897 resultados para Synthetic Thrombin Inhibitor


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The tsetse thrombin inhibitor, a potent and specific low molecular mass (3,530 Da) anticoagulant peptide, was purified previously from salivary gland extracts of Glossina morsitans morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae). A 303-bp coding sequence corresponding to the inhibitor has now been isolated from a tsetse salivary gland cDNA library by using degenerate oligonucleotide probes. The full-length cDNA contains a 26-bp untranslated segment at its 5′ end, followed by a 63-bp sequence corresponding to a putative secretory signal peptide. A 96-bp segment codes for the mature tsetse thrombin inhibitor, whose predicted molecular weight matches that of the purified native protein. Based on its lack of homology to any previously described family of molecules, the tsetse thrombin inhibitor appears to represent a unique class of naturally occurring protease inhibitors. Recombinant tsetse thrombin inhibitor expressed in Escherichia coli and the chemically synthesized peptide are both substantially less active than the purified native protein, suggesting that posttranslational modification(s) may be necessary for optimal inhibitory activity. The tsetse thrombin inhibitor gene, which is present as a single copy in the tsetse genome, is expressed at high levels in salivary glands and midguts of adult tsetse flies, suggesting a possible role for the anticoagulant in both feeding and processing of the bloodmeal.


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Background: The coagulation factor thrombin mediates ischemic neuronal deathand, at a low concentration, induces tolerance to ischemia.We investigated its modeof activation in ischemic neural tissue using an in vitro approach to distinguish therole of circulating coagulation factors from endogenous cerebral mechanisms. Wealso studied the signalling pathway downstream of thrombin in ischemia and afterthrombin preconditioning.Methods: Rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to 30 minute oxygen (5%)and glucose (1 mmol/L) deprivation (OGD).Results: Selective factor Xa (FXa) inhibition by fondaparinux during and afterOGD significantly reduced neuronal death in the CA1 after 48 hours. Thrombinactivity was increased in the medium 24 hours after OGD and this increasewas prevented by fondaparinux suggesting that FXa catalyzes the conversion ofprothrombin to thrombin in neural tissue after ischemia in vitro. Treatment withSCH79797, a selective antagonist of the thrombin receptor protease activatedreceptor-1 (PAR-1), significantly decreased neuronal cell death indicating thatthrombin signals ischemic damage via PAR-1. The JNK pathway plays an importantrole in cerebral ischemia and we observed activation of the JNK substrate,c-Jun in our model. Both the FXa inhibitor, fondaparinux and the PAR-1 antagonistSCH79797, decreased the level of phospho-c-Jun Ser73. After thrombin preconditioningc-Jun was activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1.Treatment with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist resulted in the same c-Junactivation profile and protection against subsequent OGD indicating that thrombinalso signals via PAR-1 and c-Jun in cell protection.Conclusion: These results indicate that FXa activates thrombin in cerebral ischemia,leading via PAR-1 to the activation of the JNK pathway resulting in neuronal death.Thrombin induced tolerance also involves PAR-1 and JNK, revealing commonfeatures in cell death and survival signalling.


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Triabin, a 142-residue protein from the saliva of the blood-sucking triatomine bug Triatoma pallidipennis, is a potent and selective thrombin inhibitor. Its stoichiometric complex with bovine α-thrombin was crystallized, and its crystal structure was solved by Patterson search methods and refined at 2.6-Å resolution to an R value of 0.184. The analysis revealed that triabin is a compact one-domain molecule essentially consisting of an eight-stranded β-barrel. The eight strands A to H are arranged in the order A-C-B-D-E-F-G-H, with the first four strands exhibiting a hitherto unobserved up-up-down-down topology. Except for the B-C inversion, the triabin fold exhibits the regular up-and-down topology of lipocalins. In contrast to the typical ligand-binding lipocalins, however, the triabin barrel encloses a hydrophobic core intersected by a unique salt-bridge cluster. Triabin interacts with thrombin exclusively via its fibrinogen-recognition exosite. Surprisingly, most of the interface interactions are hydrophobic. A prominent exception represents thrombin’s Arg-77A side chain, which extends into a hydrophobic triabin pocket forming partially buried salt bridges with Glu-128 and Asp-135 of the inhibitor. The fully accessible active site of thrombin in this complex is in agreement with its retained hydrolytic activity toward small chromogenic substrates. Impairment of thrombin’s fibrinogen converting activity or of its thrombomodulin-mediated protein C activation capacity upon triabin binding is explained by usage of overlapping interaction sites of fibrinogen, thrombomodulin, and triabin on thrombin. These data demonstrate that triabin inhibits thrombin via a novel and unique mechanism that might be of interest in the context of potential therapeutic applications.


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Snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins (CLPs) are ubiquitously found in Viperidae snake venoms and differ from the C-type lectins as they display different biological activities but no carbohydrate-binding activity. Previous analysis of the transcriptome obtained from the Bothrops insularis venom gland showed the presence of two clusters homologous to bothrojaracin (BJC) chains a and P. In an effort to identify a new BJC-like molecule, we used an approach associated with proteomic technologies to identify the presence of the expressed protein and then to purify and characterize a new thrombin inhibitor from B. insularis venom. We also constructed homology models of this protein and BJC, which were compared with other C-type lectin-like family members and revealed several conserved features of this intriguing snake venom toxin family. (C)0 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recently it has been shown that the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) plays a role in thrombin preconditioning (TPC) in vivo and in vitro. To investigate further the pathways involved in TPC, we performed an immunohistochemical study in hippocampal slice cultures. Here we show that the major target of JNK, the AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun, is activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1 region by using phospho-specific antibodies against the two JNK phosphorylation sites. The activation is early and transient, peaking at 90 min and not present by 3 hr after low-dose thrombin administration. Treatment of cultures with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist results in the same c-Jun activation profile and protection against subsequent OGD, both of which are prevented by specific JNK inhibitors, showing that thrombin signals through PAR-1 to JNK. By using an antibody against the Ser 73 phosphorylation site of c-Jun, we identify possible additional TPC substrates.


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In hair follicles, dermal papilla (DP) and dermal sheath (DS) cells exhibit striking levels of plasticity, as each can regenerate both cell types. Here, we show that thrombin induces a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt pathway-dependent acquisition of DS-like properties by DP cells in vitro, involving increased proliferation rate, acquisition of ;myofibroblastic' contractile properties and a decreased capacity to sustain growth and survival of keratinocytes. The thrombin inhibitor protease nexin 1 [PN-1, also known as SERPINE2) regulates all those effects in vitro. Accordingly, the PI3K-Akt pathway is constitutively activated and expression of myofibroblastic marker smooth-muscle actin is enhanced in vivo in hair follicle dermal cells from PN-1(-/-) mice. Furthermore, physiological PN-1 disappearance and upregulation of the thrombin receptor PAR-1 (also known as F2R) during follicular regression in wild-type mice also correlate with such changes in DP cell characteristics. Our results indicate that control of thrombin signaling interferes with hair follicle dermal cells plasticity to regulate their function.


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Recently it has been shown that the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) plays a role in thrombin preconditioning (TPC) in vivo and in vitro. To investigate further the pathways involved in TPC, we performed an immunohistochemical study in hippocampal slice cultures. Here we show that the major target of JNK, the AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun, is activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1 region by using phospho-specific antibodies against the two JNK phosphorylation sites. The activation is early and transient, peaking at 90 min and not present by 3 hr after low-dose thrombin administration. Treatment of cultures with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist results in the same c-Jun activation profile and protection against subsequent OGD, both of which are prevented by specific JNK inhibitors, showing that thrombin signals through PAR-1 to JNK. By using an antibody against the Ser 73 phosphorylation site of c-Jun, we identify possible additional TPC substrates.


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The signaling pathway initiated by factor Xa on vascular endothelial cells was investigated. Factor Xa stimulated a 5- to 10-fold increased release of nitric oxide (NO) in a dose-dependent reaction (0.1–2.5 μg/ml) unaffected by the thrombin inhibitor hirudin but abolished by active site inhibitors, tick anticoagulant peptide, or Glu-Gly-Arg-chloromethyl ketone. In contrast, the homologous clotting protease factor IXa or another endothelial cell ligand, fibrinogen, was ineffective. A factor Xa inter-epidermal growth factor synthetic peptide L83FTRKL88(G) blocking ligand binding to effector cell protease receptor-1 inhibited NO release by factor Xa in a dose-dependent manner, whereas a control scrambled peptide KFTGRLL was ineffective. Catalytically active factor Xa induced hypotension in rats and vasorelaxation in the isolated rat mesentery, which was blocked by the NO synthase inhibitor l-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (l-NAME) but not by d-NAME. Factor Xa/NO signaling also produced a dose-dependent endothelial cell release of interleukin 6 (range 0.55–3.1 ng/ml) in a reaction inhibited by l-NAME and by the inter-epidermal growth factor peptide Leu83–Leu88 but unaffected by hirudin. Maximal induction of interleukin 6 mRNA required a brief, 30-min stimulation with factor Xa, unaffected by subsequent addition of tissue factor pathway inhibitor. These data suggest that factor Xa-induced NO release modulates endothelial cell-dependent vasorelaxation and cytokine gene expression. This pathway requiring factor Xa binding to effector cell protease receptor-1 and a secondary step of ligand-dependent proteolysis may preserve an anti-thrombotic phenotype of endothelium but also trigger acute phase responses during activation of coagulation in vivo.


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Background: Rhipicephalus sanguineus, known as the brown dog tick, is a common ectoparasite of domestic dogs and can be found worldwide. R. sanguineus is recognized as the primary vector of the etiological agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis and canine babesiosis. Here we present the first description of a R. sanguineus salivary gland transcriptome by the production and analysis of 2,034 expressed sequence tags (EST) from two cDNA libraries, one consctructed using mRNA from dissected salivary glands from female ticks fed for 3-5 days (early to mid library, RsSGL1) and the another from ticks fed for 5 days (mid library, RsSGL2), identifying 1,024 clusters of related sequences. Results: Based on sequence similarities to nine different databases, we identified transcripts of genes that were further categorized according to function. The category of putative housekeeping genes contained similar to 56% of the sequences and had on average 2.49 ESTs per cluster, the secreted protein category contained 26.6% of the ESTs and had 2.47 EST's/clusters, while 15.3% of the ESTs, mostly singletons, were not classifiable, and were annotated as ""unknown function"". The secreted category included genes that coded for lipocalins, proteases inhibitors, disintegrins, metalloproteases, immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory proteins, as Evasins and Da-p36, as well as basic-tail and 18.3 kDa proteins, cement proteins, mucins, defensins and antimicrobial peptides. Comparison of the abundance of ESTs from similar contigs of the two salivary gland cDNA libraries allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes, such as genes coding for Evasins and a thrombin inhibitor, which were over expressed in the RsSGL1 (early to mid library) versus RsSGL2 (mid library), indicating their role in inhibition of inflammation at the tick feeding site from the very beginning of the blood meal. Conversely, sequences related to cement (64P), which function has been correlated with tick attachment, was largely expressed in the mid library. Conclusions: Our survey provided an insight into the R. sanguineus sialotranscriptome, which can assist the discovery of new targets for anti-tick vaccines, as well as help to identify pharmacologically active proteins.


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Ticks deposit saliva at the site of their attachment to a host in order to inhibit haemostasis, inflammation and innate and adaptive immune responses. The anti-haemostatic properties of tick saliva have been described by many studies, but few show that tick infestations or its anti-haemostatic components exert systemic effects in vivo. In the present study, we extended these observations and show that, compared with normal skin, bovine hosts that are genetically susceptible to tick infestations present an increase in the clotting time of blood collected from the immediate vicinity of haemorrhagic feeding pools in skin infested with different developmental stages of Rhipicepahlus microplus; conversely, we determined that clotting time of tick-infested skin from genetically resistant bovines was shorter than that of normal skin. Coagulation and inflammation have many components in common and we determined that in resistant bovines, eosinophils and basophils, which are known to contain tissue factor, are recruited in greater numbers to the inflammatory site of tick bites than in susceptible hosts. Finally, we correlated the observed differences in clotting times with the expression profiles of transcripts for putative anti-haemostatic proteins in different developmental stages of R. microplus fed on genetically susceptible and resistant hosts: we determined that transcripts coding for proteins similar to these molecules are overrepresented in salivary glands from nymphs and males fed on susceptible bovines. Our data indicate that ticks are able to modulate their host`s local haemostatic reactions. In the resistant phenotype, larger amounts of inflammatory cells are recruited and expression of anti-coagulant molecules is decreased tick salivary glands, features that can hamper the tick`s blood meal. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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L'endocardite infectieuse (EI) est une maladie potentiellement mortelle qui doit être prévenue dans toute la mesure du possible. Au cours de ces dernières 50 années, les recommandations Américaines et Européennes pour la prophylaxie de PEI proposaient aux patients à risques de prendre un antibiotique, préventif avant de subir une intervention médico-chirurgicale susceptible d'induire une bactériémie transitoire. Cependant, des études épidémiologiques récentes ont montré que la plupart des EI survenaient en dehors de tous actes médico-chirurgicaux, et indépendamment de la prise ou non de prophylaxie antibiotique . L'EI pourrait donc survenir suite à la cumulation de bactériémies spontanées de faibles intensités, associées à des activités de la vie courante telle que le brossage dentaire pour le streptocoques, ou à partir de tissus colonisés ou de cathéters infectés pour les staphylocoques. En conséquence, les recommandations internationales pour la prophylaxie de PEI ont été revues et proposent une diminution drastique de l'utilisation d'antibiotiques. Cependant, le risque d'EI représenté par le cumul de bactériémies de faibles intensités n'a pas été démontré expérimentalement. Nous avons développé un nouveau modèle d'EI expérimentale induite par une inoculation en continu d'une faible quantité de bactéries, simulant le cumul de bactériémies de faibles intensités chez l'homme, et comparé l'infection de Streptococcus gordonii et de Staphylococcus aureus dans ce modèle avec celle du modèle d'IE induite par une bactériémie brève, mais de forte intensité. Nous avons démontré, après injection d'une quantité égale de bactéries, que le nombre de végétations infectées était similaire dans les deux types d'inoculations. Ces résultats expérimentaux ont confirmé l'hypothèse qu'une exposition cumulée à des bactériémies de faibles intensités, en dehors d'une procédure médico-chirurgicale, représentait un risque pour le développement d'une El, comme le suggéraient les études épidémiologiques. En plus, ces résultats ont validé les nouvelles recommandations pour la prophylaxie de l'El, limitant drastiquement l'utilisation d'antibiotiques. Cependant, ces nouvelles recommandations laissent une grande partie (> 90%) de cas potentiels d'EI sans alternatives de préventions, et des nouvelles stratégies prophylactiques doivent être investiguées. Le nouveau modèle d'EI expérimentale représente un modèle réaliste pour étudier des nouvelles mesures prophylactiques potentielles appliquées à des expositions cumulées de bactériémies de faible nombre. Dans un contexte de bactériémies spontanées répétitives, les antibiotiques ne peuvent pas résoudre le problème de la prévention de l'EI. Nous avons donc étudié la une alternative de prévention par l'utilisation d'agents antiplaquettaires. La logique derrière cette approche était basée sur le fait que les plaquettes sont des composants clés dans la formation des végétations cardiaques, et le fait que les bactéries capables d'interagir avec les plaquettes sont plus enclines à induire une El. Les agents antiplaquettaires utilisés ont été l'aspirine (inhibiteur du COX1), la ticlopidine (inhibiteur du P2Y12, le récepteur de l'ADP), et l'eptifibatide et Pabciximab, deux inhibiteurs du GPIIb/IIIa, le récepteur plaquettaire pour le fibrinogène. Les anticoagulants étaient le dabigatran etexilate, inhibant lathrombine et l'acenocumarol, un antagoniste de la vitamine K. L'aspirine, la ticlopidine ou l'eptifibatide seuls n'ont pas permis de prévenir l'infection valvulaire (> 75% animaux infectés). En revanche, la combinaison d'aspirine et de ticlopidine, aussi bien que l'abciximab, ont protégé 45% - 88% des animaux de l'EI par S. gordonii et par S. aureus. L'antithrombotique dabigatran etexilate à protégé 75% des rats contre l'EI par S. aureus, mais pas (< 30% de protection) par S. gordonii. L'acenocoumarol n'a pas eu d'effet sur aucun des deux organismes. En général, ces résultats suggèrent un possible rôle pour les antiplaquettaires et du dabigatran etexilate dans la prophylaxie de l'EI dans un contexte de bactériémies récurrentes de faibles intensités. Cependant, l'effet bénéfique des antiplaquettaires doit être soupesé avec le risque d'hémorragie inhérent à ces molécules, et le fait que les plaquettes jouent un important rôle dans les défenses de l'hôte contre les infections endovasculaires. En plus, le double effet bénéfique du dabigatran etexilate devrait être revu chez les patients porteurs de valves prothétiques, qui ont besoin d'une anticoagulation à vie, et chez lesquels l'EI à S. aureus est associée avec une mortalité de près de 50%. Comme l'approche avec des antiplaquettaires et des antithrombotiques pourrait avoir des limites, une autre stratégie prophylactique pourrait être la vaccination contre des adhésines de surfaces des pathogènes. Chez S. aureus, la protéine de liaison au fibrinogène, ou dumping factor A (ClfA), et la protéine de liaison à la fibronectine (FnbpA) sont des facteurs de virulence nécessaires à l'initiation et l'évolution de PEI. Elles représentent donc des cibles potentielles pour le développement de vaccins contre cette infection. Récemment, des nombreuses publications ont décrit que la bactérie Lactococcus lactis pouvait être utilisée comme vecteur pour la diffusion d'antigènes bactériens in vivo, et que cette approche pourrait être une stratégie de vaccination contre les infections bactériennes. Nous avons exploré l'effet de l'immunisation par des recombinant de L. lactis exprimant le ClfA, la FnbpA, ou le ClfA ensemble avec et une forme tronquée de la FnbpA (Fnbp, comprenant seulement le domaine de liaison à la fibronectine mais sans le domaine A de liaison au fibrinogène [L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp]), dans la prophylaxie de PIE expérimentale à S. aureus. L. lactis ClfA a été utilisés comme agent d'immunisation contre la souche S. aureus Newman (qui a particularité de n'exprimer que le ClfA, mais pas la FnbpA). L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, et L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, ont été utilisé comme agents d'immunisation contre une souche isolée d'une IE, S. aureus P8 (exprimant ClfA et FnbpA). L'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA a généré des anticorps anti-ClfA fonctionnels, capables de bloquer la liaison de S. aureus Newman au fibrinogène in vitro et protéger 13/19 (69%) animaux d'une El due à S. aureus Newman (P < 0.05 comparée aux contrôles). L'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, ou L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, a généré des anticorps contre chacun de ces antigènes. Cependant, ils n'ont pas permis de bloquer l'adhésion de S. aureus P8 au fibrinogène et à la fibronectine in vitro. De plus, l'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA ou L. lactis FnbpA s'est avérée inefficace in vivo (< 10% d'animaux protégés d'une El) et l'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp a fourni une protection limitée de l'EI (8/23 animaux protégés; P < 0.05 comparée aux contrôles) après inoculation avec S. aureus P8. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats indiquent que L. lactis est un système efficace pour la présentation d'antigènes in vivo et potentiellement utile pour la prévention de PEI à S. aureus. Cependant, le répertoire de protéines de surface de S. aureus capable d'évoquer une panoplie d'anticorps efficace reste à déterminer.. En résumé, notre étude a démontré expérimentalement, pour la première fois, qu'une bactériémie répétée de faible intensité, simulant la bactériémie ayant lieu, par exemple, lors des activités de la vie quotidienne, est induire un taux d'EI expérimentale similaire à celle induite par une bactériémie de haute intensité suite à une intervention médicale. Dans ce contexte, où l'utilisation d'antibiotiques est pas raisonnable, nous avons aussi montré que d'autres mesures prophylactiques, comme l'utilisation d'agents antiplaquettaires ou antithrombotiques, ou la vaccination utilisant L. lactis comme vecteur d'antigènes bactériens, sont des alternatives prometteuses qui méritent d'être étudiées plus avant. Thesis Summary Infective endocarditis (IE) is a life-threatening disease that should be prevented whenever possible. Over the last 50 years, guidelines for IE prophylaxis proposed the use of antibiotics in patients undergoing dental or medico-surgical procedures that might induce high, but transient bacteremia. However, recent epidemiological studies indicate that IE occurs independently of medico-surgical procedures and the fact that patients had taken antibiotic prophylaxis or not, i.e., by cumulative exposure to random low-grade bacteremia, associated with daily activities (e.g. tooth brushing) in the case of oral streptococci, or with a colonized site or infected device in the case of staphylococci. Accordingly, the most recent American and European guidelines for IE prophylaxis were revisited and updated to drastically restrain antibiotic use. Nevertheless, the relative risk of IE represented by such cumulative low-grade bacteremia had never been demonstrated experimentally. We developed a new model of experimental IE due to continuous inoculation of low-grade bacteremia, mimicking repeated low-grade bacteremia in humans, and compared the infectivity of Streptococcus gordonii and Staphylococcus aureus in this model to that in the model producing brief, high-level bacteremia. We demonstrated that, after injection of identical bacterial numbers, the rate of infected vegetations was similar in both types of challenge. These experimental results support the hypothesis that cumulative exposure to low-grade bacteremia, outside the context of procedure-related bacteremia, represents a genuine risk of IE, as suggested by human epidemiological studies. In addition, they validate the newer guidelines for IE prophylaxis, which drastic limit the procedures in which antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated. Nevertheless, these refreshed guidelines leave the vast majority (> 90%) of potential IE cases without alternative propositions of prevention, and novel strategies must be considered to propose effective alternative and "global" measures to prevent IE initiation. The more realistic experimental model of IE induced by low-grade bacteremia provides an accurate experimental setting to study new preventive measures applying to cumulative exposure to low bacterial numbers. Since in a context of spontaneous low-grade bacteremia antibiotics are unlikely to solve the problem of IE prevention, we addressed the role of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents for the prophylaxis of experimental IE induced by S. gordonii and S. aureus. The logic of this approach was based on the fact that platelets are key players in vegetation formation and vegetation enlargement, and on the fact that bacteria capable of interacting with platelets are more prone to induce IE. Antiplatelet agents included the COX1 inhibitor aspirin, the inhibitor of the ADP receptor P2Y12 ticlopidine, and two inhibitors of the platelet fibrinogen receptor GPIIb/IIIa, eptifibatide and abciximab. Anticoagulants included the thrombin inhibitor dabigatran etexilate and the vitamin K antagonist acenocoumarol. Aspirin, ticlopidine or eptifibatide alone failed to prevent aortic infection (> 75% infected animals). In contrast, the combination of aspirin with ticlopidine, as well as abciximab, protected 45% to 88% of animals against IE due to S. gordonii and S. aureus. The antithrombin dabigatran etexilate protected 75% of rats against IE due to S. aureus, but failed (< 30% protection) against S. gordonii. Acenocoumarol had no effect against any bacteria. Overall, these results suggest a possible role for antiplatelet agents and dabigatran etexilate in the prophylaxis of IE in humans in a context of recurrent low- grade bacteremia. However, the potential beneficial effect of antiplatelet agents should be balanced against the risk of bleeding and the fact that platelets play an important role in the host defenses against intravascular infections. In addition, the potential dual benefit of dabigatran etexilate might be revisited in patients with prosthetic valves, who require life-long anticoagulation and in whom S. aureus IE is associated with high mortality rate. Because the antiplatelet and anticoagulant approach might be limited in the context of S. aureus bacteremia, other prophylactic strategies for the prevention of S. aureus IE, like vaccination with anti-adhesion proteins was tested. The S. aureus surface proteins fibrinogen-binding protein clumping-factor A (ClfA) and the fibronectin-binding protein A (FnbpA) are critical virulence factors for the initiation and development of IE. Thus, they represent key targets for vaccine development against this disease. Recently, numerous reports have described that the harmless bacteria Lactococcus lactis can be used as a bacterial vector for the efficient delivery of antigens in vivo, and that this approach is a promising vaccination strategy against bacterial infections. We therefore explored the immunization capacity of non- living recombinant L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, or L. lactis expressing ClfA together with Fnbp (a truncated form of FnbpA with only the fibronectin-binding domain but lacking the fibrinogen-binding domain A [L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp]), to protect against S. aureus experimental IE. L. lactis ClfA was used as immunization agent against the laboratory strain S. aureus Newman (expressing ClfA, but lacking FnbpA). L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, as well as L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, were used as immunization agents against the endocarditis isolate S. aureus P8 (expressing both ClfA and FnbpA). Immunization with L. lactis ClfA produced anti-ClfA functional antibodies, which were able to block the binding of S. aureus Newman to fibrinogen in vitro and protect 13/19 (69%) animals from IE due to S. aureus Newman (P < 0.05 compared to controls). Immunization with L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA or L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, produced antibodies against each antigen. However, they were not sufficient to block S. aureus P8 binding to fibrinogen and fibronectin in vitro. Moreover, immunization with L. lactis ClfA or L. lactis FnbpA was ineffective (< 10% protected animals) and immunization with L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp conferred limited protection from IE (8/23 protected animals; P < 0.05 compared to controls) after challenge with S. aureus P8. Together, these results indicate that L. lactis is an efficient delivering antigen system potentially useful for preventing S. aureus IE. They also demonstrate that expressing multiple antigens in L. lactis, yet to be elucidated, will be necessary to prevent IE due to clinical S. aureus strains fully equipped with virulence determinants. In summary, our study has demonstrated experimentally, for the first time, the hypothesis that low-grade bacteremia, mimicking bacteremia occurring outside of a clinical intervention, is equally prone to induce experimental IE as high-grade bacteremia following medico-surgical procedures. In this context, where the use of antibiotics for the prophylaxis of IE is limited, we showed that other prophylactic measures, like the use of antiplatelets, anticoagulants, or vaccination employing L. lactis as delivery vector of bacterial antigens, are reasonable alternatives that warrant to be further investigated.


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Host-derived proteases have been reported to degrade the collagen matrix of incompletely-resin-infiltrated dentin. This study tested the hypothesis that interfacial degradation of resin-dentin bonds may be prevented or delayed by the application of chlorhexidine (CHX), a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, to dentin after phosphoric acid-etching. Contralateral pairs of resin-bonded Class I restorations in non-carious third molars were kept under intra-oral function for 14 months. Preservation of resin-dentin bonds was assessed by microtensile bond strength tests and TEM examination. In vivo bond strength remained stable in the CHX-treated specimens, while bond strength decreased significantly in control teeth. Resin-infiltrated dentin in CHX-treated specimens exhibited normal structural integrity of the collagen network. Conversely, progressive disintegration of the fibrillar network was identified in control specimens. Auto-degradation of collagen matrices can occur in resin-infiltrated dentin, but may be prevented by the application of a synthetic protease inhibitor, such as chlorhexidine.


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The importance of thrombosis and anticoagulation in clinical practice is rooted firmly in several fundamental constructs that can be applied both broadly and globally. Awareness and the appropriate use of anticoagulant therapy remain the keys to prevention and treatment. However, to assure maximal efficacy and safety, the clinician must, according to the available evidence, choose the right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient, under the right indication, and for the right duration of time. The first International Symposium of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation in Internal Medicine was a scientific program developed by clinicians for clinicians. The primary objective of the meeting was to educate, motivate and inspire internists, cardiologists and hematologists by convening national and international visionaries, thought-leaders and dedicated clinician-scientists in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This article is a focused summary of the symposium proceedings. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.


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The recommended dose (bolus 0.4 mg/kg followed by 0.15 mg/kg per hour) of lepirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor licensed for treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), is too high. Starting in 2001, we omitted the bolus and reduced maintenance dose by at least one-third. Analyzing 53 HIT patients treated between January 2001 and February 2007, we observed that therapeutic anticoagulation intensity already 4 hours after lepirudin start had been reached with the following initial lepirudin doses (median): 0.078 mg/kg per hour [creatinine clearance (CrCl) more than 60 mL/min], 0.040 mg/kg per hour (CrCl 30-60 mL/min), and 0.013 mg/kg per hour (CrCl < 30 mL/min). The efficacy of this treatment was documented by increasing platelets and decreasing D-dimers. Based on this experience, we derived a lepirudin dosing regimen, which was prospectively evaluated treating 15 HIT patients between March 2007 and February 2008. We show that omitting the initial lepirudin bolus and administering 0.08 mg/kg per hour in patients with CrCl more than 60 mL/min, 0.04 mg/kg per hour in patients with CrCl 30-60 mL/min, and 0.01 to 0.02 mg/kg per hour in those with CrCl less than 30 mL/min is efficacious and safe, as documented by increasing platelet counts, decreasing D-dimer levels, and rare thrombotic (1 of 46) and major bleeding (4 of 46) complications.