937 resultados para Systems fuzzy


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This paper presents a methodology which is based on statistical failure and repair data of the transmission power system components and uses fuzzyprobabilistic modeling for system component outage parameters. Using statistical records allows developing the fuzzy membership functions of system component outage parameters. The proposed hybrid method of fuzzy set and Monte Carlo simulation based on the fuzzy-probabilistic models allows catching both randomness and fuzziness of component outage parameters. A network contingency analysis to identify any overloading or voltage violation in the network is performed once obtained the system states by Monte Carlo simulation. This is followed by a remedial action algorithm, based on optimal power flow, to reschedule generations and alleviate constraint violations and, at the same time, to avoid any load curtailment, if possible, or, otherwise, to minimize the total load curtailment, for the states identified by the contingency analysis. In order to illustrate the application of the proposed methodology to a practical case, the paper will include a case study for the Reliability Test System (RTS) 1996 IEEE 24 BUS.


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In this paper, we introduce a DAI approach called hereinafter Fuzzy Distributed Artificial Intelligence (FDAI). Through the use of fuzzy logic, we have been able to develop mechanisms that we feel may effectively improve current DAI systems, giving much more flexibility and providing the subsidies which a formal theory can bring. The appropriateness of the FDAI approach is explored in an important application, a fuzzy distributed traffic-light control system, where we have been able to aggregate and study several issues concerned with fuzzy and distributed artificial intelligence. We also present a number of current research directions necessary to develop the FDAI approach more fully.


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The system reliability depends on the reliability of its components itself. Therefore, it is necessary a methodology capable of inferring the state of functionality of these components to establish reliable indices of quality. Allocation models for maintenance and protective devices, among others, have been used in order to improve the quality and availability of services on electric power distribution systems. This paper proposes a methodology for assessing the reliability of distribution system components in an integrated way, using probabilistic models and fuzzy inference systems to infer about the operation probability of each component. © 2012 IEEE.


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In this article, the fuzzy Lyapunov function approach is considered for stabilising continuous-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. Previous linear matrix inequality (LMI) stability conditions are relaxed by exploring further the properties of the time derivatives of premise membership functions and by introducing slack LMI variables into the problem formulation. The relaxation conditions given can also be used with a class of fuzzy Lyapunov functions which also depends on the membership function first-order time-derivative. The stability results are thus extended to systems with large number of rules under membership function order relations and used to design parallel-distributed compensation (PDC) fuzzy controllers which are also solved in terms of LMIs. Numerical examples illustrate the efficiency of the new stabilising conditions presented. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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In this work, sufficient conditions for the existence of switching laws for stabilizing switched TS fuzzy systems via a fuzzy Lyapunov function are proposed. The conditions are found by exploring properties of the membership functions and are formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Stabilizing switching conditions with bounds on the decay rate solution and H1 performance are also obtained. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design methods.


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In this work we present an optimized fuzzy visual servoing system for obstacle avoidance using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The cross-entropy theory is used to optimise the gains of our controllers. The optimization process was made using the ROS-Gazebo 3D simulation with purposeful extensions developed for our experiments. Visual servoing is achieved through an image processing front-end that uses the Camshift algorithm to detect and track objects in the scene. Experimental flight trials using a small quadrotor were performed to validate the parameters estimated from simulation. The integration of cross- entropy methods is a straightforward way to estimate optimal gains achieving excellent results when tested in real flights.


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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) industry is a fast growing sector. Nowadays, the market offers numerous possibilities for off-the-shelf UAVs such as quadrotors or fixed-wings. Until UAVs demonstrate advance capabilities such as autonomous collision avoidance they will be segregated and restricted to flight in controlled environments. This work presents a visual fuzzy servoing system for obstacle avoidance using UAVs. To accomplish this task we used the visual information from the front camera. Images are processed off-board and the result send to the Fuzzy Logic controller which then send commands to modify the orientation of the aircraft. Results from flight test are presented with a commercial off-the-shelf platform.


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Este trabalho investiga a implementação de sistemas fuzzy com circuitos eletrônicos. Tais sistemas têm demonstrado sua capacidade de resolver diversos tipos de problemas em várias aplicações de engenharia, em especial nas relacionadas com controle de processos. Para processos mais complexos, o raciocínio aproximado da lógica fuzzy fornece uma maneira de compreender o comportamento do sistema, permitindo a interpolação aproximada entre situações observadas de entrada e saída. A implementação de um sistema fuzzy pode ser baseada em hardware, em software ou em ambos. Tipicamente, as implementações em software utilizam ambientes de programação integrados com simulação, de modo a facilitar o trabalho do projetista. As implementações em hardware, tradicionais ou evolutivas, podem ser analógicas ou digitais e viabilizam sistemas de maior desempenho. Este trabalho tem por objetivo pesquisar a implementação eletrônica de sistemas fuzzy, a fim de viabilizar a criação de sistemas reais capazes de realizar o mapeamento de entrada e saída adequado. O foco é a utilização de uma plataforma com uma arquitetura analógico-digital baseada em uma tabela de mapeamento armazenada em uma memória de alta capacidade. Memórias do tipo SD (Secure Digital) foram estudadas e utilizadas na construção do protótipo eletrônico da plataforma. Também foram desenvolvidos estudos sobre a quantização, especificamente sobre a possibilidade de redução do número de bits. Com a implementação realizada é possível desenvolver um sistema fuzzy num ambiente simulado (Matlab), configurar a plataforma e executar o sistema fuzzy diretamente na plataforma eletrônica. Os testes com o protótipo construído comprovaram seu bom funcionamento.


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R. Jensen and Q. Shen. Fuzzy-Rough Sets Assisted Attribute Selection. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 73-89, 2007.


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Z. Huang and Q. Shen. Fuzzy interpolative reasoning via scale and move transformation. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 14(2):340-359.


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Z. Huang and Q. Shen. Fuzzy interpolative and extrapolative reasoning: a practical approach. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 16(1):13-28, 2008.


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The paper proposes a methodology to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point by identifying new investments in distribution energy systems. The proposed methodology is based on statistical failure and repair data of distribution components and it uses a fuzzy-probabilistic modeling for the components outage parameters. The fuzzy membership functions of the outage parameters of each component are based on statistical records. A mixed integer nonlinear programming optimization model is developed in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution energy system components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power to any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study that considers a 180 bus distribution network.


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This paper present a methodology to choose the distribution networks reconfiguration that presents the lower power losses. The proposed methodology is based on statistical failure and repair data of the distribution power system components and uses fuzzy-probabilistic modeling for system component outage parameters. The proposed hybrid method using fuzzy sets and Monte Carlo simulation based on the fuzzyprobabilistic models allows catching both randomness and fuzziness of component outage parameters. A logic programming algorithm is applied, once obtained the system states by Monte Carlo Simulation, to get all possible reconfigurations for each system state. To evaluate the line flows and bus voltages and to identify if there is any overloading, and/or voltage violation an AC load flow has been applied to select the feasible reconfiguration with lower power losses. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study that considers a 115 buses distribution network.


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This paper proposes a PSO based approach to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point by identifying new investments in distribution energy systems. The statistical failure and repair data of distribution components is the main basis of the proposed methodology that uses a fuzzyprobabilistic modeling for the components outage parameters. The fuzzy membership functions of the outage parameters of each component are based on statistical records. A Modified Discrete PSO optimization model is developed in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution energy system components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power to any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study that considers a 180 bus distribution network.