879 resultados para Subset search


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This paper presents the formulation of a combinatorial optimization problem with the following characteristics: (i) the search space is the power set of a finite set structured as a Boolean lattice; (ii) the cost function forms a U-shaped curve when applied to any lattice chain. This formulation applies for feature selection in the context of pattern recognition. The known approaches for this problem are branch-and-bound algorithms and heuristics that explore partially the search space. Branch-and-bound algorithms are equivalent to the full search, while heuristics are not. This paper presents a branch-and-bound algorithm that differs from the others known by exploring the lattice structure and the U-shaped chain curves of the search space. The main contribution of this paper is the architecture of this algorithm that is based on the representation and exploration of the search space by new lattice properties proven here. Several experiments, with well known public data, indicate the superiority of the proposed method to the sequential floating forward selection (SFFS), which is a popular heuristic that gives good results in very short computational time. In all experiments, the proposed method got better or equal results in similar or even smaller computational time. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Libraries of cyclic peptides are being synthesized using combinatorial chemistry for high throughput screening in the drug discovery process. This paper describes the min_syn_steps.cpp program (available at http://www.imb.uq.edu.au/groups/smythe/tran), which after inputting a list of cyclic peptides to be synthesized, removes cyclic redundant sequences and calculates synthetic strategies which minimize the synthetic steps as well as the reagent requirements. The synthetic steps and reagent requirements could be minimized by finding common subsets within the sequences for block synthesis. Since a brute-force approach to search for optimum synthetic strategies is impractically large, a subset-orientated approach is utilized here to limit the size of the search. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Markovian algorithms for estimating the global maximum or minimum of real valued functions defined on some domain Omega subset of R-d are presented. Conditions on the search schemes that preserve the asymptotic distribution are derived. Global and local search schemes satisfying these conditions are analysed and shown to yield sharper confidence intervals when compared to the i.i.d. case.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper introduces and analyzes a stochastic search method for parameter estimation in linear regression models in the spirit of Beran and Millar [Ann. Statist. 15(3) (1987) 1131–1154]. The idea is to generate a random finite subset of a parameter space which will automatically contain points which are very close to an unknown true parameter. The motivation for this procedure comes from recent work of Dümbgen et al. [Ann. Statist. 39(2) (2011) 702–730] on regression models with log-concave error distributions.


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When considering data from many trials, it is likely that some of them present a markedly different intervention effect or exert an undue influence on the summary results. We develop a forward search algorithm for identifying outlying and influential studies in meta-analysis models. The forward search algorithm starts by fitting the hypothesized model to a small subset of likely outlier-free studies and proceeds by adding studies into the set one-by-one that are determined to be closest to the fitted model of the existing set. As each study is added to the set, plots of estimated parameters and measures of fit are monitored to identify outliers by sharp changes in the forward plots. We apply the proposed outlier detection method to two real data sets; a meta-analysis of 26 studies that examines the effect of writing-to-learn interventions on academic achievement adjusting for three possible effect modifiers, and a meta-analysis of 70 studies that compares a fluoride toothpaste treatment to placebo for preventing dental caries in children. A simple simulated example is used to illustrate the steps of the proposed methodology, and a small-scale simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper studies feature subset selection in classification using a multiobjective estimation of distribution algorithm. We consider six functions, namely area under ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1 measure and Brier score, for evaluation of feature subsets and as the objectives of the problem. One of the characteristics of these objective functions is the existence of noise in their values that should be appropriately handled during optimization. Our proposed algorithm consists of two major techniques which are specially designed for the feature subset selection problem. The first one is a solution ranking method based on interval values to handle the noise in the objectives of this problem. The second one is a model estimation method for learning a joint probabilistic model of objectives and variables which is used to generate new solutions and advance through the search space. To simplify model estimation, l1 regularized regression is used to select a subset of problem variables before model learning. The proposed algorithm is compared with a well-known ranking method for interval-valued objectives and a standard multiobjective genetic algorithm. Particularly, the effects of the two new techniques are experimentally investigated. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is able to obtain comparable or better performance on the tested datasets.


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This paper describes a new technique referred to as watched subgraphs which improves the performance of BBMC, a leading state of the art exact maximum clique solver (MCP). It is based on watched literals employed by modern SAT solvers for boolean constraint propagation. In efficient SAT algorithms, a list of clauses is kept for each literal (it is said that the clauses watch the literal) so that only those in the list are checked for constraint propagation when a (watched) literal is assigned during search. BBMC encodes vertex sets as bit strings, a bit block representing a subset of vertices (and the corresponding induced subgraph) the size of the CPU register word. The paper proposes to watch two subgraphs of critical sets during MCP search to efficiently compute a number of basic operations. Reported results validate the approach as the size and density of problem instances rise, while achieving comparable performance in the general case.


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Studies of mouse models of human cancer have established the existence of multiple tumor modifiers that influence parameters of cancer susceptibility such as tumor multiplicity, tumor size, or the probability of malignant progression. We have carried out an analysis of skin tumor susceptibility in interspecific Mus musculus/Mus spretus hybrid mice and have identified another seven loci showing either significant (six loci) or suggestive (one locus) linkage to tumor susceptibility or resistance. A specific search was carried out for skin tumor modifier loci associated with time of survival after development of a malignant tumor. A combination of resistance alleles at three markers [D6Mit15 (Skts12), D7Mit12 (Skts2), and D17Mit7 (Skts10)], all of which are close to or the same as loci associated with carcinoma incidence and/or papilloma multiplicity, is significantly associated with increased survival of mice with carcinomas, whereas the reverse combination of susceptibility alleles is significantly linked to early mortality caused by rapid carcinoma growth (χ2 = 25.22; P = 5.1 × 10−8). These data indicate that host genetic factors may be used to predict carcinoma growth rate and/or survival of individual backcross mice exposed to the same carcinogenic stimulus and suggest that mouse models may provide an approach to the identification of genetic modifiers of cancer survival in humans.


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Background: Despite initial concerns about the sensitivity of the proposed diagnostic criteria for DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; e.g. Gibbs et al., 2012; McPartland et al., 2012), evidence is growing that the DSM-5 criteria provides an inclusive description with both good sensitivity and specificity (e.g. Frazier et al., 2012; Kent, Carrington et al., 2013). The capacity of the criteria to provide high levels of sensitivity and specificity comparable with DSM-IV-TR however relies on careful measurement to ensure that appropriate items from diagnostic instruments map onto the new DSM-5 descriptions.Objectives: To use an existing DSM-5 diagnostic algorithm (Kent, Carrington et .al., 2013) to identify a set of ‘essential’ behaviors sufficient to make a reliable and accurate diagnosis of DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) across age and ability level. Methods: Specific behaviors were identified and tested from the recently published DSM-5 algorithm for the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO). Analyses were run on existing DISCO datasets, with a total participant sample size of 335. Three studies provided step-by-step development towards identification of a minimum set of items. Study 1 identified the most highly discriminating items (p<.0001). Study 2 used a lower selection threshold than in Study 1 (p<.05) to facilitate better representation of the full DSM-5 ASD profile. Study 3 included additional items previously reported as significantly more frequent in individuals with higher ability. The discriminant validity of all three item sets was tested using Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. Finally, sensitivity across age and ability was investigated in a subset of individuals with ASD (n=190).Results: Study 1 identified an item set (14 items) with good discriminant validity, but which predominantly measured social-communication behaviors (11/14). The Study 2 item set (48 items) better represented the DSM-5 ASD and had good discriminant validity, but the item set lacked sensitivity for individuals with higher ability. The final Study 3 adjusted item set (54 items) improved sensitivity for individuals with higher ability and performance and was comparable to the published DISCO DSM-5 algorithm.Conclusions: This work represents a first attempt to derive a reduced set of behaviors for DSM-5 directly from an existing standardized ASD developmental history interview. Further work involving existing ASD diagnostic tools with community-based and well characterized research samples will be required to replicate these findings and exploit their potential to contribute to a more efficient and focused ASD diagnostic process.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 91A46, 91A35.


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Ebben a tanulmányban a szerző egy új harmóniakereső metaheurisztikát mutat be, amely a minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések halmazán a projekt nettó jelenértékét maximalizálja. Az optimális ütemezés elméletileg két egész értékű (nulla-egy típusú) programozási feladat megoldását jelenti, ahol az első lépésben meghatározzuk a minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések időtartamát, majd a második lépésben az optimális időtartamot feltételként kezelve megoldjuk a nettó jelenérték maximalizálási problémát minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések halmazán. A probléma NP-hard jellege miatt az egzakt megoldás elfogadható idő alatt csak kisméretű projektek esetében képzelhető el. A bemutatandó metaheurisztika a Csébfalvi (2007) által a minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések időtartamának meghatározására és a tevékenységek ennek megfelelő ütemezésére kifejlesztett harmóniakereső metaheurisztika továbbfejlesztése, amely az erőforrás-felhasználási konfliktusokat elsőbbségi kapcsolatok beépítésével oldja fel. Az ajánlott metaheurisztika hatékonyságának és életképességének szemléltetésére számítási eredményeket adunk a jól ismert és népszerű PSPLIB tesztkönyvtár J30 részhalmazán futtatva. Az egzakt megoldás generálásához egy korszerű MILP-szoftvert (CPLEX) alkalmaztunk. _______________ This paper presents a harmony search metaheuristic for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows. In the proposed approach, a resource-constrained project is characterized by its „best” schedule, where best means a makespan minimal resource constrained schedule for which the net present value (NPV) measure is maximal. Theoretically the optimal schedule searching process is formulated as a twophase mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem, which can be solved for small-scale projects in reasonable time. The applied metaheuristic is based on the "conflict repairing" version of the "Sounds of Silence" harmony search metaheuristic developed by Csébfalvi (2007) for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). In order to illustrate the essence and viability of the proposed harmony search metaheuristic, we present computational results for a J30 subset from the well-known and popular PSPLIB. To generate the exact solutions a state-of-the-art MILP solver (CPLEX) was used.


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Most advertising research has focussed at examining effects of advertising on attitudinal responses or brand preference and choice. However, in a natural environment, the time period between advertising exposure and purchase decision is filled with prepurchase search. Prepurchase external search refers to information search from sources other than memory, prior to making a purchase decision. Usually consumers access only a small subset of available information and base their choice decisions on it. Prepurchase search therefore acts as a filter and, the final choice depends critically on the small subset of potential inputs the consumer notes in the environment and integrates into the decision. Previous research has identified a variety of factors that affect consumers' prepurchase search behavior. However, there is little understanding of how specific advertisements designed by marketers impact consumers' prepurchase search. A marketer would like consumers to search information that reflects favorably on his/her brand. Hence, s/he would attempt to influence the brands and attributes on which consumers seek information prior to making a choice. The dissertation investigates the process by which a particular marketer's advertising influences consumers' search on available brands, i.e., the marketer's brand and other competing brands. The dissertation considers a situation where exposure to advertising occurs prior to seeking information from any other source. Hence, the impact of advertising on subsequent search behavior is the topic of interest. The dissertation develops a conceptual model of advertising effects on brand search and conducts two experiments to test the tenets of this model. Specifically, the dissertation demonstrates that attitudinal responses generated by advertising mediate advertising effects on search attitudes and behaviors. The dissertation goes on to examine how attitudinal responses generated by advertising and subsequent effects on search alter brand preference and choice. ^


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Reverse engineering is usually the stepping stone of a variety of at-tacks aiming at identifying sensitive information (keys, credentials, data, algo-rithms) or vulnerabilities and flaws for broader exploitation. Software applica-tions are usually deployed as identical binary code installed on millions of com-puters, enabling an adversary to develop a generic reverse-engineering strategy that, if working on one code instance, could be applied to crack all the other in-stances. A solution to mitigate this problem is represented by Software Diversity, which aims at creating several structurally different (but functionally equivalent) binary code versions out of the same source code, so that even if a successful attack can be elaborated for one version, it should not work on a diversified ver-sion. In this paper, we address the problem of maximizing software diversity from a search-based optimization point of view. The program to protect is subject to a catalogue of transformations to generate many candidate versions. The problem of selecting the subset of most diversified versions to be deployed is formulated as an optimisation problem, that we tackle with different search heuristics. We show the applicability of this approach on some popular Android apps.


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We report on the shape resonance spectra of phenol-water clusters, as obtained from elastic electron scattering calculations. Our results, along with virtual orbital analysis, indicate that the well-known indirect mechanism for hydrogen elimination in the gas phase is significantly impacted on by microsolvation, due to the competition between vibronic couplings on the solute and solvent molecules. This fact suggests how relevant the solvation effects could be for the electron-driven damage of biomolecules and the biomass delignification [E. M. de Oliveira et al., Phys. Rev. A 86, 020701(R) (2012)]. We also discuss microsolvation signatures in the differential cross sections that could help to identify the solvated complexes and access the composition of gaseous admixtures of these species.