994 resultados para System documentation


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[ES] El área de trabajo ocupa unos 60 x 60 metros y está situada en la cima del monte Aitz Txiki (Astxiki) en la que se aprecian algunos restos de muros y un aljibe, pertenecientes a una construcción defensiva.


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DSpace is an open source software platform that enables organizations to: - Capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic ingest options - Distribute an organization's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system - Preserve digital assets over the long term This system documentation includes a functional overview of the system, which is a good introduction to the capabilities of the system, and should be readable by nontechnical personnel. Everyone should read this section first because it introduces some terminology used throughout the rest of the documentation. For people actually running a DSpace service, there is an installation guide, and sections on configuration and the directory structure. Note that as of DSpace 1.2, the administration user interface guide is now on-line help available from within the DSpace system. Finally, for those interested in the details of how DSpace works, and those potentially interested in modifying the code for their own purposes, there is a detailed architecture and design section.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar os pontos fortes e fracos - premissas básicas, funções e procedimentos, que se mostrem relevantes no decorrer da implantação de um sistema de Gestão da Qualidade Total. Buscou-se estabelecer um conjunto de critérios, associados desde ao sistema de informação, até à cultura da organização ou a sua estratégia de gestão, que pudessem vir a sugerir algumas mudanças no processo e servir de base para a proposição de um protocolo de implantação dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade. Foi elaborado um guia inicial compilando as tendências e pontos identificados na revisão bibliográfica como relevantes para o sucesso na implantação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade. A compilação categorizou os pontos sob três enfoques: técnico, conceitual e estratégico. Esse guia de análise norteou a condução e o acompanhamento da pesquisa de campo. O método de pesquisa adotado foi o Estudo de Caso, no qual acompanhou-se o processo de implantação de um sistema de Gestão da Qualidade Total, analisando as principais causas do sucesso e fracasso do mesmo, e uma possível associação com os pontos fortes e fracos identificados. Por meio dos dados coletados através dos instrumentos de pesquisa, somados à análise das atas de reuniões do projeto, documentação do sistema e observações diretas registradas, promoveu-se a revisão e enriquecimento do guia de análise. Deste modo, ao final do trabalho obtivemos a proposição de um guia que possa servir de roteiro na busca pelo sucesso no processo de implantação dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade.


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In rapidly evolving domains such as Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) emphasis is often put first on innovation and new functionality, rather than in developing the common infrastructure needed to support integration and reuse of these innovations. In fact, developing such an infrastructure is often considered to be a high-risk venture given the volatility of such a domain. We present CompAS, a method that exploits the very evolution of innovations in the domain to carry out the necessary quantitative and qualitative commonality and variability analysis, especially in the case of scarce system documentation. We show how our technique applies to the CAOS domain by using conference proceedings as a key source of information about the evolution of features in CAOS systems over a period of several years. We detect and classify evolution patterns to determine functional commonality and variability. We also identify non-functional requirements to help capture domain variability. We have validated our approach by evaluating the degree to which representative test systems can be covered by the common and variable features produced by our analysis.


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Effective comprehension of complex software systems requires understanding of both the individual documents that represent software and the complex relationships that exist within and between documents. Relationships of all kinds play a vital role in a software engineer's comprehension of, and navigation within and between, software documents. User-determined relationships have the additional role of enabling the engineer to create and maintain relational documentation that cannot be generated by tools or derived from other relationships. We argue that for a software development environment to effectively support the understanding of complex software systems, relational navigation must be supported at both the document-focused (intra-document) and relation-focused (inter-document) levels. The need for a relation-focused approach is highlighted by an evaluation of an existing document-focused relational interface. We conclude with the requirements for a relation-focused approach to relational navigation. These requirements focus on the user's perspective when interacting with a collection of related documents. We define the requirements for a software development environment that effectively supports the understanding of the software documents and relationships that define a complex software system.


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A implementação de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade segundo as normas internacionais implica o cumprimento de vários requisitos. As características específicas de cada empresa requerem o estudo prévio das medidas a implementar. O presente trabalho diz respeito a um relatório de estágio desenvolvido por cinco meses na empresa Sistemas e Técnicas Industriais, Lda., uma fábrica metalomecânica de equipamentos para estações de tratamento de águas residuais, com o intuito de desenvolver um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) segundo a NP EN ISO 9001:2008, Numa primeira fase foi analisada e interpretada as atividades da empresa, assim como os processos inerentes à mesma. Procedeu-se ao estudo dos requisitos da norma, a análise da documentação do SGQ existente. Como resultado do trabalho, foi possível identificar e classificar os processos, reestruturar a Política e o Manual da Qualidade assim como desenvolver modelos e recomendações necessárias para cumprimento da Norma. Concluiu-se com este trabalho que a empresa possui a maior parte dos documentos exigidos pela norma, no entanto, a maioria dos procedimentos, instruções de trabalho e modelos não estão implementados no cotidiano da empresa.


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Introduction and objectives Early recognition of deteriorating patients results in better patient outcomes. Modified early warning scores (MEWS) attempt to identify deteriorating patients early so timely interventions can occur thus reducing serious adverse events. We compared frequencies of vital sign recording 24 h post-ICU discharge and 24 h preceding unplanned ICU admission before and after a new observation chart using MEWS and an associated educational programme was implemented into an Australian Tertiary referral hospital in Brisbane. Design Prospective before-and-after intervention study, using a convenience sample of ICU patients who have been discharged to the hospital wards, and in patients with an unplanned ICU admission, during November 2009 (before implementation; n = 69) and February 2010 (after implementation; n = 70). Main outcome measures Any change in a full set or individual vital sign frequency before-and-after the new MEWS observation chart and associated education programme was implemented. A full set of vital signs included Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), temperature (T°), oxygen saturation (SaO2) respiratory rate (RR) and urine output (UO). Results After the MEWS observation chart implementation, we identified a statistically significant increase (210%) in overall frequency of full vital sign set documentation during the first 24 h post-ICU discharge (95% CI 148, 288%, p value <0.001). Frequency of all individual vital sign recordings increased after the MEWS observation chart was implemented. In particular, T° recordings increased by 26% (95% CI 8, 46%, p value = 0.003). An increased frequency of full vital sign set recordings for unplanned ICU admissions were found (44%, 95% CI 2, 102%, p value = 0.035). The only statistically significant improvement in individual vital sign recordings was urine output, demonstrating a 27% increase (95% CI 3, 57%, p value = 0.029). Conclusions The implementation of a new MEWS observation chart plus a supporting educational programme was associated with statistically significant increases in frequency of combined and individual vital sign set recordings during the first 24 h post-ICU discharge. There were no significant changes to frequency of individual vital sign recordings in unplanned admissions to ICU after the MEWS observation chart was implemented, except for urine output. Overall increases in the frequency of full vital sign sets were seen.


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At present, governments in many countries are actively engaged in the development of electronic trading and certification standards to enable the smooth operation of export markets. Standards and their usability underpin confidence in the operations of markets and their effective functioning. In institutional markets, an important role for government agencies lies in developing the initial specifications for standards for interoperable systems. Once these specifications are accepted, governments can then facilitate the eventual diffusion of a standard to the B2B marketplace. Acceptance of an industry standard can determine demand, which defines the viability of that market. In this paper, we describe an initiative by a government agency, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS), in developing EXDOC, a standard for export documentation and the role that AQIS played in its implementation and diffusion. Our case study illustrates a successfully facilitated B2G implementation. It demonstrates how a standard can be supported and promulgated for the effective functioning of markets in the transition from manual to online export documentation. Once the overarching specifications for related industries have been established and diffused by government, opportunities arise for private sector markets to develop across these industries. Government agencies can promote the effective operation of standards for electronic markets. The EXDOC implementation and its iterations provide an exemplar of active engagement in the development of electronic trading and certification standards for an institutional market. Its successful diffusion provides a model of the implementation process for other export sectors and agencies.


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EXDOC is an on-line export documentation system implemented by the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service [AQIS] and used currently by 90% of meat exporters. At a time when governments world-wide are increasingly committed to introducing electronic service delivery [ESD], this is a timely exemplar of innovative practice. In this paper, we consider the initial implementation of EXDOC in the meat export sector in order to identify the factors that led to the successful adoption of this system.

We consider these factors in the context of diffusion of innovation literature supplemented with Bijker’s social constructivist framework. The theoretical flexibility provided by this combination of approaches enabled us to draw out a number of implications from the data that bear on strategy formulation.

Factors found to have significant bearing on the early adoption of EXDOC included: (1) idiosyncratic factors precipitating the initial implementation (2) the constraints based on accommodating user capabilities (3) the organisational role taken by AQIS (4) diffusion as a self-reinforcing and value-adding effect.

A standard represents both a problem as a requirement of such a system and a problem solving strategy eliciting compliance to the system requirements. Over the period of shaping and stabilizing of the industry standard, AQIS was required to act as facilitator in the coordination of the actors.

The implementation of systems like EXDOC enables users to identify what they want from a system, specifying their preferences and tradeoffs. Such implementations offer opportunities for systems redesign within export business sectors with major strategic implications for the industry.


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Includes bibliography


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La reunion tecnica de estudio sobre la compatibilidad de sistemas de documentacion en poblacion, demostro que a pesar de los diferentes servicios proporcionados por el Population Index, el PIDSA y DOCPAL, existe un gran numero de elementos comunes y areas de posible cooperacion. Los participantes senalaron como requisitos basicos contar con un nucleo de elementos de datos normalizados, categorias tematicas similares para las revistas de los 3 sistemas, un tesauro multilingue comun y su actualizacion permanente, asi como un formato de intercambio comun.