827 resultados para Suicidal Behaviors
Sommaire Cette thèse examine les liens entre la présence de risques suicidaires chez les adolescents et leur perception des pratiques de chacun de leurs parents. L’étude a examiné l’association entre le comportement suicidaire et différents aspects des pratiques parentales incluant l’affection, l’exercice du contrôle comportemental et psychologique ainsi que les conflits entre parent et adolescents. La thèse a également examiné l’effet du statut matrimonial des parents sur le comportement suicidaire chez les jeunes. Le dernier objectif de l’étude a été d’explorer le rôle du sexe de l’adolescent comme facteur de vulnérabilité face au suicide. L’échantillon de l’étude était composé 1096 adolescents Montréalais, âgés de 11 à 18 ans. L’échantillon était également réparti entre filles et garçons, fréquentant deux écoles secondaires de la région de Montréal, dans la province du Québec au Canada. Il y avait deux groupes à l’étude : le groupe suicidaire et le groupe non-suicidaire. Le premier groupe incluait les sujets présentant des idéations suicidaires et ceux ayant fait une ou plusieurs tentatives de suicide. Un questionnaire auto-rapporté fut administré à chaque sujet pour évaluer les dimensions suivantes auprès de la mère et du père : le niveau de proximité affective, le niveau de supervision parentale, le contrôle comportemental et le contrôle psychologique, la tolérance à l’égard des amis, ainsi que la fréquence et l’impact émotionnel des conflits. Une échelle a également évalué la présence éventuelle de comportements suicidaires chez les jeunes. Dans le but de tester l’hypothèse de base de l’étude, une série d’analyses descriptives et une MANCOVA ont été réalisées. L’hypothèse générale de la thèse postulant que les adolescents ayant des risques suicidaires présenteraient des relations plus problématiques avec leurs parents fut confirmée. En contrôlant l’effet de la détresse psychologique des adolescents, les analyses ont mené à la conclusion que, dans les familles biparentales, un faible niveau de proximité affective avec la mère, une fréquence plus élevée de conflits avec la mère, un excès du contrôle psychologique et un plus faible niveau de supervision maternelle, présentaient des liens significatifs avec le comportement suicidaire chez les adolescents. Indépendamment de la structure familiale, les caractéristiques suivantes du père étaient respectivement perçues par l’adolescent comme ayant des liens significatifs avec le comportement suicidaire des adolescents: faible proximité affective, impact émotionnel et fréquence élevée des conflits ainsi que le manque de supervision. Ces résultats ont été interprétés à la lumière des théories de la socialisation qui mettent l’accent sur le rôle central de la qualité des liens affectifs entre parents et adolescents, comme facteur de protection contre les risques suicidaires. Les résultats ont aussi révélé que les filles adolescentes sont plus exposées aux risques suicidaires tels que tentatives et idéations suicidaires. Les conclusions de cette étude soulignent le besoin urgent de recherches plus poussées sur le comportement suicidaire des adolescents et leurs liens avec les facteurs familiaux, en tenant compte du statut matrimonial des parents. La thèse met également l’accent sur la nécessité de mettre en place des programmes de prévention auprès des adolescents présentant des risques suicidaires élevés.
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) study entitled Suicide Trends in At-Risk Territories (START) is an international multisite initiative that aims to stimulate suicide research and prevention across different areas of the globe. A central component of the study is the development of registration systems for fatal and nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Aims: This paper provides an overview of the data collected on suicidal behaviors from the participating locations in the START study. Method: Descriptive statistics on the data are presented in terms of age, sex, and method. Results: Agreater proportion of suicide deaths occurred among males. In all areas except the Philippines more females than males engaged in nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Compared to Australia, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Hong Kong SAR, in the Pacific Islands suicide most often occurs in younger age groups. Results indicate notable variations between countries in choice of method. A greater proportion of suicides occurred by hanging in Pacific Islands, while inhalation of carbon monoxide, use of firearms, ingestion of chemicals and poisons, and drug overdose were the most frequent methods of choice in other areas. Conclusion: The information drawn from this study demonstrates the enormous variation in suicidal behavior across the areas involved in the START Study. Further research is needed to assess the reliability of the established data-recording systems for suicidal behaviors. The baseline data established in START may allow the development of suicide prevention initiatives sensitive to variation in the profile of suicide across different locations. © 2013 Hogrefe Publishing.
BACKGROUND: Declared suicidal intent and physical danger are both considered important components in defining suicidal behaviors (SB). AIMS: 1) To investigate characteristics of serious suicidal behaviors (SSB), defined by either suicidal intent or lethality; 2) To determine any difference in terms of socio-demographic, clinical and/or service usage variables between SSB and non-serious suicidal behaviors (NSSB). METHODS: A total of 2631 contacts for SB were registered in the context of the MONSUE (Monitoring Suicidal Behavior in Europe) study project. Demographic and clinical information were registered. ICD-10 was used for classifying data about psychiatric diagnoses, methods used for SB and injuries reported. Clear intentionality, high-case fatality methods and serious injuries all defined SSB (n = 1169; 44.4%) RESULTS: SSB were more often preceded by a contact with an inpatient (either psychiatric or somatic) rather than an outpatient service. Among those having a previous history of SB, SSB subjects had fewer contacts with health services before the previous attempt. The strongest predictors for SSB appeared to be older age and not professing a religion. CONCLUSION: Many of the known factors contributing to the risk of completed suicide were also present for SSB. Our findings on service usage by suicide attempters show which aspects of mental health services should be strengthened in order to improve suicide prevention.
Background: Adolescent suicidal behaviors are a public health priority. Objectives: Suicidal behavior is an understudied field in the Azores, and the few existing research studies with Portuguese adolescents only include young people from Mainland Portugal. This study aims at analyzing the adolescent student population from this island region so as to describe the current situation and plan community intervention projects in this area to meet the identified needs. Methodology: This is a non-experimental, quantitative and descriptive-correlational study with the purpose of describing phenomena and finding associations between variables. Results: The results showed that 17.9% of the 484 sampled adolescents reported self-harm behaviors, with 12.7% reporting self-cutting and 5.2% medication overdose or ingestion of toxic substances. Around 15.5% of the adolescents reported suicidal ideation. Additionally, they showed high levels of depressive symptoms (19.9%), ranging from moderate (12%) to severe (7.9%). Conclusion: Adolescents had more self-harm behaviors, more severe depressive symptoms, a lower self-concept and fewer coping strategies than similar populations in mainland Portugal.
The aim of the present study is to provide validation data regarding the Portuguese version of the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire Revised in nonclinical individuals. Two studies were undertaken with two different nonclinical samples in order to demonstrate reliability, concurrent, predictive, and construct validity, and in order to establish an appropriate cut-score for nonclinical individuals. A sample of 810 community adults participated in Study 1. Results from this study provided information regarding scale internal consistency, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and concurrent validity. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis established a cut-off score to be used for screening purposes with nonclinical individuals. A sample of 440 young adults participated in Study 2, which demonstrated scale score internal consistency and 5-month predictive validity. Further, 5-month test-retest reliability was also evaluated and the correlations of SBQ-R scale scores with two other measures that assess constructs related to suicidality, depression and psychache, were also performed. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken to demonstrate the robustness of the result obtained in Study 1. Overall, findings supported the psychometric appropriateness of the Portuguese Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revise
Although there is a general consensus among researchers that engagement in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is associated with increased risk for suicidal behavior, little attention has been given to whether suicidal risk varies among individuals engaging in NSSI. To identify individuals with a history of NSSI who are most at risk for suicidal behavior, we examined individual variability in both NSSI and suicidal behavior among a sample of young adults with a history of NSSI (N = 439, Mage = 19.1). Participants completed self-report measures assessing NSSI, suicidal behavior, and psychosocial adjustment (e.g., depressive symptoms, daily hassles). We conducted a latent class analysis using several characteristics of NSSI and suicidal behaviors as class indicators. Three subgroups of individuals were identified: 1) an infrequent NSSI/not high risk for suicidal behavior group, 2) a frequent NSSI/not high risk for suicidal behavior group, and 3) a frequent NSSI/high risk for suicidal behavior group. Follow-up analyses indicated that individuals in the ‘frequent NSSI/high risk for suicidal behavior’ group met the clinical-cut off score for high suicidal risk and reported significantly greater levels of suicidal ideation, attempts, and risk for future suicidal behavior as compared to the other two classes. Thus, this study is the first to identity variability in suicidal risk among individuals engaging in frequent and multiple methods of NSSI. Class 3 was also differentiated by higher levels of psychosocial impairment relative to the other two classes, as well as a comparison group of non-injuring young adults. Results underscore the importance of assessing individual differences in NSSI characteristics, as well as psychosocial impairment, when assessing risk for suicidal behavior.
Background: Previous research has reported both a moderate degree of comorbidity between cannabis dependence and major depressive disorder (MDD) and that early-onset cannabis use is associated with increased risks for MDD. Objective: To examine whether associations between both lifetime cannabis dependence and early cannabis use and measures of MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt persist after controlling for genetic and/or shared environmental influences. Design: Cross-sectional survey of twin pairs discordant for lifetime cannabis dependence and those discordant for early cannabis use. Setting: General population sample of twins (median age, 30 years). Participants: Two hundred seventy-seven same-sex twin pairs discordant for cannabis dependence and 311 pairs discordant for early-onset cannabis use (before age 17 years). Main Outcome Measures: Self-report measures of DSM-IV-defined lifetime MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt. Results: Individuals who were cannabis dependent had odds of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt that were 2.5 to 2.9 times higher than those of their non-cannabis-dependent co-twin. Additionally, cannabis dependence was associated with elevated risks of MDD in dizygotic but not in monozygotic twins. Those who initiated cannabis use before age 17 years had elevated rates of subsequent suicide attempt (odds ratio, 3.5 [95% confidence interval, 1.4-8.6]) but not of MDD or suicidal ideation. Early MDD and suicidal ideation were significantly associated with subsequent risks of cannabis dependence in discordant dizygotic pairs but not in discordant monozygotic pairs. Conclusions: Comorbidity between cannabis dependence and MDD likely arises through shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities predisposing to both outcomes. In contrast, associations between cannabis dependence and suicidal behaviors cannot be entirely explained by common predisposing genetic and/or shared environmental predispositions. Previously reported associations between early-onset cannabis use and subsequent MDD likely reflect shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities, although it remains possible that early-onset cannabis use may predispose to suicide attempt.
En la actualidad tanto el consumo de alcohol y marihuana, como las conductas suicidas (ideación e intención suicida) en adultos jóvenes, constituyen un problema de salud pública cuyo impacto a nivel social y emocional, irrumpe el estilo de vida no sólo de quien es consumidor y lleva a cabo conductas suicidas sino al núcleo familiar y social circundante. Hay una especial preocupación por el temprano consumo de estas sustancias, oscilando entre los 15 años en el caso de los hombres y en las mujeres a los 18 años. El objetivo de esta revisión teórica es revisar la evidencia teórica y empírica sobre la conducta suicida (ideación e intención) y el consumo de alcohol y marihuana en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Entre otros, los resultados muestran que el consumo de alcohol y la conducta suicida están relacionados y que no hay evidencia empírica sobre la relación entre el consumo de marihuana y esta conducta.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background The prevalence, sociodemographic aspects, and clinical features of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients with obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) have been previously addressed in primarily relatively small samples. Methods We performed a cross-sectional demographic and clinical assessment of 901 OCD patients participating in the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. We used the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS); Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale; Clinical Global Impression Scale; and Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Results The lifetime prevalence of BDD was 12.1%. The individuals with comorbid BDD (OCD-BDD; n = 109) were younger than were those without it. In addition, the proportions of single and unemployed patients were greater in the OCD-BDD group. This group of patients also showed higher rates of suicidal behaviors; mood, anxiety, and eating disorders; hypochondriasis; skin picking; Tourette syndrome; and symptoms of the sexual/religious, aggressive, and miscellaneous dimensions. Furthermore, OCD-BDD patients had an earlier onset of OC symptoms; greater severity of OCD, depression, and anxiety symptoms; and poorer insight. After logistic regression, the following features were associated with OCD-BDD: current age; age at OCD onset; severity of the miscellaneous DY-BOCS dimension; severity of depressive symptoms; and comorbid social phobia, dysthymia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and skin picking. Conclusions Because OCD patients might not inform clinicians about concerns regarding their appearance, it is essential to investigate symptoms of BDD, especially in young patients with early onset and comorbid social anxiety, chronic depression, skin picking, or eating disorders. Depression and Anxiety 29: 966-975, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Background: Attempted suicide is a strong risk factor for subsequent suicidal behaviors. Innovative strategies to deal with people who have attempted suicide are needed, particularly in resource-poor settings. Aims: To evaluate a brief educational intervention and periodic follow-up contacts (BIC) for suicide attempters in five culturally different sites (Campinas, Brazil; Chennai, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran; and Yuncheng, People's Republic of China) as part of the WHO Multisite Intervention Study on Suicidal Behaviors (SUPRE-MISS). Methods: Among the 1,867 suicide attempters enrolled in the emergency departments of the participating sites, 922 (49.4%) were randomly assigned to a brief intervention and contact (BIC) group and 945 (50.6%) to a treatment as usual (TAU) group. Repeated suicide attempts over the 18 months following the index attempt - the secondary outcome measure presented in this paper - were identified by follow-up calls or visits. Subsequent completed suicide - the primary outcome measure has been reported in a previous paper. Results: Overall, the proportion of subjects with repeated suicide attempts was similar in the BIC and TAU groups (7.6% vs. 7.5%, chi(2) = 0.013; p = .909), but there were differences in rates across the five sites. Conclusions: This study from five low-and middle-income countries does not confirm the effectiveness of brief educational intervention and follow-up contacts for suicide attempters in reducing subsequent repetition of suicide attempts up to 18 months after discharge from emergency departments.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background The prevalence, sociodemographic aspects, and clinical features of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients with obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) have been previously addressed in primarily relatively small samples. Methods We performed a cross-sectional demographic and clinical assessment of 901 OCD patients participating in the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. We used the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS); Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale; Clinical Global Impression Scale; and Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Results The lifetime prevalence of BDD was 12.1%. The individuals with comorbid BDD (OCD-BDD; n = 109) were younger than were those without it. In addition, the proportions of single and unemployed patients were greater in the OCD-BDD group. This group of patients also showed higher rates of suicidal behaviors; mood, anxiety, and eating disorders; hypochondriasis; skin picking; Tourette syndrome; and symptoms of the sexual/religious, aggressive, and miscellaneous dimensions. Furthermore, OCD-BDD patients had an earlier onset of OC symptoms; greater severity of OCD, depression, and anxiety symptoms; and poorer insight. After logistic regression, the following features were associated with OCD-BDD: current age; age at OCD onset; severity of the miscellaneous DY-BOCS dimension; severity of depressive symptoms; and comorbid social phobia, dysthymia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and skin picking. Conclusions Because OCD patients might not inform clinicians about concerns regarding their appearance, it is essential to investigate symptoms of BDD, especially in young patients with early onset and comorbid social anxiety, chronic depression, skin picking, or eating disorders. Depression and Anxiety 29: 966-975, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an established treatment for advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) with disabling motor complications. However, stimulation may be beneficial at an earlier stage of PD when motor fluctuations and dyskinesia are only mild and psychosocial competence is still maintained. The EARLYSTIM trial was conducted in patients with recent onset of levodopa-induced motor complications (<3 years) whose social and occupational functioning remained preserved. This is called 'early' here. The study was a randomized, multicenter, bi-national pivotal trial with a 2 year observation period. Quality of life was the main outcome measure, and a video-based motor score was a blinded secondary outcome of the study. Motor, neuropsychological, psychiatric and psychosocial aspects were captured by established scales and questionnaires. The patient group randomized here is the earliest in the disease course and the youngest recruited in controlled DBS trials so far. The methodological innovation for DBS-studies of this study lies in novel procedures developed and used for monitoring best medical treatment, neurosurgical consistency, best management of stimulation programming, blinded video assessment of motor disability, and prevention of suicidal behaviors.