993 resultados para Systematics. Porifera. Evolution
The study of the Portuguese Hydrozoa fauna has been abandoned for more than half a century, except for the Azores archipelago. One of the main aims of this Ph.D. project was to contribute new hydrozoan records leading to a more accurate perception of the actual hydrozoan diversity found in Portuguese waters, including the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira, and neighbouring geographical areas, for habitats ranging from the deep sea to the intertidal. Shallow water hydroids from several Portuguese marine regions (including the Gorringe Bank) were sampled by scuba-diving. Deep-water hydroids, from the Azores, Madeira, Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea, were collected by researchers of different institutions during several oceanographic campaigns. Occasional hydroid sampling by scuba-diving was performed in the UK, Malta and Spain. Over 300 hydroid species were identified and about 600 sequences of the hydrozoan ‘DNA barcode’ 16S mRNA were generated. The families Sertulariidae, Plumulariidae, Lafoeidae, Hebellidae, Aglaopheniidae, Campanulinidae, Halopterididae, Kirchenpaueriidae, Haleciidae and Eudendriidae, were studied in greater detail. About 350 16S sequences were generated for these taxa, allowing phylogenetic, phylogeographic and evolutionary inferences, and also more accurate taxonomic identifications. Phylogenetic analyses integrated molecular and morphological characters. Subsequent results revealed: particularly high levels of cryptic biodiversity, polyphyly in many taxonomic groups, pairs of species that were synonymous, the identity of several varieties as valid species, and highlighted phylogeographic associations of hydroids in deep and shallow-water areas of the NE Atlantic and W Mediterranean. It was proved that many (but not all) marine hydroid species with supposedly widespread vertical and/or horizontal geographical distributions, correspond in fact to complexes of cryptic taxa. This study further revealed that, in the NE Atlantic, shallow environments sustain higher hydrozoan diversity and abundance, but the importance of bathyal habitats as a source of phylogenetic diversity was also revealed. The Azorean seamounts were shown to be particularly important in the segregation of populations of hydroids with reduced dispersive potential. The bathyal habitats of the Gulf of Cadiz proved to harbour a considerably high number of cryptic species, which may mainly be a consequence of habitat heterogeneity and convergence of various water masses in the Gulf. The main causes proposed for speciation and population divergence of hydroids were: species population size, dispersal mechanisms and plasticity to inhabit different environmental conditions, but also the influence of oceanic currents (and its properties), habitat heterogeneity, climate change and continental drift. Higher phylogenetic resolution obtained for the family Plumulariidae revealed particularly that glacial cycles likely facilitated population divergence, ultimately speciation, and also faunal evolutionary transitions from deep to shallow waters.
The present study investigates the systematics and evolution of the Neotropical genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Bromeliaceae). It provides a comprehensive taxonomic revision as well as phylogenetic analyses based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences and presents a hypothesis on the evolution of the genus. A broad morphological, anatomical, biogeographical and ecological overview of the genus is given in the first part of the study. For morphological character assessment more than 700 herbarium specimens from 39 herbaria as well as living plant material in the field and in the living collections of botanical gardens were carefully examined. The arid habitats, in which the species of Deuterocohnia grow, are reflected by the morphological and anatomical characters of the species. Important characters for species delimitation were identified, like the length of the inflorescence, the branching order, the density of flowers on partial inflorescences, the relation of the length of the primary bracts to that of the partial inflorescence, the sizes of floral bracts, sepals and petals, flower colour, the presence or absence of a pedicel, the curvature of the stamina and the petals during anthesis. After scrutinizing the nomenclatural history of the taxa belonging to Deuterocohnia – including the 1992 syonymized genus Abromeitiella – 17 species, 4 subspecies and 4 varieties are accepted in the present revision. Taxonomic changes were made in the following cases: (I) New combinations: A. abstrusa (A. Cast.) N. Schütz is re-established – as defined by Castellanos (1931) – and transfered to D. abstrusa; D. brevifolia (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm. includes accessions of the former D. lorentziana (Mez) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm., which are not assigned to D. abstrusa; D. bracteosa W. Till is synonymized to D. strobilifera Mez; D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez var. carmineo-viridiflora Rauh is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. carmineo-viridiflora (Rauh) N. Schütz); D. pedicellata W. Till is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. pedicellata (W. Till) N. Schütz); D. scapigera (Rauh & L. Hrom.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm ssp. sanctae-crucis R. Vásquez & Ibisch is classified as a species (D. sanctae-crucis (R. Vásquez & Ibisch) N. Schütz); (II) New taxa: a new subspecies of D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez is established; a new variety of D. scapigera is established; (the new taxa will be validly published elsewhere); (III) New type: an epitype for D. longipetala was chosen. All other species were kept according to Spencer and Smith (1992) or – in the case of more recently described species – according to the protologue. Beside the nomenclatural notes and the detailed descriptions, information on distribution, habitat and ecology, etymology and taxonomic delimitation is provided for the genus and for each of its species. An key was constructed for the identification of currently accepted species, subspecies and varieties. The key is based on easily detectable morphological characters. The former synonymization of the genus Abromeitiella into Deuterocohnia (Spencer and Smith 1992) is re-evalutated in the present study. Morphological as well as molecular investigations revealed Deuterocohnia incl. Abromeitiella as being monophyletic, with some indications that a monophyletic Abromeitiella lineage arose from within Deuterocohnia. Thus the union of both genera is confirmed. The second part of the present thesis describes and discusses the molecular phylogenies and networks. Molecular analyses of three chloroplast intergenic spacers (rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnK, trnS-ycf3) were conducted with a sample set of 119 taxa. This set included 103 Deuterocohnia accessions from all 17 described species of the genus and 16 outgroup taxa from the remainder of Pitcairnioideae s.str. (Dyckia (8 sp.), Encholirium (2 sp.), Fosterella (4 sp.) and Pitcairnia (2 sp.)). With its high sampling density, the present investigation by far represents the most comprehensive molecular study of Deuterocohnia up till now. All data sets were analyzed separately as well as in combination, and various optimality criteria for phylogenetic tree construction were applied (Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inferences and the distance method Neighbour Joining). Congruent topologies were generally obtained with different algorithms and optimality criteria, but individual clades received different degrees of statistical support in some analyses. The rps16-trnK locus was the most informative among the three spacer regions examined. The results of the chloroplast DNA analyses revealed a highly supported paraphyly of Deuterocohnia. Thus, the cpDNA trees divide the genus into two subclades (A and B), of which Deuterocohnia subclade B is sister to the included Dyckia and Encholirium accessions, and both together are sister to Deuterocohnia subclade A. To further examine the relationship between Deuterocohnia and Dyckia/Encholirium at the generic level, two nuclear low copy markers (PRK exon2-5 and PHYC exon1) were analysed with a reduced taxon set. This set included 22 Deuterocohnia accessions (including members of both cpDNA subclades), 2 Dyckia, 2 Encholirium and 2 Fosterella species. Phylogenetic trees were constructed as described above, and for comparison the same reduced taxon set was also analysed at the three cpDNA data loci. In contrast to the cpDNA results, the nuclear DNA data strongly supported the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, which takes a sister position to a clade of Dyckia and Encholirium samples. As morphology as well as nuclear DNA data generated in the present study and in a former AFLP analysis (Horres 2003) all corroborate the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, the apparent paraphyly displayed in cpDNA analyses is interpreted to be the consequence of a chloroplast capture event. This involves the introgression of the chloroplast genome from the common ancestor of the Dyckia/ Encholirium lineage into the ancestor of Deuterocohnia subclade B species. The chloroplast haplotypes are not species-specific in Deuterocohnia. Thus, one haplotype was sometimes shared by several species, where the same species may harbour different haplotypes. The arrangement of haplotypes followed geographical patterns rather than taxonomic boundaries, which may indicate some residual gene flow among populations from different Deuteroccohnia species. Phenotypic species coherence on the background of ongoing gene flow may then be maintained by sets of co-adapted alleles, as was suggested by the porous genome concept (Wu 2001, Palma-Silva et al. 2011). The results of the present study suggest the following scenario for the evolution of Deuterocohnia and its species. Deuterocohnia longipetala may be envisaged as a representative of the ancestral state within the genus. This is supported by (1) the wide distribution of this species; (2) the overlap in distribution area with species of Dyckia; (3) the laxly flowered inflorescences, which are also typical for Dyckia; (4) the yellow petals with a greenish tip, present in most other Deuterocohnia species. The following six extant lineages within Deuterocohnia might have independently been derived from this ancestral state with a few changes each: (I) D. meziana, D. brevispicata and D. seramisiana (Bolivia, lowland to montane areas, mostly reddish-greenish coloured, very laxly to very densely flowered); (II) D. strobilifera (Bolivia, high Andean mountains, yellow flowers, densely flowered); (III) D. glandulosa (Bolivia, montane areas, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (IV) D. haumanii, D. schreiteri, D. digitata, and D. chrysantha (Argentina, Chile, E Andean mountains and Atacama desert, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (V) D. recurvipetala (Argentina, foothills of the Andes, recurved yellow flowers, laxly flowered); (VI) D. gableana, D. scapigera, D. sanctae-crucis, D. abstrusa, D. brevifolia, D. lotteae (former Abromeitiella species, Bolivia, Argentina, higher Andean mountains, greenish-yellow flowers, inflorescence usually simple). Originating from the lower montane Andean regions, at least four lineages of the genus (I, II, IV, VI) adapted in part to higher altitudes by developing densely flowered partial inflorescences, shorter flowers and – in at least three lineages (II, IV, VI) – smaller rosettes, whereas species spreading into the lowlands (I, V) developed larger plants, laxly flowered, amply branched inflorescences and in part larger flowers (I).
In recent years there has been much progress in our understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of ticks, in particular the hard ticks (Ixodidae). Indeed, a consensus about the phylogeny of the hard ticks has emerged which is quite different to the working hypothesis of 10 years ago. So that the classification reflects our knowledge of ticks, several changes to the nomenclature of ticks are imminent or have been made. One subfamily, the Hyalomminae, should be sunk, while another, the Bothriocrotoninae, has been created (Klompen, Dobson & Barker, 2002). Bothriocrotoninae, and its sole genus Bothriocroton, have been created to house an early-diverging ('basal') lineage of endemic Australian ticks that used to be in the genus Aponomma. The remaining species of the genus Aponomma have been moved to the genus Amblyomma. Thus, the name Aponomma is no longer a valid genus name. The genus Rhipicephalus is paraphyletic with respect to the genus Boophilus. Thus, the genus Boophilus has become a subgenus of the genus Rhipicephalus (Murrell & Barker, 2003). Knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships of ticks has also provided new insights into the evolution of ornateness and of their life cycles, and has allowed the historical zoogeography of ticks to be studied. Finally, we present a list of the 899 valid genus and species names of ticks as of February 2004.
principalmente pelo baixo grau de complexidade de especialização, escassez de caracteres distintivos e a elevada plasticidade morfológica. A partir do século XIX emergiram classificações mais robustas. O que conhecemos hoje como Ordem Poecilosclerida só começou a ser delineado pela iniciativa de Zittel (1878) com o reconhecimento de Monaxonida, ou seja, reconhecimento de um padrão de simetria nas categorias de espículas. Ridley e Dendy (1887) apresentaram uma nova classificação para as esponjas do grupo Monaxonida utilizada por Topsent (1894) para criação da Familia Poeciloscleridae, eregida a ordem por este último autor em 1928, enfatizando a presença das quelas como microscleras. Posteriormente, van Soest (1984) e Bergquist e Fromont (1988) empreenderam discussões dessa classificação com base em uma perspectiva filogenética. Uma classificação robusta e de consenso só foi conseguida a partir dos trabalhos de Hajdu e colaboradores (1994a, 1994b) e Hajdu (1994, 1995), com o estabelecimento das Subordens: Mycalina, Myxillina e Microcionina. Apesar disso, as relações internas das famílias da Subordem Mycalina permaneciam com dúvidas, principalmente no tocante à inclusão de Podospongiidae, Isodictyidae, e a relação de Poecilosclerida com a Ordem Haplosclerida. Neste trabalho foi proposto a revisão da classificação da Subordem Mycalina com base em dados morfológicos e moleculares. Foram feitas análises filogenéticas em três níveis taxonômicos, espécie, gênero e família, com base em dados morfológicos. Além disso, foi feita uma análise filogenética molecular utilizando sequências parciais da subunidade maior do RNA ribossomal (LSU do RNAr). As amostras de Mycalina foram amplificadas via PCR e posteriormente sequenciadas. Com base nestes resultados foi concluído que: as Familias Cladorhizidae, Guitarridae, Mycalidae e Hamacanthidae são monofiléticas. Para esta última foi confirmada a série de transformação sigmancistra > cirtancistra > diâncistra > clavidisco. A posição da Familia Podospongiidae dentro de Mycalina está bem corroborada, porém, precisa ser melhor estudada com dados moleculares para determinar, ou não, o seu monofiletismo. A Familia Esperiopsidae precisa ser melhor estudada com base em dados morfológicos e o gênero Amphilectus precisa ser revisado, provavelmente uma parte deste estaria melhor alocado em Haplosclerida junto com Isodictyidae. A Familia Desmacellidae não é monofilética, bem como Biemna e Neofibularia, provavelmente, não são Poecilosclerida e deveriam ser transferidas para uma posição próxima de Tetractinellida. Desmacella provavelmente é uma Mycalina com posição basal na Subordem. Os demais gêneros precisam ser estudados com base em dados moleculares. A Ordem Haplosclerida provavelmente é o grupo irmão de Poecilosclerida e a série de transformação sigmas > quelas foi confirmada com base em dados morfológicos e moleculares. A Subordem Mycalina não é monofilética como definida em Hajdu e van Soest (2002a). Palavras-chave: Sistemática. Porifera. Evolução.
Floral anatomy is described in ten genera of Bromeliaceae, including three members of subfamily Bromelioideae, three Tillandsioideae, and four genera of the polyphyletic subfamily Pitcairnioideae (including Brocchinia, the putatively basal genus of Bromeliaceae). Bromeliaceae are probably unique in the order Poales in possessing septal nectaries and epigynous or semi-epigynous flowers. Evidence presented here from floral ontogeny, vasculature, and the relative positions of nectary and ovules indicates that there could have been one or more reversals to apparent hypogyny in Bromeliaceae, although this hypothesis requires a better-resolved phylogeny. Such evolutionary reversals probably evolved in response to specialist pollinators, and in conjunction with other aspects of floral morphology of Bromeliaceae, such as the petal appendages of some species. The ovary is initiated in an inferior position even in semi-epigynous or hypogynous species. The ovary of all so-called hypogynous Bromeliaceae is actually semi-inferior, because the septal nectary is infralocular; in these species the nectaries have a labyrinthine surface and many vascular bundles. Brocchinia differs from most other fully epigynous species in that each carpel is secretory at the apex and reproductive, rather than secretory, at the base.
Understanding the overwhelming diversity of life calls for complex organisational schemes. The field of systematics may thus be seen as the cornerstone of evolutionary biology. In the last few decades, systematics has been rejuvenated through the introduction of molecular methods such as DNA barcoding and multi-gene phylogenetic approaches. These methods may shed new light on established taxonomic ideas and problems. For example, the classification of ants has aroused much debate due to reinterpretation of morphological characters or contradictions between molecular data and morphology. Only in the last few years a consensus was reached regarding the phylogeny of ant subfamilies. However, the situation remains deplorable for lower taxonomic ranks such as subfamilies, tribes and genera. This thesis describes the systematics and evolution of the Holarctic ant genus Myrmica and the tribe to which it belongs, Myrmicini. Using barcoding, molecular-phylogenetic data and divergence time estimations, it addresses questions regarding the taxonomy, morphology and biogeography of this group. Furthermore, the interrelationships between socially parasitic Myrmica species and their hosts (other species in the genus) were inferred. The phylogeny suggests that social parasitism evolved several times in Myrmica. Finally, this thesis investigated whether coevolution shaped the phylogeny of socially parasitic Maculinea butterflies that live inside Myrmica colonies. No evidence was found for coevolution.
The genus Glyphochloa (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Andropogoneae: Rottboellinae) is endemic to peninsular India and is distributed on lateritic plateaus of low and high altitude in and around Western Ghats and the Malabar Coast. The genus presumably originated and diversified in the Western Ghats. Species relationships in the genus Glyphochloa were deduced here based on molecular phylogenies inferred using nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences and plastid intergenic spacer regions (atpB-rbcL, trnT-trnL, trnL-trnF), and new observations were made of spikelet morphology, caryopsis morphology and meiotic chromosome counts. We observed two distinct clades of Glyphochloa s.l. One of these (group I') includes Ophiuros bombaiensis, and is characterized by a single-awned lower glume and a base chromosome number of 6; it grows in low elevation coastal areas. The other clade (group II') has a double-awned lower glume, a base chromosome number of 7, and is restricted to higher elevation lateritic plateaus; G. ratnagirica may belong to the group II clade, or may be a third distinct lineage in the genus. A sister-group relationship between group I and II taxa (with or without G. ratnagirica) is not well supported, although the genus is recovered as monophyletic in shortest trees inferred using ITS or concatenated plastid data. We present a key to species of Glyphochloa and make a new combination for O. bombaiensis.
The tribe Iphigenieae (Colchicaceace, Liliales) includes two genera, viz. Camptorrhiza and Iphigenia, which are distributed in Africa, India, and Australasia. Iphigenia is represented by 12 species, of which six occur in India while Camptorrhiza comprises one species each in Africa (C. strumosa) and India (C. indica). The genus Camptorrhiza possesses a knee-shaped tuber attached to the corms, filaments with a thick bulge in the middle and styles with single stigma. Iphigenia on the other hand lacks knee-shaped tuber, bears linear filaments and has styles with three stigmas. Camptorrhiza indica possesses ovoid corms, linear filaments and styles with a single stigma. These characters are intermediate between Iphigenia and Camptorrhiza and hence we studied the cytogenetics and phylogenetic placement of this species to ascertain its generic identity. Somatic chromosome count (2n = 22) and karyotypic features of C. indica are very similar to that of Iphigenia species. Molecular phylogenetic studies based on atpB-rbcL, rps16, trnL, and trnL-F regions showed that C. indica is nested within a lineage of Indian Iphigenia species. Thus, C. indica was reduced to a species of Iphigenia, i.e., I. ratnagirica. Camptorrhiza is now a monotypic genus restricted only to southern Africa. A key to the Indian Iphigenia species is provided. In addition, a new combination Wurmbea novae-zelandiae is proposed for Iphigenia novae-zelandiae.