26 resultados para Superalgebras


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We describe the simple Lie superalgebras arising from the unital structurable superalgebras of characteristic 0 and construct four series of the unital simple structurable superalgebras of Cartan type. We give a classification of simple structurable superalgebras of Cartan type over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic 0. Together with the Faulkner theorem on the classification of classical such superalgebras, it gives a classification of the simple structurable superalgebras over F. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We prove a coordinatization theorem for noncommutative Jordan superalgebras of degree n > 2, describing such algebras. It is shown that the symmetrized Jordan superalgebra for a simple finite-dimensional noncommutative Jordan superalgebra of characteristic 0 and degree n > 1 is simple. Modulo a ""nodal"" case, we classify central simple finite-dimensional noncommutative Jordan superalgebras of characteristic 0.


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We consider polynomial identities satisfied by nonhomogeneous subalgebras of Lie and special Jordan superalgebras: we ignore the grading and regard the superalgebra as an ordinary algebra. The Lie case has been studied by Volichenko and Baranov: they found identities in degrees 3, 4 and 5 which imply all the identities in degrees <= 6. We simplify their identities in degree 5, and show that there are no new identities in degree 7. The Jordan case has not previously been studied: we find identities in degrees 3, 4, 5 and 6 which imply all the identities in degrees <= 6, and demonstrate the existence of further new identities in degree 7. our proofs depend on computer algebra: we use the representation theory of the symmetric group, the Hermite normal form of an integer matrix, the LLL algorithm for lattice basis reduction, and the Chinese remainder theorem. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An algebraic approach is employed to formulate N = 2 supersymmetry transformations in the context of integrable systems based on loop superalgebras sl(p + 1, p), p >= 1, with homogeneous gradation. We work with extended integrable hierarchies, which contain supersymmetric AKNS and Lund-Regge sectors. We derive the one-soliton solution for p = 1 which solves positive and negative evolution equations of the N = 2 supersyrnmetric model.


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In the paper, a complete description of the delta-derivations and the delta-superderivations of semisimple finite-dimensional Jordan superalgebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p not equal 2 is given. In particular, new examples of nontrivial (1/2)-derivations and odd (1/2)-superderivations are given that are not operators of right multiplication by an element of the superalgebra.


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In questa tesi abbiamo studiato le forme reali di algebre e superalgebre di Lie. Il lavoro si suddivide in tre capitoli diversi, il primo è di introduzione alle algebre di Lie e serve per dare le prime basi di questa teoria e le notazioni. Nel secondo capitolo abbiamo introdotto le algebre compatte e le forme reali. Abbiamo visto come sono correlate tra di loro tramite strumenti potenti come l'involuzione di Cartan e relativa decomposizione ed i diagrammi di Vogan e abbiamo introdotto un algoritmo chiamato "push the button" utile per verificare se due diagrammi di Vogan sono equivalenti. Il terzo capitolo segue la struttura dei primi due, inizialmente abbiamo introdotto le superalgebre di Lie con relativi sistemi di radici e abbiamo proseguito studiando le relative forme reali, diagrammi di Vogan e abbiamo introdotto anche qua l'algoritmo "push the button".


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The Perk-Schultz model may be expressed in terms of the solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the fundamental representation of the untwisted affine extension of the general linear quantum superalgebra U-q (gl(m/n)], with a multiparametric coproduct action as given by Reshetikhin. Here, we present analogous explicit expressions for solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the fundamental representations of the twisted and untwisted affine extensions of the orthosymplectic quantum superalgebras U-q[osp(m/n)]. In this manner, we obtain generalizations of the Perk-Schultz model.


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000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 16R50, Secondary 16W55.


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Cette thèse est divisée en cinq parties portant sur les thèmes suivants: l’interprétation physique et algébrique de familles de fonctions orthogonales multivariées et leurs applications, les systèmes quantiques superintégrables en deux et trois dimensions faisant intervenir des opérateurs de réflexion, la caractérisation de familles de polynômes orthogonaux appartenant au tableau de Bannai-Ito et l’examen des structures algébriques qui leurs sont associées, l’étude de la relation entre le recouplage de représentations irréductibles d’algèbres et de superalgèbres et les systèmes superintégrables, ainsi que l’interprétation algébrique de familles de polynômes multi-orthogonaux matriciels. Dans la première partie, on développe l’interprétation physico-algébrique des familles de polynômes orthogonaux multivariés de Krawtchouk, de Meixner et de Charlier en tant qu’éléments de matrice des représentations unitaires des groupes SO(d+1), SO(d,1) et E(d) sur les états d’oscillateurs. On détermine les amplitudes de transition entre les états de l’oscillateur singulier associés aux bases cartésienne et polysphérique en termes des polynômes multivariés de Hahn. On examine les coefficients 9j de su(1,1) par le biais du système superintégrable générique sur la 3-sphère. On caractérise les polynômes de q-Krawtchouk comme éléments de matrices des «q-rotations» de U_q(sl_2). On conçoit un réseau de spin bidimensionnel qui permet le transfert parfait d’états quantiques à l’aide des polynômes de Krawtchouk à deux variables et on construit un modèle discret de l’oscillateur quantique dans le plan à l’aide des polynômes de Meixner bivariés. Dans la seconde partie, on étudie les systèmes superintégrables de type Dunkl, qui font intervenir des opérateurs de réflexion. On examine l’oscillateur de Dunkl en deux et trois dimensions, l’oscillateur singulier de Dunkl dans le plan et le système générique sur la 2-sphère avec réflexions. On démontre la superintégrabilité de chacun de ces systèmes. On obtient leurs constantes du mouvement, on détermine leurs algèbres de symétrie et leurs représentations, on donne leurs solutions exactes et on détaille leurs liens avec les polynômes orthogonaux du tableau de Bannai-Ito. Dans la troisième partie, on caractérise deux familles de polynômes du tableau de Bannai-Ito: les polynômes de Bannai-Ito complémentaires et les polynômes de Chihara. On montre également que les polynômes de Bannai-Ito sont les coefficients de Racah de la superalgèbre osp(1,2). On détermine l’algèbre de symétrie des polynômes duaux -1 de Hahn dans le cadre du problème de Clebsch-Gordan de osp(1,2). On propose une q - généralisation des polynômes de Bannai-Ito en examinant le problème de Racah pour la superalgèbre quantique osp_q(1,2). Finalement, on montre que la q -algèbre de Bannai-Ito sert d’algèbre de covariance à osp_q(1,2). Dans la quatrième partie, on détermine le lien entre le recouplage de représentations des algèbres su(1,1) et osp(1,2) et les systèmes superintégrables du deuxième ordre avec ou sans réflexions. On étudie également les représentations des algèbres de Racah-Wilson et de Bannai-Ito. On montre aussi que l’algèbre de Racah-Wilson sert d’algèbre de covariance quadratique à l’algèbre de Lie sl(2). Dans la cinquième partie, on construit deux familles explicites de polynômes d-orthogonaux basées sur su(2). On étudie les états cohérents et comprimés de l’oscillateur fini et on caractérise une famille de polynômes multi-orthogonaux matriciels.


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We give a list of all possible schemes for performing amino acid and codon assignments in algebraic models for the genetic code, which are consistent with a few simple symmetry principles, in accordance with the spirit of the algebraic approach to the evolution of the genetic code proposed by Hornos and Hornos. Our results are complete in the sense of covering all the algebraic models that arise within this approach, whether based on Lie groups/Lie algebras, on Lie superalgebras or on finite groups.


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We investigate the possibility of interpreting the degeneracy of the genetic code, i.e., the feature that different codons (base triplets) of DNA are transcribed into the same amino acid, as the result of a symmetry breaking process, in the context of finite groups. In the first part of this paper, we give the complete list of all codon representations (64-dimensional irreducible representations) of simple finite groups and their satellites (central extensions and extensions by outer automorphisms). In the second part, we analyze the branching rules for the codon representations found in the first part by computational methods, using a software package for computational group theory. The final result is a complete classification of the possible schemes, based on finite simple groups, that reproduce the multiplet structure of the genetic code. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mathematical models, as instruments for understanding the workings of nature, are a traditional tool of physics, but they also play an ever increasing role in biology - in the description of fundamental processes as well as that of complex systems. In this review, the authors discuss two examples of the application of group theoretical methods, which constitute the mathematical discipline for a quantitative description of the idea of symmetry, to genetics. The first one appears, in the form of a pseudo-orthogonal (Lorentz like) symmetry, in the stochastic modelling of what may be regarded as the simplest possible example of a genetic network and, hopefully, a building block for more complicated ones: a single self-interacting or externally regulated gene with only two possible states: ` on` and ` off`. The second is the algebraic approach to the evolution of the genetic code, according to which the current code results from a dynamical symmetry breaking process, starting out from an initial state of complete symmetry and ending in the presently observed final state of low symmetry. In both cases, symmetry plays a decisive role: in the first, it is a characteristic feature of the dynamics of the gene switch and its decay to equilibrium, whereas in the second, it provides the guidelines for the evolution of the coding rules.


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Quadratic alternative superalgebras are introduced and their super-identities and central functions on one odd generator are described. As a corollary, all multilinear skew-symmetric identities and central polynomials of octonions are classified. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.