983 resultados para T-CELL RECRUITMENT


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FES protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) activation downstream of the KIT receptor in mast cells (MC) promotes cell polarization and migration towards the KIT ligand Stem cell factor (SCF). A variety of tumours secrete SCF to promote MC recruitment and release of mediators that enhance tumour vascularization and growth. This study investigates whether FES promotes MC migration via regulation of microtubules (MTs), and if FES is required for MC recruitment to the tumour microenvironment. MT binding assays showed that FES has at least two MT binding sites, which likely contribute to the partial co-localization of FES with MTs in polarized bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs). Live cell imaging revealed a significant defect in chemotaxis of FES-deficient BMMCs towards SCF embedded within an agarose drop, which correlated with less MT organization compared to control cells. To extend these results to a tumour model, mouse mammary carcinoma AC2M2 cells were engrafted under the skin and into the mammary fat pads of immune compromised control (nu/nu) or FES-deficient (nu/nu:fes-/-) mice. A drastic reduction in tumour-associated MCs was observed in FES-deficient mice compared to control in both mammary and skin tissue sections. This correlated with a trend towards reduced tumour volumes in FES-deficient mice. These results implicate FES signaling downstream of KIT, in promoting MT reorganization during cell polarization and for chemotaxis of MCs towards tumour-derived SCF. Thus, FES is a potential therapeutic target to limit recruitment of stromal mast cells or macrophages to solid tumours that enhance tumour progression.


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BACKGROUND: Individual adaptation of processed patient's blood volume (PBV) should reduce number and/or duration of autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The durations of leukapheresis procedures were adapted by means of an interim analysis of harvested CD34+ cells to obtain the intended yield of CD34+ within as few and/or short as possible leukapheresis procedures. Absolute efficiency (AE; CD34+/kg body weight) and relative efficiency (RE; total CD34+ yield of single apheresis/total number of preapheresis CD34+) were calculated, assuming an intraapheresis recruitment if RE was greater than 1, and a yield prediction models for adults was generated. RESULTS: A total of 196 adults required a total of 266 PBPC collections. The median AE was 7.99 x 10(6), and the median RE was 1.76. The prediction model for AE showed a satisfactory predictive value for preapheresis CD34+ only. The prediction model for RE also showed a low predictive value (R2 = 0.36). Twenty-eight children underwent 44 PBPC collections. The median AE was 12.13 x 10(6), and the median RE was 1.62. Major complications comprised bleeding episodes related to central venous catheters (n = 4) and severe thrombocytopenia of less than 10 x 10(9) per L (n = 16). CONCLUSION: A CD34+ interim analysis is a suitable tool for individual adaptation of the duration of leukapheresis. During leukapheresis, a substantial recruitment of CD34+ was observed, resulting in a RE of greater than 1 in more than 75 percent of patients. The upper limit of processed PBV showing an intraapheresis CD34+ recruitment is higher than in a standard large-volume leukapheresis. Therefore, a reduction of individually needed PBPC collections by means of a further escalation of the processed PBV seems possible.


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The statins, a group of inhibitors of the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, are reported to influence a variety of immune system activities through 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase-dependent and -independent mechanisms. How statin treatment regulates immune system function in vivo nonetheless remains to be fully defined. We analyzed the immunomodulatory effects of lovastatin in a Candida albicans-induced delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in mice. In this model, lovastatin administration reduced the acute inflammatory response elicited by C. albicans challenge. This anti-inflammatory activity of lovastatin was associated with a shift from a Th1 to a Th2 immune response, as well as an increase in the percentage of regulatory T cells at the inflammation site and in the regional draining lymph node. The lovastatin-induced increase in regulatory T cells in the inflamed skin was dependent on expression of CCL1, a chemokine that is locally up-regulated by statin administration. The anti-inflammatory effect of lovastatin was abrogated in CCL1-deficient mice. These results suggest that local regulation of chemokine expression may be an important process in statin-induced modulation of the immune system.


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Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) modulate inflammatory/immune responses and promote motor functional recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). However, the effects of BMSC transplantation on central neuropathic pain and neuronal hyperexcitability after SCI remain elusive. This is of importance because BMSC-based therapies have been proposed for clinical treatment. We investigated the effects of BMSC transplantation on pain hypersensitivity in green fluorescent protein (GFP)-positive bone marrow-chimeric mice subjected to a contusion SCI, and the mechanisms of such effects. BMSC transplantation at day 3 post-SCI improved motor function and relieved SCI-induced hypersensitivities to mechanical and thermal stimulation. The pain improvements were mediated by suppression of protein kinase C-γ and phosphocyclic AMP response element binding protein expression in dorsal horn neurons. BMSC transplants significantly reduced levels of p-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (p-ERK1/2) in both hematogenous macrophages and resident microglia and significantly reduced the infiltration of CD11b and GFP double-positive hematogenous macrophages without decreasing the CD11b-positive and GFP-negative activated spinal-microglia population. BMSC transplants prevented hematogenous macrophages recruitment by restoration of the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB), which was associated with decreased levels of (a) inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6); (b) mediators of early secondary vascular pathogenesis (matrix metallopeptidase 9); (c) macrophage recruiting factors (CCL2, CCL5, and CXCL10), but increased levels of a microglial stimulating factor (granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor). These findings support the use of BMSC transplants for SCI treatment. Furthermore, they suggest that BMSC reduce neuropathic pain through a variety of related mechanisms that include neuronal sparing and restoration of the disturbed BSCB, mediated through modulation of the activity of spinal-resident microglia and the activity and recruitment of hematogenous macrophages.


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Endometriosis affects 5-10% of women and is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus. Treatment for endometriosis primarily focuses on symptom relief, is short term with severe side effects and often leads to recurrence of the condition. Establishing new blood supply is a fundamental requirement for endometriosis lesions growth. This has led to the idea that antiangiogenic therapy may be a successful approach for inhibiting endometriosis. Recent evidence indicates that endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to neoangiogenesis of endometriotic lesions. These EPCs are recruited to the lesion site by stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1). We hypothesize that SDF-1 is central to the neoangiogenesis and survival of endometriotic lesions and that administration of SDF-1 blocking antibody will inhibit lesion growth by inhibiting angiogenesis in a murine model of endometriosis. Immunohistochemistry for SDF-1 and CD34 was performed on human endometriosis and normal endometrial samples. Quantification of SDF-1 and EPCs was performed in the blood of endometriosis patients and controls using ELISA and flow cytometry, respectively. A new mouse model of endometriosis was developed using BALB/c-Rag2-/-/IL2rg-/- mice to investigate role of SDF-1 in neoangiogenesis. Either SDF-1 blocking antibody or an isotype control was administered on a weekly basis for four weeks. Weekly samples of peripheral blood from mice were analyzed for SDF-1, other cytokines of interest and EPCs. Mice were euthanized at seven weeks to observe lesion growth and blood vessel development. Our results indicate overabundance of SDF-1 and CD34+ progenitor cells in human endometriotic lesions compared to eutopic endometrium. In the mouse model, SDF-1 and circulating EPC levels decreased from pre-treatment levels after one week, and remained constant over the course of the treatment in both SDF-1 blocking antibody and isotype control groups. In the SDF-1 blocking group, reduced vascularity of lesions, identified by immunofluorescence staining for CD31, was revealed compared to isotype controls. These findings suggest that SDF-1 may be responsible for CD34+ progenitor cell recruitment to the neoangiogenic sites in endometriosis. Blocking of SDF-1 reduces neovascularization of human endometriotic lesions in a mouse model. Further studies on blocking SDF-1 in combination with other antiangiogenic agents are needed.


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Exposure to air pollutants such as formaldehyde (FA) leads to inflammation, oxidative stress and immune-modulation in the airways and is associated with airway inflammatory disorders such as asthma. The purpose of our study was to investigate the effects of exposure to FA on the allergic lung inflammation. The hypothesized link between reactive oxygen species and the effects of FA was also studied. To do so, male Wistar rats were exposed to FA inhalation (1%, 90 min daily) for 3 days. and subsequently sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA)-alum by subcutaneous route One week later the rats received another OVA-alum injection by the same route (booster). Two weeks later the rats were challenged with aerosolized OVA. The OVA challenge of rats upon FA exposure induced an elevated release of LTB(4). TXB(2), IL-1 beta, IL-6 and VEGF in lung cells, increased phagocytosis and lung vascular permeability, whereas the cell recruitment into lung was reduced. FA inhalation induced the oxidative burst and the nitration of proteins in the lung Vitamins C, E and apocynin reduced the levels of LTB(4) in BAL-cultured cells of the FA and FA/OVA groups, but Increased the cell influx into the lung of the FA/OVA rats. In OVA-challenged rats, the exposure to FA was associated to a reduced lung endothelial cells expression of intercellular cell adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) In conclusion, our findings suggest that FA down regulate the cellular migration into the lungs after an allergic challenge and increase the ability of resident lung cells likely macrophages to generate inflammatory mediators, explaining the increased lung vascular permeability Our data are indicative that the actions of FA involve mechanisms related to endothelium-leukocyte interactions and oxidative stress, as far as the deleterious effects of this air pollutant on airways are concerned. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Both physical and psychological stressors recruit catecholamine cells (CA) located in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). In the case of physical stressors, this effect is initiated by signals that first access the central nervous system at or below the level of the medulla. For psychological stressors, however, CA cell recruitment depends on higher structures within the neuraxis. Indeed, we have recently provided evidence of a pivotal role for the medial amygdala (MeA) in this regard, although such a role must involve a relay, as MeA neurons do not project directly to the medulla. However, some of the MeA neurons that respond to psychological stress have been found to project to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a structure that provides significant input to the medulla. To determine whether the PVN might regulate medullary CA cell responses to psychological stress, animals were prepared with unilateral injections of the neurotoxin ibotenic acid into the PVN (Experiment 1), or with unilateral injections of the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-gold (WGA-Au) into the CA cell columns of the VLM or NTS (Experiment 2). Seven days later, animals were subjected to a psychological stressor (restraint; 15 minutes), and their brains were subsequently processed for Fos plus appropriate cytoplasmic markers (Experiment 1), or Fos plus WGA-Au (Experiment 2). PVN lesions significantly suppressed the stress-related induction of Fos in both VLM and NTS CA cells, whereas tracer deposits in the VLM or NTS retrogradely labeled substantial numbers of PVN cells that were also Fos-positive after stress. Considered in concert with previous results, these data suggest that the activation of medullary CA cells in response to psychological stress may involve a critical input from the PVN.


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Psychological stressors trigger the activation of medullary noradrenergic cells, an effect that has been shown to depend upon yet-to-be-identified structures located higher in the brain. To test whether the amygdala is important in this regard, we examined the effects of amygdala lesions on noradrenergic cell responses to restraint, and also looked at whether any amygdala cells that respond to restraint project directly to the medulla. Ibotenic acid lesions of the medial amygdala completely abolished restraint-induced Fos expression in A1 and A2 noradrenergic cells. In contrast, lesions of the central amygdala actually facilitated noradrenergic cell responses to restraint. Tracer deposits in the dorsomedial (but not ventrolateral) medulla retrogradely labelled many cells in the central nucleus of the amygdala, but none of these cells expressed Fos in response to restraint. These data suggest for the first time that the medial amygdala is critical to the activation of medullary noradrenergic cells by a psychological stressor whereas the central nucleus exerts an opposing, inhibitory influence upon noradrenergic cell recruitment. The initiation of noradrenergic cell responses by the medial amygdala does not involve a direct projection to the medulla. Accordingly, a relay through some other structure, such as the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, warrants careful consideration.


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We evaluated the role of estradiol and progesterone in allergic lung inflammation. Rats were ovariectomized (Ovx) and, 7 days later, were sensitized with ovalbumin (OA) and challenged after 2 wk with inhaled OA; experiments were performed 1 day thereafter. Ovx-allergic rats showed reduced cell recruitment into the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid relative to sham-Ovx allergic rats, as was observed in intact allergic rats treated with ICI-182,780. Estradiol increased the number of cells in the BAL of Ovx-allergic rats, whereas progesterone induced an additional reduction. Cells of BAL and bone marrow (BM) of Ovx-allergic rats released elevated amounts of IL-10 and reduced IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha. BM cells of Ovx-allergic rats released increased amounts of IL-10 and lower amounts of IL-4. Estradiol treatment of Ovx-allergic rats decreased the release of IL-10 but increased that of IL-4 by BM cells. Estradiol also caused an increased release of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha by BAL cells. Progesterone significantly increased the release of IL-10, IL-1 beta, and TNF-alpha by BAL cells and augmented that of IL-4 by BM cells. Degranulation of bronchial mast cells from Ovx rats was reduced after in vitro challenge, an effect reverted by estradiol but not by progesterone. We suggest that the serum estradiol-to-progesterone ratio might drive cellular recruitment, modulating the pulmonary allergy and profile of release of anti-inflammatory or inflammatory cytokines. The existence of such dual hormonal effects suggests that the hormone therapy of asthmatic postmenopausal women and of those suffering of premenstrual asthma should take into account the possibility of worsening the pulmonary conditions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sex hormones influence immune responses and the development of autoimmune diseases including MS and its animal model, EAE. Although it has been previously reported that ovariectomy could worsen EAE, the mechanisms implicated in the protective action of endogenous ovarian hormones have not been addressed. In this report, we now show that endogenous estrogens limit EAE development and CNS inflammation in adult female mice through estrogen receptor expression in the host non-hematopoietic tissues. We provide evidence that the enhancing effect of gonadectomy on EAE development was due to quantitative rather than qualitative changes in effector Th1 or Th17 cell recruitment into the CNS. Consistent with this observation, adoptive transfer of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific encephalitogenic CD4(+) T lymphocytes induced more severe EAE in ovariectomized mice as compared to normal female mice. Finally, we show that gonadectomy accelerated the early recruitment of inflammatory cells into the CNS upon adoptive transfer of encephalitogenic CD4(+) T cells. Altogether, these data show that endogenous estrogens, through estrogen receptor , exert a protective effect on EAE by limiting the recruitment of blood-derived inflammatory cells into the CNS.


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Both physical and psychological stressors recruit catecholamine cells (CA) located in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). In the case of physical stressors, this effect is initiated by signals that first access the central nervous system at or below the level of the medulla. For psychological stressors, however, CA cell recruitment depends on higher structures within the neuraxis. Indeed, we have recently provided evidence of a pivotal role for the medial amygdala (MeA) in this regard, although such a role must involve a relay, as MeA neurons do not project directly to the medulla. However, some of the MeA neurons that respond to psychological stress have been found to project to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a structure that provides significant input to the medulla. To determine whether the PVN might regulate medullary CA cell responses to psychological stress, animals were prepared with unilateral injections of the neurotoxin ibotenic acid into the PVN (Experiment 1), or with unilateral injections of the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-gold (WGA-Au) into the CA cell columns of the VLM or NTS (Experiment 2). Seven days later, animals were subjected to a psychological stressor (restraint; 15 minutes), and their brains were subsequently processed for Fos plus appropriate cytoplasmic markers (Experiment 1), or Fos plus WGA-Au (Experiment 2). PVN lesions significantly suppressed the stress-related induction of Fos in both VLM and NTS CA cells, whereas tracer deposits in the VLM or NTS retrogradely labeled substantial numbers of PVN cells that were also Fos-positive after stress. Considered in concert with previous results, these data suggest that the activation of medullary CA cells in response to psychological stress may involve a critical input from the PVN. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.