900 resultados para Syntactic features


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Nondeterminism and partially instantiated data structures give logic programming expressive power beyond that of functional programming. However, functional programming often provides convenient syntactic features, such as having a designated implicit output argument, which allow function cali nesting and sometimes results in more compact code. Functional programming also sometimes allows a more direct encoding of lazy evaluation, with its ability to deal with infinite data structures. We present a syntactic functional extensión, used in the Ciao system, which can be implemented in ISO-standard Prolog systems and covers function application, predefined evaluable functors, functional definitions, quoting, and lazy evaluation. The extensión is also composable with higher-order features and can be combined with other extensions to ISO-Prolog such as constraints. We also highlight the features of the Ciao system which help implementation and present some data on the overhead of using lazy evaluation with respect to eager evaluation.


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Active learning approaches reduce the annotation cost required by traditional supervised approaches to reach the same effectiveness by actively selecting informative instances during the learning phase. However, effectiveness and robustness of the learnt models are influenced by a number of factors. In this paper we investigate the factors that affect the effectiveness, more specifically in terms of stability and robustness, of active learning models built using conditional random fields (CRFs) for information extraction applications. Stability, defined as a small variation of performance when small variation of the training data or a small variation of the parameters occur, is a major issue for machine learning models, but even more so in the active learning framework which aims to minimise the amount of training data required. The factors we investigate are a) the choice of incremental vs. standard active learning, b) the feature set used as a representation of the text (i.e., morphological features, syntactic features, or semantic features) and c) Gaussian prior variance as one of the important CRFs parameters. Our empirical findings show that incremental learning and the Gaussian prior variance lead to more stable and robust models across iterations. Our study also demonstrates that orthographical, morphological and contextual features as a group of basic features play an important role in learning effective models across all iterations.


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O fenômeno da factividade, no âmbito da linguística, em sentido amplo, está relacionado à propriedade que certos itens lexicais ou determinados predicadores gramaticais possuem de introduzir um pressuposto, que pode estar implícito ou explícito. No domínio verbal, Kiparsky e Kiparsky (1971) remetem a um conjunto de verbos, os quais admitem uma sentença como complemento e cujo uso pressupõe a veracidade da proposição aí expressa. Em termos aquisicionais, não há consenso acerca da idade em que factividade estaria dominada. Hopmann e Maratsos (1977), por exemplo, propuseram que seu domínio se daria a partir dos 6 anos. Para Abbeduto e Rosenberg (1985), no entanto, isso ocorreria mais cedo, por volta dos 4 anos de idade. Já Schulz (2002; 2003), defende uma aquisição gradual, que se daria por estágios e se estenderia até os 7;0 anos de idade. Léger (2007), por sua vez, afirma que o domínio da factividade, especificamente dos semifactivos, só se daria após os 11 anos. Scoville e Gordon (1979), por fim, propõem que só por volta dos 14 anos a criança seria capaz de dominar a factividade em todos os seus aspectos. Essa falta de consenso corrobora a ideia de uma aquisição gradual, uma vez que esse fenômeno envolve vários aspectos: identificação de uma subclasse de verbos, uma interpretação semântica específica, uma subcategorização sintática variável entre as línguas e um comportamento característico no que diz respeito ao movimento-QU. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo geral contribuir para os estudos sobre aquisição da factividade, particularmente no que diz respeito ao português, debruçando-se mais especificamente sobre dois aspectos pouco explorados na literatura da área: uma questão de variação translinguística, que diz respeito à possibilidade de se admitirem complementos não-finitos factivos em português, e a questão da interpretação de interrogativas-QU em contextos factivos, com propriedades características de ilha fraca. O quadro obtido é discutido frente às análises linguísticas propostas para os verbos/ predicados factivos, que têm considerado uma distinção sintática (KIPARSKY E KIPARSKY, 1971; MELVOLD, 1991; SCHULZ, 2003; AUGUSTO, 2003; LIMA, 2007), com repercussões de ordem lógico/ semântica (LEROUX E SCHULZ, 1999; SCHULZ, 2002; 2003)


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The computer science technique of computational complexity analysis can provide powerful insights into the algorithm-neutral analysis of information processing tasks. Here we show that a simple, theory-neutral linguistic model of syntactic agreement and ambiguity demonstrates that natural language parsing may be computationally intractable. Significantly, we show that it may be syntactic features rather than rules that can cause this difficulty. Informally, human languages and the computationally intractable Satisfiability (SAT) problem share two costly computional mechanisms: both enforce agreement among symbols across unbounded distances (Subject-Verb agreement) and both allow ambiguity (is a word a Noun or a Verb?).


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The primary goal of this report is to demonstrate how considerations from computational complexity theory can inform grammatical theorizing. To this end, generalized phrase structure grammar (GPSG) linguistic theory is revised so that its power more closely matches the limited ability of an ideal speaker--hearer: GPSG Recognition is EXP-POLY time hard, while Revised GPSG Recognition is NP-complete. A second goal is to provide a theoretical framework within which to better understand the wide range of existing GPSG models, embodied in formal definitions as well as in implemented computer programs. A grammar for English and an informal explanation of the GPSG/RGPSG syntactic features are included in appendices.


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The key to understanding a program is recognizing familiar algorithmic fragments and data structures in it. Automating this recognition process will make it easier to perform many tasks which require program understanding, e.g., maintenance, modification, and debugging. This report describes a recognition system, called the Recognizer, which automatically identifies occurrences of stereotyped computational fragments and data structures in programs. The Recognizer is able to identify these familiar fragments and structures, even though they may be expressed in a wide range of syntactic forms. It does so systematically and efficiently by using a parsing technique. Two important advances have made this possible. The first is a language-independent graphical representation for programs and programming structures which canonicalizes many syntactic features of programs. The second is an efficient graph parsing algorithm.


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L’annotation en rôles sémantiques est une tâche qui permet d’attribuer des étiquettes de rôles telles que Agent, Patient, Instrument, Lieu, Destination etc. aux différents participants actants ou circonstants (arguments ou adjoints) d’une lexie prédicative. Cette tâche nécessite des ressources lexicales riches ou des corpus importants contenant des phrases annotées manuellement par des linguistes sur lesquels peuvent s’appuyer certaines approches d’automatisation (statistiques ou apprentissage machine). Les travaux antérieurs dans ce domaine ont porté essentiellement sur la langue anglaise qui dispose de ressources riches, telles que PropBank, VerbNet et FrameNet, qui ont servi à alimenter les systèmes d’annotation automatisés. L’annotation dans d’autres langues, pour lesquelles on ne dispose pas d’un corpus annoté manuellement, repose souvent sur le FrameNet anglais. Une ressource telle que FrameNet de l’anglais est plus que nécessaire pour les systèmes d’annotation automatisé et l’annotation manuelle de milliers de phrases par des linguistes est une tâche fastidieuse et exigeante en temps. Nous avons proposé dans cette thèse un système automatique pour aider les linguistes dans cette tâche qui pourraient alors se limiter à la validation des annotations proposées par le système. Dans notre travail, nous ne considérons que les verbes qui sont plus susceptibles que les noms d’être accompagnés par des actants réalisés dans les phrases. Ces verbes concernent les termes de spécialité d’informatique et d’Internet (ex. accéder, configurer, naviguer, télécharger) dont la structure actancielle est enrichie manuellement par des rôles sémantiques. La structure actancielle des lexies verbales est décrite selon les principes de la Lexicologie Explicative et Combinatoire, LEC de Mel’čuk et fait appel partiellement (en ce qui concerne les rôles sémantiques) à la notion de Frame Element tel que décrit dans la théorie Frame Semantics (FS) de Fillmore. Ces deux théories ont ceci de commun qu’elles mènent toutes les deux à la construction de dictionnaires différents de ceux issus des approches traditionnelles. Les lexies verbales d’informatique et d’Internet qui ont été annotées manuellement dans plusieurs contextes constituent notre corpus spécialisé. Notre système qui attribue automatiquement des rôles sémantiques aux actants est basé sur des règles ou classificateurs entraînés sur plus de 2300 contextes. Nous sommes limités à une liste de rôles restreinte car certains rôles dans notre corpus n’ont pas assez d’exemples annotés manuellement. Dans notre système, nous n’avons traité que les rôles Patient, Agent et Destination dont le nombre d’exemple est supérieur à 300. Nous avons crée une classe que nous avons nommé Autre où nous avons rassemblé les autres rôles dont le nombre d’exemples annotés est inférieur à 100. Nous avons subdivisé la tâche d’annotation en sous-tâches : identifier les participants actants et circonstants et attribuer des rôles sémantiques uniquement aux actants qui contribuent au sens de la lexie verbale. Nous avons soumis les phrases de notre corpus à l’analyseur syntaxique Syntex afin d’extraire les informations syntaxiques qui décrivent les différents participants d’une lexie verbale dans une phrase. Ces informations ont servi de traits (features) dans notre modèle d’apprentissage. Nous avons proposé deux techniques pour l’identification des participants : une technique à base de règles où nous avons extrait une trentaine de règles et une autre technique basée sur l’apprentissage machine. Ces mêmes techniques ont été utilisées pour la tâche de distinguer les actants des circonstants. Nous avons proposé pour la tâche d’attribuer des rôles sémantiques aux actants, une méthode de partitionnement (clustering) semi supervisé des instances que nous avons comparée à la méthode de classification de rôles sémantiques. Nous avons utilisé CHAMÉLÉON, un algorithme hiérarchique ascendant.


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An ongoing debate on second language (L2) processing revolves around whether or not L2 learners process syntactic information similarly to monolinguals (L1), and what factors lead to a native-like processing. According to the Shallow Structure Hypothesis (Clahsen & Felser, 2006a), L2 learners’ processing does not include abstract syntactic features, such as intermediate gaps of wh-movement, but relies more on lexical/semantic information. Other researchers have suggested that naturalistic L2 exposure can lead to native-like processing (Dussias, 2003). This study investigates the effect of naturalistic exposure in processing wh-dependencies. Twenty-six advanced Greek learners of L2 English with an average nine years of naturalistic exposure, 30 with classroom exposure, and 30 native speakers of English completed a self-paced reading task with sentences involving intermediate gaps. L2 learners with naturalistic exposure showed evidence of native-like processing of the intermediate gaps, suggesting that linguistic immersion can lead to native-like abstract syntactic processing in the L2.


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This paper investigates the acquisition of syntax in L2 grammars. We tested adult L2 speakers of Spanish (English L1) on the feature specification of T(ense), which is different in English and Spanish in so-called subject-to-subject raising structures. We present experimental results with the verb parecer “to seem/to appear” in different tenses, with and without experiencers, and with Tense Phrase (TP), verb phrase (vP) and Adjectival Phrase (AP) complements. The results show that advanced L2 learners can perform just like native Spanish speakers regarding grammatical knowledge in this domain, although the subtle differences between both languages are not explicitly taught. We argue that these results support Full Access approaches to Universal Grammar (UG) in L2 acquisition, by providing evidence that uninterpretable syntactic features can be learned in adult L2, even when such features are not directly instantiated in the same grammatical domain in the L1 grammar.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La llamada 'lengua gauchesca' presenta serios inconvenientes cuando se pretende su definición. La dificultad estriba en que puede ponerse en discusión tanto su carácter de lengua diferenciada como su atribución al 'gaucho', en tanto este colectivo no es unívoco, sino responde a diferentes perfiles sociales, diversamente evaluados a lo largo de la historia colonial y poscolonial rioplatense. El presente trabajo intenta probar que la lengua gauchesca es un constructo literario, lingüísticamente basado en la variedad rural rioplatense, a partir de la cual los autores del género sintetizaron un nuevo código, elaborado desde un vocabulario inicial hasta la formación de una variedad secundaria estandarizada


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La llamada 'lengua gauchesca' presenta serios inconvenientes cuando se pretende su definición. La dificultad estriba en que puede ponerse en discusión tanto su carácter de lengua diferenciada como su atribución al 'gaucho', en tanto este colectivo no es unívoco, sino responde a diferentes perfiles sociales, diversamente evaluados a lo largo de la historia colonial y poscolonial rioplatense. El presente trabajo intenta probar que la lengua gauchesca es un constructo literario, lingüísticamente basado en la variedad rural rioplatense, a partir de la cual los autores del género sintetizaron un nuevo código, elaborado desde un vocabulario inicial hasta la formación de una variedad secundaria estandarizada


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La llamada 'lengua gauchesca' presenta serios inconvenientes cuando se pretende su definición. La dificultad estriba en que puede ponerse en discusión tanto su carácter de lengua diferenciada como su atribución al 'gaucho', en tanto este colectivo no es unívoco, sino responde a diferentes perfiles sociales, diversamente evaluados a lo largo de la historia colonial y poscolonial rioplatense. El presente trabajo intenta probar que la lengua gauchesca es un constructo literario, lingüísticamente basado en la variedad rural rioplatense, a partir de la cual los autores del género sintetizaron un nuevo código, elaborado desde un vocabulario inicial hasta la formación de una variedad secundaria estandarizada


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Como aproximación panorámica al estudio actual del guaymí, una de las lenguas de la familia chibcha, es un análisis introductorio de los rasgos gramaticales y tipológicos generales de esa lengua. Previa información de índole antropológica e histórico-cultural, se exponen en forma analítica aspectos sintácticos, sobre la frase verbal, el morfema de negación, el de reflexivización, los sujetos dativos, los objetos directos. Señala algunas tareas pendientes, que suponen un estudio más pormenorizado y extendido.Providing a panoramic view of the present studies of the Guaymí language, one of the Chibchan languages, this is an introductory analysis of the general grammatical and typological features of that language. First, information is given on anthropological, historical and cultural aspects. Then syntactic features are described for the verb phrase, the morpheme for negation, reflexive forms, dative subjects and direct objects. Mention is made of pending tasks requiring a broader and more detailed study.


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Syntactic foams made by mechanical mixing of polymeric binder and hollow spherical particles are used as core materials in sandwich structured materials. Low density of such materials makes them suitable for weight sensitive applications. The present study correlates various postcompression microscopic observations in syntactic foams to the localized events leading the material to fracture. Depending upon local stress conditions the fracture features of syntactic foam are identified for various modes of fracture such as compressive, shear and tensile. Microscopic observations were also taken at sandwich structures containing syntactic foam as core materials and also at reinforced syntactic foam containing glass fibers. These observations provide conclusive evidences for the fracture features generated under different failure modes. All the microscopic observations were taken using scanning electron microscope in secondary electron mode. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.