986 resultados para Substance consumption


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I look for classroom peer effects for psychoactive substance consumption among Colombian high school students and attempt to identify channels that rationalize for these effects. To do so, I use data for Colombian schools from 2011. I identify peer effects using household consumption behavior to instrument average classroom consumption. I find that an increase of 10% in the proportion of classroom users of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine increases the probability of students to use alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine in 3.14%, 4.29%, and 2.38% respectively. I find no significant effect on cigarette smoking for the full sample but after exploring heterogeneous effects I find suggestive evidence that the effect is positive in some grades. I find some evidence that indicate that peer effects on alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine consumption operate through risk perception and easiness of access to psychoactive substances, meaning that the increase of likelihood of consumption could be explained because it is easier to access to drugs for students that interact with consumers or because a decrease in the risk students perceive of consuming these substances. Finally, through the use of a SUR and a 3SLS estimator I find strong correlations between smoking cigarettes and consuming cannabis (55 %), and cocaine (60 %).


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A range of interventions are being implemented in Australia to apprehend and deter drug driving behaviour, in particular the recent implementation of random roadside drug testing procedures in Queensland. Given this countermeasure has a strong deterrence foundation, it is of interest to determine whether deterrence-based perceptual factors are influencing this offending behaviour or whether self-reported drug driving is heavily dependent upon illicit substance consumption levels and past offending behaviour. This study involves a sample of Queensland motorists (N = 898) who completed a self-report questionnaire that collected a range of information, including drug driving and drug consumption practices, conviction history, and perceptual deterrence factors. The aim was to examine what factors influence current drug driving behaviours. Analysis of the collected data revealed that approximately 20% of participants reported drug driving at least once in the last six months. Overall, there was considerable variability in the respondents' perceptions regarding the certainty, severity and swiftness of legal sanctions, although the largest proportion of the sample did not consider such sanctions to be certain, severe or swift. In regard to predicting those who intended to drug drive again in the future, a combination of perceptual and behavioural-based factors were associated with such intentions. However, a closer examination revealed that behaviours, rather than perceptions, proved to have a greater level of influence on the current sample's future intentions to offend. This paper further outlines the major findings of the study and highlights that multi-modal interventions are most likely required to reduce the prevalence of drug driving on public roads.


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The measurement of illicit drug metabolites in raw wastewater is increasingly being adopted as an approach to objectively monitor population-level drug use, and is an effective complement to traditional epidemiological methods. As such, it has been widely applied in western countries. In this study, we utilised this approach to assess drug use patterns over nine days during April 2011 in Hong Kong. Raw wastewater samples were collected from the largest wastewater treatment plant serving a community of approximately 3.5 million people and analysed for excreted drug residues including cocaine, ketamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and key metabolites using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. The overall drug use pattern determined by wastewater analysis was consistent with that have seen amongst people coming into contact with services in relation to substance use; among our target drugs, ketamine (estimated consumption: 1400–1600 mg/day/1000 people) was the predominant drug followed by methamphetamine (180–200 mg/day/1000 people), cocaine (160–180 mg/day/1000 people) and MDMA (not detected). The levels of these drugs were relatively steady throughout the monitoring period. Analysing samples at higher temporal resolution provided data on diurnal variations of drug residue loads. Elevated ratios of cocaine to benzoylecgonine were identified unexpectedly in three samples during the evening and night, providing evidence for potential dumping events of cocaine. This study provides the first application of wastewater analysis to quantitatively evaluate daily drug use in an Asian metropolitan community. Our data reinforces the benefit of wastewater monitoring to health and law enforcement authorities for strategic planning and evaluation of drug intervention strategies.


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Résumé: A l’heure où l’on évoque une “génération précaire” il est intéressant de s’interroger sur l’accroissement de la précarité de l’emploi en France et d’étudier ses éventuels effets sur les salariés. L’objectif de la présente recherche était d’observer les impacts causés par la précarité de l’emploi sur une population de référence et voir si ces effets différaient selon le sexe du salarié soumis à la précarité. Pour ce faire, nous avons soumis un questionnaire à deux groupes de travailleurs. Ce dernier portait sur la précarité de l’emploi et ses impacts en termes de stress, consommation de substances et impacts sur la sphère privée. Les résultats font apparaître des effets significatifs et des tendances qui existent sur certaines des dimensions interrogées (stress et consommation) entre le groupe de travailleurs précaires et non précaires. De plus, des effets entre hommes et femmes ont également été relevés. Par contre, nous n’avons pas d’effets observés sur la sphère privée de l’individu. Suite à l’absence d’effet constaté nous interrogeons la spécificité de la population. Aussi, nous envisageons de prolonger cette étude sur la recherche d’indicateurs concernant la précarité enseignante. Mots clés: précarité professionnelle, précarité du travail, précarité de l’emploi, travailleurs précaires, inégalités hommes femmes, stress, substances addictives, impact vie hors travail


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RESUMO - Introdução: O consumo de álcool durante o aleitamento materno é um tema que tem vindo a ganhar relevo nos últimos anos. Contrariamente ao consumo de álcool durante a gravidez, em que já se conhecem bem as consequências sobre o feto, sobre os efeitos do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação ainda pouco se sabe. Este estudo visa, assim, caracterizar o consumo de álcool e fatores associados nas mães que amamentam, ou amamentaram, durante o 1º ano de vida da criança no concelho de Vila Franca de Xira em 2014. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com a aplicação de um questionário de auto-preenchimento, a uma amostra estratificada e com alocação proporcional por Unidade Funcional, de mães que estiveram nas consultas de saúde infantil das unidades de saúde do concelho, entre março e maio de 2014. Resultados: A idade mediana das mães foi 31 anos e das crianças foi 3 meses. O tempo total em aleitamento teve uma mediana de 2 meses e somente 16,3% amamentaram mais de 5 meses. A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação foi 7,9% e na gestação foi 8,1%. Os fatores que se associaram, com significância estatística, ao consumo de álcool na amamentação foram a maior idade da mãe, os conhecimentos que esta possuía e o consumo anterior de álcool na gestação. Os hábitos tabágicos durante a amamentação tiveram uma prevalência de 13,4% e o consumo de substâncias ilícitas de 0,6%. Conclusões: A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação, a nível local, mantém-se semelhante à da gestação, sendo muito inferior à encontrada em outros estudos de outros países. O tempo total em amamentação é baixo considerando as recomendações nacionais e internacionais.


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El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) representa un problema de salud pública en Colombia y en el mundo. La población que recurre a este tipo de sustancias es cada vez más joven y sus efectos son potencialmente deletéreos y pueden afectar todas las áreas de ajuste de la persona. Aunque así se ha concebido, esta práctica no siempre está asociada con problemas personales ni con altos grados de estrés. Puede haber otras motivaciones asociadas. Objetivos: los objetivos de este artículo están dirigidos a presentar: (a) la frecuencia relativa de consumo de SPA entre los estudiantes universitarios, (b) las SPA más utilizadas por los estudiantes universitarios y sus diferencias según el sexo y la edad, (c) la relación entre el uso de SPA y los contextos de diversión. Materiales y métodos: este fue un estudio descriptivo correlacional, derivado de un proyecto de investigación italiano, con una muestra de 226 estudiantes de cuatro carreras de una universidad privada de Bogotá, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio estratificado con asignación proporcional, a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta. Resultados: las SPA de mayor utilización son el alcohol, la nicotina y la marihuana, cuya mayor predominancia se presenta en el sexo masculino. Los resultados son congruentes con la tendencia nacional. Conclusión: el consumo de SPA en la población universitaria es alto y algunos contextos recreativos están asociados con esta conducta.


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El presente estudio muestra los resultados de la adaptación de las escalas de actitudes hacia el tabaco (López-Sánchez, Garcia-Rodriguez, Mira y Estévez, 2000), el alcohol (Garcia-Rodriguez y López-Sánchez, 2001) y otras drogas (López-Sánchez et al., 2000) en población portuguesa. Se trata de tres escalas, cada una con trece ítems, de respuesta tipo Likert con cinco opciones de respuesta, que diferencian tres sub-escalas. Para realizar el estudio de adaptación de las escalas a la población portuguesa, se han utilizado dos muestras independientes, constituidas por 329 y 443 adolescentes, alumnos de bachillerato del norte del país, a quienes se administraron los instrumentos. Los datos recogidos, después de ser sometidos a un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, permitieron encontrar una solución adecuada para cada una de las escalas, dando como resultando una buena validez y fiabilidad. En la validez concurrente, los resultados sugieren diferencias de género con todas las sub-escalas y una relación negativa con la edad, así como diferencias en las actitudes de acuerdo con la experiencia y el consumo.


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram: relacionar o consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade, verificar os níveis de ansiedade e as substâncias psicoativas mais consumidas, e associar consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade entre estudantes do ensino médio de escolas públicas e particulares da cidade de Maceió. Os estudantes e as instituições que participaram da pesquisa foram selecionados por meio de amostragem não-probabilística por conveniência. Tratou-se de um estudo de delineamento correlacional. A amostra foi de 407 estudantes, com idade de 14 a 18 anos. A pesquisa foi realizada em sete escolas, sendo quatro da rede pública estadual e três da rede particular. Os participantes responderam a um questionário sóciodemográfico; à Escala de Ansiedade do Adolescente (EAA); e a um questionário sobre o consumo de substâncias psicoativas. Foi feita a análise das relações entre consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade por meio do teste qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. O álcool foi a substância lícita mais consumida pelos estudantes, enquanto o solvente, a substância ilícita mais consumida por esse grupo. Os participantes apresentaram maior percentual no nível moderado: 28%. Verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade nos adolescentes. O uso na vida de solventes (p=0,037) e energéticos (p=0,023); uso no ano de cigarro (p=0,043) e bebidas alcoólicas (p=0,007); e uso freqüente de bebidas alcoólicas (p<0,001) relacionou-se com ansiedade moderada. Houve diferença significativa entre consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade nos tipos de escola: Na escola pública, houve relação entre estudantes que disseram consumir cigarro na vida e no ano, e entre os que fizeram uso na vida de solventes e energéticos com ansiedade grave (p=0,022; p=0,003; p=0,010;p=0=0,44, respectivamente); e entre estudantes que afirmaram ter feito consumo freqüente de bebidas alcoólicas com ansiedade moderada (p=0,007). Na escola particular, houve relação entre estudantes consumiram bebidas alcoólicas no ano com ansiedade moderada (p=0,011). A pesquisa verificou a necessidade de se realizarem projetos de prevenção de drogas e promoção de saúde que visem aumentar a reflexão sobre o estilo de vida e ansiedade.


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Food production account for significant share of global environmental impacts. Impacts are global warming, fresh water use, land use and some non-renewable substance consumption like phosphorous fertilizers. Because of non-sustainable food production, the world is heading to different crises. Both food- and freshwater crises and also land area and phosphorous fertilizer shortages are one of many challenges to overcome in near future. The major protein sources production amounts, their impacts on environment and uses are show in this thesis. In this thesis, a more sustainable than conventional way of biomass production for food use is introduced. These alternative production methods are photobioreactor process and syngas-based bioreactor process. The processes’ energy consumption and major inputs are viewed. Their environmental impacts are estimated. These estimations are the compared to conventional protein production’s impacts. The outcome of the research is that, the alternative methods can be more sustainable solutions for food production than conventional production. However, more research is needed to verify the exact impacts. Photobioreactor is more sustainable process than syngas-based bioreactor process, but it is more location depended and uses more land area than syngas-based process. In addition, the technology behind syngas-based application is still developing and it can be more efficient in the future.


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AIMS: To determine whether parental factors earlier in life (parenting, single parent family, parental substance use problem) are associated with patterns of alcohol consumption among young men in Switzerland. METHODS: This analysis of a population based sample from the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) included 5,990 young men (mean age 19.51 years), all attending a mandatory recruitment process for the army. These conscripts reported on parental monitoring and rule-setting, parental behaviour and family structure. The alcohol use pattern was assessed through abstention, risky single occasion drinking (RSOD), volume drinking and dependence. Furthermore, the impact of age, family socio-economic status, educational level of the parents, language region and civil status was analysed. RESULTS: A parental substance use problem was positively associated with volume drinking and alcohol dependence in young Swiss men. Active parenting corresponded negatively with RSOD, volume drinking and alcohol dependence. Single parent family was not associated with a different alcohol consumption pattern compared to standard family. CONCLUSION: Parental influences earlier in life such as active parenting (monitoring, rule-setting and knowing the whereabouts) and perceived parental substance use problem are associated with alcohol drinking behaviour in young male adults. Therefore, health professionals should stress the importance of active parenting and parental substance use prevention in alcohol prevention strategies.


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Driving under the influence (DUI) is a major road safety problem. Historically, alcohol has been assumed to play a larger role in crashes and DUI education programs have reflected this assumption, although recent evidence suggests that younger drivers are becoming more likely to drive drugged than to drive drunk. This is a study of 7096 Texas clients under age 21 who were admitted to state-funded treatment programs between 1997 and 2007 with a past-year DUI arrest, DUI probation, or DUI referral. Data were obtained from the State’s administrative dataset. Multivariate logistic regressions models were used to understand the differences between those minors entering treatment as a DUI as compared to a non-DUI as well as the risks for completing treatment and for being abstinent in the month prior to follow-up. A major finding was that over time, the primary problem for underage DUI drivers changed from alcohol to marijuana. Being abstinent in the month prior to discharge, having a primary problem with alcohol rather than another drug, and having more family involved were the strongest predictors of treatment completion. Living in a household where the client was exposed to alcohol abuse or drug use, having been in residential treatment, and having more drug and alcohol and family problems were the strongest predictors of not being abstinent at follow-up. As a result, there is a need to direct more attention towards meeting the needs of the young DUI population through programs that address drug as well as alcohol consumption problems.


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Despite the high co-occurrence of psychosis and substance abuse, there is very little research on the development of effective treatments for this problem. This paper describes a new intervention that facilitates reaching functional goals through collaboration between therapists, participants and families. Substance Treatment Options in Psychosis (STOP) integrates pharmacological and psycho-logical treatments for psychotic symptoms, with cognitive-behavioural approaches to substance abuse. STOP is tailored to participants' problems and abilities, and recognises that control of consumption and even engagement may take several attempts. Training in relevant skills is augmented by bibliotherapy, social support and environmental change. A case description illustrates the issues and challenges in implementation.


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Assessed correlates of alcohol consumption (AC) in 212 undergraduates (81 "college" and 131 "noncollege" residents [COLRs and NCOLRs], mean ages 18.9 and 18.6 yrs, respectively) and studied the proportion who were drinking at potentially harmful levels (HLs). This study also examined changes in AC during the course of the 1st semester and predicted drinking levels in the 2nd semester from demographics, drug use, social variables and self-efficacy data. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. During both semesters, the COLRs reported drinking significantly more alcohol than NCOLRs, but during vacation the intake of the 2 groups was almost equal. Higher AC in the 2nd semester was best predicted by higher AC during the 1st semester, followed by more AC by friends and higher parental occupation status. Female COLRs were those most likely to be drinking at HLs. Results also showed that a significant proportion of COLRs were drinking at HLs.