963 resultados para Sun: photosphere


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In recent years, higher cadence, higher resolution observations have revealed the quiet-Sun photosphere to be complex and rapidly evolving. Since magnetic fields anchored in the photosphere extend up into the solar corona, it is expected that the small-scale coronal magnetic field exhibits similar complexity. For the first time, the quiet-Sun coronal magnetic field is continuously evolved through a series of non-potential, quasi-static equilibria, deduced from magnetograms observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory, where the photospheric boundary condition which drives the coronal evolution exactly reproduces the observed magnetograms. The build-up, storage, and dissipation of magnetic energy within the simulations is studied. We find that the free magnetic energy built up and stored within the field is sufficient to explain small-scale, impulsive events such as nanoflares. On comparing with coronal images of the same region, the energy storage and dissipation visually reproduces many of the observed features. The results indicate that the complex small-scale magnetic evolution of a large number of magnetic features is a key element in explaining the nature of the solar corona.


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We present a new model for the Sun's global photospheric magnetic field during a deep minimum of activity, in which no active regions emerge. The emergence and subsequent evolution of small- scale magnetic features across the full solar surface is simulated, subject to the influence of a global supergranular flow pattern. Visually, the resulting simulated magnetograms reproduce the typical structure and scale observed in quiet Sun magnetograms. Quantitatively, the simulation quickly reaches a steady state, resulting in a mean field and flux distribution that are in good agreement with those determined from observations. A potential coronal magnetic field is extrapolated from the simulated full Sun magnetograms, to consider the implications of such a quiet photospheric magnetic field on the corona and inner heliosphere. The bulk of the coronal magnetic field closes very low down, in short connections between small-scale features in the simulated magnetic network. Just 0.1% of the photospheric magnetic flux is found to be open at 2:5 Rʘ, around 10 - 100 times less than that determined for typical HMI synoptic map observations. If such conditions were to exist on the Sun, this would lead to a significantly weaker interplanetary magnetic field than is presently observed, and hence a much higher cosmic ray flux at Earth.


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High-cadence, synchronized, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA 10794) are presented. The data were obtained with the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak using a newly developed camera system: the rapid dual imager. Wavelet analysis is undertaken to search for intensity related oscillatory signatures, and periodicities ranging from 20 to 370 s are found with significance levels exceeding 95%. Observations in the H-α blue wing show more penumbral oscillatory phenomena when compared to simultaneous G-band observations. The H-α oscillations are interpreted as the signatures of plasma motions with a mean velocity of 20 km s-1. The strong oscillatory power over H-α blue-wing and G-band penumbral bright grains is an indication of the Evershed flow with frequencies higher than previously reported.


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In this Letter, we demonstrate how the observation of broadband frequency propagating torsional Alfvén waves in chromospheric magnetic flux tubes can provide valuable insight into their magnetic field structure. By implementing a full nonlinear three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulation with a realistic vortex driver, we demonstrate how the plasma structure of chromospheric magnetic flux tubes can act as a spatially dependent frequency filter for torsional Alfvén waves. Importantly, for solar magnetoseismology applications, this frequency filtering is found to be strongly dependent on magnetic field structure. With reference to an observational case study of propagating torsional Alfvén waves using spectroscopic data from the Swedish Solar Telescope, we demonstrate how the observed two-dimensional spatial distribution of maximum power Fourier frequency shows a strong correlation with our forward model. This opens the possibility of beginning an era of chromospheric magnetoseismology, to complement the more traditional methods of mapping the magnetic field structure of the solar chromosphere.


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High-cadence, multiwavelength observations and simulations are employed for the analysis of solar photospheric magnetic bright points (MBPs) in the quiet Sun. The observations were obtained with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) imager and the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer at the Dunn Solar Telescope. Our analysis reveals that photospheric MBPs have an average transverse velocity of approximately 1 km s-1, whereas their chromospheric counterparts have a slightly higher average velocity of 1.4 km s-1. Additionally, chromospheric MBPs were found to be around 63 per cent larger than the equivalent photospheric MBPs. These velocity values were compared with the output of numerical simulations generated using the muram code. The simulated results were similar, but slightly elevated, when compared to the observed data. An average velocity of 1.3 km s-1 was found in the simulated G-band images and an average of 1.8 km s-1 seen in the velocity domain at a height of 500 km above the continuum formation layer. Delays in the change of velocities were also analysed. Average delays of ˜4 s between layers of the simulated data set were established and values of ˜29 s observed between G-band and Ca ii K ROSA observations. The delays in the simulations are likely to be the result of oblique granular shock waves, whereas those found in the observations are possibly the result of a semi-rigid flux tube.


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Aims: In this paper we aim to investigate the evolution of plasmaproperties and Stokes parameters in photospheric magnetic bright pointsusing 3D magneto-hydrodynamical simulations and radiative diagnostics ofsolar granulation.

Methods: Simulated time-dependent radiationparameters and plasma properties were investigated throughout theevolution of a bright point. Synthetic Stokes profiles for the FeI630.25 nm line were calculated, which also allowed the evolution of theStokes-I line strength and Stokes-V area and amplitude asymmetries to beinvestigated.

Results: Our results are consistent withtheoretical predictions and published observations describing convectivecollapse, and confirm this as the bright point formation process.Through degradation of the simulated data to match the spatialresolution of SOT, we show that high spatial resolution is crucial forthe detection of changing spectro-polarimetric signatures throughout amagnetic bright point's lifetime. We also show that the signaturedownflow associated with the convective collapse process tends towardszero as the radiation intensity in the bright point peaks, because ofthe magnetic forces present restricting the flow of material in the fluxtube.


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We present observational evidence of compressible MHD wave modes propagating from the solar photosphere through to the base of the transition region in a solar magnetic pore. High cadence images were obtained simultaneously across four wavelength bands using the Dunn Solar Telescope. Employing Fourier and wavelet techniques, sausage-mode oscillations displaying significant power were detected in both intensity and area fluctuations. The intensity and area fluctuations exhibit a range of periods from 181 to 412 s, with an average period∼290 s, consistent with the global p-mode spectrum. Intensity and area oscillations present in adjacent band passes were found to be out of phase with one another, displaying phase angles of 6.°12, 5.°82,and 15.°97 between the 4170 Å continuum–G-band,G-band–Na i D1, and Na i D1–Ca ii K heights, respectively, reiterating the presence of upwardly propagating sausage-mode waves. A phase relationship of ∼0° between same-bandpass emission and area perturbations of the pore best categorizes the waves as belonging to the “slow” regime of a dispersion diagram. Theoretical calculations reveal that the waves are surface modes, with initial photospheric energies in excess of 35,000 Wm‑2. The wave energetics indicate a substantial decrease in energy with atmospheric height, confirming that magnetic pores are able to transport waves that exhibit appreciable energy damping, which may release considerable energy into the local chromospheric plasma.


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Using advanced numerical magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of the magnetized solar photosphere, including non-gray radiative transport and a non-ideal equation of state, we analyze plasma motions in photospheric magnetic vortices. We demonstrate that apparent vortex-like motions in photospheric magnetic field concentrations do not exhibit "tornado"-like behavior or a "bath-tub" effect. While at each time instance the velocity field lines in the upper layers of the solar photosphere show swirls, the test particles moving with the time-dependent velocity field do not demonstrate such structures. Instead, they move in a wave-like fashion with rapidly changing and oscillating velocity field, determined mainly by magnetic tension in the magnetized intergranular downflows. Using time-distance diagrams, we identify horizontal motions in the magnetic flux tubes as torsional Alfvén perturbations propagating along the nearly vertical magnetic field lines with local Alfvén speed.


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We investigate the generation mechanisms of MHD Poynting flux in the magnetized solar photosphere. Using radiative MHD modeling of the solar photosphere with initial magnetic configurations that differ in their field strength and geometry, we show the presence of two different mechanisms for MHD Poynting flux generation in simulations of solar photospheric magnetoconvection. The weaker mechanism is connected to vertical transport of weak horizontal magnetic fields in the convectively stable layers of the upper photosphere, while the stronger is the production of Poynting flux in strongly magnetized intergranular lanes experiencing horizontal vortex motions. These mechanisms may be responsible for the energy transport from the solar convection zone to the higher layers of the solar atmosphere.


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Recent high-resolution observations of sunspot oscillations using simultaneously operated ground- and space-based telescopes reveal the intrinsic connection between different layers of the solar atmosphere. However, it is not clear whether these oscillations are externally driven or generated in situ. We address this question by using observations of propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves along a coronal fan loop system. In addition to the generally observed decreases in oscillation amplitudes with distance, the observed wave amplitudes are also found to be modulated with time, with similar variations observed throughout the propagation path of the wave train. Employing multi-wavelength and multi-instrument data, we study the amplitude variations with time as the waves propagate through different layers of the solar atmosphere. By comparing the amplitude modulation period in different layers, we find that slow magnetoacoustic waves observed in sunspots are externally driven by photospheric p-modes, which propagate upward into the corona before becoming dissipated.


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Le réseau magnétique consiste en un ensemble de petites concentrations de flux magnétique sur la photosphère solaire. Vu sa petite échelle de taille et de flux, à la limite de détection, son comportement n'est connu que depuis récemment. Les interactions du réseau sont pourtant cruciales afin de comprendre la dynamo et l'irradiance solaires, car beaucoup de caractérisques du réseau dépendent de ces interactions. De plus, le réseau est la principale contribution magnétique surfacique à l'irradiance solaire. Les modèles existants du réseau ne tenaient jusqu'à maintenant pas compte des interactions du réseau. Nous avons tenté de combler cette lacune avec notre modèle. Nos simulations impliquent une marche aléatoire en 2D de tubes de flux magnétiques sur la photosphère solaire. Les tubes de flux sont injectés puis soumis à des règles de déplacement et d'interaction. L'injection se fait à deux échelles, respectivement la plus petite et la plus grande observables: les tubes de flux élémentaires et les taches solaires. Des processus de surface imitant ceux observés sont inclus, et consistent en l'émergence, la coalescence, l'annulation et la submergence de flux. La fragmentation des concentrations n'est présente que pour les taches, sous forme de désintégration libérant des tubes de flux. Le modèle est appliqué au cycle solaire 21 (1976-1986, le mieux documenté en termes de caractéristiques de taches solaires. Il en résulte des réponses à deux questions importantes en physique solaire. La première est: l'injection de flux magnétique à deux échelles très distinctes peut-elle conduire à une distribution de flux en loi de puissance comme on l'observe, si l'on inclut des processus de surface qui retraitent le flux? Cette question est étroitement liée à l'origine de la dynamo solaire, qui pourrait produire ladite distribution. Nous trouvons qu'on peut effectivement produire une telle distribution avec ce type d'injection et ce type de processus de surface. Cela implique que la distribution de flux observée ne peut servir à déterminer quel type de dynamo opère dans le Soleil. La deuxième question à laquelle nous avons apporté un élément de réponse est celle à savoir combien de temps il faut au réseau pour retrouver son état d'activité de base. Cet état a été observé lors du minimum de Maunder en 1645-1715 et touche de près la question de l'influence de l'activité solaire sur le climat terrestre. Le récent minimum d'activité est considéré par certains comme ayant atteint cet état. Nous trouvons plutôt que ça n'a pas été le cas. En effet, le temps de relaxation du réseau que nous avons calculé est supérieur au temps écoulé entre la fin du dernier cycle solaire d'activité et celui de l'amorce du présent cycle.


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The need for reliable predictions of the solar activity cycle motivates the development of dynamo models incorporating a representation of surface processes sufficiently detailed to allow assimilation of magnetographic data. In this series of papers we present one such dynamo model, and document its behavior and properties. This first paper focuses on one of the model's key components, namely surface magnetic flux evolution. Using a genetic algorithm, we obtain best-fit parameters of the transport model by least-squares minimization of the differences between the associated synthetic synoptic magnetogram and real magnetographic data for activity cycle 21. Our fitting procedure also returns Monte Carlo-like error estimates. We show that the range of acceptable surface meridional flow profiles is in good agreement with Doppler measurements, even though the latter are not used in the fitting process. Using a synthetic database of bipolar magnetic region (BMR) emergences reproducing the statistical properties of observed emergences, we also ascertain the sensitivity of global cycle properties, such as the strength of the dipole moment and timing of polarity reversal, to distinct realizations of BMR emergence, and on this basis argue that this stochasticity represents a primary source of uncertainty for predicting solar cycle characteristics.


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Oscillation amplitudes are generally smaller within magnetically active regions like sunspots and plage when compared to their surroundings. Such magnetic features, when viewed in spatially resolved power maps, appear as regions of suppressed power due to reductions in the oscillation amplitudes. Employing high spatial- and temporal-resolution observations from the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) in New Mexico, we study the power suppression in a region of evolving magnetic fields adjacent to a pore. By utilizing wavelet analysis, we study for the first time how the oscillatory properties in this region change as the magnetic field evolves with time. Image sequences taken in the blue continuum, G-band, Ca ii K, and Hα filters were used in this study. It is observed that the suppression found in the chromosphere occupies a relatively larger area, confirming previous findings. Also, the suppression is extended to structures directly connected to the magnetic region, and is found to get enhanced as the magnetic field strength increased with time. The dependence of the suppression on the magnetic field strength is greater at longer periods and higher formation heights. Furthermore, the dominant periodicity in the chromosphere was found to be anti-correlated with increases in the magnetic field strength.


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Brown D. S. and Priest E. R. 2001, The topological behaviour of 3D null points in the Sun's corona, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 367, 339-346


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bservations of the Rossiter–McLaughlin (RM) effect provide information on star–planet alignments, which can inform planetary migration and evolution theories. Here, we go beyond the classical RM modeling and explore the impact of a convective blueshift that varies across the stellar disk and non-Gaussian stellar photospheric profiles. We simulated an aligned hot Jupiter with a four-day orbit about a Sun-like star and injected center-to-limb velocity (and profile shape) variations based on radiative 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of solar surface convection. The residuals between our modeling and classical RM modeling were dependent on the intrinsic profile width and v sin i; the amplitude of the residuals increased with increasing v sin i and with decreasing intrinsic profile width. For slowly rotating stars the center-to-limb convective variation dominated the residuals (with amplitudes of 10 s of cm s−1 to ~1 m s−1); however, for faster rotating stars the dominant residual signature was due a non-Gaussian intrinsic profile (with amplitudes from 0.5 to 9 m s−1). When the impact factor was 0, neglecting to account for the convective center-to-limb variation led to an uncertainty in the obliquity of ~10°–20°, even though the true v sin i was known. Additionally, neglecting to properly model an asymmetric intrinsic profile had a greater impact for more rapidly rotating stars (e.g., v sin i = 6 km s−1) and caused systematic errors on the order of ~20° in the measured obliquities. Hence, neglecting the impact of stellar surface convection may bias star–planet alignment measurements and consequently theories on planetary migration and evolution.