971 resultados para Substituted Phenols


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cis-Dihydroxylation of meta-substituted phenol (m-phenol) substrates, to yield the corresponding cyclohexenone cis-diol metabolites, was catalysed by arene dioxygenases present in mutant and recombinant bacterial strains. The presence of cyclohexenone cis-diol metabolites and several of their cyclohexene and cyclohexane cis-triol derivatives was detected by LC-TOFMS analysis and confirmed by NMR spectroscopy. Structural and stereochemical analyses of chiral ketodiol bioproducts, was carried out using NMR and CD spectroscopy and stereochemical correlation methods. The formation of enantiopure cyclohexenone cis-diol metabolites is discussed in the context of postulated binding interactions of the m-phenol substrates at the active site of toluene dioxygenase (TDO).


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The CBS-QB3 method was used to calculate the gas-phase free energy difference between 20 phenols and their respective anions, and the CPCM continuum solvation method was applied to calculate the free energy differences of solvation for the phenols and their anions. The CPCM solvation calculations were performed on both gas-phase and solvent-phase optimized structures. Absolute pKa calculations with solvated phase optimized structures for the CPCM calculations yielded standard deviations and root-mean-square errors of less than 0.4 pKa unit. This study is the most accurate absolute determination of the pKa values of phenols, and is among the most accurate of any such calculations for any group of compounds. The ability to make accurate predictions of pKa values using a coherent, well-defined approach, without external approximations or fitting to experimental data, is of general importance to the chemical community. The solvated phase optimized structures of the anions are absolutely critical to obtain this level of accuracy, and yield a more realistic charge separation between the negatively charged oxygen and the ring system of the phenoxide anions.


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In recent years, there has been an enormous amount of research and development in the area of heterogeneous photocatalytic water purification process due to its effectiveness in degrading and mineralising the recalcitrant organic compounds as well as the possibility of utilising the solar UV and visible spectrum. One hundred and twenty recently published papers are reviewed and summarised here with the focus being on the photocatalytic oxidation of phenols and their derivatives, predominant in waste water effluent. In this review, the effects of various operating parameters on the photocatalytic degradation of phenols and substituted phenols are presented. Recent findings suggested that different parameters, such as type of photocatalyst and composition, light intensity, initial substrate concentration, amount of catalyst, pH of the reaction medium, ionic components in water, solvent types, oxidising agents/electron acceptors, mode of catalyst application, and calcination temperatures can play an important role on the photocatalytic degradation of phenolic compounds in wastewater. Extensive research has focused on the enhancement of photocatalysis by modification of TiO2 employing metal, non-metal and ion doping. Recent developments in TiO2 photocatalysis for the degradation of various phenols and substituted phenols are also reviewed.


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Substituted phenols undergo a facile Rh carbenoid-mediated O-H insertion reaction with (EtO)2P(O)C(:N2)CO2R (I; R = Et, Me) to give 44-86% 2-aryloxyphosphonoacetates II (R1 = e.g., H, 4-Me, 4-Cl, 2-OH, 4-PhCH2O). Phenols contg. strongly electron withdrawing groups, bulky ortho-substituents or certain ortho-heteroatom substituents show reduced or variable yields. Catechol affords a mono-adduct which cyclizes to lactate III. Aniline inserts preferentially and exclusively over phenol in a competition reaction with I (R = Et) to give (EtO)2P(O)CH(NHPh)CO2Et. II are versatile intermediates in a prepn. of 2-aryloxy-3-phenylpropenoates IV by Wadsworth-Emmons reaction with benzaldehydes R2C6H4CHO (R2 = PhCH2O, 2-Cl, H). Dissolving Mg metal redn. provides a mild method for the conversion of propenoates IV into the corresponding propanoates.


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Laccases (benzenediol : oxygen oxi doreductases; EC are wide spread i n nature. They are usually found in higher plants and fungi (Thurston 19 94; Mayer and Staples 2002), but recently some bacterial laccases have also been found . The first laccase studied was from Rhus vernicifera in 1883, a Japanese lacquer tree, fr om which the name laccase was derived (Yoshida , 1883). These enzymes belong to the group of bl ue multi - copper oxidases (MCOs) . They usually contain four copper atoms located in three distinct sites. Each site reacts differently to light. The Type 1 (T1) site copper atom absorbs intensely at 600 nm and emits the blue light , the Type 2 (T2) site copper atom is not visible in the absorption spectr um and last, the Type 3 (T3) site has two c opper atoms and absorbs at 330 nm ( Santhanam et al . , 2011; Quintanar et al . , 2007 ) . The protei n structure acts as a complex ligand for the catalytic coppers, providing them the right structure where changes between the reduction states are thermodynamically possible (Dub é , 2008 ) . These enzymes oxidize a surprisingly wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds like, diphenols, polyphenols, substituted phenols, diamines and a romatic amines, with concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water (Thurston , 1


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This research project aims at developing new applications for CNSL in the polymer field. Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) is a cheap agro-byproduct and renewable resource which consists mainly of substituted phenols. By using CNSL in place of phenol, phenol derived from petrochemicals can be conserved and a cheap agro-byproduct utilized.In this study CNSL based resin is prepared by condensing a mixture of phenol and CNSL with hexamethylenetetramine and the effect of P: F ratio and CNSL: P ratio on the properties of synthesized resin is studied. The adhesive properties of CNSL based resin in combination with neoprene rubber are investigated. The effect of varying the stoichiometric ratios between total phenol and formaldehyde and CNSL and phenol of the resin, resin content, choice and extent of fillers and adhesion promoters in the adhesive formulation are studied. The effect of resin on the ageing properties of various elastomers is also studied by following changes in tensile strength, elongation at break, modulus, tear strength, swelling index and acetone soluble matter. Crude CNSL and resins with different P: F ratios and CNSL: P ratios are incorporated into elastomers. Lastly, utility of CNSL based resin as binder for making particleboard is investigated.The results show that CNSL based resin is an effective ingredient in adhesives for bonding aluminium to aluminium. The resin used for adhesive fonnulation gives the best performance at 45 to 55 phr resin and a total phenol: formaldehyde of l:2.9. The resin when added at a rate of l5 phr improves ageing characteristics of elastomers with respect to mechanical properties. The reaction mixture of CNSL and hexa and the resin resulting from the condensation of CN SL, phenol and hexa can be used as effective binders for moulding particleboard.


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The oxidation of substituted phenols with phenyliodonium diacetate in methanol was found to afford 2,4-cyclohexadienones, 2,5-cyclohexadienones or mixtures of isomers depending on the substrate being oxidized. A reaction mechanism was proposed for this oxidation which involved an intermediate aryloxenium ion. A strong correlation was observed between the experimentally determined product ratios and the results predicted by calculation of the LUMO coefficients of the proposed intermediates, Annulation of these cyclohexadienones with the anion derived from cyanophthalide afforded substituted anthraquinones in high yields. The chemistry relating to the annulation of Michael acceptors with phthalide anions was comprehensively reviewed. A mild selective method for the oxidation of hydroquinones to quinones using dibenzoyl peroxide and base is presented. A general synthetic approach to C-glycosylanthraquinones was presented, based on the annulation of a C-glycosylcyclohexadienone with the anion derived from cyanophthalide, A suitable precursor to a C-glycosylcyclohexadienone, 2-(2’,3’,4’,6’-tetra-0-acetyl-|3-D-glucopyranosyl)benzyloxybenzene, was prepared via the reaction of benzoylbromoglucose with 2-benzyloxyphenylmagnesium bromide, A group of molecules were prepared by a Marschalk reaction between /ewcoquinizarin and aldehydo-sugsrs. These compounds are potential bioreductive alkylating agents in which molecular simplicity can be achieved without overly sacrificing DNA binding ability.


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die durch das Enzym Horseradish Peroxidase katalysierte oxidative Polymerisation substituierter Phenole gewährt einen bequemen Zugang zu funktionalisierten Phenolpolymeren, deren Anwendung als Ersatz für konventionelle Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harze zur Zeit intensiv erforscht wird. Zur Zeit werden Polymerisation dieser Art in Mischungen aus organischen Lösungsmitteln (z.B. 1,4-Dioxan) und Puffer durchgeführt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine HRP-katalysierte Phenolpolymerisation von wasserunlöslichen Methacryloyl- und Maleinimid-substituierten Phenolen in 100% Pufferlösung durch die Verwendung von 2,6-methylierten Cyclodextrinen als carrier erreicht. Die so hergestellten Oligomere wurden mit Styrol und MMA copolymerisiert. Weitere Untersuchungen hatten die Synthese photoreaktiver Phenolpolymere mit Zimtsäure- oder Nitrongruppen in der Seitenkette, die Synthese thermisch vernetzbarer Phenolcopolymere aus Furan-2-carboxylsäure-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-amid und N-methacryloyl-11-aminoundecanoyl-4-hydroxyanilid sowie die Synthese eines Redoxpolymeren ausgehend von 4-Aminophenol zum Ziel. Daneben wurden Strategien zur enzymatisch katalysierten Synthese von Poly[para-phenylenen], hyperverzweigten Phenolpolymeren und biologisch aktiven Phenolpolymeren entwickelt, und detaillierte Untersuchungen zum Polymerisationsmechanismus und zur Struktur der entstehenden Phenolpolymere vorgestellt. Die vorgestellten Phenolpolymere bestehen hoechstwahrscheinlich aus polyaromatischen Helices, da diese p-substituierten Phenole während des Rekombinationsprozesses bevorzugt an den ortho-Positionen rekombinieren.


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Xanthene dyes, including fluorescein, are a well-known class of fluorescent dyes, which have widespread applications in natural sciences. The synthesis of xanthene derivatives via acid catalyzed condensation of substituted phenols with phthalic anhydride, to afford the asymmetric derivatives, is well established. The high temperature, harsh reaction conditions and often low yields make this method less convenient. The synthesis of xanthene dyes by direct modification of the fluorophore moiety is a great option to circumvent the above mentioned drawbacks. rnOur new synthetic strategy for the preparation of novel asymmetric xanthene dyes via direct conversion of hydroxyl groups on 3'- and 6'-positions into leaving groups by mesylation is reported. It was discovered that 3',6'-di-mesylated fluorescein underwent a nucleophilic aromatic substitution with sulfur nucleophiles and afforded new asymmetric xanthene sulfides. rnThe impact of substituents possessing an electron-withdrawing character such as chlorines and bromines was investigated with the aim to improve the aromatic substitution on the electron-rich fluorescein structure. It was observed that the incorporation of these groups did not considerably affect the substitution reaction and the yields were comparable with the unsubstituted fluorescein. rnThis strategy provided novel fluorescent probes with the linker suitable to further modifications. The modifications of the linker delivered fluorescein derivatives that could be used as fluorescent labels in peptides, oligonucleotides and for cell imaging. rnThe hydroxyl group on the linker was modified to achieve potent bioconjugate functionality such as azide. The new fluorescent azides were obtained in a 4-step synthesis, namely 2-(6-(2-azidoethylthio)-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl)benzoic acid with an overall yield of 13%, its 2',7'-dichloro derivative with an overall yield of 10% and its 2',4',5'-tribromo derivative with an overall yield of 1%, respectively. rnAn asymmetric xanthene sulfide with an amino functionality placed on the aliphatic linker, namely 2-(6-((2-aminoethyl)thio)-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl)benzoic acid, was obtained in a 3-step synthesis with an overall yield of 33%. rnThe impact of the substitution with sulfur nucleophiles on the 6'-position of the xanthene moiety on its fluorescent characteristics was investigated. In comparison with fluorescein new asymmetric xanthene sulfides afforded lower extinction coefficients and fluorescent quantum yields. On the other hand, the substitution with a sulfur nucleophile significantly improved the photostability of xanthene dyes. It was shown that after 10 hours of continuous excitation, the asymmetric sulfur-containing xanthene fluorophores exhibited 58-94% of their initial fluorescent intensities. This observation suggested that the novel dyes were 1-2 orders of magnitude more stable than fluorescein. rnThe azido-modified xanthenes were “clicked” via Cu(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition with an oligonucleotide, which contained the terminal alkyne residue. rn


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Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ(9)-THC) is the major psychoactive cannabinoid in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) and responsible for many of the pharmacological effects mediated via cannabinoid receptors. Despite being the major cannabinoid scaffold in nature, Δ(9)-THC double bond isomers remain poorly studied. The chemical scaffold of tetrahydrocannabinol can be assembled from the condensation of distinctly substituted phenols and monoterpenes. Here we explored a microwave-assisted one pot heterogeneous synthesis of Δ(3)-THC from orcinol (1a) and pulegone (2). Four Δ(3)-THC analogues and corresponding Δ(4a)-tetrahydroxanthenes (Δ(4a)-THXs) were synthesized regioselectively and showed differential binding affinities for CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Here we report for the first time the CB1 receptor binding of Δ(3)-THC, revealing a more potent receptor binding affinity for the (S)-(-) isomer (hCB1Ki = 5 nM) compared to the (R)-(+) isomer (hCB1Ki = 29 nM). Like Δ(9)-THC, also Δ(3)-THC analogues are partial agonists at CB receptors as indicated by [(35)S]GTPγS binding assays. Interestingly, the THC structural isomers Δ(4a)-THXs showed selective binding and partial agonism at CB2 receptors, revealing a simple non-natural natural product-derived scaffold for novel CB2 ligands.


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Short rotation willow coppice (SRC) and a synthetic biomass, a mixture of the basic biomass components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), have been investigated for the influence of potassium on their pyrolysis behaviours. The willow sample was pre-treated to remove salts and metals by hydrochloric acid, and this demineralised sample was impregnated with potassium. The same type of pre-treatment was applied to components of the synthetic biomass. Characterisation was performed using thermogravimetric analysis with measurement of products by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (TGA-FTIR) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS). A comparison of product distributions and kinetics are reported. While the general features of decomposition of SRC are described well by an additive behaviour of the individual components, there are some differences in the magnitude of the influence of potassium, and on the products produced. For both SRC and the synthetic biomass, TGA traces indicate catalytic promotion of both of the two-stages of biomass decomposition, and potassium can lower the average apparent first-order activation energy for pyrolysis by up to 50 kJ/mol. For both SRC and synthetic biomass the yields and distribution of pyrolysis products have been influenced by the presence of the catalyst. Potassium catalysed pyrolysis increases the char yields markedly and this is more pronounced for synthetic biomass than SRC. Gas evolution profiles during pyrolysis show the same general features for both SRC and synthetic biomass. Relative methane yields increase during the char formation stage of pyrolysis of the potassium doped samples. The evolution profiles of acetic acid and formaldehyde change, and these products are seen in lower relative amounts for both the demineralised samples. A greater variation in pyrolysis products is observed from the treated SRC samples compared to the different synthetic biomass samples. Furthermore, substituted phenols from lignin pyrolysis are more dominant in the pyrolysis profiles of the synthetic biomass than of the SRC, implying that the extracted lignins used in the synthetic biomass yield a greater fraction of monomeric type species than the lignocellulosic cell wall material of SRC. For both types of samples, PY-GS-MS analyses show that potassium has a significant influence on cellulose decomposition markers, not just on the formation of levoglucosan, but also other species from the non-catalysed mechanism, such as 3,4-dihydroxy-3-cyclobutene-1,2-dione. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Four new highly brominated and fully substituted mono- and bis-phenols, 1-(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl)pyrrolidin-2-one (1), 1,2-bis(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl)ethane (2), 6-(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl)-2,5-dibromo-3,4-dihydroxybenzyl methyl ether (3), and 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl methyl sulfone (4), were characterized from the marine red alga Symphyocladia latiuscula. In addition, five known bromophenols, bis(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl)methane (5), bis(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl) ether (6), 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl methyl ether (7), 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxymethylbenzene (8), and 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (9), were also isolated and identified. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including 1D and 2D NMR as well as by low- and high-resolution mass spectrometric analysis. Structurally, all of these compounds are highly brominated and fully substituted, and contain one or two 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl unit(s) in each of the molecules. In addition, compound 4 possesses a unique sulfone structural feature. Each of the isolated compounds was evaluated for alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity and all were found to be potent, with IC50 values ranging from 8.1 to 24.7 mu M, compared to the known positive control butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), with an IC50 of 81.8 mu M.


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Biotransformation of 3-substituted and 2,5-disubstituted phenols, using whole cells of P. putida UV4, yielded cyclohexenone cis-diols as single enantiomers; their structures and absolute configurations have been determined by NMR and ECD spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and stereochemical correlation involving a four step chemoenzymatic synthesis from the corresponding cis-dihydrodiol metabolites. An active site model has been proposed, to account for the formation of enantiopure cyclohexenone cis-diols with opposite absolute configurations.


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Successful implementation of a palladium-mediated hydroxylation of N-substituted 4-chloro-1,8-naphthalimides has been achieved. The methodology detailed herein utilises 4-chloro-1,8-naphthalic anhydride as a starting point and implements the catalyst/ligand combination of Pd(OAc)2/t-BuXPhos; all of which are relatively inexpensive. A range of imide substituents tolerated the reaction conditions, including acid sensitive substrates which are not compatible with other existing methodology. As such this approach is not only complimentary to existing procedures, it presents a more direct alternative to accessing 4-hydroxy-1,8-naphthalimides.