9 resultados para Subsoiler


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A subsolagem é uma das operações mecanizadas de elevado custo e demanda energética por área, tradicionalmente utilizada pelos agricultores antes do preparo do solo na descompactação de camadas adensadas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a demanda energética na operação de subsolagem realizada antes e depois de diferentes sistemas de preparo periódico num solo classificado como Nitossolo Vermelho Distroférrico. Os sistemas de preparo periódico foram: aração com discos; aração com discos mais uma gradagem de nivelamento; grade aradora; grade aradora mais gradagem de nivelamento e escarificação. O trator utilizado como fonte de potência no experimento foi um Valmet 128 (4x2tda). A demanda energética por área foi menor na subsolagem realizada depois do preparo periódico do solo, proporcionando uma economia de 21,9%. A realização da subsolagem depois do preparo periódico do solo resultou numa diminuição da exigência de força de tração em 21,1% e da potência disponível na barra de tração em 15%.


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Both the inadequate use and the ignorance of the different soil tillage implements available in the home market has become one of the leading motives of failures, related to soil and water conservation. The periodical tillage is traditionally utilized after subsoiling for soil clod breaking, leveling and residue incorporation. This work aimed to evaluate the energy requirement for different periodical soil tillage systems performed before and after subsoiling in a soil classified as Distroferric Red Nitosol. The periodic tillage systems were: disk plowing; disk plowing plus one leveling harrowing; disk harrow; disk harrow plus leveling harrowing stirring. The experimental design was a 5x2 factorial scheme with 5 completely randomized blocks. The results show that the periodic soil preparation systems based on disks have better energy efficiency when performed before the operation of subsoiling. The system of soil preparation with harrowing obtained the lower energy demand, in relation to other periodic soil preparation systems, when done after subsoiling.


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Appropriate management of agricultural crop residues could result in increases on soil organic carbon (SOC) and help to mitigate gas effect. To distinguish the contributions of SOC and sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) residues to the short-term CO2-C loss, we studied the infl uence of several tillage systems: heavy offset disk harrow (HO), chisel plow (CP), rotary tiller (RT), and sugarcane mill tiller (SM) in 2008, and CP, RT, SM, moldboard (MP), and subsoiler (SUB) in 2009, with and without sugarcane residues relative to no-till (NT) in the sugarcane producing region of Brazil. Soil CO2-C emissions were measured daily for two weeks after tillage using portable soil respiration systems. Daily CO2-C emissions declined after tillage regardless of tillage system. In 2008, total CO2-C from SOC and/or residue decomposition was greater for RT and lowest for CP. In 2009, emission was greatest for MP and CP with residues, and smallest for NT. SOC and residue contributed 47% and 41%, respectively, to total CO2-C emissions. Regarding the estimated emissions from sugarcane residue and SOC decomposition within the measurement period, CO2-C factor was similar to sugarcane residue and soil organic carbon decomposition, depending on the tillage system applied. Our approach may define new emission factors that are associated to tillage operations on bare or sugarcane-residue-covered soils to estimate the total carbon loss.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The rotary tiller slot planter of the present invention comprises a subsoiler shank positioned to engage the soil and make a trench therein. A pair of rotary tiller blades are rotatably mounted on the opposite sides of the sub-soil shank in planes parallel thereto. The center-lines of the rotary tiller wheels are located behind the subsoil shank. Each of the wheels have a plurality of blades extending radially outwardly from the rotational axis thereof and terminating in outer radial ends which engage the soil slightly ahead of the subsoiler shank and adjacent the lateral edges of the trench. A seed tube shank is positioned behind the subsoiler shank and between the tiller wheels. The seed tube shank has a lower end positioned to extend below the soil surface. A seed tube is positioned behind the seed tube shank for depositing seed in the soil. The rotation of the blades on opposite sides of the subsoil shank causes the soil to be mechanically aggregated and aerated and helps prepare a seed bed for the seeds. Also, the rotating tiller blades chop the debris which may be along the trench and throw soil backwards so as to cover the planted seed. Shorter rotary blades on the tiller wheels are shaped to throw debris and the upper one-half inch of soil sideways away from the row.


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So far, the majority of reports on on-line measurement considered soil properties with direct spectral responses in near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). This work reports on the results of on-line measurement of soil properties with indirect spectral responses, e.g. pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), exchangeable calcium (Caex) and exchangeable magnesium (Mgex) in one field in Bedfordshire in the UK. The on-line sensor consisted of a subsoiler coupled with an AgroSpec mobile, fibre type, visible and near infrared (vis–NIR) spectrophotometer (tec5 Technology for Spectroscopy, Germany), with a measurement range 305–2200 nm to acquire soil spectra in diffuse reflectance mode. General calibration models for the studied soil properties were developed with a partial least squares regression (PLSR) with one-leave-out cross validation, using spectra measured under non-mobile laboratory conditions of 160 soil samples collected from different fields in four farms in Europe, namely, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherland and UK. A group of 25 samples independent from the calibration set was used as independent validation set. Higher accuracy was obtained for laboratory scanning as compared to on-line scanning of the 25 independent samples. The prediction accuracy for the laboratory and on-line measurements was classified as excellent/very good for pH (RPD = 2.69 and 2.14 and r2 = 0.86 and 0.78, respectively), and moderately good for CEC (RPD = 1.77 and 1.61 and r2 = 0.68 and 0.62, respectively) and Mgex (RPD = 1.72 and 1.49 and r2 = 0.66 and 0.67, respectively). For Caex, very good accuracy was calculated for laboratory method (RPD = 2.19 and r2 = 0.86), as compared to the poor accuracy reported for the on-line method (RPD = 1.30 and r2 = 0.61). The ability of collecting large number of data points per field area (about 12,800 point per 21 ha) and the simultaneous analysis of several soil properties without direct spectral response in the NIR range at relatively high operational speed and appreciable accuracy, encourage the recommendation of the on-line measurement system for site specific fertilisation.