1000 resultados para Supercooled Water


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We find that at low temperature water, large amplitude (similar to 60 degrees) rotational jumps propagate like a string, with the length of propagation increasing with lowering temperature. The strings are formed by mobile 5-coordinated water molecules which move like a Glarum defect (J. Chem. Phys., 1960, 33, 1371), causing water molecules on the path to change from 4-coordinated to 5-coordinated and again back to 4-coordinated water, and in the process cause the tagged water molecule to jump, by following essentially the Laage-Hynes mechanism (Science, 2006, 311, 832-835). The effects on relaxation of the propagating defect causing large amplitude jumps are manifested most dramatically in the mean square displacement (MSD) and also in the rotational time correlation function of the O-H bond of the molecule that is visited by the defect (transient transition to the 5-coordinated state). The MSD and the decay of rotational time correlation function, both remain quenched in the absence of any visit by the defect, as postulated by Glarum long time ago. We establish a direct connection between these propagating events and the known thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in supercooled water. These strings are found largely in the regions that surround the relatively rigid domains of 4-coordinated water molecules. The propagating strings give rise to a noticeable dynamical heterogeneity, quantified here by a sharp rise in the peak of the four-point density response function, chi(4)(t). This dynamics heterogeneity is also responsible for the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation.


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The structure of the hydrogen bond network is a key element for understanding water's thermodynamic and kinetic anomalies. While ambient water is strongly believed to be a uniform, continuous hydrogen-bonded liquid, there is growing consensus that supercooled water is better described in terms of distinct domains with either a low-density ice-like structure or a high-density disordered one. We evidenced two distinct rotational mobilities of probe molecules in interstitial supercooled water of polycrystalline ice Banerjee D, et al. (2009) ESR evidence for 2 coexisting liquid phases in deeply supercooled bulk water. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106: 11448-11453]. Here we show that, by increasing the confinement of interstitial water, the mobility of probe molecules, surprisingly, increases. We argue that loose confinement allows the presence of ice-like regions in supercooled water, whereas a tighter confinement yields the suppression of this ordered fraction and leads to higher fluidity. Compelling evidence of the presence of ice-like regions is provided by the probe orientational entropy barrier which is set, through hydrogen bonding, by the configuration of the surrounding water molecules and yields a direct measure of the configurational entropy of the same. We find that, under loose confinement of supercooled water, the entropy barrier surmounted by the slower probe fraction exceeds that of equilibrium water by the melting entropy of ice, whereas no increase of the barrier is observed under stronger confinement. The lower limit of metastability of supercooled water is discussed.


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The well-known classical nucleation theory (CNT) for the free energy barrier towards formation of a nucleus of critical size of the new stable phase within the parent metastable phase fails to take into account the influence of other metastable phases having density/order intermediate between the parent metastable phase and the final stable phase. This lacuna can be more serious than capillary approximation or spherical shape assumption made in CNT. This issue is particularly significant in ice nucleation because liquid water shows rich phase diagram consisting of two (high and low density) liquid phases in supercooled state. The explanations of thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies of supercooled water often invoke the possible influence of a liquid-liquid transition between two metastable liquid phases. To investigate both the role of thermodynamic anomalies and presence of distinct metastable liquid phases in supercooled water on ice nucleation, we employ density functional theoretical approach to find nucleation free energy barrier in different regions of phase diagram. The theory makes a number of striking predictions, such as a dramatic lowering of nucleation barrier due to presence of a metastable intermediate phase and crossover in the dependence of free energy barrier on temperature near liquid-liquid critical point. These predictions can be tested by computer simulations as well as by controlled experiments. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The structural changes occurring in supercooled liquid water upon moving from one coexisting liquid phase to the other have been investigated by computer simulation using a polarizable interaction potential model. The obtained results favorably compare with recent neutron scattering data of high and low density water. In order to assess the physical origin of the observed structural changes, computer simulation of several ice polymorphs has also been carried out. Our results show that there is a strict analogy between the structure of various disordered (supercooled) and ordered (ice) phases of water, suggesting that the occurrence of several different phases of supercooled water is rooted in the same physical origin that is responsible for ice polymorphism.


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Using Monte Carlo simulations we study a coarse­grained model of a water layer confined in a fixed disordered matrix of hydrophobic nanoparticles at different particle concentrations c. For c = 0 we find a 1st order liquid­liquid phase transition (LLPT) ending in one critical point at low pressure P. For c > 0 our simulations are consistent with a LLPT line ending in two critical points at low and high pressure. For c = 25% at high P and low temperature T we find a dramatic decrease of compressibility, thermal expansion coefficient, and specific heat. Surprisingly, the effect is present also for c as low as 2.4%. We conclude that even a small presence of nanoscopic hydrophobes can drastically suppress thermodynamic fluctuations, making the detection of the LLPT more difficult.


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The freezing behavior of water confined in compacted charged and uncharged clays (montmorillonite in Na-and Ca-forms, illite in Na-and Ca-forms, kaolinite and pyrophyllite) was investigated by neutron scattering. Firstly, the amount of frozen (immobile) water was measured as a function of temperature at the IN16 backscattering spectrometer, Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL). Water in uncharged, partly hydrophobic (kaolinite) and fully hydrophobic (pyrophyllite) clays exhibited a similar freezing and melting behavior to that of bulk water. In contrast, water in charged clays which are hydrophilic could be significantly supercooled. To observe the water dynamics in these clays, further experiments were performed using quasielastic neutron scattering. At temperatures of 250, 260 and 270 K the diffusive motion of water could still be observed, but with a strong reduction in the water mobility as compared with the values obtained above 273 K. The diffusion coefficients followed a non-Arrhenius temperature dependence well described by the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann and the fractional power relations. The fits revealed that Na-and Ca-montmorillonite and Ca-illite have similar Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann temperatures (T-VFT, often referred to as the glass transition temperature) of similar to 120 K and similar temperatures at which the water undergoes the 'strong-fragile' transition, T-s similar to 210 K. On the other hand, Na-illite had significantly larger values of T-VFT similar to 180 K and T-s similar to 240 K. Surprisingly, Ca-illite has a similar freezing behavior of water to that of montmorillonites, even though it has a rather different structure. We attribute this to the stronger hydration of Ca ions as compared with the Na ions occurring in the illite clays.


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Water has been called the “most studied and least understood” of all liquids, and upon supercooling its behavior becomes even more anomalous. One particularly fruitful hypothesis posits a liquid-liquid critical point terminating a line of liquid-liquid phase transitions that lies just beyond the reach of experiment. Underlying this hypothesis is the conjecture that there is a competition between two distinct hydrogen-bonding structures of liquid water, one associated with high density and entropy and the other with low density and entropy. The competition between these structures is hypothesized to lead at very low temperatures to a phase transition between a phase rich in the high-density structure and one rich in the low-density structure. Equations of state based on this conjecture have given an excellent account of the thermodynamic properties of supercooled water. In this thesis, I extend that line of research. I treat supercooled aqueous solutions and anomalous behavior of the thermal conductivity of supercooled water. I also address supercooled water at negative pressures, leading to a framework for a coherent understanding of the thermodynamics of water at low temperatures. I supplement analysis of experimental results with data from the TIP4P/2005 model of water, and include an extensive analysis of the thermodynamics of this model.


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Using electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), we measure the rotational mobility of probe molecules highly diluted in deeply supercooled bulk water and negligibly constrained by the possible ice fraction. The mobility increases above the putative glass transition temperature of water, T-g = 136 K, and smoothly connects to the thermodynamically stable region by traversing the so called "no man's land" (the range 150-235 K), where it is believed that the homogeneous nucleation of ice suppresses the liquid water. Two coexisting fractions of the probe molecules are evidenced. The 2 fractions exhibit different mobility and fragility; the slower one is thermally activated (low fragility) and is larger at low temperatures below a fragile-to-strong dynamic cross-over at approximate to 225 K. The reorientation of the probe molecules decouples from the viscosity below approximate to 225 K. The translational diffusion of water exhibits a corresponding decoupling at the same temperature [Chen S-H, et al. (2006) The violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled water. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:12974-12978]. The present findings are consistent with key issues concerning both the statics and the dynamics of supercooled water, namely the large structural fluctuations [Poole PH, Sciortino F, Essmann U, Stanley HE (1992) Phase behavior of metastable water. Nature 360: 324-328] and the fragile-to-strong dynamic cross-over at approximate to 228 K [Ito K, Moynihan CT, Angell CA (1999) Thermodynamic determination of fragility in liquids and a fragile-tostrong liquid transition in water. Nature 398: 492-494].


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Liquid water is known to exhibit remarkable thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies, ranging from solvation properties in supercritical state to an apparent divergence of the linear response functions at a low temperature. Anomalies in various dynamic properties of water have also been observed in the hydration layer of proteins, DNA grooves and inside the nanocavity, such as reverse micelles and nanotubes. Here we report studies on the molecular origin of these anomalies in supercooled water, in the grooves of DNA double helix and reverse micelles. The anomalies have been discussed in terms of growing correlation length and intermittent population fluctuation of 4- and 5-coordinated species. We establish correlation between thermodynamic response functions and mean squared species number fluctuation. Lifetime analysis of 4- and 5-coordinated species reveals interesting differences between the role of the two species in supercooled and constrained water. The nature and manifestations of the apparent and much discussed liquid-liquid transition under confinement are found to be markedly different from that in the bulk. We find an interesting `faster than bulk' relaxation in reverse micelles which we attribute to frustration effects created by competition between the correlations imposed by surface interactions and that imposed by hydrogen bond network of water.


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A nonlinear equation of motion is found for the dimer comprising two charged H2O molecules. The THz dielectric response to nonharmonic vibration of a nonrigid dipole, forming the hydrogen bond (HB), is found in the direction transverse to this bond. An explicit expression is derived for the autocorrelator that governs the spectrum generated by transverse vibration (TV) of such a dipole. This expression is obtained by analytical solution of the truncated set of recurrence equations. The far infrared (FIR) spectra of ice at the temperature - 7 degrees C are calculated. The wideband, in the wavenumber (frequency) v range 0... 100.0 cm(-1), spectra are obtained for liquid water at room temperature and for supercooled water at -5.6 degrees C. All spectra are represented in terms of the complex permittivity epsilon(v) and the absorption coefficient alpha(v). The obtained analytical formula for epsilon comprises the term epsilon(perpendicular to) pertinent to the studied TV mechanism with three additional terms Delta epsilon(q), Delta epsilon(mu), and epsilon(or) arising, respectively, from: elastic harmonic vibration of charged molecules along the H-bond; elastic reorientation of HB permanent dipoles; and rather free libration of permanent dipoles in 'defects' of water/ice structure. The suggested TV-dielectric relaxation mechanism allows us: (a) to remove the THz 'deficit' of loss epsilon" inherent in previous theoretical studies; (b) to explain the THz loss and absorption spectra in supercooled (SC) water; and (c) to describe, in agreement with the experiment, the low- and high-frequency tails of the two bands of ice H2O located in the range 10...300 cm(-1). Specific THz dielectric properties of SC water are ascribed to association of water molecules, revealed in our study by transverse vibration of HB charged molecules. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Simultaneous observations of cloud microphysical properties were obtained by in-situ aircraft measurements and ground based Radar/Lidar. Widespread mid-level stratus cloud was present below a temperature inversion (~5 °C magnitude) at 3.6 km altitude. Localised convection (peak updraft 1.5 m s−1) was observed 20 km west of the Radar station. This was associated with convergence at 2.5 km altitude. The convection was unable to penetrate the inversion capping the mid-level stratus. The mid-level stratus cloud was vertically thin (~400 m), horizontally extensive (covering 100 s of km) and persisted for more than 24 h. The cloud consisted of supercooled water droplets and small concentrations of large (~1 mm) stellar/plate like ice which slowly precipitated out. This ice was nucleated at temperatures greater than −12.2 °C and less than −10.0 °C, (cloud top and cloud base temperatures, respectively). No ice seeding from above the cloud layer was observed. This ice was formed by primary nucleation, either through the entrainment of efficient ice nuclei from above/below cloud, or by the slow stochastic activation of immersion freezing ice nuclei contained within the supercooled drops. Above cloud top significant concentrations of sub-micron aerosol were observed and consisted of a mixture of sulphate and carbonaceous material, a potential source of ice nuclei. Particle number concentrations (in the size range 0.1water droplets and a few rimed ice particles, (3) Columns were larger and increasingly rimed at colder temperatures. Calculated ice splinter production rates are consistent with observed concentrations if the condition that only droplets greater than 24 μm are capable of generating secondary ice splinters is relaxed. This case demonstrates the importance of understanding the formation of ice at slightly supercooled temperatures, as it can lead to secondary ice production and the formation of precipitation in clouds which may not otherwise be considered as significant precipitation sources.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war es, Einblicke in das Kristallisationsverhalten weicher Materie („soft matter“), wie verschiedener Polymere oder Wasser, unter räumlicher Einschränkung („confinement“) zu erlangen. Dabei sollte untersucht werden, wie, weshalb und wann die Kristallisation in nanoporösen Strukturen eintritt. Desweiteren ist Kristallisation weicher Materie in nanoporösen Strukturen nicht nur aus Aspekten der Grundlagenforschung von großem Interesse, sondern es ergeben sich zahlreiche praktische Anwendungen. Durch die gezielte Steuerung der Kristallinität von Polymeren könnten somit Materialien mit verschiendenen mechanischen und optischen Eigenschaften erhalten werden. Desweiteren wurde auch räumlich eingeschränktes Wasser untersucht. Dieses spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Molekularbiologie, z.B. für das globuläre Protein, und als Wolkenkondensationskeime in der Atmosphärenchemie und Physik. Auch im interstellaren Raum ist eingeschränktes Wasser in Form von Eispartikeln anzutreffen. Die Kristallisation von eingeschränktem Wasser zu verstehen und zu beeinflussen ist letztlich auch für die Haltbarkeit von Baumaterialien wie etwa Zement von großem Interesse.rnUm dies zu untersuchen wird Wasser in der Regel stark abgekühlt und das Kristallisationsverhalten in Abhängigkeit des Volumens untersucht. Dabei wurde beobachtet, dass Mikro- bzw. Nanometer große Volumina erst ab -38 °C bzw. -70 °C kristallisieren. Wasser unterliegt dabei in der Regel dem Prozess der homogenen Nukleation. In der Regel gefriert Wasser aber bei höheren Temperaturen, da durch Verunreinigungen eine vorzeitige, heterogene Nukleation eintritt.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die sachdienlichen Phasendiagramme von kristallisierbaren Polymeren und Wasser unter räumlich eingeschränkten Bedingungen. Selbst ausgerichtetes Aluminiumoxid (AAO) mit Porengrößen im Bereich von 25 bis 400 nm wurden als räumliche Einschränkung sowohl für Polymere als auch für Wasser gewählt. Die AAO Nanoporen sind zylindrisch und parallel ausgerichtet. Außerdem besitzen sie eine gleichmäßige Porenlänge und einen gleichmäßigen Durchmesser. Daher eignen sie sich als Modelsystem um Kristallisationsprozesse unter wohldefinierter räumlicher Einschränkung zu untersuchen.rnEs wurden verschiedene halbkristalline Polymere verwendet, darunter Poly(ethylenoxid), Poly(ɛ-Caprolacton) und Diblockcopolymere aus PEO-b-PCL. Der Einfluss der Porengröße auf die Nukleation wurde aus verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten untersucht: (i) Einfluss auf den Nukleationmechanismus (heterogene gegenüber homogener Nukleation), (ii) Kristallorientierung und Kristallinitätsgrad und (iii) Zusammenhang zwischen Kristallisationstemperatur bei homogener Kristallisation und Glasübergangstemperatur.rnEs konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Kristallisation von Polymeren in Bulk durch heterogene Nukleation induziert wird und das die Kristallisation in kleinen Poren hauptsächlich über homogene Nukleation mit reduzierter und einstellbarer Kristallinität verläuft und eine hohe Kristallorientierung aufweist. Durch die AAOs konnte außerdem die kritische Keimgröße für die Kristallisation der Polymere abgeschätzt werden. Schließlich wurde der Einfluss der Polydispersität, von Oligomeren und anderen Zusatzstoffen auf den Nukleationsmechanismus untersucht.rn4rnDie Nukleation von Eis wurde in den selben AAOs untersucht und ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Nukleationstyp (heterogen bzw. homogen) und der gebildeten Eisphase konnte beobachtet werden. In größeren Poren verlief die Nukleation heterogen, wohingegen sie in kleineren Poren homogen verlief. Außerdem wurde eine Phasenumwandlung des Eises beobachtet. In den größeren Poren wurde hexagonales Eis nachgewiesen und unter einer Porengröße von 35 nm trat hauptsächlich kubisches Eis auf. Nennenswerter Weise handelte es sich bei dem kubischem Eis nicht um eine metastabile sondern eine stabile Phase. Abschließend wird ein Phasendiagramm für räumlich eingeschränktes Wasser vorgeschlagen. Dieses Phasendiagramm kann für technische Anwendungen von Bedeutung sein, so z.B. für Baumaterial wie Zement. Als weiteres Beispiel könnten AAOs, die die heterogene Nukleation unterdrücken (Porendurchmesser ≤ 35 nm) als Filter für Reinstwasser zum Einsatz kommen.rnNun zur Anfangs gestellten Frage: Wie unterschiedlich sind Wasser und Polymerkristallisation voneinander unter räumlicher Einschränkung? Durch Vergleich der beiden Phasendiagramme kommen wir zu dem Schluss, dass beide nicht fundamental verschieden sind. Dies ist zunächst verwunderlich, da Wasser ein kleines Molekül ist und wesentlich kleiner als die kleinste Porengröße ist. Wasser verfügt allerdings über starke Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen und verhält sich daher wie ein Polymer. Daher auch der Name „Polywasser“.


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In this paper, data from spaceborne radar, lidar and infrared radiometers on the “A-Train” of satellites are combined in a variational algorithm to retrieve ice cloud properties. The method allows a seamless retrieval between regions where both radar and lidar are sensitive to the regions where one detects the cloud. We first implement a cloud phase identification method, including identification of supercooled water layers using the lidar signal and temperature to discriminate ice from liquid. We also include rigorous calculation of errors assigned in the variational scheme. We estimate the impact of the microphysical assumptions on the algorithm when radiances are not assimilated by evaluating the impact of the change in the area-diameter and the density-diameter relationships in the retrieval of cloud properties. We show that changes to these assumptions affect the radar-only and lidar-only retrieval more than the radar-lidar retrieval, although the lidar-only extinction retrieval is only weakly affected. We also show that making use of the molecular lidar signal beyond the cloud as a constraint on optical depth, when ice clouds are sufficiently thin to allow the lidar signal to penetrate them entirely, improves the retrieved extinction. When infrared radiances are available, they provide an extra constraint and allow the extinction-to-backscatter ratio to vary linearly with height instead of being constant, which improves the vertical distribution of retrieved cloud properties.


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Observations have been obtained within an intense (precipitation rates > 50 mm h−1 ) narrow cold-frontal rainband (NCFR) embedded within a broader region of stratiform precipitation. In situ data were obtained from an aircraft which flew near a steerable dual-polarisation Doppler radar. The observations were obtained to characterise the microphysical properties of cold frontal clouds, with an emphasis on ice and precipitation formation and development. Primary ice nucleation near cloud top (−55◦ C) appeared to be enhanced by convective features. However, ice multiplication led to the largest ice particle number concentrations being observed at relatively high temperatures (> −10◦ C). The multiplication process (most likely rime splintering) occurs when stratiform precipitation interacts with supercooled water generated in the NCFR. Graupel was notably absent in the data obtained. Ice multiplication processes are known to have a strong impact in glaciating isolated convective clouds, but have rarely been studied within larger organised convective systems such as NCFRs. Secondary ice particles will impact on precipitation formation and cloud dynamics due to their relatively small size and high number density. Further modelling studies are required to quantify the effects of rime splintering on precipitation and dynamics in frontal rainbands. Available parametrizations used to diagnose the particle size distributions do not account for the influence of ice multiplication. This deficiency in parametrizations is likely to be important in some cases for modelling the evolution of cloud systems and the precipitation formation. Ice multiplication has significant impact on artefact removal from in situ particle imaging probes.


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In recent efforts to produce cryoprotective solutions which cause either complete, or almost complete, vitrification of the cell or tissue material, increasingly complex cocktails of solutes have invariably been used. Why some of these solutes are so much more effective in suppressing ice formation than other, related solutes has never been clear. To begin to compare and contrast the role of the solute in aiding vitrification we have examined the nature of the hydrogen bonding interactions between the solute and water and between the solute molecules themselves, via proton nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. These experiments, carried out on neat samples of the solutions, show marked differences between solutes such as ethylene glycol, 1,2-propanediol, 1,3-propanediol, the family of butanediol isomers, dimethylsulfoxide, and so on, at fixed concentration. The solutions also show marked trends in the NMR chemical shift as a function of concentration in any given solution. Thus it appears that, from the point of view of the physical suppression of ice in aqueous solutions, cryoprotective agents which can act as moderately strong bases are optimum. The mechanism by which the solute promotes glass formation was also investigated in a separate series of NMR experiments using more dilute solutions of the solute in water. These experiments indicate that the role of the solute is twofold in that it must (i) effectively suppress the anomalous structuring which occurs in supercooled water and is responsible for the rapid nucleation of ice and (ii) provide a decrease in molecular mobility at low temperatures such that the nucleation probability is decreased and glass formation occurs at a relatively high temperature. It is argued that both such effects can be brought about by the strong hydrogen bonding interactions between water and solutes such as 2,3-butanediol.