999 resultados para Synaptonemal Complex


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The synaptonemal complex (SC) of specimens of Sos taurus taurus from the Holstein-Friesian, Piemontese, and Simmental breeds, was analysed. The analysis included quantification of the frequency of various types of abnormalities in the SC, and the frequency of calls with SC abnormalities. All animals had 29 autosomal bivalents and one sexual bivalent and the most frequently recorded abnormality was pairing failure. The number of cells with abnormalities in the Holstein-Friesian breed was 29.41%, in the Piemontese breed was 30.00% and in the Simmental breed it was 29.54%. The subspecies Bos taurus taurus had 29.63% of cells showing abnormalities with 57.33% of these abnormalities occurring in zygotene and 42.67% occurring in pachytene. Statistical analyses showed that there were no significant differences in the number of cells with SC abnormalities among the breeds studied. The frequency of cells with abnormalities, and the efect on the fertility of the Holstein-Friesian, Piemontese and Simmental breeds are discussed.


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The Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae specimens showed a karyotype consisting of 2n = 50 chromosomes with 12 metacentrics, 36 submetacentrics and two subtelocentrics. In addition to the basic karyotype, all the males specimens have cells ranging from zero to two B microchromosomes in mitotic metaphases. These chromosomes were not observed in the female specimens. C-band analysis showed a distribution pattern of characteristic heterochromatin with interstitial and centromeric blocks. However, the B chromosomes were faintly stained with C-banding and were not fluorescent with CMA(3) staining. The meiotic studies showed the formation of bivalents in metaphase I and in pachytene under an optical microscope. Through synaptonemal complex analysis with an electron microscope, the pachytene showed 25 bivalents completely paired and a small bivalent corresponding to the B chromosomes. In the same preparation, one of the B chromosomes was observed in a univalent form. on the basis of pairing behavior and morphology it is assumed that B chromosomes of M. sanctaefilomenae show homology between them and their evolutionary aspects are discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Synaptonemal complex (SC) analysis of XY pairing in the goat (Capra hircus; 2n = 60) was investigated by electron microscopy for the first time in this species. Synapsis of the X and Y chromosomes begins during the mid-late zygotene stage as the autosomes complete their pairing. Only a small portion of the total length of the Y is paired with the X chromosome at this time. By the early pachytene, almost 90% of the Y is paired with the X. All the observed stages of the sex bivalent pairing showed the structural difference between the differential and pairing regions. In the pairing region, a synaptonemal complex is formed, while in the differential region the chromosome axes remain free.


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Within a total of 50 analyzed specimens a male individual of Trichomycterus davisi has been recorded with 81 chromosomes including 60 metacentric, 18 submetacentric and three subtelocentric chromosomes. When compared with diploid individuals (2n = 54) and the morphological standard of chromosomes, this male is a triploid with 3 = 81 chromosomes. Since staining with silver nitrate indicates three active nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), the three NOR- bearing chromosomes in this individual are genetically active. Analysis of the synaptonemal complex (SC) by electronic microscopy shows that there is an incomplete pairing of the third set of chromosomes in the triploid individual.


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The surface-spreading synaptonemal complex (SC) technique was employed to analyze spermatocytes and oocytes of rainbow trout in order to visualize the process of autosome and sex chromosome synapsis in this species. The structure of lateral elements (LEs) of the SC and the chromosome synapsis process at the stages of leptotene, zygotene and pachytene are described. Comparative analysis of SCs of spermatocytes and oocytes showed a difference in the synaptic process, i.e. in spermatocytes all LEs were synapsed before the appearance of centromeric regions in the biarmed elements, while in the oocytes some fully synapsed LEs, including the centromeric region of the biarmed elements, were found together with fully or partially unsynapsed LEs. In males the sex chromosome synapsis starts only after all autosomes have synapsed. Irregular synapses involving three or four LEs were found in 3.4% of the cells analyzed in mid or late zygotene. Multivalents were found in males and females. Some aspects of initial meiotic development and their implications in rainbow trout cytogenetics, genetics and evolution are discussed.


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Synaptonemal complexes were analysed by electron microscopy in 2 bucks heterozygous for the 5/15 Robertsonian translocation. The cis configuration (free homologous 5 and 15 chromosomes on the same side of the 5/15 translocated chromosome) was found in all 50 cells examined. This feature is considered a prerequisite for the development of balanced gametes. No association between the sex bivalent and trivalent was observed.


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Some adaptations of the synaptonemal complex (SC) whole-mounting technique first used in plants permitted its application to meiotic studies in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Direct observation of the chromosome pairing process and bivalent structure during the meiotic prophase of this fish species by light and electron microscopy permitted the analysis of SCs in autosomes and the possible identification of sex chromosomes. The analysis of SCs in spermatocytes of 0. niloticus revealed that all 22 bivalent chromosomes completely paired, except for the occurrence of a size heteromorphism in the terminal region of the largest bivalent associated with the presence of an incompletely paired segment during the synapsis process, which may be the cytological visualization of an XX/XY sex chromosome system in this species.


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Meiotic cells of triploid male rainbow trouts were analyzed by a surface-spreading SC technique in order to show the process of chromosome synapsis. At zygotene the formation of SCs involved, almost exclusively, two sets of lateral elements (LEs), and the remaining set of LEs presented different synaptic configurations involving one, two, three, or four LEs. The absence of SCs involving more than two LEs from mid- to late pachytene indicates that the multivalents produced by synapsis involving more than two LEs, are eliminated before the end of pachytene; thus, the mechanism of chromosome pairing in triploid male rainbow trouts produces, almost exclusively, bivalents with a probable extensive nonhomologous synapsis involving the extra set of chromosomes.


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Cytogenetic studies conduced on a sample of 19 specimens of rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) showed that 6 presented two chromosomes with a single subterminal AgNOR on the short arms and 13 presented one chromosome with a single subterminal Ag-NOR and a second chromosome with two small subterminal Ag-NORs. Synaptonemal complex studies showed the presence of a pairing failure involving the two lateral elements (LEs) of the NOR-bearing chromosomes only in those specimens with two different NOR-bearing chromosomes, suggesting that the chromosomes with two Ag-NORs originated from a paracentric inversion involving a terminal segment of the original NOR-bearing chromosome. A comparative analysis between three normal and three heterozygous fishes suggest that in the latter group the LEs of the NOR-bearing chromosomes initiate the synaptic process in a more delayed manner, the synapsis develops more quickly, and the nucleolus stays associated with chromosomes for a longer time.


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A synaptonemal complex (SC) study of specimens of Nellore and Gyr breeds of Bos taurus indicus was performed with the main objective to identify and determinate the frequency of abnormalities of SC and the frequency of cells with abnormalities. All animals analyzed had 29 autosomal bivalents and one sexual bivalent. The Nellore breed had 30.00% of cells with SC abnormalities while the Gyr breed had only 11.11%. Statistical analyses showed that there were not significant differences for the number of cells with abnormalities among the breeds studied. The subspecies Bos taurus indicus had 16.92% of cells showing abnormalities, being 62.82% of these abnormalities in zygotene and 37.18% in pachytene. Some aspects regarding the frequency of cells with abnormalities and the fertility of Nellore and Gyr breeds are discussed.


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The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the beetles Epicauta atomaria (Meloidae) and Palembus dermestoides (Tenebrionidae) were analysed using standard staining, C-banding and silver impregnation techniques. We determine the diploid and haploid chromosome numbers, the sex determination system and describe the chromosomal morphology, the C-banding pattern and the chromosome(s) bearing NORs (nucleolar organizer regions). Both species shown 2n = 20 chromosomes, the chromosomal meioformula 9 + Xyp, and regular chromosome segregation during anaphases I and II. The chromosomes of E. atomaria are basically metacentric or submetacentric and P. dermestoides chromosomes are submetacentric or subtelocentric. In both beetles the constitutive heterochromatin is located in the pericentromeric region in all autosomes and in the Xp chromosome; additional C-bands were observed in telomeric region of the short arm in some autosomes in P. dermestoides. The yp chromosome did not show typical C-bands in these species. As for the synaptonemal complex, the nucleolar material is associated to the 7th bivalent in E. atomaria and 3rd and 7th bivalents in P. dermestoides. Strong silver impregnated material was observed in association with Xyp in light and electron microscopy preparations in these species and this material was interpreted to be related to nucleolar material.


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The surface-spreading technique for visualization of whole cell synaptonemal complex (SC) complements was employed to study the chromosome synapsis in spermatocytes of P. mesopotamicus, C. macropomum and in their interspecific hybrid (tambacu) with the main objective to analyze possible errors in chromosome pairing that could result in hybrid sterility. SC analysis showed that the parental species P. mesopotamicus and C. macropomum have 27 bivalents homogeneously synapsed. The SC in spermatocytes from the hybrid tambacu showed gross meiotic configurations in all cells analyzed. The spermatocytes exhibited a few chromosomes or well synapsed chromosome segments, while many chromosome segments did not have any synapsis. This result, allied to other genetical and cytogenetical evidence, reinforces the hypothesis that the hybrid tambacu is sterile. Further studies involving other aspects, such as behavior and physiology, should be conduced before the introduction of these hybrids in rivers and lakes.