958 resultados para Suspension bridges.


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Suspension bridges meet the steadily growing demand for lighter and longer bridges in today’s infrastructure systems. These bridges are designed to have long life spans, but with age, their main cables and hangers could suffer from corrosion and fatigue. There is a need for a simple and reliable procedure to detect and locate such damage, so that appropriate retrofitting can be carried out to prevent bridge failure. Damage in a structure causes changes in its properties (mass, damping and stiffness) which in turn will cause changes in its vibration characteristics (natural frequencies, modal damping and mode shapes). Methods based on modal flexibility, which depends on both the natural frequencies and mode shapes, have the potential for damage detection. They have been applied successfully to beam and plate elements, trusses and simple structures in reinforced concrete and steel. However very limited applications for damage detection in suspension bridges have been identified to date. This paper examines the potential of modal flexibility methods for damage detection and localization of a suspension bridge under different damage scenarios in the main cables and hangers using numerical simulation techniques. Validated finite element model (FEM) of a suspension bridge is used to acquire mass normalized mode shape vectors and natural frequencies at intact and damaged states. Damage scenarios will be simulated in the validated FE models by varying stiffness of the damaged structural members. The capability of damage index based on modal flexibility to detect and locate damage is evaluated. Results confirm that modal flexibility based methods have the ability to successfully identify damage in suspension bridge main cables and hangers.


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This research developed a method to detect damage in suspension bridges using vibration characteristics. These bridges exhibit complex vibration and hence it is difficult to use traditional vibration based methods to detect damage in them. This research therefore proposed component specific damage indices and verified their capability to detect and locate damage in the main cables and hangers of suspension bridges.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Underspanned suspension bridges are structures with important economical and aesthetic advantages, due to their high structural efficiency. However, road bridges of this typology are still uncommon because of limited knowledge about this structural system. In particular, there remains some uncertainty over the dynamic behaviour of these bridges, due to their extreme lightness. The vibrations produced by vehicles crossing the viaduct are one of the main concerns. In this work, traffic-induced dynamic effects on this kind of viaduct are addressed by means of vehicle-bridge dynamic interaction models. A finite element method is used for the structure, and multibody dynamic models for the vehicles, while interaction is represented by means of the penalty method. Road roughness is included in this model in such a way that the fact that profiles under left and right tyres are different, but not independent, is taken into account. In addition, free software {PRPgenerator) to generate these profiles is presented in this paper. The structural dynamic sensitivity of underspanned suspension bridges was found to be considerable, as well as the dynamic amplification factors and deck accelerations. It was also found that vehicle speed has a relevant influence on the results. In addition, the impact of bridge deformation on vehicle vibration was addressed, and the effect on the comfort of vehicle users was shown to be negligible.


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Suspension bridges are flexible and vibration sensitive structures that exhibit complex and multi-modal vibration. Due to this, the usual vibration based methods could face a challenge when used for damage detection in these structures. This paper develops and applies a mode shape component specific damage index (DI) to detect and locate damage in a suspension bridge with pre-tensioned cables. This is important as suspension bridges are large structures and damage in them during their long service lives could easily go un-noticed. The capability of the proposed vibration based DI is demonstrated through its application to detect and locate single and multiple damages with varied locations and severity in the cables of the suspension bridge. The outcome of this research will enhance the safety and performance of these bridges which play an important role in the transport network.


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Final report of John A. Roebling, Civil Engineer, to the presidents and directors of the Niagara Falls Suspension and Niagara Falls International Bridge Companies, on the condition of the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge.


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Cable structures find many applications such as in power transmission, in anchors and especially in bridges. They serve as major load bearing elements in suspension bridges, which are capable of spanning long distances. All bridges, including suspension bridges, are designed to have long service lives. However, during this long life, they become vulnerable to damage due to changes in loadings, deterioration with age and random action such as impacts. The main cables are more vulnerable to corrosion and fatigue, compared to the other bridge components, and consequently reduces the serviceability and ultimate capacity of the bridge. Detecting and locating such damage at the earliest stage is challenging in the current structural health monitoring (SHM) systems of long span suspension bridges. Damage or deterioration of a structure alters its stiffness, mass and damping properties which in turn modify its vibration characteristics. This phenomenon can therefore be used to detect damage in a structure. The modal flexibility, which depends on the vibration characteristics of a structure, has been identified as a successful damage indicator in beam and plate elements, trusses and simple structures in reinforced concrete and steel. Successful application of the modal flexibility phenomenon to detect and locate the damage in suspension bridge main cables has received limited attention in recent research work. This paper, therefore examines the potential of the modal flexibility based Damage Index (DI) for detecting and locating damage in the main cable of a suspension bridge under four different damage scenarios. Towards this end, a numerical model of a suspension bridge cable was developed to extract the modal parameters at both damaged and undamaged states. Damage scenarios considered in this study with varied location and severity were simulated by changing stiffness at particular locations of the cable model. Results confirm that the DI has the potential to successfully detect and locate damage in suspension bridge main cables. This simple method can therefore enable bridge engineers and managers to detect and locate damage in suspension bridges at an early stage, minimize expensive retrofitting and prevent bridge collapse.


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Modal flexibility is a widely accepted technique to detect structural damage using vibration characteristics. Its application to detect damage in long span large diameter cables such as those used in suspension bridge main cables has not received much attention. This paper uses the modal flexibility method incorporating two damage indices (DIs) based on lateral and vertical modes to localize damage in such cables. The competency of those DIs in damage detection is tested by the numerically obtained vibration characteristics of a suspended cable in both intact and damaged states. Three single damage cases and one multiple damage case are considered. The impact of random measurement noise in the modal data on the damage localization capability of these two DIs is next examined. Long span large diameter cables are characterized by the two critical cable parameters named bending stiffness and sag-extensibility. The influence of these parameters in the damage localization capability of the two DIs is evaluated by a parametric study with two single damage cases. Results confirm that the damage index based on lateral vibration modes has the ability to successfully detect and locate damage in suspended cables with 5% noise in modal data for a range of cable parameters. This simple approach therefore can be extended for timely damage detection in cables of suspension bridges and thereby enhance their service during their life spans.


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The Niagara Parks Commission administrative headquarters are located in Oak Hall which is on the cliff above Dufferin Islands. In 1798 this land was granted by the crown to United Empire Loyalist James Skinner until 1898. A century later it was the home of the Clarks, Streets and Macklems. These families controlled the mills of Bridgewater which was a pioneer industrial village located at Dufferin Islands. Then, it was known as Clark Hill. Colonel Thomas Clark, commander of the Second Lincoln Militia in the War of 1812 is the earliest known occupant of the house. When Clark died in 1837, the house went to Thomas Clark Street who was the son of the Colonel’s partner. Mr. Street was a bachelor and his sister, widow of Dr. T.C. Macklem, managed his household. Mrs. Macklem had 2 sons. The eldest son drowned in the Niagara River at the age of 8 and the younger son, Sutherland became heir to the estate. Mr. Macklem opened Cynthia Islands and Cedar Island to the public and had roads built to reach them. Two suspension bridges connected them to the mainland and tolls were charged on the bridges. The improvements to the land cost Macklem $18,962. He called the bridges “Bridge Castor” and “Bridge Pollux”. There was also an office built at the end of Bridge Castor. Macklem also spent $454 fixing up the Burning Spring Building (the burning spring is enclosed in a barrel which collects gas and lets it out through a tube at the top). Macklem received a yearly income of $56,378.79 from tourists and visitors. In 1887 Cynthia Islands and Cedar Island were deeded to the crown and became part of Queen Victoria Park. The name Cynthia was changed to Dufferin in honour of Lord Dufferin. Sources: www.niagarafrontier.com/parks.html www.niagarafrontier.com/burningsprings.html


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La tesi tratta di strumenti finalizzati alla valutazione dello stato conservativo e di supporto all'attività di manutenzione dei ponti, dai più generali Bridge Management Systems ai Sistemi di Valutazione Numerica della Condizione strutturale. Viene proposto uno strumento originale con cui classificare i ponti attraverso un Indice di Valutazione Complessiva e grazie ad esso stabilire le priorità d'intervento. Si tara lo strumento sul caso pratico di alcuni ponti della Provincia di Bologna. Su un ponte in particolare viene realizzato un approfondimento specifico sulla determinazione approssimata dei periodi propri delle strutture da ponte. Si effettua un confronto dei risultati di alcune modellazioni semplificate in riferimento a modellazioni dettagliate e risultati sperimentali.


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The interest for modelling of human actions acting on structures has been recurrent since the first accidents on suspension bridges in the nineteenth century like Broughton (1831) in the U.K. or Angers (1850) in France. Stadiums, gymnasiums are other type of structure where the human induced vibration is very important. In these structures appear particular phenomenon like the interaction person-structure (lock-in), the person-person synchronization, and the influence of the mass and damping of the people in the structure behaviour. This work focuses on the latter topic. The dynamic characteristic of a structure can be changed due to the presence of people on it. In order to evaluate these property modifications several testing have been carried out on a structure designed to be a gymnasium. For the test an electro-dynamic shaker was installed in a fixed point of the gym slab and different groups of people were located around the shaker. In each test the number of people was changed and also their posture (standing and sitting). Test data were analyzed and processed to verify modifications in the structure behaviour.


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The interest for modelling of human actions acting on structures has been recurrent since the first accidents on suspension bridges in the nineteenth century such as Broughton (1831) in the U.K. or Angers (1850) in France. Stadiums, gymnasiums are other types of structure where human induced vibration is very important. In these structures a particular phenomenon appears such as the interaction personstructure (lock-in), the person-person synchronization, and the influence of the mass and damping of the people in the structural behaviour. This paper focuses on the latter topic. In order to evaluate these property modifications several tests have been carried out on a stand-alone building. For the test an electro-dynamic shaker was installed at a fixed point of the gym slab and different groups of people were located around the shaker. The dynamic characteristics of the structure without people inside have been calculated by two methods: using a three-dimensional finite element model of the building and by operational modal analysis. These calculated experimental and numerical values are the reference values used to evaluate the modifications in the dynamic properties of the structure.


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Equações diferenciais de quarta ordem aparecem naturalmente na modelagem de oscilações de estruturas elásticas, como aquelas observadas em pontes pênseis. São considerados dois modelos que descrevem as oscilações no tabuleiro de uma ponte. No modelo unidimensional estudamos blow up em espaço finito de soluções de uma classe de equações diferenciais de quarta ordem. Os resultados apresentados solucionam uma conjectura apresentada em [F. Gazzola and R. Pavani. Wide oscillation finite time blow up for solutions to nonlinear fourth order differential equations. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 207(2):717752, 2013] e implicam a não existência de ondas viajantes com baixa velocidade de propagação em uma viga. No modelo bidimensional analisamos uma equação não local para uma placa longa e fina, suportada nas extremidades menores, livre nas demais e sujeita a protensão. Provamos existência e unicidade de solução fraca e estudamos o seu comportamento assintótico sob amortecimento viscoso. Estudamos ainda a estabilidade de modos simples de oscilação, os quais são classificados como longitudinais ou torcionais.