41 resultados para Syros, Vasileios
This work presents new Structural data from a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) metamorphic terrane exposed on the islands of Syros and Sifnos (Cyclades, Greece). The structure and the metamorphism of a relatively coherent HP/LT rock section were studied in order to elucidate how strain was accommodated at deep crustal levels during the formation and exhumation of HP/LT rocks. At least three deformation phases associated with eclogite- and blueschist-facies conditions (P = 8-15 kbar; T = 400-550 degreesC) were recognised. The earliest deformation fabric (S1), preserved as inclusion trails within garnet porphyroblasts, is aligned to define a sub-vertical schistosity (at present orientation), which is frequently orthogonal to the flat matrix schistosity (S2), and may indicate that deep crustal thickening involved upright folding. The currently dominant fabric in the HP rock section, S2, is Usually moderately dipping and locally contains NW-trending glaucophane lineations, symmetric pressure-shadows and eclogitic boudins. The symmetric structures associated with this fabric seem to indicate coaxial vertical thinning, although the existence of non-coaxial structures out of the study area cannot be excluded. Glaucophane-bearing shear bands (S3), with top-to-NW sense of shearing, locally crosscut the earlier structures. The latest recognised fabric (D4) is scarce and often absent within the HP rocks. It is associated with top-to-NE kinematic criteria that formed at greenschist-facies conditions (P = 4-7 kbar; T = 400-450 degreesC). Based on these observations, it is suggested that partitioning of strain occurred at different crustal levels and at different times. Deep crustal deformation was governed by thickening via upright folding followed by coaxial vertical thinning, whereas non-coaxial shearing occurred when the rocks were already exhumed to relatively shallow crustal levels. The earliest fabrics (D1 to D3) pertain to Alpine orogenesis and possibly to syn-orogenic extension, whereas the latest correspond to whole-crust back-are extension. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Phengites from the eclogite and blueschist-facies sequences of the Cycladic island of Syros (Greece) have been dated by the in situ UV-laser ablation Ar-40/Ar-39 method. A massive, phengite-rich eclogite and an omphacite-rich metagabbro were investigated. The phengites are eubedral and coarse-grained (several 100 mum), strain-free and exhibit no evidence for late brittle deformation or recrystallization. Apparent ages in these samples range from 43 to 50 Ma for the phengite-rich eclogite and 42 to 52 Ma for the ompbacitic metagabbro. This large spread of ages is visible at all scales-within individual grains as well as in domains of several 100 mum and across the entire sample (ca. 2 cm). Such variations have been traditionally attributed to metamorphic cooling or the incorporation of excess argon. However, the textural equilibrium between the phengites and other high pressure phases and the subtle compositional variations within the phengites, especially the preservation of growth textures, alternatively suggest that the observed range in ages may reflect variations of radiogenic argon acquired during phengite formation and subsequent growth, thus dating a discrete event on the prograde path. This implies that the oldest phengite 40Ar/39Ar ages provide the best estimate of a minimum crystallization age, which is in agreement with recently reported U-Pb and Lu-Hf geochronological data. Our results are consistent with available stable isotope data and further suggest that, under fluid-restricted conditions, both stable and radiogenic isotopic systems can survive without significant isotopic exchange during subduction and exhumation from eclogite-facies P-T conditions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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This paper studies dichotomous majority voting in common interest committees where each member receives not only a private signal but also a public signal observed by all of them. The public signal represents, e.g. expert information presented to an entire committee and its quality is higher than that of each individual private signal. We identify two informative symmetric strategy equilibria, namely i) the mixed strategy equilibrium where each member randomizes between following the private and public signals should they disagree; and ii) the pure strategy equilibrium where they follow the public signal for certain. The former outperforms the latter. The presence of the public signal precludes the equilibrium where every member follows their own signal, which is an equilibrium in the absence of the public signal. The mixed strategy equilibrium in the presence of the public signal outperforms the sincere voting equilibrium without the public signal, but the latter may be more efficient than the pure strategy equilibrium in the presence of the public signal. We suggest that whether expert information improves committee decision making depends on equilibrium selection.
The aim of this paper is to describe the process and challenges in building exposure scenarios for engineered nanomaterials (ENM), using an exposure scenario format similar to that used for the European Chemicals regulation (REACH). Over 60 exposure scenarios were developed based on information from publicly available sources (literature, books, and reports), publicly available exposure estimation models, occupational sampling campaign data from partnering institutions, and industrial partners regarding their own facilities. The primary focus was on carbon-based nanomaterials, nano-silver (nano-Ag) and nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2), and included occupational and consumer uses of these materials with consideration of the associated environmental release. The process of building exposure scenarios illustrated the availability and limitations of existing information and exposure assessment tools for characterizing exposure to ENM, particularly as it relates to risk assessment. This article describes the gaps in the information reviewed, recommends future areas of ENM exposure research, and proposes types of information that should, at a minimum, be included when reporting the results of such research, so that the information is useful in a wider context.
Objeto: El desempeño de las actividades de servicios de alto valor añadido ofrecidospor las empresas manufactureras, de la misma forma que el de los servicios intensivosen conocimiento, puede verse afectado por las formas de contratación de la mano deobra utilizadas en ellas. Se estudia el impacto del uso de trabajo contingente (temporal y autónomo) sobre la productividad del trabajo en las empresas de servicios intensivos en conocimiento. Para desarrollar las hipótesis, se tiene en cuenta el impacto potencial del trabajo contingente sobre el capital intangible de la empresa, así como los resultados de la literatura empírica.Diseño/metodología: Se analizan los datos de una muestra de 279 empresas de servicios intensivos en conocimiento localizadas en Cataluña, mediante dos modelos de regresión lineal.Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados muestran que el empleo de formas de trabajo contingentes, como el trabajo temporal y los trabajadores autónomos, tiene un impacto negativo en la productividad del trabajo. No existe, en cambio, una relación cuadrática entre estas variables. Limitaciones: La muestra utilizada procede exclusivamente de Cataluña (España), noes perfectamente extrapolable al conjunto de empresas de servicios intensivos enconocimiento y se obtuvo en la fase alcista del ciclo económico. El diseño del estudio estransversal. La clasificación de las empresas como intensivas en conocimiento esdicotómica, en función del sector al que pertenecen. Implicaciones prácticas:Las decisiones sobre la contratación de mano de obra en actividades de servicios de alto valor añadido deberían minimizar las formas de trabajocontingentes, si quieren mejorar su productividad.Implicaciones sociales: Un modelo productivo que pretenda potenciar los servicios de mayor valor añadido no puede descansar sobre la base de un mercado laboral en el que las empresas utilizan una elevada proporción de trabajo contingente en su mano de obra. Valor añadido: Este artículo ofrece nuevos datos para a la escasa literatura que relaciona el uso de trabajo contingente con la productividad en el sector de los servicios intensivos en conocimiento. La creciente importancia de los servicios de alto valor añadido, tanto en empresas de servicios como manufactureras, y el interés por conocer los determinantes de su productividad justifican la necesidad de realizar estudios como el que se presenta.
Las relaciones entre Occidente y el mundo musulmán es una ardua y extensa labor su estudio no puede limitar en los términos de que Occidente busca hacer que el lenguaje de la democracia se expanda al resto de los agentes para así disminuir la posibilidad de confrontaciones abiertas y violentas.
Field experiments were conducted in northern Greece in 2003 and 2004 to evaluate effects of tillage regimes (moldboard plowing, chisel plowing, and rotary tilling), cropping sequences(continuous cotton, cotton-sugar beet rotation,and continuous tobacco) and herbicide treatments with inter-row hand hoeing on weed population densities. Total weed densities were not affected by tillage treatment except that of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli), which increased only in moldboard plowing treated plots during 2003. Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus)and black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) densities were reduced in continuous cotton, while purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus), E. crus-galli, S. nigrum, and johnsongras(Sorghum halepense) densities were reduced in tobacco. A. retroflexus and S. nigrum were effectively controlled by all herbicide treatments with inter-row hand hoeing,whereas E. crus-galli was effectively reduced by herbicides applied to cotton and tobacco. S. halepense density reduction was a result of herbicide applied to tobacco with inter-row hand hoeing. Yield of all crops was higher under moldboard plowing and herbicide treatments. Pre-sowing and pre-emergence herbicide treatments in cotton and pre-transplant in tobacco integrated with inter-row cultivation resulted in efficient control of annual weed species and good crop yields. These observations are of practical relevance to crop selection by farmers in order to maintain weed populations at economically acceptable densities through the integration of various planting dates, sustainable herbicide use and inter-row cultivation; tools of great importance in integrated weed management systems. Keywords: cropping sequence, herbicide, integrated weed management, inter-row cultivation,tillage.
In a recent study we demonstrated that a high-hydrostatic-pressure-tolerant isolate of Listeria monocytogenes lacks a codon in the class 3 heat shock regulator gene ctsR. This mutation in the region that encodes four consecutive glycines was directly responsible for the observed piezotolerance, increased stress resistance, and reduced virulence. The aim of the present study was to determine whether mutations in ctsR are frequently associated with piezotolerance in L. monocytogenes. Wild-type cultures of L. monocytogenes were therefore exposed to 350 MPa for 20 min, and the piezotolerance of individual surviving isolates was assessed. This rendered 33 isolates with a stable piezotolerant phenotype from a total of 84 survivors. Stable piezotolerant mutants were estimated to be present in the initial wild-type population at frequencies of >10�5. Subsequent sequencing of the ctsR gene of all stable piezotolerant isolates revealed that two-thirds of the strains (i.e., n � 21) had mutations in this gene. The majority of the mutations (16 of 21 strains) consisted of a triplet deletion in the glycine-encoding region of ctsR, identical to what was found in our previous study. Interestingly, 2 of 21 mutants contained a codon insertion in this repeat region. The remaining three stable piezotolerant strains showed a 19-bp insertion in the glycine repeat region, a 16-bp insertion downstream of the glycine repeat area (both leading to frameshifts and a truncated ctsR), and an in-frame 114-bp deletion encoding a drastically shortened carboxy terminus of CtsR. In four instances it was not possible to generate a PCR product. A piezotolerant phenotype could not be linked to mutations in ctsR in 8 of 33 isolates, indicating that other thus-far-unknown mechanisms also lead to stable piezotolerance. The present study highlights the importance of ctsR in piezotolerance and stress tolerance of L. monocytogenes, and it demonstrates that short-sequence repeat regions contribute significantly to the occurrence of a piezotolerant and stress-tolerant subpopulation within L. monocytogenes cultures, thus playing an important role in survival.
A cylinder experiment was conducted in northern Greece during 2005 and 2006 to assess emergence dynamics of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.) and jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) in the case of a switch from conventional to conservation tillage systems (CT). Emergence was surveyed from two burial depths (5 and 10 cm) and with simulation of reduced tillage (i.e. by soil disturbance) and no-till conditions. Barnyardgrass emergence was significantly affected by burial depth, having greater emergence from 5 cm depth (96%) although even 78% of seedlings emerged from 10 cm depth after the two years of study. Emergence of barnyardgrass was stable across years from the different depths and tillage regimes. Jimsonweed seeds showed lower germination than barnyardgrass during the study period, whereas its emergence was significantly affected by soil disturbance having 41% compared to 28% without disturbance. A burial depth x soil disturbance interaction was also determined, which showed higher emergence from 10 cm depth with soil disturbance. Jimsonweed was found to have significantly higher emergence from 10 cm depth with soil disturbance in Year 2. Seasonal emergence timing of barnyardgrass did not vary between the different burial depth and soil disturbance regimes, as it started in April and lasted until end of May in both years. Jimsonweed showed a bimodal pattern, with first emergence starting end of April until mid-May and the second ranging from mid-June to mid-August from 10 cm burial depth and from mid-July to mid-August from 5 cm depth, irrespective of soil disturbance in both cases.
Due to their outstanding resolution and well-constrained chronologies, Greenland ice-core records provide a master record of past climatic changes throughout the Last Interglacial–Glacial cycle in the North Atlantic region. As part of the INTIMATE (INTegration of Ice-core, MArine and TErrestrial records) project, protocols have been proposed to ensure consistent and robust correlation between different records of past climate. A key element of these protocols has been the formal definition and ordinal numbering of the sequence of Greenland Stadials (GS) and Greenland Interstadials (GI) within the most recent glacial period. The GS and GI periods are the Greenland expressions of the characteristic Dansgaard–Oeschger events that represent cold and warm phases of the North Atlantic region, respectively. We present here a more detailed and extended GS/GI template for the whole of the Last Glacial period. It is based on a synchronization of the NGRIP, GRIP, and GISP2 ice-core records that allows the parallel analysis of all three records on a common time scale. The boundaries of the GS and GI periods are defined based on a combination of stable-oxygen isotope ratios of the ice (δ18O, reflecting mainly local temperature) and calcium ion concentrations (reflecting mainly atmospheric dust loading) measured in the ice. The data not only resolve the well-known sequence of Dansgaard–Oeschger events that were first defined and numbered in the ice-core records more than two decades ago, but also better resolve a number of short-lived climatic oscillations, some defined here for the first time. Using this revised scheme, we propose a consistent approach for discriminating and naming all the significant abrupt climatic events of the Last Glacial period that are represented in the Greenland ice records. The final product constitutes an extended and better resolved Greenland stratotype sequence, against which other proxy records can be compared and correlated. It also provides a more secure basis for investigating the dynamics and fundamental causes of these climatic perturbations.