962 resultados para T-cell Epitopes


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Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) arise in the immunosuppressed and are frequently Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated. The most common PTLD histological sub-type is diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (EBV+DLBCL-PTLD). Restoration of EBV-specific T-cell immunity can induce EBV+DLBCL-PTLD regression. The most frequent B-cell lymphoma in the immunocompetent is also DLBCL. ‘EBV-positive DLBCL of the elderly’ (EBV+DLBCL) is a rare but well-recognized DLBCL entity that occurs in the overtly immunocompetent, that has an adverse outcome relative to EBV-negative DLBCL. Unlike PTLD (which is classified as viral latency III), literature suggests EBV+DLBCL is typically latency II, i.e. expression is limited to the immuno-subdominant EBNA1, LMP1 and LMP2 EBV-proteins. If correct, this would be a major impediment for T-cell immunotherapeutic strategies. Unexpectedly we observed EBV+DLBCL-PTLD and EBV+DLBCL both shared features consistent with type III EBV-latency, including expression of the immuno-dominant EBNA3A protein. Extensive analysis showed frequent polymorphisms in EBNA1 and LMP1 functionally defined CD8+ T-cell epitope encoding regions, whereas EBNA3A polymorphisms were very rare making this an attractive immunotherapy target. As with EBV+DLBCL-PTLD, the antigen presenting machinery within lymphomatous nodes was intact. EBV+DLBCL express EBNA3A suggesting it is amenable to immunotherapeutic strategies.


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Seafood allergy is often encountered on ingestion of crustaceans such as shrimp, lobster, crab, and crayfish (1). On eating cooked shrimp, sensitive individuals experience a wide spectrum of reactions ranging from abdominal discomfort to anaphylaxis. The presence of cross-reacting heat-stable allergens in crustacean food was first recognized by Hoffman et al. (2) and Lehrer et al. (3). Subsequently, the major allergen was isolated and characterized from the shrimp species Paneaus indicus (Pen i 1) (4) and I? aztecm (Pen a 1) (5). Pen i 1 (originally designated Sa-TI) and Pen a 1, with mol. mass of 34 and 36 kDa, respectively, contain 301 and 312 amino-acid residues with a predominance of gluta- mate/glutamine and asparatate/asparagine.


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The existing vaccines against influenza are based on the generation of neutralizing antibody primarily directed against surface proteins-hernagglutinin and neuraminidase. In this work, we have computationally defined conserved T cell epitopes of proteins of influenza virus H5N1 to help in the design of a vaccine with haplotype specificity for a target population. The peptides from the proteome of H5NI irus which are predicted to bind to different HLAs, do not show similarity with peptides of human proteorne and are also identified to be generated by proteolytic cleavage. These peptides could be made use of in the design of either a DNA vaccine or a subunit vaccine against V influenza. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against secreted hemagglutinin (H) protein of rinderpest virus (RPV) expressed by a recombinant baculovirus were generated to characterize the antigenic sites on H protein and regions of functional significance. Three of the mAbs displayed hemagglutination inhibition activity and these mAbs were unable to neutralize virus infectivity. Western immunoblot analysis of overlapping deletion mutants indicated that three mAbs recognize antigenic regions at the extreme carboxy terminus (between amino acids 569 and 609) and the fourth mAb between amino acids 512 and 568. Using synthetic peptides, aa 569-577 and 575-583 were identified as the epitopes for E2G4 and D2F4, respectively. The epitopic domains of A12A9 and E2B6 mAbs were mapped to regions encompassing aa 527-554 and 588-609. Two epitopes spanning the extreme carboxy terminal region of aa 573 to 587 and 588 to 609 were shown to be immunodominant employing a competitive ELISA with polyclonal sera form vaccinated cattle. The D2F4 mAb which recognizes a unique epitope on RPV-H is not present on the closely related peste des petits ruminant virus FIN protein and this mAb could serve as a tool in the seromonitoring program after rinderpest vaccination. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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A long-standing question in the field of immunology concerns the factors that contribute to Th cell epitope immunodominance. For a number of viral membrane proteins, Th cell epitopes are localized to exposed protein surfaces, often overlapping with Ab binding sites. It has therefore been proposed that Abs on B cell surfaces selectively bind and protect exposed protein fragments during Ag processing, and that this interaction helps to shape the Th cell repertoire. While attractive in concept, this hypothesis has not been thoroughly tested. To test this hypothesis, we have compared Th cell peptide immunodominance in normal C57BL/6 mice with that in C57BL/6MT/MT mice (lacking normal B cell activity). Animals were first vaccinated with DNA constructs expressing one of three different HIV envelope proteins, after which the CD4 T cell response profiles were characterized toward overlapping peptides using an IFN- ELISPOT assay. We found a striking similarity between the peptide response profiles in the two mouse strains. Profiles also matched those of previous experiments in which different envelope vaccination regimens were used. Our results clearly demonstrate that normal Ab activity is not required for the establishment or maintenance of Th peptide immunodominance in the HIV envelope response. To explain the clustering of Th cell epitopes, we propose that localization of peptide on exposed envelope surfaces facilitates proteolytic activity and preferential peptide shuttling through the Ag processing pathway.


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The induction of a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response following influenza infection can lead to the formation of immunity capable of recognizing viruses of a different antigenicity. Our ability to exploit such broadly reactive responses in vaccination strategies is hampered by a lack of understanding on the regulation of CTL responses. In this report, we describe the utilization of reverse genetics to produce a range of recombinant viruses lacking immunodominant murine CTL epitopes. Recombinant viruses lacking the epitopes had indistinguishable growth properties in vitro and in vivo compared with the wild-type virus. Analysis of a primary immune response to these viruses showed that mutation of the anchor-binding residue leads to a loss of a response to that epitope, but no compensating increase in responses to other immunodominant epitopes. The utilization of reverse genetics and the murine model of influenza infection hold great promise for elucidating the factors regulating the CTL response.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this report, we describe a short peptide, containing a T helper- and a B-cell epitope, located in the Gag protein of the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). This T-cell epitope is capable of inducing a robust T-cell proliferative response in vaccinated goats with different genetic backgrounds and to provide help for a strong antibody response to the B-cell epitope, indicating that it may function as a universal antigen-carrier for goat vaccines. The primary immune response of goats homozygous for MHC class I and II genes showed an MHC-dependent partitioning in rapid-high and slow-low responses, whereas the memory immune response was strong in both groups, demonstrating that a vaccine based on this immunodominant T helper epitope is capable to overcome genetic differences.


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Short synthetic peptides are important tools in biomedical research permitting to generate hapten specific polyclonal sera for analytical purposes or functional studies. In this paper we provide proof of principle that a peptide located in a highly conserved portion of the Gag protein of the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus and carrying an immunodominant T helper cell epitope functions as an efficient carrier peptide, mediating a strong antibody response to a peptidic hapten encompassing a well-characterized B cell epitope of Env. The carrier and hapten peptides were collinearly synthesized permutating their molecular arrangement. While the antibody response to the hapten was similar for both constructs, the antibody response to a B cell epitope overlapping the T helper cell epitope of the Gag carrier peptide was considerably different. This permits a modular use of the carrier peptide to generate antibody directed exclusively to the hapten peptide or a strong humoral response to both carrier- and hapten-peptide. Finally, we have mapped the epitopes involved in this polarized antibody response and discussed the potential immunological implications.


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Rubella virus (RV) typically causes a mild childhood illness, but complications can result from both viral and immune-mediated pathogenesis. RV can persist in the presence of neutralizing antibodies, suggesting that cell-mediated immune responses may be necessary for viral clearance. However, the molecular determinants recognized by RV-specific T-cells have not been identified. Using recombinant proteins which express the entire RV structural open reading frame in proliferation assays with lymphocytes of RV-immune individuals, domains which elicit major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted helper T-cells were identified. Synthetic peptides representing these domains were used to define specific epitopes. Two immunodominant domains were mapped to the capsid protein sequence C$\sb1$-C$\sb{29}$ and the E1 glycoprotein sequence E1$\sb{202}$-E1$\sb{283}.$ RV-specific MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) were identified using a chromium-release assay with infected fibroblasts as target cells. An infectious Sindbis virus vector expressing each of the RV structural proteins identified the capsid, E2 and E1 proteins as targets of CTLs. Specific CTL epitopes were mapped within the previously identified immunodominant domains. This study identified domains of the RV structural proteins that may be beneficial for development of a synthetic vaccine, and provides normative data on RV-specific T-cell responses that should enhance our ability to understand RV persistence and associated complications. ^


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Previous studies have demonstrated the serologic and T-cell immunogenicity for cattle of a recombinant form of the apical complex-associated 77-kDa merozite protein of Babesia bovis, designated Bb-1. The present study characterizes the immunogenic epitopes of the Bb-1 protein. A series of recombinant truncated fusion proteins spanning the majority of the Bb-1 protein were expressed in Escherichia coli, and their reactivities with bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells and T-cell clones derived from B. bovis-immune cattle and with rabbit antibodies were determined. Lymphocytes from two immune cattle were preferentially stimulated by the N-terminal half of the Bb-1 protein (amino acids 23 to 266, termed Bb-1A), localizing the T-cell epitopes to the Bb-1A portion of the molecule. CD4+ T-cell clones derived by stimulation with the intact Bb-1 fusion protein were used to identify two T-cell epitopes in the Bb-1A protein, consisting of amino acids SVVLLSAFSGN VWANEAEVSQVVK and FSDVDKTKSTEKT (residues 23 to 46 and 82 to 94). In contrast, rabbit antiserum raised against the intact fusion protein reacted only with the C-terminal half of the protein (amino acids 267 to 499, termed Bb-1B), which contained 28 tandem repeats of the tetrapeptide PAEK or PAET. Biological assays and Northern (RNA) blot analyses for cytokines revealed that following activation with concanavalin A, T-cell clones reactive against the two Bb-1A epitopes produced interleukin-2, gamma interferon, and tumor necrosis factors beta and alpha, but not interleukin-4, suggesting that the Bb-1 antigen preferentially stimulates the Th1 subset of CD4+ T cells in cattle. The studies described here report for the first time the characterization, by cytokine production, of the Th1 subset of bovine T cells and show that, as in mice, protozoal antigens can induce Th1 cells in ruminants. This first demonstration of B. bovis-encoded Th1 cell epitopes provides a rationale for incorporation of all or part of the Bb-1 protein into a recombinant vaccine.


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Bordetella pertussis secretes a calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclase toxin, CyaA, that is able to deliver its N-terminal catalytic domain (400-aa residues) into the cytosol of eukaryotic target cells, directly through the cytoplasmic membrane. We have previously shown that CyaA can be used as a vehicle to deliver T cell epitopes, inserted within the catalytic domain of the toxin, into antigen-presenting cells and can trigger specific class I-restricted CD8+ cytotoxic T cell responses in vivo. Here, we constructed a series of recombinant toxins harboring at the same insertion site various peptide sequences of 11–25 amino acids, corresponding to defined CD8+ T cell epitopes and differing in the charge of the inserted sequence. We show that inserted peptide sequences containing net negative charges (−1 or −2) decreased or completely blocked (charge of −4) the internalization of the toxin into target cells in vitro and abolished the induction of cytotoxic T cell responses in vivo. The blocking of translocation due to the inserted acidic sequences can be relieved by appropriate mutations in the flanking region of CyaA that counterbalance the inserted charges. Our data indicate that (i) the electrostatic charge of the peptides inserted within the catalytic domain of CyaA is critical for its translocation into eukaryotic cells and (ii) the delivery of T cell epitopes into the cytosol of antigen-presenting cells by recombinant CyaA toxins is essential for the in vivo stimulation of specific cytotoxic T cells. These findings will help to engineer improved recombinant CyaA vectors able to stimulate more efficiently cellular immunity.


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For a large number of T cell-mediated immunopathologies, the disease-related antigens are not yet identified. Identification of T cell epitopes is of crucial importance for the development of immune-intervention strategies. We show that CD4+ T cell epitopes can be defined by using a new system for synthesis and screening of synthetic peptide libraries. These libraries are designed to bind to the HLA class II restriction molecule of the CD4+ T cell clone of interest. The screening is based on three selection rounds using partial release of 14-mer peptides from synthesis beads and subsequent sequencing of the remaining peptide attached to the bead. With this approach, two peptides were identified that stimulate the β cell-reactive CD4+ T cell clone 1c10, which was isolated from a newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patient. After performing amino acid-substitution studies and protein database searches, a Haemophilus influenzae TonB-derived peptide was identified that stimulates clone 1c10. The relevance of this finding for the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is currently under investigation. We conclude that this system is capable of determining epitopes for (autoreactive) CD4+ T cell clones with previously unknown peptide specificity. This offers the possibility to define (auto)antigens by searching protein databases and/or to induce tolerance by using the peptide sequences identified. In addition the peptides might be used as leads to develop T cell receptor antagonists or anergy-inducing compounds.