993 resultados para Sus scrofa scrofa


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The Wet Tropics bioregion of north Queensland has been identified as an area of global significance. The world-heritage-listed rainforests have been invaded by feral pigs (Sus scrofa) that are perceived to cause substantial environmental damage. A community perception exists of an annual altitudinal migration of the feral-pig population. The present study describes the movements of 29 feral pigs in relation to altitudinal migration (highland, transitional and lowland areas). Feral pigs were sedentary and stayed within their home range throughout a 4-year study period. No altitudinal migration was detected; pigs moved no more than a mean distance of 1.0 km from the centre of their calculated home ranges. There was no significant difference between the mean (+/- 95% confidence interval) aggregate home ranges for males (8.7 +/- 4.3 km², n = 15) and females (7.2 +/- 1.8 km², n = 14). No difference in home range was detected among the three altitudinal areas: 7.2 +/- 2.4 km² for highland, 6.2 +/- 3.9 km² for transitional and 9.9 +/- 5.3 km² for lowland areas. The aggregate mean home range for all pigs in the present study was 8.0 +/- 2.4 km². The study also assessed the influence seasons had on the home range of eight feral pigs on the rainforest boundary; home ranges did not significantly vary in size between the tropical wet and dry seasons, although the mean home range in the dry season (7.7 +/- 6.9 km²) was more than twice the home range in the wet season (2.9 +/- 0.8 km²). Heavier pigs tended to have larger home ranges. The results of the present study suggest that feral pigs are sedentary throughout the year so broad-scale control techniques need to be applied over sufficient areas to encompass individual home ranges. Control strategies need a coordinated approach if a long-term reduction in the pig population is to be achieved.


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Foraging by feral pigs can strongly affect wetland vegetation assemblages and so too wider ecological processes, although their effects on freshwater ecosystems have seldom been tudied. We assessed the ecological effects of pig foraging in replicate fenced and unfenced ephemeral floodplain lagoons in tropical north-eastern Australia. Pig foraging activities in unfenced lagoons caused major changes to aquatic macrophyte communities and as a consequence, to the proportional amounts of open water and bare ground. The destruction of macrophyte communities and upheaval of wetland sediments significantly affected wetland turbidity, and caused prolonged anoxia and pH imbalances in the unfenced treatments. Whilst fencing of floodplain lagoons will protect against feral pig foraging activities, our repeated measures of many biological, physical and chemical parameters inferred that natural seasonal (i.e. temporal) effects had a greater influence on these variables than did pigs. To validate this observation requires measuring how these effects are influenced by the seemingly greater annual disturbance regime of variable flooding and drying in this tropical climate.


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Multiple Trichinella species are reported from the Australasian region although mainland Australia has never confirmed an indigenous case of Trichinella infection in humans or animals. Wildlife surveys in high-risk regions are essential to truly determine the presence or absence of Trichinella, but in mainland Australia are largely lacking. In this study, a survey was conducted in wild pigs from mainland Australia's Cape York Peninsula and Torres Strait region for the presence of Trichinella, given the proximity of a Trichinella papuae reservoir in nearby PNG. We report the detection of a Trichinella infection in a pig from an Australian island in the Torres Strait, a narrow waterway that separates the islands of New Guinea and continental Australia. The larvae were characterised as T. papuae (Kikori strain) by PCR and sequence analysis. No Trichinella parasites were found in any pigs from the Cape York Peninsula. These results highlight the link the Torres Strait may play in providing a passage for introduction of Trichinella parasites from the Australasian region to the Australian mainland. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Globally, wild or feral pigs Sus scrofa are a widespread and important pest. Mitigation of their impacts requires a sound understanding of those impacts and the benefits and limitations of different management approaches. Here, we review published and unpublished studies to provide a synopsis of contemporary understanding of wild pig impacts and management in Australia, and to identify important shortcomings. Wild pigs can have important impacts on biodiversity values, ecosystem functioning and agricultural production. However, many of these impacts remain poorly described, and therefore, difficult to manage effectively. Many impacts are highly variable, and innovative experimental and analytical approaches may be necessary to elucidate them. Most contemporary management programmes use lethal techniques to attempt to reduce pig densities, but it is often unclear how effective they are at reducing damage. We conclude that greater integration of experimental approaches into wild pig management programmes is necessary to improve our understanding of wild pig impacts, and our ability to manage those impacts effectively and efficiently.


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Trichinella surveillance in wildlife relies on muscle digestion of large samples which are logistically difficult to store and transport in remote and tropical regions as well as labour-intensive to process. Serological methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) offer rapid, cost-effective alternatives for surveillance but should be paired with additional tests because of the high false-positive rates encountered in wildlife. We investigated the utility of ELISAs coupled with Western blot (WB) in providing evidence of Trichinella exposure or infection in wild boar. Serum samples were collected from 673 wild boar from a high- and low-risk region for Trichinella introduction within mainland Australia, which is considered Trichinella-free. Sera were examined using both an 'in-house' and a commercially available indirect-ELISA that used excretory secretory (E/S) antigens. Cut-off values for positive results were determined using sera from the low-risk population. All wild boar from the high-risk region (352) and 139/321 (43.3%) of the wild boar from the low-risk region were tested by artificial digestion. Testing by Western blot using E/S antigens, and a Trichinella-specific real-time PCR was also carried out on all ELISA-positive samples. The two ELISAs correctly classified all positive controls as well as one naturally infected wild boar from Gabba Island in the Torres Strait. In both the high- and low-risk populations, the ELISA results showed substantial agreement (k-value = 0.66) that increased to very good (k-value = 0.82) when WB-positive only samples were compared. The results of testing sera collected from the Australian mainland showed the Trichinella seroprevalence was 3.5% (95% C.I. 0.0-8.0) and 2.3% (95% C.I. 0.0-5.6) using the in-house and commercial ELISA coupled with WB respectively. These estimates were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the artificial digestion estimate of 0.0% (95% C.I. 0.0-1.1). Real-time PCR testing of muscle from seropositive animals did not detect Trichinella DNA in any mainland animals, but did reveal the presence of a second larvae-positive wild boar on Gabba Island, supporting its utility as an alternative, highly sensitive method in muscle examination. The serology results suggest Australian wildlife may have been exposed to Trichinella parasites. However, because of the possibility of non-specific reactions with other parasitic infections, more work using well-defined cohorts of positive and negative samples is required. Even if the specificity of the ELISAs is proven to be low, their ability to correctly classify the small number of true positive sera in this study indicates utility in screening wild boar populations for reactive sera which can be followed up with additional testing. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) consume and damage crops and impact the environment through predation, competition and habitat disturbance, although supporting dietary data are lacking in agricultural landscapes. This study was undertaken to determine the relative importance of food items in the diet of feral pigs in a fragmented agricultural landscape, particularly to assist in predicting the breadth of likely impacts. Diet composition was assessed from the stomach contents of 196 feral pigs from agricultural properties in southern Queensland. Feral pigs were herbivorous, with plant matter comprising >99% of biomass consumed. Crops were consumed more frequently than non-crop species, and comprised >60% of dietary biomass, indicating a clear potential for direct economic losses. Consumption of pasture and forage species also suggests potential competition for pasture with domestic stock. There is little evidence of direct predation on native fauna, but feral pig feeding activities may impact environmental values. Seasonal differences in consumption of crop, pasture or animal food groups probably reflect the changing availability of food items. We recommend that future dietary studies examine food availability to determine any dietary preferences to assist in determining the foods most susceptible to damage. The outcomes of this study are important for developing techniques for monitoring the impacts of feral pigs, essential for developing management options to reduce feral pig damage on agricultural lands.


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Fresh meat baits containing sodium fluoroacetate (1080) are widely used for controlling feral pigs in Queensland, but there is a potential poisoning risk to non-target species. This study investigated the non-target species interactions with meat bait by comparing the time until first approach, investigation, sample and consumption, and whether dying bait green would reduce interactions. A trial assessing species interactions with undyed bait was completed at Culgoa Floodplain National Park, Queensland. Meat baits were monitored for 79 consecutive days with camera traps. Of 40 baits, 100% were approached, 35% investigated (moved) and 25% sampled, and 25% consumed. Monitors approached (P < 0.05) and investigated (P < 0.05) the bait more rapidly than pigs or birds, but the median time until first sampling was not significantly different (P > 0.05), and did not consume any entire bait. A trial was conducted at Whetstone State Forest, southern Queensland, with green-dyed and undyed baits monitored for eight consecutive days with cameras. Of 60 baits, 92% were approached and also investigated by one or more non-target species. Most (85%) were sampled and 57% were consumed, with monitors having slightly more interaction with undyed baits than with green-dyed baits. Mean time until first approach and sample differed significantly between species groups (P = 0.038 and 0.007 respectively) with birds approaching sooner (P < 0.05) and monitors sampling later (P < 0.05) than other (unknown) species (P > 0.05). Undyed bait was sampled earlier (mean 2.19 days) than green-dyed bait (2.7 days) (P = 0.003). Data from the two trials demonstrate that many non-target species regularly visit and sample baits. The use of green-dyed baits may help reduce non-target uptake, but testing is required to determine the effect on attractiveness to feral pigs. Further research is recommended to quantify the benefits of potential strategies to reduce the non-target uptake of meat baits to help improve the availability of bait to feral pigs.


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Se realizó una caracterización del sistema de crianza del cerdo criollo en tres municipios de Nicaragua (Ciudad Darío, Terrabona y Bocana de Paiwas). Se entrevistaron a productores aplicando una encuesta de 96 ítems sobre aspectos socioeconómicos, características del sistema de explotación del cerdo criollo y comercialización. La información se analizó y proceso presentando los resultados mediante tablas y gráficos de frecuencia. Los resultados reflejan que la crianza de cerdo criollo la realizan primordialmente las mujeres. La edad del productor oscila en un rango de 39-59 años. La actividad prioritaria para las mujeres es la crianza y engorde de los cerdos, y para los hombres la agricultura, ganadería mayor y crianza de cerdos. La percepción del nivel de vida es mejor en varones que en mujeres.Los productores en general cuentan con acceso al transporte y servicios básicos. El tamaño de las parcelas empleadas va de 1-10 mz.,con tenencia propia. La actividad predominante es la siembra de maíz y frijol en pequeñas áreas para autoconsumo. La comercialización mayormente es la venta de los cerdos en pie en sus lugares de origen, el producto de la venta se invierte en la familia, compra de animales y su hogar. Los problemas más frecuentes en los cerdos son enfermedades, retraso del crecimiento y alimentación, presentándose con mayor frecuencia en la época lluviosa y afectando principalmente a cerdos lactantes y en crecimiento. Se realizan actividades sanitarias básicas, pero desconocen las causas reales de muerte de sus cerdos. Los tipos raciales predominantes son: curro, criollo cruzado, casco de mula, coquimbo y mejorado. Se prefiere utilizar se mentales criollos en monta directa. La tasa de sobrevivencia de crías a l destete es mayor en animales manejados por mujeres (93%). Mayormente los cerdos son manejados al aire libre; el uso de chiqueros con o sin techo es más utilizado por mujeres. El agua es ofrecida ad libitum. La principal fuente de alimentación la constituyen los desperdicios de cocina, suero de leche y maíz, siendo el tipo de suplemento más utilizado la semolina. No cuentan con financiamiento directo para esta actividad. Los productores prefieren criar cerdos criollos por su rusticidad, resistencia a enfermedades, menor exigencia de alimentos y sabor de la carne. El poco incremento de la población de cerdos criollos se debe a problemas de alimentación, mano de obra y comercialización.


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El cerdo fue introducido a Nicaragua en el año 1493, durante el segundo viaje que Cristóbal Colón realizara a América durante la colonización española. La crianza de cerdo de traspatio en el país juega un rol importante en la economía de las familias rural es, siendo característica la presencia de animales criollos. Estos animales representan un recurso adaptado a condiciones adversas de crianza. El presente trabajo se realizó en el municipio de Río Blanco departamento de Matagalpa, con el objetivo de caracterizar el manejo zootécnico del cerdo criollo. Para recabar la información se diseñó un instrumento con preguntas abiertas y cerradas (encuesta) que incluyó los componentes: socioeconómico, alimentación, salud, genética , producción y reproducción, mediante un sondeo previo. Se realizaron entrevistas al nivel de tod o el sector rural del municipio, utilizando el criterio de selección de la cría de al menos 3 cerdos, las comunidades incluidas fueron un total de 20 con un total de 68 productores y se registrar con 548 cerdos. Del total de productores el 52.94% de encuestados eran mujeres y el 47.05% eran hombres, con un promedio de edad de 43.73 años; según el estudio, el papel de la mujer en la actividad de crianza de cerdos criollos en la zona rural es impactante, pues alcanza el 98% como principal ocupación. En lo que respecta a la alimentación de los cerdos en el municipio , esta tiene como base granos básicos, tubérculos y musáceas, además de los desperdicios de cocina. La base genética de los cerdos en el municipio está constituida principalmente por grupos raciales de animales criollos con características diversas en cuanto a su exterior. Según los productores en el último año se registró un 39. 71% de muertes, mientras que el 60. 29 afirmó lo contrario, el 34. 37% de muertes ocurre por trastornos de la salud, un 34 . 37% por causas desconocidas, un 21. 87% por plastamientos y un 9. 37% por diarrea. Las categorías de cerdos lactantes y en desarrollo son las más propensas a trastornos de la salud con un 56% cada un a, la categoría de cerdos en crecimiento con un 32%, cerdas adultas y engorde con 24% y cerdos adultos con 16%. En las cerdas reproductoras se estimó según la información brindada, que incorporan a la cerda hacia los 6.51 meses, obteniendo un promedio de 1. 87 partos por año, con una prolificidad de 8.11 cerditos por camada con una viabilidad del 88.26% que equivale a 7. 16 cerditos por camada al destete. De manera general, se observó que para mejorar la producción de cerdos en la zona, no es necesario reemplazar totalmente a los cerdos criollos por razas mejoradas, sino que hay que mejorar las condiciones de crianza y manejo que hasta el momento se les ofrece


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias en Producción Animal) UANL Facultad de Agronomía, 2009


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A. basilar ímpar e com diminuição de calibre, na altura da ponte (100%); A. cerebelar caudal D e E, ímpar (100%); A. cerebelar média D e E, ímpar (96,7%) e dupla (3,3%). Observou-se que o círculo arterial cerebral do javali foi fechado tanto rostral como caudalmente (100%). O encéfalo foi suprido principalmente pelas Aa. carótidas internas e seus ramos as Aa. occipitais e condilares, via RAER e RAEC, com uma pequena contribuição através de ramos das Aa. vertebral e espinhal ventral, especialmente para o rombencéfalo.


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No presente trabalho, foram utilizadas 21 fêmeas suínas, virgens, sexualmente aptas, criadas e mantidas sob condições industriais, para observação dos perfis hormonais séricos de triiodotironina e tiroxina, durante o ciclo estral. As colheitas de sangue foram efetuadas sempre no mesmo intervalo, entre 8 e 10 horas. Cada animal foi submetido a 14 punções venosas, distribuídas nos dias zero, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 e 23 do ciclo estral. Consideramos o dia zero como o primeiro dia da fase estral, e o 23º dia como o primeiro do estro subseqüente. Os ensaios para dosagens hormonais foram executados utilizando-se a técnica de radioimunoensaio (RIE) em fase sólida e para isso foi empregado conjunto de reagentes comerciais (Coat-A-Count®). Para o hormônio triiodotironina foram observados valores altos no 1º e 23º dia e valor mínimo no 12º dia do ciclo estral. O hormônio tiroxina apresentou valores que oscilaram entre 2,42 e 3,74 mig/dl.


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No presente trabalho, foram utilizadas 21 fêmeas suínas, virgens, sexualmente aptas, criadas e mantidas sob condições industriais, para observação dos perfis hormonais séricos de 17-alfa-OH progesterona e androstenediona, durante o ciclo estral. As colheitas de sangue foram efetuadas sempre no mesmo intervalo, entre 8 e 10 horas. Cada animal foi submetido a 14 punções venosas, distribuídas nos dias zero, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 e 23 do ciclo estral. Considerou-se o dia zero como o primeiro dia da fase estral, e o 23º dia como o primeiro do estro subseqüente. Os ensaios para dosagens hormonais foram executados utilizando-se a técnica de radioimunoensaio (RIE) em fase sólida e para isso foi empregado conjunto de reagentes comerciais (Coat-A-Count®). Para o hormônio 17-alfa-OH progesterona, foram encontrados valores médios que variaram entre 0,18 e 2,7 ng/ml e para o hormônio androstenediona esses valores oscilaram entre 0,08 e 0,24 ng/ml.


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O estudo foi desenvolvido no período de outubro de 2001 a maio de 2002, com 51 javalis (Sus scrofa scrofa) proveniente de duas propriedades situadas nos municípios de Mirassol e Fernandópolis, Estado de São Paulo, sendo 18 animais variando de 150 a 360 dias (Grupo I) e 33 animais entre 30 a 120 dias de vida (Grupo II). O objetivo da investigação foi identificar a helmintofauna e obter subsídio para melhor conhecimento da instalação das infecções helmínticas. Foram identificadas nos dois grupos, respectivamente, oito espécies de nematódeos com as seguintes prevalências: Trichuris suis (16,7% e 30,3%); Metastrongylus salmi (50,0% e 15,2%), Metastrongylus pudendotectus (5,6% e 3,0%); Strongyloides ransomi (27,8% e 12,1%); Ascaris suum (0,0% e 3,0%), Ascarops strongylina (27,8% e 0,0%); Physocephalus sexalatus (5,6% e 0,0%); Oesophagostomum dentatum (22,2% e 0,0%). O total de nematódeos colhidos e identificados nos dois grupos de animais foi de 7958, assim distribuídos: 6573 no intestino grosso (82,6%), 1246 no pulmão (15,7%), 89 no intestino delgado (1,1%), e 50 no estômago (0,6%). As maiores variações de intensidade foram obtidas por T. suis de 1 a 1764 e por M. salmi 1 a 248 exemplares.


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No presente trabalho foram utilizadas quatro fêmeas suínas, adultas, mestiças, não-gestantes e sem sinais clínicos de estro, criadas e mantidas sob condições industriais de criação. Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de ritmicidade biológica circadiana para tiroxina e 17-alfa -OH progesterona. Os ensaios para dosagens hormonais foram executados utilizando-se a técnica de radioimunoensaio (RIE) em fase sólida e para isso foi empregado conjunto de reagentes comerciais (COAT-A-COUNT R). As análises séricas de tiroxina mostraram valores mais elevados ao redor das 15 horas, decrescendo a partir dai até atingir níveis menores no intervalo da zero às 4 horas. Quanto a 17-alfa -OH progesterona, observaram-se níveis mais elevados por volta das 3 horas, decrescendo gradativamente ao longo do dia, até atingir menor concentração no intervalo das 12 às 15 horas.