955 resultados para Subunit-specific Antibodies
The neuropeptide somatostatin is a widely distributed general inhibitor of endocrine, exocrine, gastrointestinal and neural functions. The biological actions of somatostatin are initiated by interaction with high affinity, plasma membrane somatostatin receptors (sst receptors). Five sst receptor subtypes have been cloned and sequence analysis shows they are all members of the G protein coupled receptor superfamily. The G proteins play a pivotal role in sst receptor signal transduction and the specificity of somatostatin receptor-G protein coupling defines the possible range of cellular responses. However, the data for endogenous sst receptor and G protein coupling is very limited, and even when it is available, the sst receptor subtypes involved in G protein coupling and signal transduction are unknown due to the expression of multiple sst receptor subtypes in target cell lines or tissues of somatostatin.^ In an effort to characterize each individual sst receptor subtypes, antisera against unique C-terminal regions of different sst receptor subtypes have been developed in our lab. In this report, antisera made against the sst1, sst2A and sst4 receptors are characterized. They are highly specific to their corresponding receptors and efficiently immunoprecipitate the sst receptors. Using these antibodies, the cell lines expressing these sst receptor subtypes were identified with both immunoprecipitation and Western blot methods. The development of sst receptor subtype specific antibodies make it possible to determine the specificity of the sst receptor subtype and G protein coupling in target cells or tissues expressing multiple sst receptors, two questions were addressed by this thesis: (1) whether different cellular environments affect receptor subtype and G protein coupling; (2) whether different sst receptors couple to different G proteins in similar cellular environments.^ Taken together our findings, both sst1 and sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells, G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in GH$\sb4$C$\sb1$ cells. Further, sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in AR4-2J cells while sst4 receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells. Therefore, the G protein coupling of the same sst receptors in different cell lines is basically similar in that they all couple with multiple $\alpha$-subunits of the G$\rm \sb{i}$ proteins, suggesting cellular environment has little effect on receptor and G protein coupling. Moreover, different sst receptors have similar G protein coupling specificities in the same cell line, suggesting components other than receptor and G$\alpha$ subunits in the signal transduction pathways may contribute to specific functions of each sst receptor subtype. This series of experiments represent a novel approach in dissecting signal transduction pathways and may have general application in the field. Furthermore, this is the first systematic study of sst receptor subtype and G protein $\alpha$-subunit interaction in both transfected cells and in normal cell lines. The information generated will be very useful in our understanding of sst receptor signal transduction pathways and in directing future sst receptor research. ^
Age-associated memory impairment occurs frequently in primates. Based on the established importance of both the perforant path and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in memory formation, we investigated the glutamate receptor distribution and immunofluorescence intensity within the dentate gyrus of juvenile, adult, and aged macaque monkeys with the combined use of subunit-specific antibodies and quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy. Here we demonstrate that aged monkeys, compared to adult monkeys, exhibit a 30.6% decrease in the ratio of NMDA receptor subunit 1 (NMDAR1) immunofluorescence intensity within the distal dendrites of the dentate gyrus granule cells, which receive the perforant path input from the entorhinal cortex, relative to the proximal dendrites, which receive an intrinsic excitatory input from the dentate hilus. The intradendritic alteration in NMDAR1 immunofluorescence occurs without a similar alteration of non-NMDA receptor subunits. Further analyses using synaptophysin as a reflection of total synaptic density and microtubule-associated protein 2 as a dendritic structural marker demonstrated no significant difference in staining intensity or area across the molecular layer in aged animals compared to the younger animals. These findings suggest that, in aged monkeys, a circuit-specific alteration in the intradendritic concentration of NMDAR1 occurs without concomitant gross structural changes in dendritic morphology or a significant change in the total synaptic density across the molecular layer. This alteration in the NMDA receptor-mediated input to the hippocampus from the entorhinal cortex may represent a molecular/cellular substrate for age-associated memory impairments.
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a worldwide infection and is considered a significant pathogen. The diagnosis of FIV infections is mainly based on commercially available rapid tests that are highly expensive in Brazil, hence it is rarely performed in the country. Furthermore, lentiviruses grow slowly and poorly in tissue cultures, making the production of viral antigen by classic means and thus the establishment of FIV immunodiagnosis impracticable. In order to deal with this, recombinant DNA techniques were adopted to produce the protein p24, a viral capsid antigen. The protein's reactivity evaluation analyzed by Western blot indicated that this recombinant antigen can be a useful tool for the immunodiagnostic of FIV infections.
Recent studies have provided evidence that breast cancer susceptibility gene products (Brca1 and Brca2) suppress cancer, at least in part, by participating in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair. Brca1 is hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage and co-localizes with Rad51, a protein involved in homologous-recombination, and Nbs1·Mre11·Rad50, a complex required for both homologous-recombination and nonhomologous end joining repair of damaged DNA. Here, we report that there is a qualitative difference in the phosphorylation states of Brca1 between ionizing radiation (IR) and UV radiation. Brca1 is phosphorylated at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR and UV; however, Ser-1387 is specifically phosphorylated after IR, and Ser-1457 is predominantly phosphorylated after UV. These results suggest that different types of DNA-damaging agents might signal to Brca1 in different ways. We also provide evidence that the rapid phosphorylation of Brca1 at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR (but not after UV) is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase-dependent. The overexpression of catalytically inactive ATM and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase inhibited the UV-induced phosphorylation of Brca1 at these sites, indicating that ATR controls Brca1 phosphorylation in vivo after the exposure of cells to UV light. Moreover, ATR associates with Brca1; ATR and Brca1 foci co-localize both in cells synchronized in S phase and after exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents. ATR can itself phosphorylate the region of Brca1 phosphorylated by ATM (Ser-Gln cluster in the C terminus of Brca1, amino acids 1241-1530). However, there are additional uncharacterized ATR phosphorylation site(s) between residues 521 and 757 of Brca1. Taken together, our results support a model in which ATM and ATR act in parallel but somewhat overlapping pathways of DNA damage signaling but respond primarily to different types of DNA lesion.
Recent studies have provided evidence that breast cancer susceptibility gene products (Brca1 and Brca2) suppress cancer, at least in part, by participating in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair. Brca1 is hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage and co-localizes with Rad51, a protein involved in homologous-recombination, and Nbs1.Mre11.Rad50, a complex required for both homologous-recombination and nonhomologous end joining repair of damaged DNA. Here, we report that there is a qualitative difference in the phosphorylation states of Brca1 between ionizing radiation (IR) and UV radiation. Brca1 is phosphorylated at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR and W; however, Ser-1387 is specifically phosphorylated after IR, and Ser-1457 is predominantly phosphorylated after W. These results suggest that different types of DNA-damaging agents might signal to Brca1 in different ways. We also provide evidence that the rapid phosphorylation of Brca1 at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR (but not after W) is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase-dependent. The overexpression of catalytically inactive ATM and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase inhibited the UV-induced phosphorylation of Brca1 at these sites, indicating that ATR controls Brca1 phosphorylation in vivo after the exposure of cells to UV light. Moreover, ATR associates with Brca1; ATR and Brca1 foci co-localize both in cells synchronized in S phase and after exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents. ATR can itself phosphorylate the region of Brca1 phosphorylated by ATM (Ser-Gln cluster in the C terminus of Brca1, amino acids 1241-1530), However, there are additional uncharacterized ATR phosphorylation site(s) between residues 521 and 757 of Brca1, Taken together, our results support a model in which ATM and ATR act in parallel but somewhat overlapping pathways of DNA damage signaling but respond primarily to different types of DNA lesion.
Cryptosporidium sp., a coccidian parasite usually found in the faeces of cattle, has been recently implicated as an agent of human intestinal disease, mainly in immunocompromised patients. In the study realized, by an indirect immunofluorescence technique, specific immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) have been demonstrated in human serum against Cryptosporidium oocysts. Purified oocysts were used as antigens in the indirect immunofluorecence assay. After analyzing this test in sera from selected groups of patients, the frequency of both specific IgG and IgM of immunocompetent children who were excreting oocysts in their faeces was 62% and in children with negative excretion of oocysts was 20% and 40%, respectively. In adults infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and who were excreting Cryptosporidium in their stools, the frequency was 57% for IgG but only 2% for IgM. Twenty three percent of immunocompromised adults with not determined excretion of oocysts in their stools had anti-Cryptosporidium IgG in their sera. Children infected with human immunodeficiency virus had no IgM and only 14% had IgG detectable in their sera. The indirect immunoflorescence assay, when used with other parasitological techniques appears to be useful for retrospective population studies and for diagnosis of acute infection. The humoral immune response of HIV positive patients to this protozoan agent needs clarification.
The diagnostic potential of circulating IgM and IgA antibodies against Schistosoma mansoni gut-associated antigens detected by the immunofluorescence test (IFT) on adult worm paraffin sections was evaluated comparatively to the fecal parasitological method, for epidemiological purposes in low endemic areas for schistosomiasis. Blood samples were collected on filter paper from two groups of schoolchildren living in two different localities of the municipality of Itariri (São Paulo, Brazil) with different histories and prevalences of schistosomiasis. The parasitological and serological data were compared to those obtained for another group of schoolchildren from a non-endemic area for schistosomiasis. The results showed poor sensitivity of the parasitological method in detecting individuals with low worm burden and indicate the potential of the serological method as an important tool to be incorporated into schistosomiasis control and vigilance programs for determining the real situation of schistosomiasis in low endemic areas.
Background: Plasmodium falciparum(P. falciparum) merozoite surfaceprotein 2 (MSP-2) is one of bloodstage proteins that are associated withprotection from malaria. MSP-2 consistsof a highly polymorphic centralrepeat region flanked by a dimorphicregion that defines the two allelicfamilies, 3D7 and FC27; N- and Cterminalregions are conserved domains.Long synthetic peptides (LSP)representing the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 and constant regions arerecognized by sera from donors livingin endemic areas; and specific antibodies(Abs) are associated with protectionand active in antibody dependentcellular inhibition (ADCI) in vitro.However, the fine specificity ofAb response to the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 is unknown. Methods: Peptidesrepresenting dimorphic regionof 3D7 and FC27 families and theirC-terminal (common fragment to thetwo families) termed 3D7-D (88 aa),FC27-D (48 aa) and C (40 aa) respectivelywere synthesized. Overlapping20 mer peptides covering dimorphicand constant regions of two familieswere also synthesized for epitopemapping. Human sera were obtainedfrom donors living in malaria endemicareas. SpecificDand CregionsAbs were purified from single or poolhuman sera. Sera from mice were obtainedafter immunization with thetwo families LSP mixture in three differentadjuvants: alhydrogel (Alum),Glucopyranosyl Lipid Adjuvant-Stableoil-in-water Emulsion (GLA-SE)and Virosome. For ADCI, P. falciparum(strain 3D7) parasite wasmaintained in culture at 0.5% parasitemiaand 4% hematocrit in air tightbox at love oxygen (2%) and 37 ºC.Results: We identified several epitopesfrom the dimorphic and constantregions of both families of MSP-2, inmice and humans (adults and children).In human, most recognizedepitopes were the same in differentendemic regions for each domain ofthe two families of MSP-2. In mice,the differential recognition of epitopewas depending on the strain of mouseand interestingly on the adjuvantused. GLA-SE and alum as adjuvantswere more often associated with therecognition of multiple epitopes thanvirosomes. Epitope-specific Abs recognizednative merozoites of P.falciparum and were active in ADCIto block development of parasite.Conclusion: The delineation of a limitednumber of epitopes could be exploitedto develop MSP-2 vaccinesactive on both allelic families ofMSP-2.
Attempts to inhibit the recognition of soluble antigens by T lymphocytes using antibodies specific for the antigen in question have been uniformally unsuccessful, in contrast to the observed specific inhibition of antibody generation by B cells. One exception is the unique situation whereby anti-hapten antisera inhibit the T-cell proliferative responses observed when hapten-specific T lymphocytes or clones are cultured with hapten-derivatized cells or proteins. The inability to inhibit T-cell functions by antigen-specific antibodies has been interpreted in several ways: (1) T cells possess a different repertoire from B cells; (2) the antibodies tested recognize epitopes present on the native antigen, whereas T cells recognize non-native (processed) structures; (3) the antigenic determinant(s) recognized by T cells on the surface of antigen presenting cells are either not accessible to antibodies, or are present in low amounts. The development of antigen-specific T-cell clones and monoclonal antibodies both specific for the same antigenic determinants now allows this question to be investigated definitively. Here, we report for the first time the specific inhibition of antigen-induced T-cell clone proliferation by a monoclonal antibody directed against the relevant soluble protein antigen.
We evaluated the titers of anti-T. gondii antibodies by various serological tests in 40 serum samples from dogs exhibiting clinical signs of infectious diseases. Indirect immunofluorescence (IgG-IFI), indirect haemagglutination (IHA and M-Toxo) and immunoenzymatic (ELISA and PA-ELISA) tests were carried out. Titers ³ 64 were considered as positive. Anti-Toxoplasma antibodies were found in 9 (22.5%), 14 (35%), 14 (35%) and 12 (30%) samples, respectively for IHA, IgG-IFI, ELISA and PA-ELISA. The results showed that 57% were negative in all tests and 43% of the dogs presented antibodies to T. gondii; from these, 20% were positive in all three tests with high titers of antibodies and 23% were positive in only one or two tests with low titers of antibodies and mainly related to the IFI and ELISA tests. We observed 5 (12.5%) and 1 (2.5%) reactive samples, respectively, by M-Toxo and IHA with or without 2-mercapthoethanol, in the attempt to detect specific IgM. We can conclude that serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis in dog have to be based on the combination of serological tests (IFI and ELISA) and with emphasis at the determination of the titers and the classes of the specific antibodies
In this report, we examine the adaptability of commercially available serological kits to detect antibodies markers for viral hepatitis in oral fluid samples. We also assessed the prevalence of hepatitis A, B, and C virus-specific antibodies, and related risk factors for these infectious diseases through sensitivity of the tests in saliva samples to evaluate if oral fluid can be an alternative tool to substitute serum in diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis and in epidemiological studies. One hundred and ten paired serum and saliva specimens from suspect patients of having acute hepatitis were collected to detect antibodies to hepatitis A (total and IgM), hepatitis B (anti-HBs, total anti-HBc and IgM anti-HBc), and hepatitis C (anti-HCV) using commercially available enzyme-linked immunossorbent assay (EIA). In relation to serum samples, oral fluid assay sensitivity and specificity were as follows: 87 and 100% for total anti-HAV, 79 and 100% for anti-HAV IgM, 6 and 95% for anti-HBs, 13 and 100% for total anti-HBc, 100 and 100% for anti-HBc IgM, and 75 and 100% for anti-HCV. The consistency observed between antibodies tests in saliva and expected risk factors for hepatitis A and C suggests that the saliva method could replace serum in epidemiological studies for hepatitis A and C.
Since new technologies based on solid phase assays (SPA) have been routinely incorporated in the transplant immunology laboratory, the presence of pretransplantation donor-specific antibodies (DSA) against human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules has generally been considered as a risk factor for acute rejection (AR) and, in particular, for acute humoral rejection (AHR). We retrospectively studied 113 kidney transplant recipients who had negative prospective T-cell and B-cell complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) crossmatches at the time of transplant. Pretransplantation sera were screened for the presence of circulating anti-HLA antibody and DSA by using highly sensitive and HLA-specific Luminex assay, and the results were correlated with AR and AHR posttransplantation. We found that approximately half of our patient population (55/113, 48.7%) had circulating anti-HLA antibody pretransplantation. Of 113 patients, 11 (9.7%) had HLA-DSA. Of 11 rejection episodes post-transplant, only two patients had pretransplantation DSA, of whom one had a severe AHR (C4d positive). One-year allograft survival was similar between the pretransplantation DSA-positive and -negative groups. Number, class, and intensity of pretransplantation DSA, as well as presensitizing events, could not predict AR. We conclude that, based on the presence of pretransplantation DSA, post-transplantation acute rejections episodes could not have been predicted. The only AHR episode occurred in a recipient with pretransplantation DSA. More work should be performed to better delineate the precise clinical significance of detecting low titers of DSA before transplantation.
BACKGROUND: In heart transplantation, antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is diagnosed and graded on the basis of immunopathologic (C4d-CD68) and histopathologic criteria found on endomyocardial biopsies (EMB). Because some pathologic AMR (pAMR) grades may be associated with clinical AMR, and because humoral responses may be affected by the intensity of immunosuppression during the first posttransplantation year, we investigated the incidence and positive predictive values (PPV) of C4d-CD68 and pAMR grades for clinical AMR as a function of time. METHODS: All 564 EMB from 40 adult heart recipients were graded for pAMR during the first posttransplantation year. Clinical AMR was diagnosed by simultaneous occurrence of pAMR on EMB, donor specific antibodies and allograft dysfunction. RESULTS: One patient demonstrated clinical AMR at postoperative day 7 and one at 6 months (1-year incidence 5%). C4d-CD68 was found on 4,7% EMB with a "decrescendo" pattern over time (7% during the first 4 months vs. 1.2% during the last 8 months; P < 0.05). Histopathologic criteria of AMR occurred on 10.3% EMB with no particular time pattern. Only the infrequent (1.4%) pAMR2 grade (simultaneous histopathologic and immunopathologic markers) was predictive for clinical AMR, particularly after the initial postoperative period (first 4 months and last 8 months PPV = 33%-100%; P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In the first posttransplantation year, AMR immunopathologic and histopathologic markers were relatively frequent, but only their simultaneous occurrence (pAMR2) was predictive of clinical AMR. Furthermore, posttransplantation time may modulate the occurrence of C4d-CD68 on EMB and thus the incidence of pAMR2 and its relevance to the diagnosis of clinical AMR.