983 resultados para Supercontinuum generation


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Nonlinear propagation of fs laser pulses in liquids and the dynamic processes of filamentation such as self-focusing, intensity clamping, and evolution of white light production have been analyzed by using one- and two-photon fluorescence. The energy losses of laser pulses caused by multiphoton absorption and conical emission have been measured respectively by z-scan technique. Numerical simulations of fs laser propagation in water have been made to explain the evolution of white light production as well as the small-scale filaments in liquids we have observed by a nonlinear fluorescence technique. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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An acoustic-optics programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) was first employed to actively control the linearly polarized femtosecond pump pulse frequency chirp for supercontinuum (SC) generation in a high birefringence photonic crystal fiber (PCF). By accurately controlling the second order phase distortion and polarization direction of incident pulses, the output SC spectrum can be tuned to various spectral energy distributions and bandwidths. The pump pulse energy and bandwidth are preserved in our experiment. It is found that SC with broader bandwidth can be generated with positive chirped pump pulses except when the chirp value is larger than the optimal value, and the same optimal value exists for the pump pulses polarized along the two principal axes. With optimal positive chirp, more than 78% of the pump energy can be transferred to below 750 nm. Otherwise, negative chirp will weaken the blue-shift broadening and the SC bandwidth. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate polarization-dependent properties of the supercontinuum emission generated from filaments produced by intense femtosecond laser pulses propagating through air over a long distance. The conversion efficiency from the 800-nm fundamental to white light is observed to be higher for circular polarization than for linear polarization when the laser intensity exceeds the threshold of the breakdown of air. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The authors report the investigation of filament and supercontinuum generation by focusing a femtosecond laser beam into water doped with silver nanoparticles. The silver nanoparticles enhance the nonlinear optical response of water, leading to broadening of supercontinuum spectra in self-focused femtosecond filaments. During the propagation of the supercontinuum light in the filament, the silver nanoparticles preferentially scatter the short-wavelength light near the plasmon resonant wavelength peak, followed by the scattering of the long-wavelength light. Thus, a side view of the filament shows a full-color spectrum in the visible range, which is herein called "rainbow filament." (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Supercontinuum generation is investigated experimentally and numerically in a highly nonlinear indexguiding photonic crystal optical fiber in a regime in which self-phase modulation of the pump wave makes a negligible contribution to spectral broadening. An ultrabroadband octave-spanning white-light continuum is generated with 60-ps pump pulses of subkilowatt peak power. The primary mechanism of spectral broadening is identified as the combined action of stimulated Raman scattering and parametric four-wave mixing. The observation of a strong anti-Stokes Raman component reveals the importance of the coupling between stimulated Raman scattering and parametric four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibers and also indicates that non-phase-matched processes contribute to the continuum. Additionally, the pump input polarization affects the generated continuum through the influence of polarization modulational instability. The experimental results are in good agreement with detailed numerical simulations. These findings demonstrate the importance of index-guiding photonic crystal fibers for the design of picosecond and nanosecond supercontinuum light sources. © 2002 Optical Society of America.


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The generation of a spatially single-mode white-light supercontinuum has been observed in a photonic crystal fiber pumped with 60-ps pulses of subkilowatt peak power. The spectral broadening is identified as being due to the combined action of stimulated Raman scattering and parametric four-wave-mixing generation, with a negligible contribution from the self-phase modulation of the pump pulses. The experimental results are in good agreement with detailed numerical simulations. These findings demonstrate that ultrafast femtosecond pulses are not needed for efficient supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers. © 2001 Optical Society of America.


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We study the generation of supercontinua in air-silica microstructured fibers by both nanosecond and femtosecond pulse excitation. In the nanosecond experiments, a 300-nm broadband visible continuum was generated in a 1.8-m length of fiber pumped at 532 nm by 0.8-ns pulses from a frequency-doubled passively Q-switched Nd:YAG microchip laser. At this wavelength, the dominant mode excited under the conditions of continuum generation is the LP 11 mode, and, with nanosecond pumping, self-phase modulation is negligible and the continuum generation is dominated by the interplay of Raman and parametric effects. The spectral extent of the continuum is well explained by calculations of the parametric gain curves for four-wave mixing about the zero-dispersion wavelength of the LP11 mode. In the femtosecond experiments, an 800-nm broad-band visible and near-infrared continuum has been generated in a 1-m length of fiber pumped at 780 nm by 100-fs pulses from a Kerr-lens model-locked Ti:sapphire laser. At this wavelength, excitation and continuum generation occur in the LP01 mode, and the spectral width of the observed continuum is shown to be consistent with the phase-matching bandwidth for parametric processes calculated for this fiber mode. In addition, numerical simulations based on an extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation were used to model supercontinuum generation in the femtosecond regime, with the simulation results reproducing the major features of the experimentally observed spectrum. © 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Numerical simulations have been used to study broad-band supercontinuum generation in optical fibers with dispersion and nonlinearity characteristics typical and photonic crystal or tapered fibers structures. The simulations include optical shock and Raman nonlinearity terms, with quantum noise taken into account phenomenologically by including in the input field a noise seed of one photon per mode with random phase. For input pulses of 150-fs duration injected in the anomalous dispersion regime, the effect of modulational instability is shown to lead to severe temporal jitter in the output, and associated fluctuations in the spectral amplitude and phase across the generated supercontinuum. The spectral phase fluctuations are quantified by performing multiple simulations and calculating both the standard deviation of the phase and, more rigorously, the degree of first-order coherence as a function of wavelength across the spectrum. By performing simulations over a range of input pulse durations and wavelengths, we can identify the conditions under which coherent supercontinua with a well-defined spectral phase are generated.


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Broadband noise on supercontinuum spectra generated in microstructure fiber is shown to lead to amplitude fluctuations as large as 50% for certain input laser pulse parameters. We study this noise using both experimental measurements and numerical simulations with a generalized stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation, finding good quantitative agreement over a range of input-pulse energies and chirp values. This noise is shown to arise from nonlinear amplification of two quantum noise inputs: the input-pulse shot noise and the spontaneous Raman scattering down the fiber.


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We demonstrate the supercontinuum (SC) generation in a suspended-core As2S3 chalcogenide microstructured optical fiber (MOF). The variation of SC is investigated by changing the fiber length, pump peak power and pump wavelength. In the case of long fibers (20 and 40 cm), the SC ranges are discontinuous and stop at the wavelengths shorter than 3500 nm, due to the absorption of fiber. In the case of short fibers (1.3 and 2.4 cm), the SC ranges are continuous and can extend to the wavelengths longer than 4 μm. The SC broadening is observed when the pump peak power increases from 0.24 to 1.32 kW at 2500 nm. The SC range increases with the pump wavelength changing from 2200 to 2600 nm, corresponding to the dispersion of As2S3 MOF from the normal to anomalous region. The SC generation is simulated by the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The simulation includes the SC difference between 1.3 and 2.4 cm long fiber by 2500 nm pumping, the variation of SC with pump peak power in 2.4 cm long fiber, and the variation of SC with pump wavelength in 1.3 cm long fiber. The simulation agrees well with the experiment.


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We report the first demonstration of mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in As2Se3 chalcogenide microwires with the added advantage of using low energy pulses. The generated SC covers two octaves of bandwidth from 1.1 µm to 4.4 µm at -30 dB. This exceeds the broadest reported SC bandwidth in As2Se3 microwires by a factor of 3.5. The microwire geometry and pumping conditions are the key parameters in generating the 3.3 µm bandwidth while using a low pump pulse energy of 500 pJ.


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We report on infrared supercontinuum (SC) generation through laser filamentation and subsequent nonlinear propagation in a step-index As2S3 fiber. The 100 μm core and high-purity As2S3 fiber used exhibit zero-dispersion wavelength around 4.5 μm, a mid-infrared background loss of 0.2dB/m, and a maximum loss of only 0.55dB/m at the S-H absorption peak around 4.05 μm. When pumping with ultrashort laser pulses slightly above the S-H absorption band, broadband infrared supercontinua were generated with a 20 dB spectral flatness spanning from 1.5 up to 7 μm. The efficiency and spectral shape of the SC produced by ultrashort pulses in large-core As2S3 fiber are mainly determined by its dispersion, the S-H contaminant absorption, and the mid-infrared nonlinear absorption.


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Supercontinuum generation in ultra-long Raman fibre laser cavities is compared for a range of fibre dispersions in the anomalous and normal regimes. For normal dispersion improved performance and efficiency is achieved using dual wavelength pumping.