976 resultados para Surface quality


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of stock removal and the ground surface quality of advanced ceramics machined by a surface grinding process using diamond grinding wheels. The analysis of the grinding performance was done regarding the cutting surface wear behavior of the grinding wheel for ceramic workpieces. The ground surface was evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). As a result it can be said that the mechanism of material removal in the grinding of ceramic is largely one of brittle fracture. The increase of the h max can reduce the tangential force required by the process. Although, it results in an increase in the surface damage, reducing the mechanical properties of the ground component.


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of stock removal and the ground surface quality of advanced ceramics grounded by a plane tangential grinding process with diamond grinding wheels. The analysis of the grinding performance was done regarding the cutting surface wear behavior of the grinding wheel for ceramic workpieces. The discussion about the results emphasized the wear mechanism of the grinding wheel cutting surface and the cutting phenomenology of the grinding process. The grounded surface was evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of stock removal and the ground surface quality of advanced ceramics machined by a surface grinding process using diamond grinding wheels. The analysis of the grinding performance was done regarding the cutting surface wear behavior of the grinding wheel for ceramic workpieces. The ground surface was evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). As a result it can be said that the mechanism of material removal in the grinding of ceramic is largely one of brittle fracture. The increase of the hmax can reduce the tangential force required by the process. Although, it results in an increase in the surface damage, reducing the mechanical properties of the ground component.


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Additive manufacturing by melting of metal powders is an innovative method to create one-offs and customized parts. Branches like dentistry, aerospace engineering and tool making were indicated and the manufacturing methods are established. Besides all the advantages, like freedom of design, manufacturing without a tool and the reduction of time-to-market, there are however some disadvantages, such as reproducibility or the surface quality. The surface quality strongly depends on the orientation of the component in the building chamber, the process parameters which are laser power and exposure time, but also on the so-called “hatch”-strategy, which includes the way the laser exposes the solid areas. This paper deals with the investigation and characterization of the surface quality of generated parts produced by SLM. Main process parameters including part orientation, part size and hatch strategies are investigated and monitored. The outcome is a recommendation of suitable hatch strategies depending on desired part properties. This includes metered values and takes into account process stability and reproducibility.


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The design of plastics profile extrusion dies becomes increasingly more complex so that conventional manufacture processes reach their limit in the die manufacture. A feasible manufacture of arbitrarily designed dies is only possible by additive manufacturing. An especially promising process is hereby the Selective Laser Melting with which metal parts with series identical mechanical properties can be produced without the need for part specific tooling or downstream sintering processes. Disadvantegeous is, however, the relatively rough surface of additively manufactured parts. Against this background, the manufacturing of an profile extrusion die by Selective Laser Melting and the plastics profile surface quality, that can be achieved with such dies, is investigated. For this purpose, profiles are extruded both with an additively manufactured die and a conventionally milled sample of the same die geometry. In case of the additively manufactured die a concept for the surface finishing of the flow channel is required, which can be applied to arbitrarily shaped geometries. Therefore, two different reworking processes are applied only to the die land of the flow channel. The comparison of the surface roughnesses shows that the additively manufactured die with a polished die land delivers the same surface quality as the conventional die.


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Purpose: To evaluate lenses produced by excimer laser ablation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) plates. Setting: University research laboratory. Methods: Two Nidek EC-5000 scanning-slit excimer laser systems were used to ablate plane-parallel plates of PMMA. The ablated lenses were examined by focimetry, interferometry, and mechanical surface profiling. Results: The spherical optical powers of the lenses matched the expected values, but the cylindrical powers were generally lower than intended. Interferometry revealed marked irregularity in the surface of negative corrections, which often had a positive “island” at their center. Positive corrections were generally smoother. These findings were supported by the results of mechanical profiling. Contrast sensitivity measurements carried out when observing through ablated lenses whose power had been neutralized with a suitable spectacle lens of opposite sign confirmed that the surface irregularities of the ablated lenses markedly reduced contrast sensitivity over a range of spatial frequencies. Conclusion: Improvements in beam delivery systems seem desirable.


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We analyze the physical-chemical surface properties of single-slit, single-groove subwavelength-structured silver films with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and calculate exact solutions to Maxwell’s equations corresponding to recent far-field interferometry experiments using these structures. Contrary to a recent suggestion the surface analysis shows that the silver films are free of detectable contaminants. The finite-difference time-domain calculations, in excellent agreement with experiment, show a rapid fringe amplitude decrease in the near zone (slit-groove distance out to 3–4 wavelengths). Extrapolation to slit-groove distances beyond the near zone shows that the surface wave evolves to the expected bound surface plasmon polariton (SPP). Fourier analysis of these results indicates the presence of a distribution of transient, evanescent modes around the SPP that dephase and dissipate as the surface wave evolves from the near to the far zone.


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In the present diploma work optical inspection methods were used to investigate surface roughness of paper samples. A special measurement setup, which includes three laser light sources of three different wavelengths, photodetector and goniometer, was used to measure the reflected laser light properties. The intensity of the light reflected in specular direction was measured versus the laser incidence angle for reference metal sample. The value of roughness was estimated and compared to initially known value of metal sample roughness. Thus, the measurement equipment and method were validated. Then the reflected intensity was measured versus reflection angle at constant incidence angle for the same metal sample and paper samples under investigation. The final values of the surface roughness were obtained from the analysis of the reflected intensity dependence. The results are in good correlation with other research groups.


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Over the last three decades, researchers have responded to the demands of industry to manufacture mechanical components with geometrical tolerance, dimensional tolerance, and surface finishing in nanometer levels. The new lapgrinding process developed in Brazil utilizes lapping kinematics and a flat grinding wheel dressed with a single-point diamond dresser in agreement with overlap factor (U(d)) theory. In the present work, the influences of different U(d) values on dressing (U(d) = 1, 3 e 5) and grain size of the grinding wheel made of silicon carbide (SiC = 800, 600 e 300 mesh) are analyzed on surface finishing of stainless steel AISI 420 flat workpieces submitted to the lapgrinding process. The best results, obtained after 10 minutes of machining, were: average surface roughness (Ra) 1.92 nm; 1.19 mu m flatness deviation of 25.4 mm diameter workpieces and mirrored surface finishing. Given the surface quality achieved, the lapgrinding process can be included among the ultra-precision finishing processes and, depending on the application, the steps of lapping followed by polishing can be replaced by the proposed abrasive process.


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PURPOSE: To show that the limited quality of surfaces produced by one model of excimer laser systems can degrade visual performance with a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) model. METHODS: A range of lenses of different powers was ablated in PMMA sheets using five DOS-based Nidek EC-5000 laser systems (Nidek Technologies, Gamagori, Japan) from different clinics. Surface quality was objectively assessed using profilometry. Contrast sensitivity and visual acuity were measured through the lenses when their powers were neutralized with suitable spectacle trial lenses. RESULTS: Average surface roughness was found to increase with lens power, roughness values being higher for negative lenses than for positive lenses. Losses in visual contrast sensitivity and acuity measured in two subjects were found to follow a similar pattern. Findings are similar to those previously published with other excimer laser systems. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of surface roughness produced by some laser systems may be sufficient to degrade visual performance under some circumstances.


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Surface quality is important in engineering and a vital aspect of it is surface roughness, since it plays an important role in wear resistance, ductility, tensile, and fatigue strength for machined parts. This paper reports on a research study on the development of a geometrical model for surface roughness prediction when face milling with square inserts. The model is based on a geometrical analysis of the recreation of the tool trail left on the machined surface. The model has been validated with experimental data obtained for high speed milling of aluminum alloy (Al 7075-T7351) when using a wide range of cutting speed, feed per tooth, axial depth of cut and different values of tool nose radius (0.8. mm and 2.5. mm), using the Taguchi method as the design of experiments. The experimental roughness was obtained by measuring the surface roughness of the milled surfaces with a non-contact profilometer. The developed model can be used for any combination of material workpiece and tool, when tool flank wear is not considered and is suitable for using any tool diameter with any number of teeth and tool nose radius. The results show that the developed model achieved an excellent performance with almost 98% accuracy in terms of predicting the surface roughness when compared to the experimental data. © 2014 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.


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Tool life is an important factor to be considered during the optimisation of a machining process since cutting parameters can be adjusted to optimise tool changing, reducing cost and time of production. Also the performance of a tool is directly linked to the generated surface roughness and this is important in cases where there are strict surface quality requirements. The prediction of tool life and the resulting surface roughness in milling operations has attracted considerable research efforts. The research reported herein is focused on defining the influence of milling cutting parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and axial depth of cut, on three major tool performance parameters namely, tool life, material removal and surface roughness. The research is seeking to define methods that will allow the selection of optimal parameters for best tool performance when face milling 416 stainless steel bars. For this study the Taguchi method was applied in a special design of an orthogonal array that allows studying the entire parameter space with only a number of experiments representing savings in cost and time of experiments. The findings were that the cutting speed has the most influence on tool life and surface roughness and very limited influence on material removal. By last tool life can be judged either from tool life or volume of material removal.


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La performance d’un produit de finition sur le bois est influencée par la manière dont la surface est préparée. Le ponçage est très utilisé pour préparer les surfaces lors de la finition. Toutefois, ce procédé génère une grande quantité de poussières. Ainsi, les effets des procédés d’usinage sur les propriétés de surface, la performance d’un vernis et l’émission de poussières ont été étudiés dans le but de déterminer les modes de préparation des surfaces les plus adéquats pour le bois de chêne rouge. Dans un premier volet, les propriétés de surface et la performance d’un vernis ont été évaluées sur les surfaces préparées à l’aide du procédé traditionnel de ponçage et de trois procédés alternatifs de rabotage soit la coupe périphérique droite, la coupe hélicoïdale et la coupe oblique. La qualité de surface a été évaluée au moyen des caractéristiques de rugosité, d’endommagement cellulaire et de mouillabilité. Des essais de résistance à l’adhésion d’un vernis d’usage intérieur ont été effectués avant et après un traitement de vieillissement accéléré. Les résultats ont montré que le ponçage a induit une rugosité et un niveau de fibrillation supérieurs à ceux des autres procédés, ainsi qu’une mouillabilité et une adhésion du vernis après vieillissement accéléré élevées. Les surfaces rabotées avec la coupe périphérique droite ont présenté un certain niveau de fibrillation, une rugosité et une mouillabilité intermédiaires. Néanmoins, l’adhésion du vernis après vieillissement a été également inférieure par rapport aux autres procédés. La coupe hélicoïdale a produit une rugosité intermédiaire. D’autre part, la coupe oblique a été le procédé qui a présenté une perte d’adhésion après vieillissement similaire au ponçage. Ce procédé a généré des surfaces lisses avec rugosité et mouillabilité intermédiaires. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, le ponçage à l’aide d’un programme P100-grain et une vitesse d’avance de 7 m/min, la coupe périphérique droite avec un angle d’attaque de 25° et une onde d’usinage de 1,0 mm, la coupe hélicoïdale avec une onde d’usinage de 1,0 mm et la coupe oblique realisé avec un angle oblique de 15° ont permis d’obtenir les meilleures conditions d’usinage pour chaque procédé. Dans un deuxième volet, l’effet de différents paramètres de coupe sur l’émission de poussières et la rugosité de la surface a été étudié lors de la coupe hélicoïdale. Les émissions de poussières ont diminué avec la diminution de laprofondeur de coupe et l’augmentation de l’épaisseur moyenne du copeau. Cependant, les surfaces obtenues avec l’épaisseur moyenne du copeau plus élevée ont présenté une rugosité supérieure. Par contre, si une surface plus lisse est requise, une vitesse d’avance intermédiaire doit être utilisée afin de diminuer la rugosité des surfaces sans exposer les travailleurs à des niveaux élevés de poussière de bois. Par ailleurs, l’émission de poussières pour chaque fraction de particules peut être estimée à travers les modèles développés.


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The performance of parts produced by Free Form Extrusion (FFE), an increasingly popular additive manufacturing technique, depends mainly on their dimensional accuracy, surface quality and mechanical performance. These attributes are strongly influenced by the evolution of the filament temperature and deformation during deposition and solidification. Consequently, the availability of adequate process modelling software would offer a powerful tool to support efficient process set-up and optimisation. This work examines the contribution to the overall heat transfer of various thermal phenomena developing during the manufacturing sequence, including convection and radiation with the environment, conduction with support and between adjacent filaments, radiation between adjacent filaments and convection with entrapped air. The magnitude of the mechanical deformation is also studied. Once this exercise is completed, it is possible to select the material properties, process variables and thermal phenomena that should be taken in for effective numerical modelling of FFE.