999 resultados para TAMOXIFEN THERAPY
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
BACKGROUND: The aromatase inhibitor letrozole, as compared with tamoxifen, improves disease-free survival among postmenopausal women with receptor-positive early breast cancer. It is unknown whether sequential treatment with tamoxifen and letrozole is superior to letrozole therapy alone. METHODS: In this randomized, phase 3, double-blind trial of the treatment of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women, we randomly assigned women to receive 5 years of tamoxifen monotherapy, 5 years of letrozole monotherapy, or 2 years of treatment with one agent followed by 3 years of treatment with the other. We compared the sequential treatments with letrozole monotherapy among 6182 women and also report a protocol-specified updated analysis of letrozole versus tamoxifen monotherapy in 4922 women. RESULTS: At a median follow-up of 71 months after randomization, disease-free survival was not significantly improved with either sequential treatment as compared with letrozole alone (hazard ratio for tamoxifen followed by letrozole, 1.05; 99% confidence interval [CI], 0.84 to 1.32; hazard ratio for letrozole followed by tamoxifen, 0.96; 99% CI, 0.76 to 1.21). There were more early relapses among women who were assigned to tamoxifen followed by letrozole than among those who were assigned to letrozole alone. The updated analysis of monotherapy showed that there was a nonsignificant difference in overall survival between women assigned to treatment with letrozole and those assigned to treatment with tamoxifen (hazard ratio for letrozole, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.75 to 1.02; P=0.08). The rate of adverse events was as expected on the basis of previous reports of letrozole and tamoxifen therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Among postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer, sequential treatment with letrozole and tamoxifen, as compared with letrozole monotherapy, did not improve disease-free survival. The difference in overall survival with letrozole monotherapy and tamoxifen monotherapy was not statistically significant. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00004205.)
Purpose The third-generation nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are increasingly used as adjuvant and first-line advanced therapy for postmenopausal, hormone receptor-positive (HR +) breast cancer. Because many patients subsequently experience progression or relapse, it is important to identify agents with efficacy after AI failure. Materials and Methods Evaluation of Faslodex versus Exemestane Clinical Trial (EFECT) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, multicenter phase III trial of fulvestrant versus exemestane in postmenopausal women with HR + advanced breast cancer (ABC) progressing or recurring after nonsteroidal AI. The primary end point was time to progression (TTP). A fulvestrant loading-dose (LD) regimen was used: 500 mg intramuscularly on day 0, 250 mg on days 14, 28, and 250 mg every 28 days thereafter. Exemestane 25 mg orally was administered once daily. Results A total of 693 women were randomly assigned to fulvestrant (n = 351) or exemestane ( n = 342). Approximately 60% of patients had received at least two prior endocrine therapies. Median TTP was 3.7 months in both groups ( hazard ratio = 0.963; 95% CI, 0.819 to 1.133; P = .6531). The overall response rate ( 7.4% v 6.7%; P = .736) and clinical benefit rate ( 32.2% v 31.5%; P = .853) were similar between fulvestrant and exemestane respectively. Median duration of clinical benefit was 9.3 and 8.3 months, respectively. Both treatments were well tolerated, with no significant differences in the incidence of adverse events or quality of life. Pharmacokinetic data confirm that steady-state was reached within 1 month with the LD schedule of fulvestrant. Conclusion Fulvestrant LD and exemestane are equally active and well-tolerated in a meaningful proportion of postmenopausal women with ABC who have experienced progression or recurrence during treatment with a nonsteroidal AI.
This study investigates the efficacy of clinical criteria in selecting patients for primary tamoxifen therapy. A total of 60 breast cancer patients with large primary tumors and unknown hormonal receptor status were subjected to primary hormone therapy. Inclusion criteria were age over 60 years old or menopausal status for at least 10 years and no clinical evidence of inflammatory disease and fast tumor growth. The objective response rate was 55%. There was a positive correlation between the lack of clinical response and axillary lymph node metastasis (p = 0.009). Patients with objective response had significantly improved disease-free (p = 0.045) and overall (p = 0.0002) survival over those who did not have response to hormonal therapy. In multivariate analysis, the clinical response to therapy was the most powerful prognostic factor. This analysis demonstrates that clinical criteria were very effective predictor of response to neo-adjuvant hormone therapy in large breast tumors for postmenopausal women. Response to therapy is the major prognostic factor in primary tamoxifen-treated breast cancer.
INTRODUCTION: In the postmenopausal period, an average of 25% of women will present symptomatic ovarian failure requiring hormonal replacement therapy. Estrogen can relieve vasomotor symptoms. Hormonal replacement therapy is generally not recommended for breast cancer patients due to the potential risk of tumor recurrence. To answer the questions about the safety of hormonal replacement therapy in this subgroup of women, it is necessary to establish the acceptance of treatment. METHODS: Between September 1998 and February 2001, a cohort of 216 breast cancer patients were asked to complete a questionnaire. All patients had completed their treatment and were informed about survival rates after breast cancer and hormonal replacement therapy. RESULTS: Among the 216 patients, 134 (62%) would refuse hormonal replacement therapy. A hundred patients were afraid of relapse (74.6%). Adjuvant tamoxifen therapy was the only statistically significant variable (70.3% versus 29.7% p=0.003). Understanding clinical stage (p= 0.045) and type of medical assistance (private versus public , p=0.033) also seemed to influence the decision. Early stage disease (p= 0.22), type of surgical procedure (radical versus conservative, p=0.67), adjuvant chemotherapy (p=0.082) or marital status (p=0.98 ) were not statistically significant in decision making. Several patients submitted to adjuvant chemotherapy (41.6%) would accept hormonal replacement therapy under medical supervision, as did most of advanced clinical stage patients (58.3%; p=0.022). CONCLUSION: There is a high level of rejection for hormonal replacement therapy among breast cancer patients when current data on tumor cure rates, and potential risks of estrogen use is available. Adverse effects of tamoxifen in the adjuvant setting may be the reason for refusal of hormonal replacement therapy .
Tamoxifen has been associated with a reduction in the incidence of myocardial infarction. However, the effects of tamoxifen on coronary reactivity have not been fully elucidated. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of chronic treatment with tamoxifen on coronary vascular reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Female SHR were divided into four groups (N = 7 each): sham-operated (SHAM), sham-operated and treated with tamoxifen (10 mg/kg) by gavage for 90 days (TAMOX), ovariectomized (OVX), and ovariectomized and treated with tamoxifen (OVX+TAMOX). Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), coronary perfusion pressure (CPP), and coronary vascular reactivity were measured. MAP and HR were reduced (9.42 and 11.67%, respectively) in the OVX+TAMOX group compared to the OVX group (P < 0.01). The coronary vascular reactivity of the OVX+TAMOX group presented smaller vasoconstrictor responses to acetylcholine (2-64 µg) when compared to the OVX group (P < 0.01) and this response was similar to that of the SHAM group. The adenosine-induced vasodilator response was greater in the TAMOX group compared to the SHAM and OVX groups (P < 0.05). Baseline CPP was higher in OVX+TAMOX and TAMOX groups (136 ± 3.6 and 130 ± 1.5 mmHg) than in OVX and SHAM groups (96 ± 2 and 119 ± 2.3 mmHg; P < 0.01). Tamoxifen, when combined with OVX, attenuated the vasoconstriction induced by acetylcholine and increased the adenosine-induced vasodilatory response, as well as reducing the MAP, suggesting beneficial effects of tamoxifen therapy on coronary vascular reactivity after menopause.
Deux tiers des cancers du sein expriment des récepteurs hormonaux ostrogéniques (tumeur ER-positive) et la croissance de ces tumeurs est stimulée par l’estrogène. Des traitements adjuvant avec des anti-estrogènes, tel que le Tamoxifen et les Inhibiteurs de l’Aromatase peuvent améliorer la survie des patientes atteinte de cancer du sein. Toutefois la thérapie hormonale n’est pas efficace dans toutes les tumeurs mammaires ER-positives. Les tumeurs peuvent présenter avec une résistance intrinsèque ou acquise au Tamoxifen. Présentement, c’est impossible de prédire quelle patiente va bénéficier ou non du Tamoxifen. Des études préliminaires du laboratoire de Dr. Mader, ont identifié le niveau d’expression de 20 gènes, qui peuvent prédire la réponse thérapeutique au Tamoxifen (survie sans récidive). Ces marqueurs, identifié en utilisant une analyse bioinformatique de bases de données publiques de profils d’expression des gènes, sont capables de discriminer quelles patientes vont mieux répondre au Tamoxifen. Le but principal de cette étude est de développer un outil de PCR qui peut évaluer le niveau d’expression de ces 20 gènes prédictif et de tester cette signature de 20 gènes dans une étude rétrospective, en utilisant des tumeurs de cancer du sein en bloc de paraffine, de patients avec une histoire médicale connue. Cet outil aurait donc un impact direct dans la pratique clinique. Des traitements futiles pourraient être éviter et l’indentification de tumeurs ER+ avec peu de chance de répondre à un traitement anti-estrogène amélioré. En conséquence, de la recherche plus appropriée pour les tumeurs résistantes au Tamoxifen, pourront se faire.
Tamoxifen is a known hepatocarcinogen in rats and is associated with an increased incidence of endometrial. cancer in patients. One mechanism for these actions is via bioactivation, where reactive metabolites are generated that are capable of binding to DNA or protein. Several metabolites of tamoxifen have been identified that appear to predispose to adduct formation. These include alpha-hydroxytamoxifen, alpha,4-dihydroxytamoxifen, and alpha-hydroxy-N-desmethyltamoxifen. Previous studies have shown that cytochrome P450 (P450) enzymes play an important role in the biotransformation of tamoxifen. The aim of our work was to determine which P450 enzymes were capable of producing a-hydroxylated metabolites from tamoxifen. When tamoxifen (18 or 250,mu M) was used as the substrate, P450 3A4, and to a lesser extent, P450 2D6, P450 2B6, P450 3A5, P450 2C9, and P450 2C19 all produced a metabolite with the same HPLC retention time as alpha-hydroxytamoxifen at either substrate concentration tested. This peak was well-separated from 4-hydroxy-N-desmethyltamoxifen, which eluted substantially later under the chromatographic conditions used. No alpha,4-dihydroxytamoxifen was detected in incubations with any of the forms with tamoxifen as substrate. However, when 4-hydroxytamoxifen (100,mu M) was used as the substrate, P450 2B6, P450 3A4, P450 3A5, P450 1B1, P450 1A1, and P450 2D6 all produced detectable concentrations of a,4-dihydroxytamoxifen. These studies demonstrate that multiple human P450s, including forms found in the endometrium, may generate reactive metabolites in women undergoing tamoxifen therapy, which could subsequently play a role in the development of endometrial cancer.
OBJETIVO: avaliar características clínicas, patológicas e moleculares de carcinomas mamários em mulheres muito jovens em comparação a tumores de mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados 106 casos de câncer de mama de mulheres jovens e 130 casos de mulheres pós-menopausa. Foram analisados dados clínicos (idade ao diagnóstico, estadiamento, ocorrência de metástases, tempo de sobrevida global e livre de doença), anátomo-patológicos (tamanho do tumor, tipo e grau histológico do tumor primário) e marcadores moleculares (receptores de estrógeno e progesterona, HER2, p53, p63, citoqueratinas 5 e 14 e EGFR) com uso da imunoistoquímica empregando microarranjo de tecido. Foi analisada a relação entre as características clínico-patológicas, imunoistoquímicas e de sobrevidas global e livre de doença. RESULTADOS: as pacientes muito jovens apresentaram maior frequência de nuliparidade (p=0,03), maior diâmetro dos tumores (p<0,000), estadiamento clínico mais avançado (p=0,01), maior número de linfonodos positivos (p=0,001) e tumores pouco diferenciados (p=0,004). A maioria das pacientes jovens recebeu tratamento com quimioterapia (90,8%) e radioterapia (85,2%) e em menor proporção com tamoxifeno (31,5%), comparado às mulheres na pós-menopausa. Observamos baixa positividade para o receptor de estrógeno (49,1%; p=0,01) e alta positividade para a proteína HER2 (28,7%; p=0,03) nas mulheres jovens. O fenótipo triplo-negativo foi observado em 29,6% no grupo jovem e em 20% nas mulheres na pós-menopausa. Os tumores de fenótipo basal foram mais frequentes nas mulheres jovens (50%). As metástases sistêmicas ocorreram em 55,3% dos casos nas jovens e em 39,2% nas idosas. As sobrevidas global e livre de doença em cinco anos foram, respectivamente, 63 e 39% para as mulheres jovens e 75 e 67% para o grupo de mulheres na pós-menopausa. CONCLUSÕES: carcinomas mamários de mulheres muito jovens têm características clínicas, patológicas e moleculares mais agressivas quando comparadas às mulheres acima de 50 anos.
Le cancer du sein est le cancer qui a la plus forte fréquence au Canada. En 2012, on estime que 23 200 nouveaux cas de cancer du sein seront diagnostiqués. Deux tiers des tumeurs mammaires expriment ou surexpriment le récepteur des oestrogènes α (ERα). De même, les oestrogènes sont importants pour la croissance de ces tumeurs. La présence des récepteurs hormonaux est un critère qui détermine le choix de la thérapie; à cet égard, le ciblage des récepteurs des oestrogènes par les antioestrogènes a pour but d’inactiver ces récepteurs et diminuer leur contribution à la croissance tumorale. Les antioestrogènes sont des inhibiteurs compétitifs de ERα. Tamoxifene est le médicament le plus utilisé pour traiter les tumeurs mammaires ER+ de tous les stades, avant ou après la ménopause. Tamoxifene est antioestrogène partiel ou SERM qui a un profile mixte d’activités agonistes et antagonistes. Fulvestrant ou ICI 182, 780 est un antioestrogène de type total ou SERD dépourvu de toute activité agoniste. Ce composé est utilisé en clinique chez les femmes après la ménopause ayant des tumeurs mammaires avancées. Fulvestrant constitue, donc, une deuxième ligne thérapeutique en cas de rechute après à un traitement par Tamoxifene. Afin de comprendre le potentiel thérapeutique de Fulvestrant, il est primordial d’étudier son impact sur ERα. Actuellement, la polyubiquitination et la dégradation de ERα sont les mécanismes les plus connus pour expliquer l’inactivation de ERα par Fulvestrant. Par ailleurs, en utilisant des modèles cellulaires ER+ et ER-; nous avons montré que les antioestrogènes totaux induisent une insolubilité de ERα indépendamment de leur capacité à induire sa dégradation. L’insolubilité corrèle avec l’association de ERα avec la matrice nucléaire et avec l’inhibition de sa transactivation. L’hélice H12 du domaine de liaison du ligand joue un rôle important dans l’insolubilité et l’inactivation de ERα par les antioestrogènes totaux. Par ailleurs, les antioestrogènes totaux se distinguent par leur capacité à induire la SUMOylation de ERα par SUMO1 et SUMO2/3. La SUMOylation est rapide et précède la dégradation de ERα dans cellules ER+. À l’aide de dérivés de l’antioestrogène total ICI 164, 384, nous avons montré que la chaine latérale des antioestrogènes totaux est à la base de l’induction de la SUMOylation et de l’inactivation de ERα. De plus, la SUMOylation semble être une marque d’inhibition, car la déSUMOylation restaure une activité de ERα en présence des antioestrogènes totaux. L’hélice H12 du LBD et le domaine de liaison à l’ADN sont requis pour l’induction de la SUMOylation. La recherche de protéines impliquées dans l’inactivation et dans la SUMOylation a permis d’identifier le facteur de remodelage de la chromatine ACF dans le même complexe que ERα. De manière similaire à la SUMOylation, le recrutement de ACF est précoce et constitue une propriété spécifique des antioestrogènes totaux. D’autre part, Fulvestrant induit le recrutement de ACF au niveau du promoteur du gène cible des oestrogènes pS2, ce qui suggère une contribution du remodelage de la chromatine dans les mécanismes d’action des antioestrogènes totaux. La surexpression de la DéSUMOylase SENP1 abolit le recrutement de ACF ce qui indique un rôle de la SUMOylation dans le recrutement de ACF. De même, l’hélice H12 du LBD de ERα constitue un lien entre l’inactivation de ERα et le recrutement de ACF. L’insolubilité, la SUMOylation et l'interaction du complexe ACF sont le reflet des mécanismes d’action des antioestrogènes totaux. Ces observations peuvent être utilisées comme des critères fonctionnels pour identifier d’autres composés avec de meilleures propriétés pharmacologiques que Fulvestrant.
Le tamoxifène, un modulateur sélectif des récepteurs oestrogéniques, est un médicament largement utilisé depuis plus de vingt ans pour le traitement et la prévention du cancer du sein. Plusieurs études ont rapporté que l’administration aiguë du tamoxifène pouvait réduire certains courants K+ cardiaques. Cette observation suggère que les femmes traitées de façon chronique avec le tamoxifène risquent d’avoir une prolongation de leur intervalle QT, favorisant ainsi le développement de torsades de pointes. Puisque in vivo, le tamoxifène est largement métabolisé et son effet est attribué à celui du 4hydroxy-tamoxifène (4OH-tamoxifène), nous avons d'abord vérifié si les effets du tamoxifène sur la repolarisation pouvaient être dus au 4OH-tamoxifène. À l'aide de la méthode de patch-clamp, nous avons étudié l’effet aigu du 4OH-tamoxifène sur les courants K+ présents au niveau ventriculaire chez la souris femelle. En premier lieu, nous avons démontré que les souris traitées avec le 4OH-tamoxifène présentaient une diminution des courants K+ comparativement aux souris intactes. Fait intéressant, le prétraitement des myocytes avec l’antagoniste des récepteurs oestrogéniques, le ICI 182,780, ou l’inhibiteur de la synthèse protéique, l'actinomycine D, n’a pas modifié les effets du 4OH-tamoxifène. Ces résultats suggéraient que les effets du 4OH-tamoxifène sur les courants potassiques ne soient pas liés à la transcription génomique et n’implique pas les récepteurs aux œstrogènes. Bien que l’administration aiguë du 4OH-tamoxifène diminue les courants K+ cardiaques, l’absence de troubles au niveau du rythme cardiaque chez les femmes traitées à long terme exclu la possibilité de conclure que le traitement chronique avec le tamoxifène augmente la durée de l’intervalle QT. L'accès à des souris femelles et des cobayes nous a permis de démontrer que contrairement au traitement en aigu, les courants et les canaux K+ cardiaques sont augmentés en chronique. Les oestrogènes associés à une diminution des courants K+ d’une part et nos résultats obtenus avec le tamoxifène d’autre part suggèrent qu’en bloquant les récepteurs oestrogéniques, le tamoxifène puisse prévenir les effets inhibiteurs des oestrogènes sur les courants K+. Cette association œstrogènes- tamoxifène- récepteurs oestrogéniques et courants K+ nous a encouragées à approfondir encore nos études et vérifier l’influence des hormones sexuelles féminines sur la repolarisation ventriculaire. Une troisième étude a été ainsi réalisée chez des souris femelles ovariectomisées et des souris déficientes en récepteurs oestrogéniques α ou β afin de vérifier le rôle des oestrogènes et des récepteurs oestrogéniques sur la repolarisation ventriculaire. Nos résultats ont révélé clairement que l’absence des oestrogènes entraîne une augmentation de la densité du courant K+ transitoire indépendant du Ca2+ (Ito) et de l’expression du canal Kv4.3 et ces effets sont médiés par les REα. Ces données soutiennent davantage notre conclusion que l’inhibition des récepteurs oestrogéniques est responsable de l’augmentation des courants/canaux K+ et suggèrent fortement qu’ils jouent un rôle dans la régulation de la repolarisation ventriculaire. Elles soulignent aussi l'importance de vérifier le statut hormonal des animaux utilisés pour des études touchant l'électrophysiologie cardiaque. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse nous avons vérifié les effets de la grossesse et du système nerveux autonome sur les différents paramètres électrocardiographiques et plus particulièrement sur le rythme cardiaque chez la souris. Nos données ont montré que, comme chez la femme enceinte, la grossesse est associée à une augmentation du rythme cardiaque. De plus, l'augmentation des niveaux des hormones féminines pourrait affecter l’automatisme et l’activité électrique cardiaque. Ces différentes études ont augmenté les connaissances sur la régulation hormonale de l'électrophysiologie cardiaque et aideront aux avancements des recherches chez les femmes.
BACKGROUND: Aromatase inhibitors provide superior disease control when compared with tamoxifen as adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer. PURPOSE: To present the design, history, and analytic challenges of the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial: an international, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, phase-III study comparing the aromatase inhibitor letrozole with tamoxifen in this clinical setting. METHODS: From 1998-2003, BIG 1-98 enrolled 8028 women to receive monotherapy with either tamoxifen or letrozole for 5 years, or sequential therapy of 2 years of one agent followed by 3 years of the other. Randomization to one of four treatment groups permitted two complementary analyses to be conducted several years apart. The first, reported in 2005, provided a head-to-head comparison of letrozole versus tamoxifen. Statistical power was increased by an enriched design, which included patients who were assigned sequential treatments until the time of the treatment switch. The second, reported in late 2008, used a conditional landmark approach to test the hypothesis that switching endocrine agents at approximately 2 years from randomization for patients who are disease-free is superior to continuing with the original agent. RESULTS: The 2005 analysis showed the superiority of letrozole compared with tamoxifen. The patients who were assigned tamoxifen alone were unblinded and offered the opportunity to switch to letrozole. Results from other trials increased the clinical relevance about whether or not to start treatment with letrozole or tamoxifen, and analysis plans were expanded to evaluate sequential versus single-agent strategies from randomization. LIMITATIONS: Due to the unblinding of patients assigned tamoxifen alone, analysis of updated data will require ascertainment of the influence of selective crossover from tamoxifen to letrozole. CONCLUSIONS: BIG 1-98 is an example of an enriched design, involving complementary analyses addressing different questions several years apart, and subject to evolving analytic plans influenced by new data that emerge over time.
The Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 study is a four-arm trial comparing 5 years of monotherapy with tamoxifen or with letrozole or with sequences of 2 years of one followed by 3 years of the other for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early invasive breast cancer. From 1998 to 2003, BIG -98 enrolled 8,010 women. The enhanced design f the trial enabled two complementary analyses of efficacy and safety. Collection of tumor specimens further enabled treatment comparisons based on tumor biology. Reports of BIG 1-98 should be interpreted in relation to each individual patient as she weighs the costs and benefits of available treatments. Clinicaltrials.gov ID: NCT00004205.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of tamoxifen on the plasma concentration of NT-pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer and to correlate changes in NT-proBNP with the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Over a period of 12 months, we followed 60 women with a diagnosis of breast cancer. The patients were separated into a group that received only chemotherapy (n=23), a group that received chemotherapy + tamoxifen (n=21), and a group that received only tamoxifen (n=16). Plasma levels of NT-proBNP were assessed at 0 (T0), 6 (T6), and 12 (T12) months of treatment, and echocardiography data were assessed at T0 and T12. Plasma NT-proBNP levels were increased in the chemotherapy-only group at T6 and T12, whereas elevated NT-proBNP levels were only found at T6 in the chemotherapy + tamoxifen group. At T12, the chemotherapy + tamoxifen group exhibited a significant reduction in the peptide to levels similar to the group that received tamoxifen alone. The chemotherapy-only group exhibited a significant decrease in LVEF at T12, whereas the chemotherapy + tamoxifen and tamoxifen-only groups maintained levels similar to those at the beginning of treatment. Treatment with tamoxifen for 6 months after chemotherapy significantly reduced the plasma levels of NT-proBNP and did not change LVEF in women with breast cancer.
Infertility represents one of the main long-term consequences of the chemotherapy used for the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Approximately 60-65% of breast cancers express the nuclear hormone receptor in premenopausal women. Adjuvant endocrine therapy is an integral component of care for patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+) tumours. The GnRH agonist (GnRHa) alone or in combination with tamoxifen produces results at least similar to those obtained with the different chemotherapy protocols in patients with HR+ breast cancer with respect to recurrence-free survival and overall survival. It is time to indicate adjuvant therapy with GnRHa associated with tamoxifen for patients with breast cancer (HR+ tumours) if they want to preserve their reproductive function. The evaluation of ovarian reserve tests: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), inhibin B, antral follicle count (AFC) and ovarian volume 6 months, and 1 year after the end of therapy with GnRHa/tamoxifen must be realised. The recurrence-free survival and overall survival should be analysed. The major implication of this hypothesis will be to avoid adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with breast cancer (HR+ tumours) that request fertility preservation. It is expected that ovarian function should not be altered in almost all cases and subsequent pregnancy a real possibility. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.