61 resultados para Synovitis


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In rheumatoid arthritis, T cells, B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells invade the synovial membranes, establishing complex microstructures that promote inflammatory/tissue destructive lesions. B cell involvement has been considered to be limited to autoantibody production. However, recent studies suggest that B cells support rheumatoid disease through other mechanisms. A critical element of rheumatoid synovitis is the process of ectopic lymphoid neogenesis, with highly efficient lymphoid architectures established in a nonlymphoid tissue site. Rheumatoid synovitis recapitulates the pathways of lymph node formation, and B cells play a key role in this process. Furthermore, studies of rheumatoid lesions implanted in immunodeficient mice suggest that T cell activation in synovitis is B cell dependent, indicating the role played by B cells in presenting antigens and providing survival signals.


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In podiatric clinics is very common to find inflamatory process in metatarsophalangeal joint capsule , plantar plate and collateral ligaments damage, but it is not clearly recognized. Many authors hipotetized with joint instability of multiple aetiology and his concomitant evolution in different stages with own joint disease. This pathology has more incidence in second metatarsophalangeal joint than third and others and it is a common etiology of metatarsal pain. Bad biomechanics alters forefoot function and can produce overload in capsular joint, decreasing mobility and getting worse the pathology.


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This study evaluated the analgesia effects of the epidural administration of 0.1 mg/kg bodyweight (BW) of morphine or 5 mu g/kg BW of buprenorphine in ponies with radiocarpal joint synovitis. Six ponies were submitted to 3 epidural treatments: the control group (C) received 0.15 mL/kg BW of a 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution; group M was administered 0.1 mg/kg BW of morphine; and group B was administered 5 mu g/kg BW of buprenorphine, both diluted in 0.9% NaCl to a total volume of 0.15 mL/kg BW administered epidurally at 10 s/mL. The synovitis model was induced by injecting 0.5 ng of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the left or right radiocarpal joint. An epidural catheter was later introduced in the lumbosacral space and advanced up to the thoracolumbar level. The treatment started 6 h after synovitis induction. Lameness, maximum angle of carpal flexion, heart rate, systolic arterial pressure, respiratory rate, temperature, and intestinal motility were evaluated before LPS injection (baseline), 6 h after LPS injection (time 0), and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h after treatments. Although the model of synovitis produced clear clinical signs of inflammation, the lameness scores in group C were different from the baseline for only up to 12 h. Both morphine and buprenorphine showed a reduction in the degree of lameness starting at 0.5 and 6 h, respectively. Reduced intestinal motility was observed at 0.5 h in group M and at 0.5 to 1 h in group B. Epidural morphine was a more effective analgesic that lasted for more than 12 h and without side effects. It was concluded that morphine would be a valuable analgesic option to alleviate joint pain in the thoracic limbs in ponies.


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Background and purpose: Recent findings suggest that the noxious gas H(2)S is produced endogenously, and that physiological concentrations of H(2)S are able to modulate pain and inflammation in rodents. This study was undertaken to evaluate the ability of endogenous and exogenous H(2)S to modulate carrageenan-induced synovitis in the rat knee. Experimental approach: Synovitis was induced in Wistar rats by intra-articular injection of carrageenan into the knee joint. Sixty minutes prior to carrageenan injection, the rats were pretreated with indomethacin, an inhibitor of H(2)S formation (dl-propargylglycine) or an H(2)S donor [Lawesson`s reagent (LR)]. Key results: Injection of carrageenan evoked knee inflammation, pain as characterized by impaired gait, secondary tactile allodynia of the ipsilateral hindpaw, joint swelling, histological changes, inflammatory cell infiltration, increased synovial myeloperoxidase, protein nitrotyrosine residues, inducible NOS (iNOS) activity and NO production. Pretreatment with LR or indomethacin significantly attenuated the pain responses, and all the inflammatory and biochemical changes, except for the increased iNOS activity, NO production and 3-NT. Propargylglycine pretreatment potentiated synovial iNOS activity (and NO production), and enhanced macrophage infiltration, but had no effect on other inflammatory parameters. Conclusions and implications: Whereas exogenous H(2)S delivered to the knee joint can produce a significant anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effect, locally produced H(2)S exerts little immunomodulatory effect. These data further support the development and use of H(2)S donors as potential alternatives (or complementary therapies) to the available anti-inflammatory compounds used for treatment of joint inflammation or relief of its symptoms.


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Doria, R.G.S.; Canola, P.A.; Freitas, S.H. & Canola, J.C. [Equine chronic proliferative synovitis (villonodular synovitis): clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic aspects: Relate of case.] Sinovite proliferativa cronica (sinovite vilonodular) em equino: aspectos clinicos, radiograficos e ultra-sonograficos: Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinciria 30(3):157-161, 2008. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade de Cuiaba, UNIC, Av. Antartica 788, Casa 26, Residencial Villas Boas, Ribeirao da Ponte, Cuiaba, MT 78040-500. Brasil. E-mail: redoria@uol.com.brThe development of intracapsullar masses at the dorsal aspect of the metacarpofalangeal joint for a period of several months is commonly secondary to the chronic synovitis. Although it is known as villonodular synovitis in horses probably is better to refer it as chronic proliferative synovitis. The most common causes are the non-treated osteocondral fractures of the dorsal portion of the proximal phalanx. In addition, the development of villonodular masses follows the degenerative process in the joint. A case of a lame animal is reported at the present study. The correct diagnosis and the adequate therapeutic propositions were given based on the clinical examination, therapeutic local-anesthetic test and radioghaphic and ultrasonographic imaging exams. The development of a criterious identification of this disease must be based on clinical findings, radiographic and ultrasonographic exams which assume fundamental importance to the treatment and prognostic. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings' allowing the identification and diagnosis of chronic proliferative synovitis at the thoracic metacarpofalangeal joint in the horse.


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Injetou-se lidocaína (100mg 2%) na articulação do carpo para avaliar a resposta inflamatória induzida pela injeção (1,5ng) intra-articular de lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) de E. coli. Utilizaram-se 17 cavalos Mangalarga não castrados, entre dois e três anos, divididos em três grupos. No carpo esquerdo (CE) administrou-se solução fisiológica a 0,9% (SAL) e no carpo direito (CD) uma das seguintes combinações: grupo A (n=6) LPS mais SAL, grupo B (n=6) LPS mais lidocaína e grupo C (n=5) lidocaína mais SAL. Amostras do líquido sinovial e de sangue foram colhidas imediatamente antes da injeção de LPS (T0) e às 1,30 (T1), 3 (T2), 6 (T3), 12 (T4) e 36 horas (T5) após a injeção. Variáveis clínicas e físicas, e características bioquímicas e celulares do líquido sinovial foram avaliadas nos mesmos tempos. A resposta inflamatória local e sistêmica foi mensurada pela concentração do TNF-alfa no soro e líquido sinovial. Observou-se aumento da concentração do TNF-alfa nas articulações injetadas com LPS às 3h no grupo A e de 1,30 às 3h no grupo B. Concluiu-se que o LPS induziu o processo inflamatório e que a lidocaína não inibiu nem atenuou a sinovite induzida pelo LPS, nem a síntese e liberação de TNF-alfa .


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Abstract Background Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly prescribed agents for arthritic patients, although gastric effects limit their long-term use. Considering the reported gastric safety of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-releasing NSAIDs, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effects of H2S administration to rats with synovitis, we decided to evaluate the effects of the H2S-releasing naproxen derivative ATB-346 in this animal model. Methods Male Wistar rats were anesthetized with inhalatory halothane and pre-treated with equimolar oral doses of either naproxen (0.3, 1, 3 or 10 mg/kg) or ATB-346 (0.48, 1.6, 4.8, or 16 mg/kg) 30 min before the i.art. injection of 7.5 mg of carrageenan (CGN) into the right knee joint cavity. Joint swelling and pain score were assessed after 1, 3 and 5 h, and tactile allodynia after 2 and 4 h. After the last measurement, the joint cavity lavages were performed for counting of the recruited leukocytes. The drugs (at the highest doses) were also tested for their gastric effects by evaluating macroscopical damage score and neutrophil recruitment (measured as myeloperoxidase – MPO activity) in the stomachs 5 h after administration of the drugs. In addition, the serum naproxen pharmacokinetic profiles of both compounds, administered at the highest equimolar doses, were obtained during the first 6 h after dosing. Results At the two highest tested doses, both naproxen and ATB-346 reduced edema and pain score (measured 3 and 5 h after CGN; P < 0.001). Tactile allodynia was similarly inhibited by ~45% 4 h after CGN by both naproxen (at 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg) and ATB-346 (at 1.6 and 4.8 mg/kg; P < 0.001), as well as leukocyte infiltration. Naproxen (but not ATB-346) induced significant gastric damage and, despite the increased gastric MPO activity by ~130% in the naproxen-, but not in the ATB-346-treated rats, this effect was of no statistical significance. Conclusion The presence of a H2S-releasing moiety in the ATB-346 structure does not impair the antiinflammatory activity of the parent compound in rats with CGN-induced synovitis. In addition, released H2S may account for the absence of deleterious gastric effects, thus making of ATB-346 a potentially useful therapeutic alternative to traditional naproxen for treatment of patients with arthritis.


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BACKGROUND: Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly prescribed agents for arthritic patients, although gastric effects limit their long-term use. Considering the reported gastric safety of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-releasing NSAIDs, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effects of H2S administration to rats with synovitis, we decided to evaluate the effects of the H2S-releasing naproxen derivative ATB-346 in this animal model. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were anesthetized with inhalatory halothane and pre-treated with equimolar oral doses of either naproxen (0.3, 1, 3 or 10 mg/kg) or ATB-346 (0.48, 1.6, 4.8, or 16 mg/kg) 30 min before the i.art. injection of 7.5 mg of carrageenan (CGN) into the right knee joint cavity. Joint swelling and pain score were assessed after 1, 3 and 5 h, and tactile allodynia after 2 and 4 h. After the last measurement, the joint cavity lavages were performed for counting of the recruited leukocytes. The drugs (at the highest doses) were also tested for their gastric effects by evaluating macroscopical damage score and neutrophil recruitment (measured as myeloperoxidase - MPO activity) in the stomachs 5 h after administration of the drugs. In addition, the serum naproxen pharmacokinetic profiles of both compounds, administered at the highest equimolar doses, were obtained during the first 6 h after dosing. RESULTS: At the two highest tested doses, both naproxen and ATB-346 reduced edema and pain score (measured 3 and 5 h after CGN; P < 0.001). Tactile allodynia was similarly inhibited by ~45% 4 h after CGN by both naproxen (at 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg) and ATB-346 (at 1.6 and 4.8 mg/kg; P < 0.001), as well as leukocyte infiltration. Naproxen (but not ATB-346) induced significant gastric damage and, despite the increased gastric MPO activity by ~130% in the naproxen-, but not in the ATB-346-treated rats, this effect was of no statistical significance. CONCLUSION: The presence of a H2S-releasing moiety in the ATB-346 structure does not impair the antiinflammatory activity of the parent compound in rats with CGN-induced synovitis. In addition, released H2S may account for the absence of deleterious gastric effects, thus making of ATB-346 a potentially useful therapeutic alternative to traditional naproxen for treatment of patients with arthritis.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to determine if preoperative MRI can differentiate between occult ganglion and synovitis in the chronic painful wrist. CONCLUSION: MRI is accurate in preoperatively distinguishing between ganglion and synovitis in the setting of chronic dorsal wrist pain. Four main criteria were useful: margin, shape, internal structure, and enhancement after administration of contrast material, with shape and internal structure being most helpful.


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Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis is a rare chronic inflammatory musculoskeletal process observed in children and young adults. Recently, the acronym SAPHO syndrome (for synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis) was coined to emphasise the association between osteo-articular inflammations and different skin abnormalities which are aseptic and filled with neutrophils. In adults, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis is now a classical manifestation of SAPHO syndrome. Chronic skin disorders were seen in eight of ten children on follow-up at the University Children's Hospitals in Bern and Zurich and in 61 of 260 paediatric cases reported in the literature. The different skin lesions were palmoplantar pustulosis (n = 40), non-palmoplantar pustulosis (n = 6), psoriasis vulgaris (n = 16) or severe acne (n = 4). More rarely Sweet syndrome (n = 2) or pyoderma gangrenosum (n = 1) were reported. Conclusion: The synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis syndrome is pertinent even in paediatrics since skin involvement is frequent.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of single doses of carprofen, etodolac, meloxicam, and butorphanol in dogs with induced acute synovitis (acute pain model) via kinetic gait analysis and orthopedic evaluation and examine measurement of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration as an indicator of treatment efficacy. ANIMALS: 12 Beagles and 6 additional Beagles that were used only in serum CRP analyses. PROCEDURE: Acute synovitis was induced in right stifle joints of dogs via intra-articular injection of monosodium urate solution. Treatments included butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg, i.v.), carprofen (4 mg/kg, PO), etodolac (17 mg/kg, PO), or meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg, PO); control dogs received no treatment. The procedure was repeated (3-week intervals) until all dogs received all treatments including control treatment. Lameness was assessed on a biomechanical force platform and via orthopedic evaluations of the stifle joints; blood was collected to monitor serum CRP concentration. RESULTS: Compared with control dogs, treated dogs had significantly different vertical ground reaction forces and weight-bearing scores. Greatest improvement in lameness was observed in carprofen-treated dogs. Etodolac had the fastest onset of action. Compared with butorphanol treatment, only carprofen and etodolac were associated with significantly lower pain scores. An increase in serum CRP concentration was detected after intra-articular injection in all dogs; this change was similar among groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Carprofen, etodolac, and meloxicam had greater efficacy than butorphanol in relief of acute pain. Carprofen was most effective overall. In this acute pain model, serum CRP analysis was not useful to assess drug efficacy.