977 resultados para Sural Nerve


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Aging affects peripheral nerve function and regeneration in experimental models but few literature reports deal with animals aged more than one year. We investigated morphological and morphometric aspects of the sural nerve in aging rats. Female Wistar rats 360, 640 and 720 days old were killed, proximal and distal segments of the right and left sural nerves were prepared for light microscopy and computerized morphometry. No morphometric differences between proximal and distal segments or between right and left sides at the same levels were found in all experimental groups. No increase in fiber and axon sizes was observed from 360 to 720 days. Likewise, no difference in total myelinated fiber number was observed between groups. Myelinated fiber population distribution was bimodal, being the 720-days old animals` distribution shifted to the left, indicating a reduction of the fiber diameters. The 9 ratio distribution of the 720-days old animals` myelinated fiber was also shifted to the left, which suggests axonal atrophy. Morphological alterations due to aging were observed, mainly related to the myelin sheath, which suggests demyelination. Large fibers were more affected than the smaller ones. Axon abnormalities were not as common or as obvious as the myelin changes and Wallerian degeneration was rarely found. These alterations were observed in all experimental groups but were much less pronounced in rats 360 days old and their severity increased with aging. in conclusion, the present study indicates that the aging neuropathy present in the sural nerve of female rats is both axonal and demyelinating. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we describe the early changes of the myelin sheath following surgical nerve crush. We used the freeze-fracture technique to better evaluate myelin alterations during an early stage of Wallerian degeneration. Rat sural nerves were experimentally crushed and animals were sacrificed by transcardiac perfusion 30 h after surgery. Segments of the nerves were processed for routine transmission electron microscopy and freeze-fracture techniques. Our results show that 30 h after the lesion there was asynchrony in the pattern of Wallerian degeneration, with different nerve fibers exhibiting variable degrees of axon disruption. This was observed by both techniques. Careful examination of several replicas revealed early changes in myelin membranes represented by vacuolization and splitting of consecutive lamellae, rearrangement of intramembranous particles and disappearance of paranodal transverse bands associated or not with retraction of paranodal myelin terminal loops from the axolemma. These alterations are compatible with a direct injury to the myelin sheath following nerve crush. The results are discussed in terms of a similar mechanism underlying both axon and myelin breakdown.


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Os autores propõem o emprego da neurorrafia término-lateral do coto distal do nervo sural na face lateral do nervo fibular superficial para evitar anestesia ou hipoestesia na face lateral do pé após a retirada do nervo sural para enxertia. A proximidade anatômica entre os nervos em questão tornam o procedimento simples, sem aumentar o tempo cirúrgico. A neurorrafia término-lateral proposta não prejudica as estruturas inervadas pelo nervo doador .


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Objective: To evaluate donor site morbidity following sural nerve harvesting, with special attention to the recovery of sensory loss. Methods: We prospectively followed 38 subjects who underwent sural nerve harvest, including two with bilateral nerve excision. Symptoms related to sural nerve excision were evaluated and demarcation of the area with reduced touch sensation was quantified. Assessments were performed periodically up to 1 year after surgery and the results of different sensory evaluations were compared. Results: A significant reduction of sensory deficit was identified between consecutive evaluations (p < 0.05). Decreases of 26.85%, 20.69% and 24.29% were observed 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery, respectively. Shock-like pain (7.5%), stabbing pain (7.5%), and numbness (5%) were the most frequently reported symptoms. All symptoms were brief and resolved spontaneously 3-6 months after surgery. Conclusion: Sural nerve harvest can be performed with acceptable morbidity. When present, symptoms resolve between the third and sixth month after surgery and a significant reduction of sensory loss in the area innervated by the sural nerve was observed during the first year of follow-up. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: The sural nerve has been widely investigated in experimental models of neuropathies but information about its involvement in hypertension was not yet explored. The aim of the present study was to compare the morphological and morphometric aspects of different segments of the sural nerve in male and female spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Rats aged 20 weeks (N = 6 in each group) were investigated. After arterial pressure and heart rate recordings in anesthetized animals, right and left sural nerves were removed and prepared for epoxy resin embedding and light microscopy. Morphometric analysis was performed with the aid of computer software, and took into consideration the fascicle area and diameter, as well as myelinated fiber number, density, area and diameter. Results: Significant differences were observed for the myelinated fiber number and density, comparing different genders of WKY and SHR. Also, significant differences for the morphological (thickening of the endoneural blood vessel walls and lumen reduction) and morphometric (myelinated fibers diameter and G ratio) parameters of myelinated fibers were identified. Morphological exam of the myelinated fibers suggested the presence of a neuropathy due to hypertension in both SHR genders. Conclusions: These results indicate that hypertension altered important morphometric parameters related to nerve conduction of sural nerve in hypertensive animals. Moreover the comparison between males and females of WKY and SHR allows the conclusion that the morphological and morphometric parameters of sural nerve are not gender related. The morphometric approach confirmed the presence of neuropathy, mainly associated to the small myelinated fibers. In conclusion, the present study collected evidences that the high blood pressure in SHR is affecting the sural nerve myelinated fibers.


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In this study we sought to evaluate the reproducibility of sensory nerve conduction studies (NCS) using ultrasound-guided needle positioning (USNP).


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Combined extended nerve and soft tissue defects of the upper extremity require nerve reconstruction and adequate soft tissue coverage. This study focuses on the reliability of the free vascularized sural nerve graft combined with a fasciocutaneous posterior calf flap within this indication. An anatomical study was performed on 26 cadaveric lower extremities that had been Thiel fixated and color silicone injected. Dissection of the fasciocutaneous posterior calf flap involved the medial sural nerve and superficial sural artery (SSA) with its septocutaneous perforators, extended laterally to include the lateral cutaneous branch of the sural nerve and continued to the popliteal origin of the vascular pedicle and the nerves. The vessel and nerves diameter were measured with an eyepiece reticle at 4.5× magnification. Length and diameter of the nerves and vessels were carefully assessed and reported in the dissection book. A total of 26 flaps were dissected. The SSA originated from the medial sural artery (13 cases), the popliteal artery (12 cases), or the lateral sural artery (one case). The average size of the SSA was 1.4 ± 0.4 mm. The mean pedicle length before the artery joined the sural nerve was 4.5 ± 1.9 cm. A comitant vein was present in 21 cases with an average diameter of 2.0 ± 0.8 mm, in 5 cases a separate vein needed to be dissected with an average diameter of 3.5 ± 0.4 mm. The mean medial vascularized sural nerve length was 21.2 ± 8.9 cm. Because of inclusion of the vascularized part of the lateral branch of the sural nerve (mean length of 16.7 ± 4.8 cm), a total of 35.0 ± 9.6 cm mean length of vascularized nerve could be gained from each extremity. The free vascularized sural nerve graft combined with a fasciocutaneous posterior calf flap pedicled on the SSA offers a reliable solution for complex tissue and nerve defect. Clin. Anat. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to report our preliminary results regarding microsurgical repair of the sural nerve after nerve biopsy, in an attempt to reduce the well-described sensory morbidity and neuroma formation. METHODS: Three patients with a suspected diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy underwent sural nerve biopsies to establish definitive diagnoses. A 10-mm segment of the sural nerve was resected with local anesthesia. After harvesting of the specimen, the proximal and distal nerve stumps were carefully mobilized and united with epineural suture techniques, under a surgical microscope. Sensory evaluations (assessing the presence of hypesthesia/dysesthesia or pain) of the lateral aspect of the foot, in regions designated Areas 1, 2, and 3, were performed before and 6 and 12 months after the biopsies. A visual analog scale was used for pain estimation. RESULTS: The biopsy material was sufficient for histopathological examinations in all cases, leading to conclusive diagnoses (vasculitis in two cases and amyloidosis in one case). The early post-biopsy hypesthesia, which was present for 4 to 8 weeks, improved to preoperative levels as early as 6 months after the nerve repair. Sensory evaluations performed at 6- and 12-month follow-up times demonstrated that none of the patients complained of pain at the biopsy site or distally in the area innervated by the sural nerve. Ultrasonography performed at the 12-month follow-up examination revealed normal sural nerve morphological features, with no neuroma formation, comparable to findings for the contralateral site. CONCLUSION: Microsurgical repair of the sural nerve after biopsy can eliminate or reduce sensory disturbances such as paraesthesia, hypesthesia, and dysesthesia distal to the biopsy site, in the distribution of the sensory innervation of the sural nerve, and can prevent painful neuroma formation. To our knowledge, this article is the first in the literature to report on microsurgical repair of the sural nerve after nerve biopsy. Decreased side effects suggest that this technique can become a standard procedure after sural nerve biopsy, which is commonly required to establish the diagnosis of various diseases, such as peripheral nerve pathological conditions, vasculitis, and amyloidosis. More cases should be analyzed, however, to explore the usefulness of the technique and the reliability of sural nerve biopsy samples in attempts to obtain conclusive diagnoses.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the usefulness of ultrasound imaging to improve the positioning of the recording needle for nerve conduction studies (NCS) of the sural nerve. METHODS: Orthodromic NCS of the sural nerve was performed in 44 consecutive patients evaluated for polyneuropathy. Ultrasound-guided needle positioning (USNP) was compared to conventional "blind" needle positioning (BNP), electrically guided needle positioning (EGNP), and to recordings with surface electrodes (SFN). RESULTS: The mean distance between the needle tip and the nerve was 1.1 mm with USNP compared to 5.1 mm with BNP (p<0.0001). The mean amplitude of the sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) was 21 microV with USNP and 11 microV with BNP (p<0.0001). Compared to BNP, nerve-needle distances and SNAP amplitudes did not improve with EGNP. SNAP amplitudes recorded with SFN were significantly smaller than with BNP, EGNP and USNP. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound increases the precision of needle positioning markedly, compared to conventional methods. The amplitude of the recorded SNAP is usually clearly greater using USNP. In addition, USNP is faster, less painful and less dependent on the patient. SIGNIFICANCE: USNP is superior to BNP, EGNP, and SFN in accurate measurement of SNAP amplitude. It has a potential use in the routine near-nerve needle sensory NCS of pure sensory nerves.


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INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to compare orthodromic sural nerve conduction study (NCS) results using ultrasound-guided needle positioning (USNP) to surface electrode recordings. METHODS 51 healthy subjects aged 24 - 80 years, divided into 5 age groups, were examined. Electrical stimuli were applied behind the lateral malleolus. Sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) were recorded 8 and 15 cm proximally with surface and needle electrodes. RESULTS Mean SNAP amplitudes in µV (surface/needle electrodes) averaged 12.7 (SD 7.6)/40.6 (SD 20.8), P<0.001, for subjects aged 20-29 years, and 5.0 (SD 2.4)/19.8 (SD 9.8), P<0.01, for subjects aged > 60 years. SNAP amplitudes were smaller at the proximal recording location. DISCUSSION NCS using USNP yield higher amplitude responses than surface electrodes in all age groups at all recording sites. SNAP amplitudes are smaller at proximal recording locations due to sural nerve branching. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to assess whether the adhesive permits the collateral repair of axons originating from a vagus nerve to the interior of a sural nerve graft, and whether low-level laser therapy (LLLT) assists in the regeneration process. Study sample consisted of 32 rats randomly separated into three groups: Control Group (CG; n=8), from which the intact sural nerve was collected; Experimental Group (EG; n=12), in which one of the ends of the sural nerve graft was coapted to the vagus nerve using the fibrin glue; and Experimental Group Laser (EGL; n=12), in which the animals underwent the same procedures as those in EG with the addition of LLLT. Ten weeks after surgery, the animals were euthanized. Morphological analysis by means of optical and electron microscopy, and morphometry of the regenerated fibers were employed to evaluate the results. Collateral regeneration of axons was observed from the vagus nerve to the interior of the autologous graft in EG and EGL, and in CG all dimensions measured were greater and presented a significant difference in relation to EG and EGL, except for the area and thickness of the myelin sheath, that showed significant difference only in relation to the EG. The present study demonstrated that the fibrin glue makes axonal regeneration feasible and is an efficient method to recover injured peripheral nerves, and the use of low-level laser therapy enhances nerve regeneration.


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BACKGROUND: In patients with supraclavicular injuries of the brachial plexus, the suprascapular nerve (SSN) is frequently reconstructed with a sural nerve graft coapted to C5. As the C5 cross-sectional diameter exceeds the graft diameter, inadequate positioning of the graft is possible. OBJECTIVE: To identify a specific area within the C5 proximal stump that contains the SSN axons and to determine how this area could be localized by the nerve surgeon, we conducted a microanatomic study of the intraplexal topography of the SSN. METHODS: The right-sided C5 and C6 roots, the upper trunk with its divisions, and the SSN of 20 adult nonfixed cadavers were removed and fixed. The position and area occupied by the SSN fibers inside C5 were assessed and registered under magnification. RESULTS: The SSN was monofascicular in all specimens and derived its fibers mainly from C5. Small contributions from C6 were found in 12 specimens (60%). The mean transverse area of C5 occupied by SSN fibers was 28.23%. In 16 specimens (80%), the SSN fibers were localized in the ventral (mainly the rostroventral) quadrants of C5, a cross-sectional area between 9 o`clock and 3 o`clock from the surgeon`s intraoperative perspective. CONCLUSION: In reconstruction of the SSN with a sural nerve graft, coaptation should be performed in the rostroventral quadrant of C5 cross-sectional area (between 9 and 12 o`clock from the nerve surgeon`s point of view in a right-sided brachial plexus exploration). This will minimize axonal misrouting and may improve outcome.


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Objectives: In cases of partial lesions of the intratemporal segment of the facial nerve, should the surgeon perform an intraoperative partial reconstruction, or partially remove the injured segment and place a graft? We present results from partial lesion reconstruction on the intratemporal segment of the facial nerve. Methods: A retrospective study on 42 patients who presented partial lesions on the intratemporal segment of the facial nerve was performed between 1988 and 2005. The patients were divided into 3 groups based on the procedure used: interposition of the partial graft on the injured area of the nerve (group 1; 12 patients); keeping the preserved part and performing tubulization (group 2; 8 patients); and dividing the parts of the injured nerve (proximal and distal) and placing a total graft of the sural nerve (group 3; 22 patients). Results: Fracture of the temporal bone was the most frequent cause of the lesion in all groups, followed by iatrogenic causes (p < 0.005). Those who obtained results lower than or equal to III on the House-Brackmann scale were 1 (8.3%) of the patients in group 1, none (0.0%) of the patients in group 2, and 15 (68.2%) of the patients in group 3 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The best surgical technique for therapy of a partial lesion of the facial nerve is still questionable. Among these 42 patients, the best results were those from the total graft of the facial nerve.


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The rat saphenous nerve contains only somato-sensory fibers and is used in investigations of neuropathic pain and its treatment. Due to its superficial anatomical path, the saphenous nerve is also widely used in electrophysiological studies. Nevertheless, morphologic and morphometric descriptions of the normal saphenous nerve are scanty in the literature and information on useful morphometric parameters of this nerve is still missing. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the longitudinal and lateral symmetry of the saphenous nerve in young rats. Proximal and distal segments of the left and right saphenous nerves from female Wistar rats, aged 30 days (N = 5) were morphometrically evaluated and comparisons were made between sides and segments. Our results show that the saphenous nerve is longitudinally and laterally symmetric since there were no morphometric differences between proximal and distal segments, as well as between right and left sides. This lateral symmetry is important in order to validate those experiments in which the contralateral nerve is used as the control. Also, the longitudinal symmetry information is fundamental to further studies involving the ""dying back"" neuropathy models. The present study adds to the literature new morphometric information on the rat saphenous nerve that might be useful for a better interpretation of further studies involving this nerve and experimental models of nerve diseases. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The vagus nerve is an important component of the efferent arm of the baroreflex. Blood pressure levels as well as baroreflex control of circulation are significantly different in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). We proposed to investigate the morphometric differences between genders using the vagus nerve of SHR. Adult animals (20 weeks old) were anesthetized and had their arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate (HR) recorded by a computerized system. The rats were then systemically perfused with a fixative solution and had their cervical vagi nerves prepared for light microscopy. Proximal and distal segments of the left and right vagi nerves were evaluated for morphometric parameters including fascicle area and diameter, myelinated fiber number, density, area and diameter. Comparisons were made between sides and segments on the same gender as well as between genders. Differences were considered significant when p<0.05. Male SHR had significantly higher AP and HR. Morphometric data showed no differences between the same levels of both sides and between segments on the same side for male and female rats. In addition, no significant morphometric differences were observed when genders were compared. This is the first description of vagus nerve morphometry in SHR indicating that gender differences in AP and HR cannot be attributed to dissimilarities in vagal innervation of the heart. These data provide a morphological basis for further studies involving functional investigations of the efferent arm of the baroreflex in hypertension. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.