17 resultados para Suidas (Lexicographer)
Edited by J.C.G. Ernesti.
Preface by Ludolf Küster.
Paged continuously.
Como gênero, o dicionário inscreve-se na sociedade entre as obras de autoridade, que servem como referência para a construção dos mais diferentes gêneros. Além disso, encerra um discurso pedagógico, já que, por meio das definições, consulentes partilham do conhecimento detido pelo lexicógrafo. O dicionário é também um gênero múltiplo, formado por diferentes subgêneros, como o verbete e os textos de abertura (prefácio, apresentação, detalhamento). Espécie de colônia, que agrega outros textos, define-se também por suas características formais bem marcadas, como a alfabetação e a composição por verbetes. Múltiplo por sua própria natureza e sujeito ao dialogismo da enunciação, o dicionário é atravessado por muitas vozes e enunciadores, não apenas os próprios redatores, mas também outras obras de referência, técnicas ou de outras línguas. Essas vozes são costuradas pelo dicionarista, figura do discurso que gerencia os enunciados, envoltos na expectativa da neutralidade da descrição isenta. É nosso grande interesse observar em termos práticos quais são as fronteiras entre o discurso aparentemente isento que se pretende que o dicionário tenha e as brechas de onde emergem outras vozes que povoam essa colônia. Para buscá-las, valemo-nos basicamente dos estudos de polifonia de Ducrot, da noção de ethos de Maingueneau e Charaudeau e das formas de modalização que Castilho e Castilho (2002) arrolaram em seu estudo sobre os advérbios na Gramática do português falado, volume II. Por meio da pesquisa reversa com base nos termos modalizadores de Castilho e Castilho no Dicionário Aurélio da língua portuguesa (DALP, 2010) e no Dicionário Houaiss da língua portuguesa (DHLP, 2009), buscamos partir da definição para as entradas, identificando os enunciadores que se mostram ou se escondem, afiançam ou refutam, negam ou afirmam uma proposição. Por meio dessas ocorrências, podemos chegar a enunciados postos e pressupostos e explorar diferentes aspectos da enunciação, desnudando parte das vozes que povoam essa colônia
The production of a dictionary always generates controversy about decisions to be taken by the lexicographer. They are based – a priori – in previous theoretical and methodological choices. What we mean by dictionary? Why making certain choices rather than others? How to reconcile (if there is a reconciliation) the different approaches to describe the lexicon? The objective here is to contribute with theoretical and methodological reflections related to the Juruna Lexicography (Yudjá), as well as for lexicographical studies camp. This text addresses critical points of dictionaries production processes – if we may so call it – the history of the act of making a dictionary, so we can discuss choices to be taken to the entries of verbs in the Juruna-Portuguese bilingual dictionary assembly provided as a long term project result, in which some collaborators are working, including community’s indigenous. The work contains sections that will raise historical and linguistic discussions about the compilation of a dictionary and how this act binds to the applicability for the subjects that use this instrument firming / mobilizer of the lexicon visions. The focus here will be to discuss the verbs entries in the Juruna dictionary (stemming), taking lexicographical history as a contributor to certain choices of dictionaries production nowadays, whether for mother tongue, for foreign language, specialized lexicons, semantic groups, and systematizations for languages that are starting/beginning a first publication of dictionaries
Esperienza di creazione di entrate lessicografiche combinatorie: metodi e dati dal progetto CombiNet
The present dissertation aims at simulating the construction of lexicographic layouts for an Italian combinatory dictionary based on real linguistic data, extracted from corpora by using computational methods. This work is based on the assumption that the intuition of the native speaker, or the lexicographer, who manually extracts and classifies all the relevant data, are not adequate to provide sufficient information on the meaning and use of words. Therefore, a study of the real use of language is required and this is particularly true for dictionaries that collect the combinatory behaviour of words, where the task of the lexicographer is to identify typical combinations where a word occurs. This study is conducted in the framework of the CombiNet project aimed at studying Italian Word Combinationsand and at building an online, corpus-based combinatory lexicographic resource for the Italian language. This work is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 describes the criteria considered for the classification of word combinations according to the work of Ježek (2011). Chapter 1 also contains a brief comparison between the most important Italian combinatory dictionaries and the BBI Dictionary of Word Combinations in order to describe how word combinations are considered in these lexicographic resources. Chapter 2 describes the main computational methods used for the extraction of word combinations from corpora, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. Chapter 3 mainly focuses on the practical word carried out in the framework of the CombiNet project, with reference to the tools and resources used (EXTra, LexIt and "La Repubblica" corpus). Finally, the data extracted and the lexicographic layout of the lemmas to be included in the combinatory dictionary are commented, namely the words "acqua" (water), "braccio" (arm) and "colpo" (blow, shot, stroke).
Preface signed: John Marchant.
Text in Greek; notes in Latin.
Mode of access: Internet.
"G.A. Kochii Observationes in Timaei Sophistae Lexicon vocum Platonicarum et Moeridis Atticistae Lexicon Atticum a se nuper edita.": 61 p. at end, with special t.p.
Includes indexes.
Added t.-p. in Italian.
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
I describe and discuss a series of court cases which focus upon on decoding the meaning of slang terms. Examples include sexual slang used in a description by a child and an Internet Relay Chat containing a conspiracy to murder. I consider the task presented by these cases for the forensic linguist and the roles the linguist may assume in determining the meaning of slang terms for the Courts. These roles are identified as linguist as naïve interpreter, lexicographer, case researcher and cultural mediator. Each of these roles is suggestive of different strategies that might be used from consulting formal slang dictionaries and less formal Internet sources, to collecting case specific corpora and examining all the extraneous material in a particular case. Each strategy is evaluated both in terms of the strength of evidence provided and its applicability to the forensic context.