981 resultados para Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics


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In the last decades, the study of nonlinear one dimensional lattices has attracted much attention of the scientific community. One of these lattices is related to a simplified model for the DNA molecule, allowing to recover experimental results, such as the denaturation of DNA double helix. Inspired by this model we construct a Hamiltonian for a reflectionless potential through the Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics formalism, SQM. Thermodynamical properties of such one dimensional lattice are evaluated aming possible biological applications.


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Supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain the spectrum and eigenstates of one-dimensional Hamiltonians. It is particularly useful when applied to partially solvable potentials because a superalgebra allows us to compute the spectrum state by state. Some solutions for the truncated Coulomb potential, an asymptotically linear potential, and a nonpolynomial potential are shown to exemplify the method.


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In the usual supersymmetric quantum mechanics, the supercharges change the eigenfunction from the bosonic to fermionic sector and conversely. The classical correspondent of this transformation is shown to be the addition of a total time derivative of a purely imaginary function to the Lagrangian function of the system.


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The formalism of supersymmetric quantum mechanics supplies a trial wave function to be used in the variational method. The screened Coulomb potential is analyzed within this approach. Numerical and exact results for energy eigenvalues are compared.


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The energy states of the confined harmonic oscillator and the Hulthén potentials are evaluated using the Variational Method associated to Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics.


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Simulations of supersymmetric field theories on the lattice with (spontaneously) broken supersymmetry suffer from a fermion sign problem related to the vanishing of the Witten index. We propose a novel approach which solves this problem in low dimensions by formulating the path integral on the lattice in terms of fermion loops. For N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics the loop formulation becomes particularly simple and in this paper – the first in a series of three – we discuss in detail the reformulation of this model in terms of fermionic and bosonic bonds for various lattice discretisations including one which is Q-exact.


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Simulations of supersymmetric field theories with spontaneously broken supersymmetry require in addition to the ultraviolet regularisation also an infrared one, due to the emergence of the massless Goldstino. The intricate interplay between ultraviolet and infrared effects towards the continuum and infinite volume limit demands careful investigations to avoid potential problems. In this paper – the second in a series of three – we present such an investigation for N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics formulated on the lattice in terms of bosonic and fermionic bonds. In one dimension, the bond formulation allows to solve the system exactly, even at finite lattice spacing, through the construction and analysis of transfer matrices. In the present paper we elaborate on this approach and discuss a range of exact results for observables such as the Witten index, the mass spectra and Ward identities.


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In the fermion loop formulation the contributions to the partition function naturally separate into topological equivalence classes with a definite sign. This separation forms the basis for an efficient fermion simulation algorithm using a fluctuating open fermion string. It guarantees sufficient tunnelling between the topological sectors, and hence provides a solution to the fermion sign problem affecting systems with broken supersymmetry. Moreover, the algorithm shows no critical slowing down even in the massless limit and can hence handle the massless Goldstino mode emerging in the supersymmetry broken phase. In this paper – the third in a series of three – we present the details of the simulation algorithm and demonstrate its efficiency by means of a few examples.


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We present a new method to construct the exactly solvable PT-symmetric potentials within the framework of the position-dependent effective mass Dirac equation with the vector potential coupling scheme in 1 + 1 dimensions. In order to illustrate the procedure, we produce three PT-symmetric potentials as examples, which are PT-symmetric harmonic oscillator-like potential, PT-symmetric potential with the form of a linear potential plus an inversely linear potential, and PT-symmetric kink-like potential, respectively. The real relativistic energy levels and corresponding spinor components for the bound states are obtained by using the basic concepts of the supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism and function analysis method. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q60, 35Q40.


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We derive the fermion loop formulation of N=4 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills quantum mechanics on the lattice. The loop formulation naturally separates the contributions to the partition function into its bosonic and fermionic parts with fixed fermion number and provides a way to control potential fermion sign problems arising in numerical simulations of the theory. Furthermore, we present a reduced fermion matrix determinant which allows the projection into the canonical sectors of the theory and hence constitutes an alternative approach to simulate the theory on the lattice.


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We consider the descendants of self-adjointly extended Hamiltonians in supersymmetric quantum mechanics on a half-line, on an interval, and on a punctured line or interval. While there is a 4-parameter family of self-adjointly extended Hamiltonians on a punctured line, only a 3-parameter sub-family has supersymmetric descendants that are themselves self-adjoint. We also address the self-adjointness of an operator related to the supercharge, and point out that only a sub-class of its most general self-adjoint extensions is physical. Besides a general characterization of self-adjoint extensions and their supersymmetric descendants, we explicitly consider concrete examples, including a particle in a box with general boundary conditions, with and without an additional point interaction. We also discuss bulk-boundary resonances and their manifestation in the supersymmetric descendant.


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Presentation about information modelling and artificial intelligence, semantic structure, cognitive processing and quantum theory.


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Many grand unified theories (GUT's) predict non-Abelian monopoles which are sources of non-Abelian (and Abelian) magnetic flux. In the preceding paper, we discussed in detail the topological obstructions to the global implementation of the action of the "unbroken symmetry group" H on a classical test particle in the field of such a monopole. In this paper, the existence of similar topological obstructions to the definition of H action on the fields in such a monopole sector, as well as on the states of a quantum-mechanical test particle in the presence of such fields, are shown in detail. Some subgroups of H which can be globally realized as groups of automorphisms are identified. We also discuss the application of our analysis to the SU(5) GUT and show in particular that the non-Abelian monopoles of that theory break color and electroweak symmetries.