiP mutagen, z. B. in den Stämmen TA98 und TA100 von Salmonella typhimurium (1,3- bzw. 4,3 his+-Revertanten/nmol) nach metabolischer Aktivierung mit der postmitochondrialen Fraktion von Ratten nach Behandlung mit 3-Methylcholanthren. Hemmung der mikrosomalen Epoxidhydrolase (mEH) mit 1,1,1-Trichlor-2-propenoxid (TCPO) steigert die bakterielle Mutagenität von BghiP im Stamm TA98 um das 4-fache, was Arenoxide als ultimale Mutagene wahrscheinlich macht. Dieses Ergebnis wird au-ßerdem durch Untersuchung der DNA-Bindung mit dem Verfahren des 32P-Postlabelings bestätigt (Dr. Fickler, Institut für Toxikologie, Universität Mainz). Danach bildete mikrosomal aktiviertes BghiP drei Addukte (ein Hauptaddukt, zwei Nebenaddukte), die durch Hemmung der mEH mit TCPO verstärkt wurden (das Hauptaddukt um 29%). Um den für die bakterielle Mutagenität von BghiP verantwortlichen Metaboliten zu identifizieren, wurde die mikrosomale Biotransformaton von BghiP aufgeklärt. Umsetzung von BghiP mit Lebermikrosomen von Ratten nach Behandlung mit Aroclor 1254 lieferte 17 mit Ethylacetat extrahierbare Metaboliten. Zwölf dieser Metaboliten konnten durch eine Kombination von chromatographischen, spektroskopi-schen und biochemischen Methoden identifiziert werden. Daraus ergeben sich zwei Biotransformati-onswege: Weg I beginnt mit einem Angriff von Cytochrom P450-abhängigen Monooxygenasen an Position 7 und der Bildung des 7-Phenols. Dieses wird dann in das 7,8- bzw. 7,10-Diphenol überführt, die schließlich zu den mehrkernigen Chinonen an der 7,8- bzw. 7,10-Position oxidiert werden. Im Bio-transformationsweg II werden die K-Regionen von BghiP durch Cytochrom P450 funktionalisiert. Zu-nächst entstehen das auf indirektem Weg identifizierte 3,4-Oxid und das 3,4,11,12-Bisoxid, die in mikrosomalen Umsetzungen von BghiP nur nach Hemmung der mEH gebildet werden. Enzymatische Hydrolyse des 3,4-Oxides ergibt das trans-3,4-Dihydrodiol, das zum 3,4-Chinon oxidiert wird. Ebenso entsteht aus dem 3,4,11,12-Bisoxid das trans-3,4-trans-11,12-Bisdihydrodiol, aus dem durch Oxidati-on das trans-3,4-Dihydrodiol-11,12-Chinon hervorgeht. Untersuchung der stereoselektiven enzymati-schen Bildung der K-Region-trans-Di¬hydrodiole ergaben eine präferentielle Entstehung der 3R,4R- bzw. 3R,4R,11R,12R-Enantiomere. Untersuchungen der bakteriellen Mutagenität der Hauptmetaboliten 3,4-Dihydrodiol und dem 7-Phenol machte deutlich, dass beide Biotransformationswege I und II von BghiP zur bakteriellen Mutagenität beitragen. Das 7-Phenol aus Weg I ist ein proximales Mutagen, was auch von Phenolen anderer PAKs bekannt ist. Das 3,4-Dihydrodiol aus Weg II wird so schwach zu Mutagenen aktiviert, dass dem vermutlich gebildete 3,4-Dihydrodiol-11,12-oxid keine große Bedeutung als ultimales Mutagen von BghiP zukommt. Die Bestimmung der direkten mutagenen Aktivität (ohne metabolische Aktivierung) der mutmaßlich ultimal mutagenen Arenoxide von BghiP ergab, dass die des 3,4,11,12-Bisarenoxides sehr gering war (1,3 his+-Revertanten/nmol im Stamm TA98). Das 3,4-Oxid hingegen bewirkte einen deutlichen gentoxischen Effekt in den Stämmen TA98 und TA100 (5,5 bzw. 10 his+-Revertanten/nmol). Dies wurde durch die Bestimmung der DNA-Bindung mit dem 32P-Postlabeling, in dem das 3,4-Oxid für das Hauptaddukt von BghiP verantwortlich gemacht werden konnte, bestätigt. Daher kommt dem 3,4-Oxid als ultimales Mutagen die größte Bedeutung für die Gentoxizität von BghiP zu. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit lassen bei PAKs ohne Bay-Region auf Arenoxide schließen, die eine notwendige Voraussetzung für DNA-Bindung und Mutagenität sind.


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The concept of chronic critical limb ischaemia (CLI) emerged late in the history of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). The historical background and changing definitions of CLI over the last decades are important to know in order to understand why epidemiologic data are so difficult to compare between articles and over time. The prevalence of CLI is probably very high and largely underestimated, and significant differences exist between population studies and clinical series. The extremely high costs associated with management of these patients make CLI a real public health issue for the future. In the era of emerging vascular surgery in the 1950s, the initial classification of PAOD by Fontaine, with stages III and IV corresponding to CLI, was based only on clinical symptoms. Later, with increasing access to non-invasive haemodynamic measurements (ankle pressure, toe pressure), the need to prove a causal relationship between PAOD and clinical findings suggestive of CLI became a real concern, and the Rutherford classification published in 1986 included objective haemodynamic criteria. The first consensus document on CLI was published in 1991 and included clinical criteria associated with ankle and toe pressure and transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO(2)) cut-off levels <50 mmHg, <30 mmHg and <10 mmHg respectively). This rigorous definition reflects an arterial insufficiency that is so severe as to cause microcirculatory changes and compromise tissue integrity, with a high rate of major amputation and mortality. The TASC I consensus document published in 2000 used less severe pressure cut-offs (≤ 50-70 mmHg, ≤ 30-50 mmHg and ≤ 30-50 mmHg respectively). The thresholds for toe pressure and especially TcPO(2) (which will be also included in TASC II consensus document) are however just below the lower limit of normality. It is therefore easy to infer that patients qualifying as CLI based on TASC criteria can suffer from far less severe disease than those qualifying as CLI in the initial 1991 consensus document. Furthermore, inclusion criteria of many recent interventional studies have even shifted further from the efforts of definition standardisation with objective criteria, by including patients as CLI based merely on Fontaine classification (stage III and IV) without haemodynamic criteria. The differences in the natural history of patients with CLI, including prognosis of the limb and the patient, are thus difficult to compare between studies in this context. Overall, CLI as defined by clinical and haemodynamic criteria remains a severe condition with poor prognosis, high medical costs and a major impact in terms of public health and patients' loss of functional capacity. The major progresses in best medical therapy of arterial disease and revascularisation procedures will certainly improve the outcome of CLI patients. In the future, an effort to apply a standardised definition with clinical and objective haemodynamic criteria will be needed to better demonstrate and compare the advances in management of these patients.


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Non-invasive vascular studies can provide crucial information on the presence, location, and severity of critical limb ischaemia (CLI), as well as the initial assessment or treatment planning. Ankle-brachial index with Doppler ultrasound, despite limitations in diabetic and end-stage renal failure patients, is the first-line evaluation of CLI. In this group of patients, toe-brachial index measurement may better establish the diagnosis. Other non-invasive measurements, such as segmental limb pressure, continuous-wave Doppler analysis and pulse volume recording, are of limited accuracy. Transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO(2)) measurement may be of value when rest pain and ulcerations of the foot are present. Duplex ultrasound is the most important non-invasive tool in CLI patients combining haemodynamic evaluation with imaging modality. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) are the next imaging studies in the algorithm for CLI. Both CTA and MRA have been proven effective in aiding the decision-making of clinicians and accurate planning of intervention. The data acquired with CTA and MRA can be manipulated in a multiplanar and 3D fashion and can offer exquisite detail. CTA results are generally equivalent to MRA, and both compare favourably with contrast angiography. The individual use of different imaging modalities depends on local availability, experience, and costs. Contrast angiography represents the gold standard, provides detailed information about arterial anatomy, and is recommended when revascularisation is needed.