996 resultados para Sulfate ferreux--Pacifique Nord


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La croissance du phytoplancton est limitée par les faibles concentrations de fer (Fe) dans près de 40% de l’océan mondial. Le Pacifique subarctique Nord-Est représente une de ces zones limitées en fer et désignées High Nutrient - Low Chlorophyll (HNLC). Cet écosystème, dominé par des cellules de petite taille telles les prymnésiophytes, est caractérisé par de très faibles concentrations estivales de chlorophylle a et de fortes concentrations de macronutriments. Il a été maintes fois démontré que les ajouts de fer, sous différentes formes chimiques (habituellement FeSO4), dans les zones HNLC, stimulent la croissance et modifient la structure des communautés planctoniques en favorisant la croissance des cellules de grande taille, notamment les diatomées. Ces effets sur la communauté planctonique ont le potentiel d’influencer les grands mécanismes régulateurs du climat, tels la pompe biologique de carbone et la production de diméthylsulfure (DMS). Les poussières provenant des déserts du nord de la Chine sont reconnues depuis longtemps comme une source sporadique importante de fer pour le Pacifique Nord-Est. Malgré leur importance potentielle, l’influence directe exercée par ces poussières sur l’écosystème planctonique de cette zone HNLC n’a jamais été étudiée. Il s’agit d’une lacune importante puisque le fer associé aux poussières est peu soluble dans l’eau de mer, que la proportion biodisponible n’est pas connue et que les poussières peuvent avoir un effet inhibiteur chez le phytoplancton. Cette thèse propose donc, dans un premier temps, de mesurer pour la première fois l’effet de la fertilisation de la communauté planctonique du Pacifique Nord-Est par un gradient de concentrations de poussières désertiques naturelles. Cette première expérimentation a démontré que le fer contenu dans les poussières asiatiques est biodisponible et qu’une déposition équivalente à celles prenant place au printemps dans le Pacifique Nord-Est peut résulter en une stimulation significative de la prise de nutriments et de la croissance du phytoplancton. Mes travaux ont également montré que l’ajout de 0,5 mg L-1 de poussières peut résulter en la production d’autant de biomasse algale que l’ajout de FeSO4, l’espèce chimique utilisée lors des expériences d’enrichissement en fer à grande échelle. Cependant, les ajouts de FeSO4 favorisent davantage les cellules de petite taille que les ajouts de poussières, observation démontrant que le FeSO4 n’est pas un proxy parfait des poussières asiatiques. Dans un deuxième temps, je me suis intéressée à une source alternative de fer atmosphérique, les cendres volcaniques. Mon intérêt pour cette source de fer a été attisé par les observations d’une floraison spectaculaire dans le Pacifique Nord-Est, ma région d’étude, associée à l’éruption de 2008 du volcan Kasatochi dans les îles Aléoutiennes. Forte de mon expérience sur les poussières, j’ai quantifié l’effet direct de ces cendres volcaniques sur la communauté planctonique du Pacifique Nord-Est. Mes résultats ont montré que le fer contenu dans les cendres volcaniques est également biodisponible pour le phytoplancton. Ils ont également montré que cette source de fer peut être aussi importante que les poussières désertiques dans la régulation de la croissance du phytoplancton dans cette partie de l’océan global à l’échelle millénaire. Dans un troisième temps, j’ai estimé comment l’acidification des océans modulera les réponses des communautés planctoniques aux dépositions naturelles de fer mises en évidence lors de mes expériences précédentes. Pour ce faire, j’ai effectué des enrichissements de poussière dans de l’eau de mer au pH actuel de 8.0 et dans l’eau de mer acidifiée à un pH de 7.8. Mes résultats ont montré une diminution du taux de croissance du phytoplancton dans le milieu acidifié mais pas de changement notable dans la structure de la communauté. Les ajouts de poussières et de cendres, de même que les variations de pH, n’ont pas eu d’effet significatif sur la production de DMS et de son précurseur le diméthylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), probablement en raison de la courte durée (4 jours) des expériences. L’ensemble des résultats de cette thèse montre que le fer contenu dans diverses sources atmosphériques naturelles est biodisponible pour le phytoplancton du Pacifique Nord-Est et que des taux de déposition réalistes peuvent stimuler la croissance de manière notable dans les premiers jours suivant une tempête désertique ou une éruption volcanique. Finalement, les résultats de mes expériences à stresseurs multiples Fer/acidification suggèrent une certaine résistance des communautés phytoplanctoniques à la diminution du pH prédite d’ici la fin du siècle pour les eaux de surface des océans.


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Les reconstructions palinspastiques fournissent le cadre idéal à de nombreuses études géologiques, géographiques, océanographique ou climatiques. En tant qu?historiens de la terre, les "reconstructeurs" essayent d?en déchiffrer le passé. Depuis qu?ils savent que les continents bougent, les géologues essayent de retracer leur évolution à travers les âges. Si l?idée originale de Wegener était révolutionnaire au début du siècle passé, nous savons depuis le début des années « soixante » que les continents ne "dérivent" pas sans but au milieu des océans mais sont inclus dans un sur-ensemble associant croûte « continentale » et « océanique »: les plaques tectoniques. Malheureusement, pour des raisons historiques aussi bien que techniques, cette idée ne reçoit toujours pas l'écho suffisant parmi la communauté des reconstructeurs. Néanmoins, nous sommes intimement convaincus qu?en appliquant certaines méthodes et certains principes il est possible d?échapper à l?approche "Wégenerienne" traditionnelle pour enfin tendre vers la tectonique des plaques. Le but principal du présent travail est d?exposer, avec tous les détails nécessaires, nos outils et méthodes. Partant des données paléomagnétiques et paléogéographiques classiquement utilisées pour les reconstructions, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthodologie replaçant les plaques tectoniques et leur cinématique au coeur du problème. En utilisant des assemblages continentaux (aussi appelés "assemblées clés") comme des points d?ancrage répartis sur toute la durée de notre étude (allant de l?Eocène jusqu?au Cambrien), nous développons des scénarios géodynamiques permettant de passer de l?une à l?autre en allant du passé vers le présent. Entre deux étapes, les plaques lithosphériques sont peu à peu reconstruites en additionnant/ supprimant les matériels océaniques (symbolisés par des isochrones synthétiques) aux continents. Excepté lors des collisions, les plaques sont bougées comme des entités propres et rigides. A travers les âges, les seuls éléments évoluant sont les limites de plaques. Elles sont préservées aux cours du temps et suivent une évolution géodynamique consistante tout en formant toujours un réseau interconnecté à travers l?espace. Cette approche appelée "limites de plaques dynamiques" intègre de multiples facteurs parmi lesquels la flottabilité des plaques, les taux d'accrétions aux rides, les courbes de subsidence, les données stratigraphiques et paléobiogéographiques aussi bien que les évènements tectoniques et magmatiques majeurs. Cette méthode offre ainsi un bon contrôle sur la cinématique des plaques et fournit de sévères contraintes au modèle. Cette approche "multi-source" nécessite une organisation et une gestion des données efficaces. Avant le début de cette étude, les masses de données nécessaires était devenues un obstacle difficilement surmontable. Les SIG (Systèmes d?Information Géographiques) et les géo-databases sont des outils informatiques spécialement dédiés à la gestion, au stockage et à l?analyse des données spatialement référencées et de leurs attributs. Grâce au développement dans ArcGIS de la base de données PaleoDyn nous avons pu convertir cette masse de données discontinues en informations géodynamiques précieuses et facilement accessibles pour la création des reconstructions. Dans le même temps, grâce à des outils spécialement développés, nous avons, tout à la fois, facilité le travail de reconstruction (tâches automatisées) et amélioré le modèle en développant fortement le contrôle cinématique par la création de modèles de vitesses des plaques. Sur la base des 340 terranes nouvellement définis, nous avons ainsi développé un set de 35 reconstructions auxquelles est toujours associé un modèle de vitesse. Grâce à cet ensemble de données unique, nous pouvons maintenant aborder des problématiques majeurs de la géologie moderne telles que l?étude des variations du niveau marin et des changements climatiques. Nous avons commencé par aborder un autre problème majeur (et non définitivement élucidé!) de la tectonique moderne: les mécanismes contrôlant les mouvements des plaques. Nous avons pu observer que, tout au long de l?histoire de la terre, les pôles de rotation des plaques (décrivant les mouvements des plaques à la surface de la terre) tendent à se répartir le long d'une bande allant du Pacifique Nord au Nord de l'Amérique du Sud, l'Atlantique Central, l'Afrique du Nord, l'Asie Centrale jusqu'au Japon. Fondamentalement, cette répartition signifie que les plaques ont tendance à fuir ce plan médian. En l'absence d'un biais méthodologique que nous n'aurions pas identifié, nous avons interprété ce phénomène comme reflétant l'influence séculaire de la Lune sur le mouvement des plaques. La Lune sur le mouvement des plaques. Le domaine océanique est la clé de voute de notre modèle. Nous avons attaché un intérêt tout particulier à le reconstruire avec beaucoup de détails. Dans ce modèle, la croûte océanique est préservée d?une reconstruction à l?autre. Le matériel crustal y est symbolisé sous la forme d?isochrones synthétiques dont nous connaissons les âges. Nous avons également reconstruit les marges (actives ou passives), les rides médio-océaniques et les subductions intra-océaniques. En utilisant ce set de données très détaillé, nous avons pu développer des modèles bathymétriques 3-D unique offrant une précision bien supérieure aux précédents.<br/><br/>Palinspastic reconstructions offer an ideal framework for geological, geographical, oceanographic and climatology studies. As historians of the Earth, "reconstructers" try to decipher the past. Since they know that continents are moving, geologists a trying to retrieve the continents distributions through ages. If Wegener?s view of continent motions was revolutionary at the beginning of the 20th century, we know, since the Early 1960?s that continents are not drifting without goal in the oceanic realm but are included in a larger set including, all at once, the oceanic and the continental crust: the tectonic plates. Unfortunately, mainly due to technical and historical issues, this idea seems not to receive a sufficient echo among our particularly concerned community. However, we are intimately convinced that, by applying specific methods and principles we can escape the traditional "Wegenerian" point of view to, at last, reach real plate tectonics. This is the main aim of this study to defend this point of view by exposing, with all necessary details, our methods and tools. Starting with the paleomagnetic and paleogeographic data classically used in reconstruction studies, we developed a modern methodology placing the plates and their kinematics at the centre of the issue. Using assemblies of continents (referred as "key assemblies") as anchors distributed all along the scope of our study (ranging from Eocene time to Cambrian time) we develop geodynamic scenarios leading from one to the next, from the past to the present. In between, lithospheric plates are progressively reconstructed by adding/removing oceanic material (symbolized by synthetic isochrones) to major continents. Except during collisions, plates are moved as single rigid entities. The only evolving elements are the plate boundaries which are preserved and follow a consistent geodynamical evolution through time and form an interconnected network through space. This "dynamic plate boundaries" approach integrates plate buoyancy factors, oceans spreading rates, subsidence patterns, stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic data, as well as major tectonic and magmatic events. It offers a good control on plate kinematics and provides severe constraints for the model. This multi-sources approach requires an efficient data management. Prior to this study, the critical mass of necessary data became a sorely surmountable obstacle. GIS and geodatabases are modern informatics tools of specifically devoted to store, analyze and manage data and associated attributes spatially referenced on the Earth. By developing the PaleoDyn database in ArcGIS software we converted the mass of scattered data offered by the geological records into valuable geodynamical information easily accessible for reconstructions creation. In the same time, by programming specific tools we, all at once, facilitated the reconstruction work (tasks automation) and enhanced the model (by highly increasing the kinematic control of plate motions thanks to plate velocity models). Based on the 340 terranes properly defined, we developed a revised set of 35 reconstructions associated to their own velocity models. Using this unique dataset we are now able to tackle major issues of the geology (such as the global sea-level variations and climate changes). We started by studying one of the major unsolved issues of the modern plate tectonics: the driving mechanism of plate motions. We observed that, all along the Earth?s history, plates rotation poles (describing plate motions across the Earth?s surface) tend to follow a slight linear distribution along a band going from the Northern Pacific through Northern South-America, Central Atlantic, Northern Africa, Central Asia up to Japan. Basically, it sighifies that plates tend to escape this median plan. In the absence of a non-identified methodological bias, we interpreted it as the potential secular influence ot the Moon on plate motions. The oceanic realms are the cornerstone of our model and we attached a particular interest to reconstruct them with many details. In this model, the oceanic crust is preserved from one reconstruction to the next. The crustal material is symbolised by the synthetic isochrons from which we know the ages. We also reconstruct the margins (active or passive), ridges and intra-oceanic subductions. Using this detailed oceanic dataset, we developed unique 3-D bathymetric models offering a better precision than all the previously existing ones.


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The concentrations of sulfate, black carbon (BC) and other aerosols in the Arctic are characterized by high values in late winter and spring (so-called Arctic Haze) and low values in summer. Models have long been struggling to capture this seasonality and especially the high concentrations associated with Arctic Haze. In this study, we evaluate sulfate and BC concentrations from eleven different models driven with the same emission inventory against a comprehensive pan-Arctic measurement data set over a time period of 2 years (2008–2009). The set of models consisted of one Lagrangian particle dispersion model, four chemistry transport models (CTMs), one atmospheric chemistry-weather forecast model and five chemistry climate models (CCMs), of which two were nudged to meteorological analyses and three were running freely. The measurement data set consisted of surface measurements of equivalent BC (eBC) from five stations (Alert, Barrow, Pallas, Tiksi and Zeppelin), elemental carbon (EC) from Station Nord and Alert and aircraft measurements of refractory BC (rBC) from six different campaigns. We find that the models generally captured the measured eBC or rBC and sulfate concentrations quite well, compared to previous comparisons. However, the aerosol seasonality at the surface is still too weak in most models. Concentrations of eBC and sulfate averaged over three surface sites are underestimated in winter/spring in all but one model (model means for January–March underestimated by 59 and 37 % for BC and sulfate, respectively), whereas concentrations in summer are overestimated in the model mean (by 88 and 44 % for July–September), but with overestimates as well as underestimates present in individual models. The most pronounced eBC underestimates, not included in the above multi-site average, are found for the station Tiksi in Siberia where the measured annual mean eBC concentration is 3 times higher than the average annual mean for all other stations. This suggests an underestimate of BC sources in Russia in the emission inventory used. Based on the campaign data, biomass burning was identified as another cause of the modeling problems. For sulfate, very large differences were found in the model ensemble, with an apparent anti-correlation between modeled surface concentrations and total atmospheric columns. There is a strong correlation between observed sulfate and eBC concentrations with consistent sulfate/eBC slopes found for all Arctic stations, indicating that the sources contributing to sulfate and BC are similar throughout the Arctic and that the aerosols are internally mixed and undergo similar removal. However, only three models reproduced this finding, whereas sulfate and BC are weakly correlated in the other models. Overall, no class of models (e.g., CTMs, CCMs) performed better than the others and differences are independent of model resolution.


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A novel capillary electrophoresis method using capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection is proposed for the determination of the biocide tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate. The feasibility of the electrophoretic separation of this biocide was attributed to the formation of an anionic complex between the biocide and borate ions in the background electrolyte. Evidence of this complex formation was provided by (11) B NMR spectroscopy. A linear relationship (R(2) = 0.9990) between the peak area of the complex and the biocide concentration (50-900 μmol/L) was found. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 15.0 and 50.1 μmol/L, respectively. The proposed method was applied to the determination of tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate in commercial formulations, and the results were in good agreement with those obtained by the standard iodometric titration method. The method was also evaluated for the analysis of tap water and cooling water samples treated with the biocide. The results of the recovery tests at three concentration levels (300, 400, and 600 μmol/L) varied from 75 to 99%, with a relative standard deviation no higher than 9%.


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The photo-Fenton process (Fe(2+)/Fe(3+), H(2)O(2), UV light) is one of the most efficient and advanced oxidation processes for the mineralization of the organic pollutants of industrial effluents and wastewater. The overall rate of the photo-Fenton process is controlled by the rate of the photolytic step that converts Fe(3+) back to Fe(2+). In this paper, the effect of sulfate or chloride ions on the net yield of Fe(2+) during the photolysis of Fe(3+) has been investigated in aqueous solution at pH 3.0 and 1.0 in the absence of hydrogen peroxide. A kinetic model based on the principal reactions that occur in the system fits the data for formation of Fe(2+) satisfactorily. Both experimental data and model prediction show that the availability of Fe(2+) produced by photolysis of Fe(3+) is inhibited much more in the presence of sulfate ion than in the presence of chloride ion as a function of the irradiation time at pH 3.0.


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Background: Changes in the proteoglycans glypican and syndecan-4 have been reported in several pathological conditions, but little is known about their expression in the heart during diabetes. The aim of this study was to investigate in vivo heart function changes and alterations in mRNA expression and protein levels of glypican-1 and syndecan-4 in cardiac and skeletal muscles during streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. Methods: Diabetes was induced in male Wistar rats by STZ administration. The rats were assigned to one of the following groups: control (sham injection), after 24 hours, 10 days, or 30 days of STZ administration. Echocardiography was performed in the control and STZ 10-day groups. Western and Northern blots were used to quantify protein and mRNA levels in all groups. Immunohistochemistry was performed in the control and 30-day groups to correlate the observed mRNA changes to the protein expression. Results: In vivo cardiac functional analysis performed using echocardiography in the 10-day group showed diastolic dysfunction with alterations in the peak velocity of early (E) diastolic filling and isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) indices. These functional alterations observed in the STZ 10-day group correlated with the concomitant increase in syndecan-4 and glypican-1 protein expression. Cardiac glypican-1 mRNA and skeletal syndecan-4 mRNA and protein levels increased in the STZ 30-day group. On the other hand, the amount of glypican in skeletal muscle was lower than that in the control group. The same results were obtained from immunohistochemistry analysis. Conclusion: Our data suggest that membrane proteoglycans participate in the sequence of events triggered by diabetes and inflicted on cardiac and skeletal muscles.


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Background: The establishment of an in vitro production (IVP) of embryo in swine allows the generation of embryos with the same quality as in vivo produced embryos with less costs and time. In order to achieve successful fertilization under normal circumstances in vivo, mammalian spermatozoa must first undergo capacitation and then acrosome reaction. The purpose of this study was compared the efficacious of IP/CFDA fluorescence and Coomassie Blue G (CB) staining to detect capacitated sperm cells in refrigerated and fresh semen. Morever, it was investigated the efficacious of caffeine and chondroitin sulphate to promote in vitro sperm capacitation and in vitro embryo produced (IVP) of swine embryos. Materials, Methods & Results: A sperm-rich fraction from ejaculate was obtained using the gloved-hand method and the gel-free fraction was separated using sterile gauze. The semen was diluted in BTS at a final concentration of 1.5 x 10(8) cells/mL. The sperm suspension was incubated for 2 h at 25 degrees C, refrigerated and maintained for 1 h at 15-18 degrees C (refrigerated group) or used immediately (fresh group). Sperm capacitation was assessed by IP/CFDA fluorescence and CB staining for both fresh and refrigerated semen. For PI/CFDA evaluation, a final solution containing 1.7 mM formaldehyde, 7.3 mM PI and 20 mM CFDA in 950 mu L saline was prepared. In the dark, 40 mu L PI/CFDA final solution was added to 10 mu L semen and after 8 min, slides were analyzed on epifluorescence microscopy. For CB evaluation, sperm cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min and centrifuged twice at 320 x g in ammonium acetate pH 9 for 8 min. A smear was made and stained with 2.75 mg/mL CB in solution containing 12.5% methanol, 25% glacial acetic acid and 62.5% water, for 2 min. The smear was washed in running water, air dried and sealed with Permount (R), diluted 2:1 in xilol to avoid staining oxidation. Our results showed that refrigeration did not affect sperm capacitation and comparing staining methods, the PI/CFDA combination was more efficient to detect capacitated sperm, when compared to CB staining. In experiment 2, we evaluated the effect of different incubation time (1 - 5 h) with chondroitin sulfate and caffeine on sperm capacitation. For in vitro fertilization, oocytes were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries. Oocytes with a thick and intact cumulus oophurus layer and cytoplasm with homogenous granules were selected for in vitro maturation for 44 h. According to the results of experiment 2, it was used for in vitro fertilization refrigerated semen was capacitated with 50 mu g/mL chondroitin sulfate for 2 h or capacitated with 5 mu g/mL caffeine for 3 h. Six hours after insemination, cumulus oophorus cells were mechanically removed and oocytes were washed and incubated in microdrops of culture medium. Embryo development after fertilization with sperm capacitated with caffeine or chondroitin sulfate was evaluated on days 3, 5 and 7 of culture. No differences were observed in days 3 or 5 of in vitro culture. However, it was observed an increase on blastocyst rate on Day 7 of culture when caffeine was used as the capacitor agent. Discussion: Molecular basis of sperm capacitation is still poor understood. Sperm capacitation can occur in vitro spontaneously in defined media without addition of biological fluids. We observed that sperm capacitation increased as incubation period enlarged and it was observed using Coomassie blue G and PI/CFDA for fresh semen and for refrigerated semen. It can be concluded that the cooling of semen did not change their pattern of sperm capacitation and this is best assessed by IP/CFDA than by CB. In addition to the use of caffeine in sperm capacitation produces more blastocysts than the chondroitin sulfate after in vitro fertilization.


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Background: Lipoprotein lipase (Lpl) acts on triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in the peripheral circulation, liberating free fatty acids for energy metabolism or storage. This essential enzyme is synthesized in parenchymal cells of adipose tissue, heart, and skeletal muscle and migrates to the luminal side of the vascular endothelium where it acts upon circulating lipoproteins. Prior studies suggested that Lpl is immobilized by way of heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the endothelium, but genetically altering endothelial cell heparan sulfate had no effect on Lpl localization or lipolysis. The objective of this study was to determine if extracellular matrix proteoglycans affect Lpl distribution and triglyceride metabolism. Methods and Findings: We examined mutant mice defective in collagen XVIII (Col18), a heparan sulfate proteoglycan present in vascular basement membranes. Loss of Col18 reduces plasma levels of Lpl enzyme and activity, which results in mild fasting hypertriglyceridemia and diet-induced hyperchylomicronemia. Humans with Knobloch Syndrome caused by a null mutation in the vascular form of Col18 also present lower than normal plasma Lpl mass and activity and exhibit fasting hypertriglyceridemia. Conclusions: This is the first report demonstrating that Lpl presentation on the lumenal side of the endothelium depends on a basement membrane proteoglycan and demonstrates a previously unrecognized phenotype in patients lacking Col18.


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The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C(6)H(9)N(2)OS(2)(+)center dot-HSO(4)(-)center dot H(2)O, contains a heterocyclic cation, a hydrogen sulfate anion and a water molecule. There are strong hydrogen bonds between the hydrogen sulfate anions and water molecules, forming an infinite chain along the [010] direction, from which the cations are pendent. The steric, electronic and geometric features are compared with those of similar compounds. In this way, structural relationships are stated in terms of the influence of the sulfate group on the protonation of the heterocycle and on the tautomeric equilibrium in the solid state.


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This paper describes the performance and biofilm characteristics of a full-scale anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR; 20 m(3)) containing biomass immobilized on an inert support (mineral coal) for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing a high sulfate concentration. The ASBBR reactor was operated during 110 cycles (48 h each) at sulfate loading rates ranging from 6.9 to 62.4 kgSO(4)(2-)/cycle corresponding to sulfate concentrations of 0.58-5.2 gSO(4)(2-)/L. Domestic sewage and ethanol were utilized as electron donors for sulfate reduction. After 71 cycles the mean sulfate removal efficiency was 99%, demonstrating a high potential for biological sulfate reduction. The biofilm formed in the reactor occurred in two different patterns, one at the beginning of the colonization and the other of a mature biofilm. These different colonization patterns are due to the low adhesion of the microorganisms on the inert support in the start-up period. The biofilm population is mainly made up of syntrophic consortia among sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea such as Methanosaeta spp.


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The removal of sulfate and organic matter was assessed in an ASBR, which treated wastewater containing 500 mg COD L(-1) (3 g COD L(-1) d(-1)) in 8 h-cycles at 30 degrees C. The wastewater was enriched with sulfate at [COD/SO(4)(2-]) ratios of 1.34, 0.67 and 0.34 (8.8,4.5 and 2.2 gSO(4)(2-) L(-1) d(-1)). For each COD/[SO(4)(2-)] ratio fill times used were: 10 min (batch), 3 and 6 h (fed-batch), achieving sulfate reduction of 30%, 72% and 72% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 1.34); 25%, 58% and 55% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.67) and 23%, 37% and 27% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.34), respectively, and organic matter removal of 87%, 68% and 80% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 1.34); 78%, 75% and 69% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.67) and 85%, 84% and 83% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.34), respectively. The results showed that fed-batch operation improved sulfate reduction, whereas organic matter removals were similar for batch and fed-batch operation. In addition, increase in sulfate loading in the fed-batch operation improved organic matter removal. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A pilot-scale (1.2 m(3)) anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) containing mineral coal for biomass attachment was fed with sulfate-rich wastewater at increasing sulfate concentrations. Ethanol was used as the main organic source. Tested COD/sulfate ratios were of 1.8 and 1.5 for sulfate loading rates of 0.65-1.90 kgSO(4)(2-)/cycle (48 h-cycle) or of 1.0 in the trial with 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Sulfate removal efficiencies observed in all trials were as high as 99%. Molecular inventories indicated a shift on the microbial composition and a decrease on species diversity with the increase of sulfate concentration. Beta-proteobacteria species affiliated with Aminomonas spp. and Thermanaerovibrio spp. predominated at 1.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). At higher sulfate concentrations the predominant bacterial group was Delta-proteobacteria mainly Desulfovibrio spp. and Desulfomicrobium spp. at 2.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1), whereas Desulfurella spp. and Coprothermobacter spp. predominated at 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). These organisms have been commonly associated with sulfate reduction producing acetate, sulfide and sulfur. Methanogenic archaea(Methanosaeta spp.)was found at 1.0 and 2.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Additionally, a simplified mathematical model was used to infer on metabolic pathways of the biomass involved in sulfate reduction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.