82 resultados para Synteny
In order to study the intra- and interspecific variability of the 14/15 association in Platyrrhini, we analyzed 15 species from 13 genera, including species that had not been described yet. The DNA libraries of human chromosomes 14 and 15 were hybridized to metaphases of Alouatta guariba clamitans, A. caraya, A. sara, Ateles paniscus chamek, Lagothrix lagothricha, Brachyteles arachnoides, Saguinus midas midas, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, Callimico goeldii, Callithrix sp., Cebus apella, Aotus nigriceps, Cacajao melanocephalus, Chiropotes satanas and Callicebus caligatus. The 14/15 hybridization pattern was present in 13 species, but not in Alouatta sara that showed a 14/15/14 pattern and Aotus nigriceps that showed a 15/14/15/14 pattern. In the majority of the species, the HSA 14 homologue retained synteny for the entire chromosome, whereas the HSA 15 homologue displayed fragmented segments. Within primates, the New World monkeys represent the taxon with the highest variability in chromosome number (2n = 16 to 62). The presence of the HSA 14/15 association in all species and subspecies studied herein confirms that this association is the ancestral condition for platyrrhines and that this association has been retained in most platyrrhines, despite the occurrence of extensive inter- and intrachromosomal rearrangements in this infraorder of Primates.
The gibbon genome exhibits extensive karyotypic diversity with an increased rate of chromosomal rearrangements during evolution. In an effort to understand the mechanistic origin and implications of these rearrangement events, we sequenced 24 synteny breakpoint regions in the white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys, NLE) in the form of high-quality BAC insert sequences (4.2 Mbp). While there is a significant deficit of breakpoints in genes, we identified seven human gene structures involved in signaling pathways (DEPDC4, GNG10), phospholipid metabolism (ENPP5, PLSCR2), beta-oxidation (ECH1), cellular structure and transport (HEATR4), and transcription (ZNF461), that have been disrupted in the NLE gibbon lineage. Notably, only three of these genes show the expected evolutionary signatures of pseudogenization. Sequence analysis of the breakpoints suggested both nonclassical nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and replication-based mechanisms of rearrangement. A substantial number (11/24) of human-NLE gibbon breakpoints showed new insertions of gibbon-specific repeats and mosaic structures formed from disparate sequences including segmental duplications, LINE, SINE, and LTR elements. Analysis of these sites provides a model for a replication-dependent repair mechanism for double-strand breaks (DSBs) at rearrangement sites and insights into the structure and formation of primate segmental duplications at sites of genomic rearrangements during evolution.
Key message We have identified QTLs for stomatal characteristics on chromosome II of faba bean by applying SNPs derived from M. truncatula , and have identified candidate genes within these QTLs using synteny between the two species. Abstract Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a valuable food and feed crop worldwide, but drought often limits its production, and its genome is large and poorly mapped. No information is available on the effects of genomic regions and genes on drought adaptation characters such as stomatal characteristics in this species, but the synteny between the sequenced model legume, Medicago truncatula, and faba bean can be used to identify candidate genes. A mapping population of 211 F5 recombinant inbred lines (Mélodie/2 × ILB 938/2) were phenotyped to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting stomatal morphology and function, along with seed weight, under well-watered conditions in a climate-controlled glasshouse in 2013 and 2014. Canopy temperature (CT) was evaluated in 2013 under water-deficit (CTd). In total, 188 polymorphic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), developed from M. truncatula genome data, were assigned to nine linkage groups that covered ~928 cM of the faba bean genome with an average inter-marker distance of 5.8 cM. 15 putative QTLs were detected, of which eight (affecting stomatal density, length and conductance and CT) co-located on chromosome II, in the vicinity of a possible candidate gene—a receptor-like protein kinase found in the syntenic interval of M. truncatula chromosome IV. A ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase from M. truncatula chromosome V, postulated as a possible candidate gene for the QTL for CTd, was found some distance away in the same chromosome. These results demonstrate that genomic information from M. truncatula can successfully be translated to the faba bean genome.
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a globally important nitrogen-fixing legume, which is widely grown in a diverse range of environments. In this work, we mine and validate a set of 845 SNPs from the aligned transcriptomes of two contrasting inbred lines. Each V. faba SNP is assigned by BLAST analysis to a single Medicago orthologue. This set of syntenically anchored polymorphisms were then validated as individual KASP assays, classified according to their informativeness and performance on a panel of 37 inbred lines, and the best performing 757 markers used to genotype six mapping populations. The six resulting linkage maps were merged into a single consensus map on which 687 SNPs were placed on six linkage groups, each presumed to correspond to one of the six V. faba chromosomes. This sequence-based consensus map was used to explore synteny with the most closely-related crop species, lentil, and the most closely related fully sequenced genome, Medicago. Large tracts of uninterrupted colinearity were found between faba bean and Medicago, making it relatively straightforward to predict gene content and order in mapped genetic interval. As a demonstration of this, we mapped a flower colour gene to a 2 cM interval of Vf chromosome 2 which was highly collinear with Mt3. The obvious candidate gene from 77 gene models in the collinear Medicago chromosome segment was the previously characterized MtWD40-1 gene (Mt3g092830, Mt3g092840) controlling anthocyanin production in Medicago and re-sequencing of the Vf orthologue showed a putative causative deletion of the entire 5’ end of the gene.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The classic approach to gene discovery relies on the construction of linkage maps. We report the first molecular-based linkage map for Drosophila mediopunctata, a neotropical species of the tripunctata group. Eight hundred F2 individuals were genotyped at 49 microsatellite loci, resulting in a map that is approximate to 450 centimorgans long. Five linkage groups were detected, and the species' chromosomes were identified through cross-references to BLASTn searches and Muller elements. Strong synteny was observed when compared with the Drosophila melanogaster chromosome arms, but little conservation in the gene order was seen. The incorporation of morphological data corresponding to the number of central abdominal spots on the map was consistent with the expected location of a genomic region responsible for the phenotype on the second chromosome.
The pufferfish Fugu rubripes has a genome ≈7.5 times smaller than that of mammals but with a similar number of genes. Although conserved synteny has been demonstrated between pufferfish and mammals across some regions of the genome, there is some controversy as to what extent Fugu will be a useful model for the human genome, e.g., [Gilley, J., Armes, N. & Fried, M. (1997) Nature (London) 385, 305–306]. We report extensive conservation of synteny between a 1.5-Mb region of human chromosome 11 and <100 kb of the Fugu genome in three overlapping cosmids. Our findings support the idea that the majority of DNA in the region of human chromosome 11p13 is intergenic. Comparative analysis of three unrelated genes with quite different roles, WT1, RCN1, and PAX6, has revealed differences in their structural evolution. Whereas the human WT1 gene can generate 16 protein isoforms via a combination of alternative splicing, RNA editing, and alternative start site usage, our data predict that Fugu WT1 is capable of generating only two isoforms. This raises the question of the extent to which the evolution of WT1 isoforms is related to the evolution of the mammalian genitourinary system. In addition, this region of the Fugu genome shows a much greater overall compaction than usual but with significant noncoding homology observed at the PAX6 locus, implying that comparative genomics has identified regulatory elements associated with this gene.
The genome of the pufferfish (Fugu rubripes) (400 Mb) is approximately 7.5 times smaller than the human genome, but it has a similar gene repertoire to that of man. If regions of the two genomes exhibited conservation of gene order (i.e., were syntenic), it should be possible to reduce dramatically the effort required for identification of candidate genes in human disease loci by sequencing syntenic regions of the compact Fugu genome. We have demonstrated that three genes (dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase, S31iii125, and S20i15), which are linked to FOS in the familial Alzheimer disease focus (AD3) on human chromosome 14, have homologues in the Fugu genome adjacent to Fugu cFOS. The relative gene order of cFOS, S31iii125, and S20i15 was the same in both genomes, but in Fugu these three genes lay within a 12.4-kb region, compared to >600 kb in the human AD3 locus. These results demonstrate the conservation of synteny between the genomes of Fugu and man and highlight the utility of this approach for sequence-based identification of genes in human disease loci.
Telomerase RNAs (TERs) are highly divergent between species, varying in size and sequence composition. Here, we identify a candidate for the telomerase RNA component of Leishmania genus, which includes species that cause leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease. Merging a thorough computational screening combined with RNA-seq evidence, we mapped a non-coding RNA gene localized in a syntenic locus on chromosome 25 of five Leishmania species that shares partial synteny with both Trypanosoma brucei TER locus and a putative TER candidate-containing locus of Crithidia fasciculata. Using target-driven molecular biology approaches, we detected a ∼2,100 nt transcript (LeishTER) that contains a 5' spliced leader (SL) cap, a putative 3' polyA tail and a predicted C/D box snoRNA domain. LeishTER is expressed at similar levels in the logarithmic and stationary growth phases of promastigote forms. A 5'SL capped LeishTER co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized with the telomerase protein component (TERT) in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Prediction of its secondary structure strongly suggests the existence of a bona fide single-stranded template sequence and a conserved C[U/C]GUCA motif-containing helix II, representing the template boundary element. This study paves the way for further investigations on the biogenesis of parasite TERT ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and its role in parasite telomere biology.
Lentil is a self-pollinating diploid (2n = 14 chromosomes) annual cool season legume crop that is produced throughout the world and is highly valued as a high protein food. Several abiotic stresses are important to lentil yields world wide and include drought, heat, salt susceptibility and iron deficiency. The biotic stresses are numerous and include: susceptibility to Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta lentis; Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum truncatum; Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum; Sclerotinia white mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; rust, caused by Uromyces fabae; and numerous aphid transmitted viruses. Lentil is also highly susceptible to several species of Orabanche prevalent in the Mediterranean region, for which there does not appear to be much resistance in the germplasm. Plant breeders and geneticists have addressed these stresses by identifying resistant/tolerant germplasm, determining the genetics involved and the genetic map positions of the resistant genes. To this end progress has been made in mapping the lentil genome and several genetic maps are available that eventually will lead to the development of a consensus map for lentil. Marker density has been limited in the published genetic maps and there is a distinct lack of co-dominant markers that would facilitate comparisons of the available genetic maps and efficient identification of markers closely linked to genes of interest. Molecular breeding of lentil for disease resistance genes using marker assisted selection, particularly for resistance to Ascochyta blight and Anthracnose, is underway in Australia and Canada and promising results have been obtained. Comparative genomics and synteny analyses with closely related legumes promises to further advance the knowledge of the lentil genome and provide lentil breeders with additional genes and selectable markers for use in marker assisted selection. Genomic tools such as macro and micro arrays, reverse genetics and genetic transformation are emerging technologies that may eventually be available for use in lentil crop improvement.
In the present study, the molecular karyotypes of 12 KP1(+) and KP1(-) Trypanosoma rangeli strains were determined and 10 different molecular markers were hybridized to the chromosomes of the parasite, including seven obtained from T. rangeli [ubiquitin hydrolase (UH), a predicted serine/threonine protein kinase (STK), hexose transporter, hypothetical protein, three anonymous sequences] and three from Trypanosoma cruzi [ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 (UBE2), ribosomal RNA methyltransferase (rRNAmtr), proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 6 (PSMD6)]. Despite intraspecific variation, analysis of the karyotype profiles permitted the division of the T rangeli strains into two groups coinciding with the KP1(+) and KP1(-) genotypes. Southern blot hybridization showed that, except for the hexose transporter probe, all other probes produced distinct patterns able to differentiate the KP1(+) and KP1(-) genotypes. The UH, STK and An-1A04 probes exclusively hybridized to the chromosomes of KP1(+) strains and can be used as markers of this group. In addition, the UBE2, rRNAmtr and PSMD6 markers, which are present in a conserved region in all trypanosomatid species sequenced so far, co-hybridized to the same T. rangeli chromosomal bands, suggesting the occurrence of gene synteny in these species. The finding of distinct molecular karyotypes in KP1(+) and KP1 (-) strains of T rangeli is noteworthy and might be used as a new approach to the study of genetic variability in this parasite. Together with the Southern blot hybridization results, these findings demonstrate that differences at the kDNA level might be associated with variations in nuclear DNA. (c) 2009 Elsevier BY. All rights reserved.
Within a 199 866 base pair (bp) portion of a Plasmodium vivax chromosome we identified a conserved linkage group consisting of at least 41 genes homologous to Plasmodium falciparum genes located on chromosome 3. There were no P. vivax homologues of the P. falciparum cytoadherence-linked asexual genes clag 3.2, clag 3.1 and a var C pseudogene found on the P. vivax chromosome. Within the conserved linkage group, the gene order and structure are identical to those of P. falciparum chromosome 3. This conserved linkage group may extend to as many as 190 genes. The subtelomeric regions are different in size and the P. vivax segment contains genes for which no P. falciparum homologues have been identified to date. The size difference of at least 900 kb between the homologous P. vivax chromosome and P. falciparum chromosome 3 is presumably due to a translocation. There is substantial sequence divergence with a much higher guanine + cytosine (G + C) content in the DNA and a preference for amino acids using GC-rich codons in the deduced proteins of P. vivax. This structural conservation of homologous genes and their products combined with sequence divergence at the nucleotide level makes the P. vivax genome a powerful tool for comparative analyses of Plasmodium genomes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The male hypermethylated (MHM) region, located near the middle of the short arm of the Z chromosome of chickens, consists of approximately 210 tandem repeats of a BamHI 2.2-kb sequence unit. Cytosines of the CpG dinucleotides of this region are extensively methylated on the two Z chromosomes in the male but much less methylated on the single Z chromosome in the female. The state of methylation of the MHM region is established after fertilization by about the 1-day embryonic stage. The MHM region is transcribed only in the female from the particular strand into heterogeneous, high molecular-mass, non-coding RNA, which is accumulated at the site of transcription, adjacent to the DMRT1 locus, in the nucleus. The transcriptional silence of the MHM region in the male is most likely caused by the CpG methylation, since treatment of the male embryonic fibroblasts with 5-azacytidine results in hypo-methylation and active transcription of this region. In ZZW triploid chickens, MHM regions are hypomethylated and transcribed on the two Z chromosomes, whereas MHM regions are hypermethylated and transcriptionally inactive on the three Z chromosomes in ZZZ triploid chickens, suggesting a possible role of the W chromosome on the state of the MHM region.
A genetic linkage map of mungbean (Vigna radiata, 2n = 2x = 22) consisting of 255 RFLP loci was developed using a recombinant inbred population of 80 individuals. The population was derived from an intersubspecific cross between the cultivated mungbean variety 'Berken' and a wild mungbean genotype 'ACC 41' (V radiata subsp. sublobata). The total length of the map, which comprised 13 linkage groups, spanned 737.9 cM with an average distance between markers of 3.0 cM and a maximum distance between linked markers of 15.4 cM. The mungbean map was compared to a previously published map of lablab (Lablab purpureus, 2n = 2x = 24) using a common set of 65 RFLP probes. In contrast to some other comparative mapping studies among members of the Fabaceae, where a high level of chromosomal rearrangement has been observed, marker order between mungbean and lablab was found to be highly conserved. However, the two genomes have apparently accumulated a large number of duplications/deletions after they diverged.