34 resultados para Sulfonilureia sulfonylurea


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Nesta tese, desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa Doutoral em Química da Universidade de Aveiro, foram desenvolvidos novos receptores sintéticos construídos a partir da plataforma macrocíclica tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina ou do fragmento de isoftalamida. Ambas as unidades estruturais foram decora-das com grupos de reconhecimento molecular baseados em grupos amida e/ou ureia com o objectivo de actuarem como receptores selectivos de aniões com importância biológica ou farmacológica, incluindo acetato, oxalato, malo-nato, succinato, glutarato, diglicolato, L- e D-NHBoc-alanina, (S)- e (R)-fenilpro-panoato, (S,S)- e (R,R)-tartarato, fumarato, maleato, Cl-, HCO3-, H2PO4-, HSO4- e SO42-. No Capítulo 1 é efectuada uma revisão bibliográfica dos desenvolvimentos recentes na síntese, caracterização estrutural e aplicações de receptores fun-cionais relacionados com os desenvolvidos no âmbito desta tese, com especial incidência para aqueles que foram estudados como receptores de aniões. Neste domínio, enquanto que receptores derivados da isoftalamida têm sido bastante estudados ao longo das últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento de receptores de aniões inspirados em heteracalix[2]areno[2]triazinas ainda se encontra a dar os primeiros passos. No Capítulo 2 é apresentada a síntese de quatro novos macrociclos derivados de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina incorporando um ou dois braços de L-alanina (A1, A2) ou de L-leucina (L1, L2) nos anéis benzénicos, e derivados com grupos amida como unidades de reconhecimento. Adicionalmente, são também apresentados dois novos azacalix[2]areno[2]triazinas contendo um (U1) ou dois (U2) braços com grupos ureia substituídos com um grupo (S)-metilbenzílico. Foram ainda preparados os macrociclos A2Me4 e U2Me4 por metilação dos átomos de azoto em ponte de A2 e U2, os quais foram posterior-mente utilizados em estudos de associação. Os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados através de técnicas espectroscópicas, complementadas por difracção de raios X de cristal único no caso de U2Me4. O Capítulo 3 contempla os estudos de reconhecimento molecular entre os macrociclos A2Me4 e U2Me4 e os aniões derivados de ácidos mono- e dicarbo-xílicos alifáticos, ácidos carboxílicos isoméricos (enantiómeros e isómeros geométricos), aminoácidos e polioxaniões acima referidos, excepto HCO3-. Os estudos de associação foram realizados através de técnicas de titulação por RMN 1H com determinação das respectivas constantes de afinidade. Todas as associações estudadas apresentaram uma estequiometria receptor-substrato 1:1 com excepção das associações formadas entre A2Me4 e U2Me4 com H2PO4- (1:2). Os complexos A2Me4∙SO42- e U2Me4∙(H2PO4-)2 são os mais estáveis com constantes de associação de 7,4 × 104 M-1 e superior a 105 M-2, respectivamente. O reconhecimento dos dicarboxilatos ocorreu através dos dois braços do macrociclo, com os aniões com grupos carboxilato separados por cadeias alifáticas mais compridas (glutarato e diglicolato) apresentando um melhor ajuste aos braços de A2Me4 e U2Me4. Não foi observado reconheci-mento enantiosselectivo de aniões. Em contraste, as constantes de afinidade para as associações com os aniões dos isómeros cis (maleato) e trans (fumarato) do ácido but-2-enodióico, de 89 e 4920 M-1 para A2Me4 e 481 e 4007 M-1 para U2Me4, respectivamente, sugerem selectividade de ambos os receptores para o fumarato. No Capítulo 4 é descrita a síntese de nove receptores acíclicos incorporando a unidade de isoftalamida (Iso-1 a Iso-9) e braços laterais com grupos de reconhecimento de aniões. Enquanto que o receptor Iso-1 possui como unida-des de reconhecimento apenas grupos amida, os receptores Iso-2, Iso-3, Iso-5, Iso-6, Iso-7 e Iso-9 possuem grupos amida e ureia, e os derivados Iso-4 e Iso-8 grupos amida e sulfonilureia. Em cada um destes compostos, os grupos de reconhecimento estão separados por uma cadeia etilénica cuja flexibilidade confere um melhor ajuste com os aniões. Os derivados de isoftalamida preparados foram caracterizados através de técnicas espectroscópicas. No Capítulo 5 são apresentados os estudos de associação realizados por técnicas de titulação por RMN 1H entre Iso-1, Iso-2, Iso-4, Iso-6 e Iso-8 com os aniões H2PO4-, HCO3-, Cl- e oxalato. Os receptores Iso-1, Iso-2 e Iso-6 apresentaram maior afinidade para o dianião, com valores de Kass de 6100, 7800 e 9800 M-1 respectivamente, e menor para Cl- (17 < Kass < 19 M-1). Foram sempre formadas associações mais estáveis com H2PO4- (294 < Kass < 427 M-1) comparativamente a HCO3-, sendo que a associação mais forte com este últi-mo foi determinada com Iso-2 (Kass = 95 M-1). As moléculas de Iso-4 e Iso-8 sofreram desprotonação dos grupos sulfonilureia na presença de todos os aniões excepto de Cl-. No Capítulo 6 apresentam-se as conclusões gerais e no Capítulo 7 descrevem-se os procedimentos experimentais e também os dados espectroscópicos dos produtos obtidos.


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BACKGROUND We investigated the rate of severe hypoglycemic events and confounding factors in patients with type-2-diabetes treated with sulfonylurea (SU) at specialized diabetes centers, documented in the German/Austrian DPV-Wiss-database. METHODS Data from 29,485 SU-treated patients were analyzed (median[IQR] age 70.8[62.2-77.8]yrs, diabetes-duration 8.2[4.3-12.8]yrs). The primary objective was to estimate the event-rate of severe hypoglycemia (requiring external help, causing unconsciousness/coma/convulsion and/or emergency.hospitalization). Secondary objectives included exploration of confounding risk-factors through group-comparison and Poisson-regression. RESULTS Severe hypoglycemic events were reported in 826(2.8%) of all patients during their most recent year of SU-treatment. Of these, n = 531(1.8%) had coma, n = 501(1.7%) were hospitalized at least once. The adjusted event-rate of severe hypoglycemia [95%CI] was 3.9[3.7-4.2] events/100 patient-years (coma: 1.9[1.8-2.1]; hospitalization: 1.6[1.5-1.8]). Adjusted event-rates by diabetes-treatment were 6.7 (SU + insulin), 4.9 (SU + insulin + other OAD), 3.1 (SU + other OAD), and 3.8 (SU only). Patients with ≥1 severe event were older (p < 0.001) and had longer diabetes-duration (p = 0.020) than patients without severe events. Participation in educational diabetes-programs and indirect measures of insulin-resistance (increased BMI, plasma-triglycerides) were associated with fewer events (all p < 0.001). Impaired renal function was common (N = 3,113 eGFR ≤30 mL/min) and associated with an increased rate of severe events (≤30 mL/min: 7.7; 30-60 mL/min: 4.8; >60 mL/min: 3.9). CONCLUSIONS These real-life data showed a rate of severe hypoglycemia of 3.9/100 patient-years in SU-treated patients from specialized diabetes centers. Higher risk was associated with known risk-factors including lack of diabetes-education, older age, and decreased eGFR, but also with lower BMI and lower triglyceride-levels, suggesting that SU-treatment in those patients should be considered with caution. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Limitation of water loss and control of gas exchange is accomplished in plant leaves via stomatal guard cells. Stomata open in response to light when an increase in guard cell turgor is triggered by ions and water influx across the plasma membrane. Recent evidence demonstrating the existence of ATP-binding cassette proteins in plants led us to analyze the effect of compounds known for their ability to modulate ATP-sensitive potassium channels (K-ATP) in animal cells. By using epidermal strip bioassays and whole-cell patch-clamp experiments with Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts, we describe a pharmacological profile that is specific for the outward K+ channel and very similar to the one described for ATP-sensitive potassium channels in mammalian cells. Tolbutamide and glibenclamide induced stomatal opening in bioassays and in patch-clamp experiments, a specific inhibition of the outward K+ channel by these compounds was observed. Conversely, application of potassium channel openers such as cromakalim or RP49356 triggered stomatal closure. An apparent competition between sulfonylureas and potassium channel openers occurred in bioassays, and outward potassium currents, previously inhibited by glibenclamide, were partially recovered after application of cromakalim. By using an expressed sequence tag clone from an Arabidopsis thaliana homologue of the sulfonylurea receptor, a 7-kb transcript was detected by Northern blot analysis in guard cells and other tissues. Beside the molecular evidence recently obtained for the expression of ATP-binding cassette protein transcripts in plants, these results give pharmacological support to the presence of a sulfonylurea-receptor-like protein in the guard-cell plasma membrane tightly involved in the outward potassium channel regulation during stomatal movements.


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The ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP) regulates insulin secretion in pancreatic β cells. Loss of functional KATP channels because of mutations in either the SUR1 or Kir6.2 channel subunit causes persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy (PHHI). We investigated the molecular mechanism by which a single phenylalanine deletion in SUR1 (ΔF1388) causes PHHI. Previous studies have shown that coexpression of ΔF1388 SUR1 with Kir6.2 results in no channel activity. We demonstrate here that the lack of functional expression is due to failure of the mutant channel to traffic to the cell surface. Trafficking of KATP channels requires that the endoplasmic reticulum-retention signal, RKR, present in both SUR1 and Kir6.2, be shielded during channel assembly. To ask whether ΔF1388 SUR1 forms functional channels with Kir6.2, we inactivated the RKR signal in ΔF1388 SUR1 by mutation to AAA (ΔF1388 SUR1AAA). Inactivation of similar endoplasmic reticulum-retention signals in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator has been shown to partially overcome the trafficking defect of a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator mutation, ΔF508. We found that coexpression of ΔF1388 SUR1AAA with Kir6.2 led to partial surface expression of the mutant channel. Moreover, mutant channels were active. Compared with wild-type channels, the mutant channels have reduced ATP sensitivity and do not respond to stimulation by MgADP or diazoxide. The RKR → AAA mutation alone has no effect on channel properties. Our results establish defective trafficking of KATP channels as a molecular basis of PHHI and show that F1388 in SUR1 is critical for normal trafficking and function of KATP channels.


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The ability of the sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) 1 to suppress seizures and excitotoxic neuron damage was assessed in mice transgenically overexpressing this receptor. Fertilized eggs from FVB mice were injected with a construct containing SUR cDNA and a calcium-calmodulin kinase IIα promoter. The resulting mice showed normal gross anatomy, brain morphology and histology, and locomotor and cognitive behavior. However, they overexpressed the SUR1 transgene, yielding a 9- to 12-fold increase in the density of [3H]glibenclamide binding to the cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. These mice resisted kainic acid-induced seizures, showing a 36% decrease in average maximum seizure intensity and a 75% survival rate at a dose that killed 53% of the wild-type mice. Kainic acid-treated transgenic mice showed no significant loss of hippocampal pyramidal neurons or expression of heat shock protein 70, whereas wild-type mice lost 68–79% of pyramidal neurons in the CA1–3 subfields and expressed high levels of heat shock protein 70 after kainate administration. These results indicate that the transgenic overexpression of SUR1 alone in forebrain structures significantly protects mice from seizures and neuronal damage without interfering with locomotor or cognitive function.


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We demonstrate here that coexpression of ROMK2, an inwardly rectifying ATP-sensitive renal K+ channel (IKATP) with cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) significantly enhances the sensitivity of ROMK2 to the sulfonylurea compound glibenclamide. When expressed alone, ROMK2 is relatively insensitive to glibenclamide. The interaction between ROMK2, CFTR, and glibenclamide is modulated by altering the phosphorylation state of either ROMK2, CFTR, or an associated protein, as exogenous MgATP and the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A significantly attenuate the inhibitory effect of glibenclamide on ROMK2. Thus CFTR, which has been demonstrated to interact with both Na+ and Cl- channels in airway epithelium, modulates the function of renal ROMK2 K+ channels.


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Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS; EC catalyses the formation of 2-acetolactate and 2-aceto-2-hydroxybutyrate as the first step in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. The enzyme is inhibited by a wide range of substituted sulfonylureas and imidazolinones and many of these compounds are used as commercial herbicides. Here, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the catalytic subunit of Arabidopsis thaliana AHAS in complex with the sulfonylurea herbicide chlorimuron ethyl are reported. This is the first report of the structure of any plant protein in complex with a commercial herbicide. Crystals diffract to 3.0 Angstrom resolution, have unit-cell parameters a = b = 179.92, c = 185.82 Angstrom and belong to space group P6(4)22. Preliminary analysis indicates that there is one monomer in the asymmetric unit and that these are arranged as pairs of dimers in the crystal. The dimers form a very open hexagonal lattice, with a high solvent content of 81%.


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Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS, EC is the target for the sulfonylurea herbicides, which act as potent inhibitors of the enzyme. Chlorsulfuron (marketed as Glean) and sulforneturon methyl (marketed as Oust) are two commercially important members of this family of herbicides. Here we report crystal structures of yeast AHAS in complex with chlorsulfuron (at a resolution of 2.19 Angstrom), sulforneturon methyl (2.34 Angstrom), and two other sulfonylureas, metsulfuron methyl (2.29 Angstrom) and tribenuron methyl (2.58 Angstrom). The structures observed suggest why these inhibitors have different potencies and provide clues about the differential effects of mutations in the active site tunnel on various inhibitors. In all of the structures, the thiamin diphosphate cofactor is fragmented, possibly as the result of inhibitor binding. In addition to thiamin diphosphate, AHAS requires FAD for activity. Recently, it has been reported that reduction of FAD can occur as a minor side reaction due to reaction with the carbanion/enamine of the hydroxyethyl-ThDP intermediate that is formed midway through the catalytic cycle. Here we report that the isoalloxazine ring has a bent conformation that would account for its ability to accept electrons from the hydroxyethyl intermediate. Most sequence and mutation data suggest that yeast AHAS is a high-quality model for the plant enzyme.


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Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS; EC catalyzes the first common step in branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis. The enzyme is inhibited by several chemical classes of compounds and this inhibition is the basis of action of the sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides. The commercial sulfonylureas contain a pyrimidine or a triazine ring that is substituted at both meta positions, thus obeying the initial rules proposed by Levitt. Here we assess the activity of 69 monosubstituted sulfonylurea analogs and related compounds as inhibitors of pure recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana AHAS and show that disubstitution is not absolutely essential as exemplified by our novel herbicide, monosulfuron (2-nitro-N-(4'-methyl-pyrimidin-2'-yl) phenyl-sulfonylurea), which has a pyrimidine ring with a single meta substituent. A subset of these compounds was tested for herbicidal activity and it was shown that their effect in vivo correlates well with their potency in vitro as AHAS inhibitors. Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships were developed using comparative molecular field analysis and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis. For the latter, the best result was obtained when steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic and H-bond acceptor factors were taken into consideration. The resulting fields were mapped on to the published crystal structure of the yeast enzyme and it was shown that the steric and hydrophobic fields are in good agreement with sulfonylurea-AHAS interaction geometry.


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The hydrolysis of triasulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl and chlorsulfuron in aqueous buffer solutions and in soil suspensions at pH values ranging from 5.2 to 11.2 was investigated. Hydrolysis of all three compounds in both aqueous buffer and soil suspensions was highly pH-sensitive. The rate of hydrolysis was much faster in the acidic pH range (5.2-6.2) than under neutral and moderately alkaline conditions (8.2-9.4), but it increased rapidly as the pH exceeded 10.2. All three compounds degraded faster at pH 5.2 than at pH 11.2. Hydrolysis rates of all three compounds could be described well with pseudo-first-order kinetics. There were no significant differences (P =0.05) in the rate constants (k, day-1) of the three compounds in soil suspensions from those in buffer solutions within the pH ranges studied. A functional relationship based on the propensity of nonionic and anionic species of the herbicides to hydrolyse was used to describe the dependence of the 'rate constant' on pH. The hydrolysis involving attack by neutral water was at least 100-fold faster when the sulfonylurea herbicides were undissociated (acidic conditions) than when they were present as the anion at near neutral pH. In aqueous buffer solution at pH > 11, a prominent degradation pathway involved O-demethylation of metsulfuron-methyl to yield a highly polar degradate, and hydrolytic opening of the triazine ring. It is concluded that these herbicides are not likely to degrade substantially through hydrolysis in most agricultural (C) 2000 Society of Chemical Industry.